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In a recent article in this journal, Steve Clarke and Adrian Walsh propose a normative basis for John Dupré's criticisms of scientific imperialism, namely that scientific imperialism can cause a discipline to fail to progress in ways that it otherwise would have. This proposal is based on two presuppositions: one, that scientific disciplines have developmental teleologies, and two, that these teleologies are optimal. I argue that we should reject both of these presuppositions and so conclude that Clarke and Walsh's proposal is insufficiently warranted for it to provide a normative basis for criticisms of scientific imperialism.  相似文献   

This article identifies and analyses issues related to defining and evaluating the so-called scientific imperialism. It discusses John Dupré's account, suggesting that it is overly conservative and does not offer a definition of scientific imperialism in not presenting it as a phenomenon of interdisciplinarity. It then discusses the recent account by Steve Clarke and Adrian Walsh, taking issue with ideas such as illegitimate occupation, counterfactual progress, and culturally significant values. A more comprehensive and refined framework of my own is then summarized. It suggests types and aspects of scientific imperialism as a dynamic interdisciplinary relationship, distinguishing between imperialism of scope, style and standing, for example. It also suggests normative (ontological, epistemological, axiological and institutional) constraints on scientific imperialism. This enables us to distinguish, in principle, recommendable from non-recommendable kinds of it, while recognizing the difficulties involved in trying to do this in practice.  相似文献   

After reviewing the evolution of causation theory in the history of science it is argued that a proper image of man demands a reintroduction of teleological constructions. To test the utility of this view the construction of a causal construct scale (CCS) is then presented, which has been designed to tap the neo-Aristotelian concepts of substance, impetus, pattern, and intentional “causal constructs.” A factor analysis of the CCS against several well-known tests of personality and personal adjustment is then presented. Findings are in line with expectations, and the concluding point is made that psychology is now sufficiently mature to readmit theories which rely upon a human teleology.  相似文献   

This contribution claims that the two fundamental notions of causation at work in the health sciences are manipulative and mechanistic, and investigates what kinds of evidence matter for the assessment of causal relations. This article is a development of our 2007 article, ‘Plurality of Causality’, where we argue for a pluralistic account of causation with an eye to econometrics and a single medical example. The present contribution has a wider focus, and considers the notion of evidence within a whole range of disciplines belonging to the health sciences. Section 1 addresses the relations between kinds of evidence and causal accounts, and it is shown how different notions of causation can be employed in various medical cases. Section 2 calls attention to issues crucial for any adequate epistemological theory of causation, such as the distinctions between types and tokens, observational and experimental regimes, explanation and prediction. Lastly, the notion of context is articulated, highlighted in its role in the assessment of causal links. All these issues are tackled in the framework of what we label a ‘bottom–up’ epistemology.  相似文献   

Summary  In spite of several attempts to explicate the relationship between a scientific hypothesis and evidence, the issue still cries for a satisfactory solution. Logical approaches to confirmation, such as the hypothetico-deductive method and the positive instance account of confirmation, are problematic because of their neglect of the semantic dimension of hypothesis confirmation. Probabilistic accounts of confirmation are no better than logical approaches in this regard. An outstanding probabilistic account of confirmation, the Bayesian approach, for instance, is found to be defective in that it treats evidence as a formal entity and this creates the problem of relevance of evidence to the hypothesis at issue, in addition to the difficulties arising from the subjective interpretation of probabilities. This essay purports to satisfy the need for a successful account of hypothesis confirmation by offering an original formulation based on the notion of instantiation of the relation urged by an hypothesis.  相似文献   

对中医的科学性评价,应考虑到评判价值的非中立性,通过对中医的历史及未来发展的分析和我们科学观念的改变去完成。  相似文献   

The standard view on economics imperialism is that it should be resisted when it is epistemically or morally harmful. I argue that the moral dimension of economics imperialism is in need of further analysis. In my view, economics imperialism is wrong when imperialists violate the epistemic responsibility they have towards scientists working in the discipline that is the target for imperialist explorations. By epistemic responsibility, I refer to a moral duty to justify one’s knowledge claims to a particular audience so that the justification appeals to at least some of the standards of argumentation recognized by that audience.  相似文献   

现代文化和政治已经导致了全球帝国主义,即一种通过一个国家来创建一个无所不包的帝国的尝试。为了战胜这种全球帝国主义,需要从现代世界秩序转向一种后现代世界秩序,其中,以主权为基础的民族国家的无政府秩序将被全球民主所取代。怀特海式的重构的后现代主义为后现代政治的双重任务(抵抗全球帝国主义和建立全球民主)提供了各种文化资源。  相似文献   

