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A personal construct counselling approach that we are using with young children is presented here, an approach based on the construct of “wellness”, a medium to promote the well-being of troubled children and their families. The case study we share with you shows a counselling intervention based on play, with experiments drawn from self-related construct systems of “making things better” rather than construct systems of “fixing things up”. We present a case study of a young girl grieving over the death of her father. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of trust between the child and the counsellor, to encourage experimentation with relationship experiences to help the child to reconstrue events outside the counselling context. Working hypotheses drawn from cognitive and emotional developmental research into young children are provided, and the subsequent investigations which guide our intervention. Suggestions for process and outcome research in this area are finally made.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen a surge of interest in the impact of working with trauma survivors on therapists’ psychological well-being. Existing literature assumes that therapists’ strong subjective responses to traumatic material adversely influence the therapeutic process. However, this has not yet been directly researched. Nine counselling psychologists were interviewed regarding the clinical impact of their responses to the disclosure of traumatic material. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis showed that significant challenges are experienced in the use of self in therapy with trauma survivors, including making sense of horrific human actions, negotiating complex interpersonal dynamics and responding to ethical dilemmas in therapy. Results emphasised the importance that therapists attached to the development of their therapeutic use of self in therapy with trauma survivors, the value of learning from others and reaching a place of acceptance and hope when working with trauma survivors. Finally, specific training and development implications are proposed.  相似文献   

The British Psychological Society's Division of Counselling Psychology currently specifies a mandatory period of personal therapy for trainees. However, evidence for the role of personal therapy in developing practitioner competence is sparse. This paper presents part of a wider ongoing interpretative phenomenological analysis exploring how counselling psychologists describe the meaning and significance of personal therapy in clinical practice and training. Detailed examination of a subset of data from this study suggests that personal therapy is valued as a vehicle for a genuine, often extremely intense relationship with the therapist, through which participants become able to establish authentic emotional contact with themselves and their clients. Whilst most participants felt that personal therapy should remain an obligatory part of the training curriculum, they were ambivalent about specifying its aims or evaluating its outcomes. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of establishing a sense of integrity and authenticity within the personal therapy experience and are tentatively situated within a possible theoretical framework drawing on current developmental literature.  相似文献   

Although self-compassion is associated with positive emotions, resilience, and well-being, some people resist recommendations to treat themselves with kindness and compassion. This study investigated how people’s personal values and evaluations of self-compassionate behaviors relate to their level of self-compassion. After completing measures of trait self-compassion and values, participants rated how they would view themselves after behaving in a self-compassionate and self-critical way. Overall, participants associated self-compassion with positive attributes that connote emotional well-being, yet only those who were low in trait self-compassion associated self-compassionate responding with negative attributes that involve low motivation, self-indulgence, low conscientiousness, and poor performance. Participants’ endorsement of basic values was not meaningfully related to their evaluations of self-compassionate vs. self-critical behaviors or to self-compassion scores. We propose that self-compassion might operate as an instrumental value insofar as those high vs. low in self-compassion differ in their beliefs about whether self-compassion affects performance-related outcomes positively or negatively.  相似文献   

The relationship between counselling and research strategies is examined tvithin the context of a qualitative study of people coping with the aftermath of child sexual abuse. Complementary aspects of both processes are explored within this context, and comparisons are made. The counselling potential of the research situation is identified. This is linked to the need for both researcher and research supervisor to develop additional skills.  相似文献   

Alex Howard (1996) Challenges to Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Macmillan, $11.99  相似文献   

This study investigated counselling psychologists' experiences of sexual attraction to their clients. Self-reported incidence of this phenomenon, the reaction that it provokes in therapists, the way they manage their feelings, and the potential impact of their sexual attraction on the therapeutic process, were assessed. On the basis of previous studies of psychotherapists, it was hypothesized that sexual attraction toward clients is common, and that these perceived feelings are not necessarily negative to the therapeutic process or professional relationship; also, it was hypothesized that the disclosure of these feelings to the client could nevertheless lead to a positive therapeutic outcome. Questionnaires were sent to the 286 chartered counselling psychologists included in the British Psychological Society Register. The results showed that significantly more therapists were attracted to at least one client than not. Furthermore, half of the respondents who reported attraction to clients believed that their feelings had a positive impact on the therapeutic process. Therapists who had disclosed their feelings to their clients found significantly more frequently that the impact of their sexual attraction had been positive to the therapeutic process (87.5%), than therapists who did not disclose their sexual attraction (47.1%). The implications of these results for training, supervision and professional issues are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes first, a developmental and systems/interactional conceptual model for understanding HIV and AIDS and second, outlines four basic principles of a systems model of therapeutic counselling used with people infected and affected by HIV Clinical examples are taken from the work of a team of family therapists at Bouverie Family Therapy Centre in Melbourne, Australia, to demonstrate that a systems developmental model is an appropriate therapy to assist HIV and AIDS affected people and their significant others to live with a chronic and stigmatized terminal illness.  相似文献   

