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Gender differences in the neuroendocrine and cardiovascular response to psychological stress may contribute to the gender differences in the prevalence of diseases associated with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and hypertension. We measured plasma ACTH, cortisol, heart rate (HR), and blood pressure (BP) responses in 8 men and 8 women (55-75 years) exposed to the Matt Stress Reactivity Protocol (MSRP), a psychological challenge. The MSRP elicited significant increases in HR, systolic-, and diastolic BP, ACTH and cortisol (all p<0.01). Men had significantly greater cortisol and diastolic BP responses compared to women (p<0.05). Additionally, a positive correlation between the ACTH and cortisol responses was only found in the males (r=0.71, p<0.05). There were no group differences in HR, systolic BP, or ACTH responses. We conclude, that among older adults, men respond to psychological stress with greater increases in cortisol, compared to women. This greater activation of the HPA axis could translate into an elevated risk for CVD, diabetes and hypertension and may be related to the higher prevalence of these diseases in males. Gender differences in brain structures and/or cognitive processes may be responsible for these sexually dimorphic stress responses.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the relation between perceived equity of exchanges and friendship satisfaction for a sample of 110 older men and women. Respondents were interviewed concerning their relationship with their best friend and one other friend in their support network. Perceived equity was a significant predictor of friendship satisfaction only in the case of the other friend. In addition, results showed that men were involved in more equitable friendships than were women. Discussion focuses on the importance of equity consideration and gender differences in the friendships of older adults.  相似文献   

This paper is designed to empirically investigate sex differences in social support. Several types of sex differences are examined, including quantity and quality of support, the relationship between quantitative and qualitative measures of support, the number and source of support provided and received, and the relative predictive power of quality and quantity of support on well-being. The data are taken from the Supports of the Elderly, a national survey of older people (Kahn and Antonucci, 1984). Included in the present study are 214 men and 166 women ranging in age from 50 to 95 who are married and have at least one child. The analyses reveal that women have larger networks and receive supports from multiple sources, while men tend to rely on their spouses exclusively. Men report greater satisfaction with marriage than women. Quantitative supports are more related to qualitative supports for women than for men. For both sexes, the quality of support rather than the quantity of support has significantly greater effects on well-being; both the quantity and quality of social support have a greater impact on the well-being of women compared to men.  相似文献   

In populations of young and older adults, it has been shown that individuals may be categorized into one of three diurnal subgroups when salivary cortisol levels are assessed over a 2-day period and compared for their consistency across days: a typical subgroup, a flat subgroup, and an inconsistent subgroup. Interestingly, recent studies have reported that the typical subgroup represents the majority of the young and older adult population, a finding that is difficult to reconcile with previous studies showing increased cortisol levels in older adults with depression or cognitive impairments. In order to assess whether a typical diurnal cortisol profile is representative across different subgroups of older adults, we assessed diurnal cortisol cycle representation in a sample of older adults with subjective complaints of depression and/or memory problems. Furthermore, given the robust relationship between cortisol and cognitive function, the present study examined the association between the three diurnal subgroups and cognitive performance. Forty-two older individuals were recruited on the basis of reporting subjective complaints of either memory problems and/or depressive mood. Participants were asked to sample their saliva over a 2-day period and were then asked to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation that taps into short-term memory, declarative memory and language. The results showed that 69% of the sample presented a Flat cycle of salivary cortisol over a 2-day period while 19% presented an inconsistent pattern and 12% presented a typical pattern. Participants in the flat subgroup were significantly impaired on letter verbal fluency. Furthermore, a relationship was found between diurnal cortisol subgroup representation and subjective complaint profile. These findings show that older adults with complaints of memory problems and/or depressive symptoms do not present the typical profile of the diurnal cortisol cycle, and they provide a preliminary view of how diurnal cortisol profile relates to cognitive function during human aging.  相似文献   

28 older women participating in an exercise program were compared to 30 older women not participating in an exercise program on two behavioral measures. There were no significant main effects for participation-nonparticipation in an exercise program. Significant main effects were found, however, for each of three social variables.  相似文献   

The Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; Peterson & Reiss, 1992) is one of the most widely used measures of the fear of anxiety-related sensations. Important gender differences also seem to exist in that women report higher levels of anxiety sensitivity than men. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether an equivalent factorial structure exists for the ASI among nonclinical adult men and women. In Study 1 (568 women; 251 men), the 2-factor (Fear of Cardiopulmonary Sensations and Fear of Mental Catastrophe), 10-item version of the ASI reported by Schmidt and Joiner (2002) provided the best fit to the data for both men and women. Using this model, Study 2 (503 women, 255 men) examined whether the factorial structure of the 10-item ASI was invariant for men and women. Noninvariance was found for one item on the Fear of Mental Catastrophe subscale (Item 15="When I am nervous, I worry that I might be mentally ill"). The implications of this are that this item should be dropped if an equivalent factor structure is to be assumed between men and women.  相似文献   