丘浚是我国古代自觉提倡并积极探讨自然科学的儒家学者。他将儒学的研究对象分为“性理之学”(相当于“哲学”)与“物理之学”(相当于“科学”)两个部分 ,并对当时儒者重“性理之学”而轻“物理之学”的现象提出了批评。他不仅揭示了研究“物理之学”的必要性 ,而且还提出了研究“物理之学”的方法与要求。丘浚对研究“物理之学”的积极提倡 ,使我们看到了儒学与科学之间可容性的一面。  相似文献   

The recent construct of Self-leadership, which includes cognitive and behavioral strategies of managing oneself, has yet to be examined for associations with central personality dimensions such as the Big Five and their higher-order factors (Alpha, Beta). It was hypothesized that Self-leadership and its subfacets would be significantly correlated with all Big Five traits except Agreeableness, albeit higher with Extraversion and Openness to Experiences as it should pertain more strongly to agentic than communal traits. Analyses in university students (N=168) indicated that Self-leadership and its facets were more strongly related to Beta (Agency) than Alpha (Communion), and, although there were mostly positive correlations, Self-leadership should be distinguished from the Big Five traits. Findings are discussed regarding Self-leadership's associations with the Big Five traits and higher-order factors.  相似文献   

Relations between posttraining reinforcer devaluation and Pavlovian-instrumental transfer were examined in 2 experiments. When a single reinforcer was used, extended training of the instrumental response increased transfer but reduced devaluation effects. When multiple instrumental reinforcers were used, both reinforcer-specific transfer and devaluation effects were less influenced by the amount of instrumental training. Finally, although reinforcer devaluation decreased both Pavlovian conditioned responses and baseline instrumental responding, it had no effect on either single-reinforcer or reinforcer-specific transfer. These results indicate that transfer and reinforcer devaluation can reflect different aspects of associative learning and that the nature of associative learning can be influenced by parameters such as the amount of training and the use of multiple reinforcers.  相似文献   

Relations between preventive health behavior and hardiness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To estimate the relationship between hardiness and preventive health behaviors a hardiness scale and a health hazard appraisal were administered to 211 college students. Multiple regression analysis indicated that modest amounts of variance on the hardiness measures were explained by the components of the health-hazard appraisals. Indications are that the concepts of hardiness and preventive health behavior are related and need further clarification.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1998,13(2):227-247
Two components of metastrategic knowledge—knowledge of task objectives and knowledge of strategies—are distinguished and assessed in the context of an inductive causal reasoning task administered to fifth graders in a microgenetic design. Both metastrategic knowledge and strategic performance improved over a seven-week period of engagement with the task. However, children were unlikely to attain strategic mastery until they had reached particular levels of metastrategic understanding. Discussion focuses on (a) the likelihood of multiple directions of influence between strategic and metastrategic knowledge systems, (b) coordination of task and strategy components of metastrategic knowledge as a central task of the metastrategic knowledge system, and (c) the generality of the present findings.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of two studies on the development of scientific talent among the scientific elite: finalists in the Westinghouse Science Competition and members of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Sampling four cohorts of finalists, we examined whether these gifted teenagers actually do go on to be the best scientists of the next generation by coding education and career outcomes. Finalists were quite successful and stayed mostly within science and medicine for their career choice. A rather high—although marginally unequal—portion of male (91%) and female (74%) finalists earned a doctoral degree. Women were also more likely to change to non-scientific professions than men. Among the most compelling findings from the NAS study were: age that scientific talent was recognized by self and others was an important predictor of early publication, which in turn was an important predictor of lifetime productivity. Growth curve analyses suggested a cubic model best fit productivity data over time. Moreover, in both samples there was an association between scientific achievement and recent immigrant status. Various theoretical models are discussed as possible explanations for the developmental, gender, and immigrant-status findings on scientific talent.  相似文献   

In the present study inquiries have been made about the changes EEG cross-correlation in mental activities is subject to. The EEG recordings were made at rest, in visual and acoustical response, when reading and in the solution of an acoustical differentiation problem. In conjunction with plain reflex processes a decline in the intrahemispherical correlation was observed. During complex-structured psycho-request situations dissimilar changes in the EEG correlation have occurred on the scalp. Between the cerebral regions functionally essential for the solution of the problems, an increase in the bio-electric correlation and between other cerebral areas a decline were registered. The findings in conclusion come to realize that the topographic EEG cross-correlation analysis is appropriate to give an insight into the present situation of cerebral functional organization.  相似文献   

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