The paper presents a literature review of research on counselling in general practice critiqued from the perspective of the Practice Counsellor. It is noted that existing studies all focus primarily on outcome of psychological interventions in comparison to routine GP care. The contributions and limitations of these studies are discussed, and the methodological difficulties of conducting controlled trials in this context are explored. It is proposed that future research on counselling in primary care needs to draw on the paradigm shift in psychotherapy and a range of alternative research methodologies which will be more likely to produce research of relevance to Practice Counsellors.  相似文献   

R. House and N. Totton (eds) (1997) Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, pp. 348, $14.00 (pb) (8% discount direct from publishers)  相似文献   

Frank D. Payne 《Sex roles》1987,17(7-8):359-374
Bem has hypothesized that masculinity (instrumentality) and femininity (expressiveness) contribute interactively to adjustment, whereas others have argued that they contribute additively or that only instrumentality is important. To investigate the issue, 92 male and 92 female undergraduates were given the Short Bem Sex-Role Inventory, the Personal Attributes Questionnaire, and a broad range of self-report adjustment measures. Correlational analyses demonstrated that both instrumentality and expressiveness had important correlates with the adjustment indices, and hierarchical multiple regression revealed that they sometimes combined additively, but never interactively. Expressiveness correlated weakly with traditional adjustment indices (global and social self-esteem, and lack of anxiety), but also weakly to moderately with more socially oriented aspects of adjustment, including lower loneliness, lower social distrust, and lower aggression. Instrumentality correlated moderately to highly with self-esteem, lower anxiety, and lower loneliness (although self-esteem mediated the relationships); it also correlated with lack of adjustment in terms of higher Type A behavior and aggression.  相似文献   

The causal connective because requires the order of clauses within a sentence to violate the order of events in the real world; i.e., effect because cause is correct. Children's (4, 6, and 8 years of age) ability to comprehend because was explored in a series of four studies. The first, a replication with variations of existing studies, assessed children's ability to judge as anomalous sentences in which the order of clauses is reversed. Comprehension of impersonal sentences is better than of sentences derived from narratives of their own experiences, although children do poorly at this task until age 8. However, results of study 2 suggest that children's poor understanding of task requirements is partly responsible, since increased task instructions and modeling led to significant improvement in the ability of preschoolers to judge sentences as anomalous. In the third study, children named the cause event after being told a causal sequence (involving either psychological or physical causality) of the form: Event A, Event C (effect) because Event B (cause), Event D. Comprehension of physical causality sequences is superior, but again, only 8-year-olds showed good performance. In Study 4, children were asked to find the cause event in four-clause sequences of the same form as in Study 3, but memory props were added in the form of pictures of events A, B, and D. Near perfect performance was shown by all children. Overall, comprehension studies of because are judged to be rife with methodological problems, and memory demands are seen to be particularly important.The authors wish to thank Lynn Anne Pye for her contributions to Study 4, which formed part of her undergraduate honors degree research, as well as F. Michael Rabinowitz for his comments and statistical aid. This research was supported by NSERC grant A7911 to the senior author.  相似文献   


By taking serious a remark once made by Paul Bernays, namely that an account of the nature of rationality should begin with concept-formation, this article sets out to uncover both the restrictive and the expansive boundaries of rationality. In order to do this some implications of the perennial philosophical problem of the “coherence of irreducibles” will be related to the acknowledgement of primitive terms and of their indefinability. Some critical remarks will be articulated in connection with an over-estimation of rationality - concerning the influence of Kant’s view of human understanding as the formal law-giver of nature (the supposedly “rational structure of the world”), and the apparently innocent (subjectivist) habit to refer to experiential entities as ‘objects’. The other side of the coin will be highlighted with reference to those kinds of knowledge transcending the limits of concept-formation - culminating in formulating the four most basic idea-statements philosophy can articulate about the universe. What is found “in-between” these (restrictive) and (expansive) boundaries of rationality will then briefly be placed within the contours of a threefold perspective on the self-insufficiency of logicality - as merely one amongst many more dimensions conditioning human life. Although the meaning of the most basic logical principles - such as the logical principles of identity, non-contradiction and sufficient reason - will surface in our analysis, exploring some of the complex issues in this respect, such as the relationship between thought and language, will not be analysed. The important role of solidarity - as the basis of critique - will be explained and related both to the role of immanent criticism in rational conversation and the importance of acknowledging what is designated as the principle of the excluded antinomy (which in an ontic sense underlies the logical principle of non-contradiction). The last section of our discussion will succinctly illuminate the proper place of the inevitable trust we ought to have in rationality - while implicitly warning against the rationalistic over-estimation of it (its degeneration into a rationalist “faith in reason”). Our intention is to enhance an awareness of the reality that rationality is embedded in and borders on givens which are not open to further “rational” exploration - givens that both condition (in a constitutive sense) and transcend the limits of conceptual knowledge. Some of the distinctions and insights operative in our analysis are explained in Strauss 2000 and 2003. Yet, most of the systematic perspectives found in this analysis of rationality are only developed in this article for the first time. Since a different study is required to discuss related problems and results found within cognitive science, it cannot be discussed within one article.  相似文献   

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