This study investigated the association between exercise type and inhibition of prepotent responses and error detection. Totally, 75 adults (M = 68.88 years) were classified into one of three exercise groups: those who were regular participants in open- or closed-skill forms of exercise, and those who exercised only irregularly. The participants completed a Stroop and task-switching tasks with event-related brain potentials (ERPs) recorded. The results revealed that regular exercisers displayed faster reaction times (RTs) in the Stroop task compared with irregular exercisers. The open-skill exercisers exhibited smaller N200 and larger P300a amplitudes in the Stroop task compared with irregular exercisers. Furthermore, the open-skill exercisers showed a tendency of shorter error-related negativity latencies at the task-witching test. The findings suggest that older adults may gain extra cognitive benefits in areas such as inhibition functioning and error processing from participating in open-skill forms of physical exercises.  相似文献   

Adaptation to divorce and ego development in adult women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to assess how the experience of stressful life changes might provide an opportunity for ego development in adulthood. The sample included 104 women in the early stage of the separation and divorce process; 91% of the sample was recontacted after 1 year had elapsed. Longitudinal analyses of the adaptation process supported the hypothesis that marital separation and divorce might be a disequilibrating life change, but one that might foster ego development. Those women who experienced this life change as disequilibrating but who made a successful adaptation by Time 2 showed a significant increase in ego level. Furthermore, those women who were high in adjustment at Time 1 but low in adjustment at Time 2 showed a theoretically consistent regression in ego level. Patterns of adaptation to life changes, their relationship to ego development, and the theoretical implications for Loevinger's model are discussed.  相似文献   

Responsibility and the power motive in women and men   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Previous research on the correlates of power motivation in women and men had shown no gender differences, when the presence of younger siblings (reflecting responsibility training) was used as a moderator variable This study reports development of an empirically derived direct TAT measure of responsibility as a moderator variable for the power motive The new measure includes mention of legal or moral standards, obligation concern about others, concern about consequences, and self-judgment It is related to perceived parental expectations concerning responsibility Among women and men high in responsibility, power motivation predicts responsible social power actions, but among women and men low in responsibility, power motivation predicts a variety of profligate, impulsive actions Responsibility then, rather than gender, appears to determine the ways in which the power motive is expressed  相似文献   

Four groups of college-age women were used to determine the relationship between absence of father in childhood and adult self-concept and interpersonal relationships with men. Groups consisted of 15 father-present subjects who came from intact homes; 15 father-absent (FA) subjects with no older brothers who experienced the death of their father early in life; 15 FA subjects with no older brothers who experienced father loss due to divorce; and 12 FA subjects with one or more older brothers whose parents were divorced. The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and a self-report questionnaire of modes of relating to men were the dependent variable measures. Results revealed no significant differences among groups in most areas of self-concept or interpersonal relationships with both older and age-peer men. Only in social self-concept and nurturance behavior with age-peer men were significant differences observed. Thus, only partial support of the hypotheses of differences was obtained. Reasons for the departure between earlier and present results are proposed.This article is based on a master's of arts thesis completed by the first author (now at the University of Utah) under the direction of the second author.  相似文献   


Increasing evidence suggests that regular physical activity can have considerable psychological, as well as physical, benefits in the elderly. Although factors such as exercise dosage may be implicated in exercise-induced affect responses, it has also been suggested that social and psychological factors might influence this relationship. This study examined the roles played by exercise environment (group versus alone) and self-efficacy in affective change in 80 older adults (M age = 66 yrs) over the course of three acute exercise bouts. Using latent growth curve methodology and statistically controlling for duration and intensity of exercise, we were able to demonstrate that social (group) environments resulted in statistically significant improvements in feeling state responses when contrasted with a condition in which the participants exercised alone. In addition, increases in self-efficacy were associated with more positive and less negative feeling states. Environmental factors that might influence the exercise-affect response are discussed and recommendations for subsequent exercise, efficacy, affect research made.  相似文献   

Although gender bias is clearly evident in the provision of institutional social support, it is unclear whether such bias exists on a more subtle and interpersonal level. When women act appropriately assertive at work, they may actually alienate support. This paper reports an experimental study that addressed this general issue of social support among employed men and women. A sample of 61 males and 55 females (predominantly white; N=116), employed by four northeast Ohio employers participated. The extent of preference to offer support to assertive males and females was explored. An unexpected double bias was found, with each sex preferring to offer support to their own sex.This project was funded by a grant received by the Applied Psychology Center of Kent State University, from the Ohio Department of Development through the Northeast Ohio Center for the Advancement of Labor Management Cooperation. We gratefully acknowledge this financial assistance.  相似文献   

In recent years, bullying has come into focus as a critically important social issue that demands empirical understanding to inform best practice regarding both intervention and prevention. In Western cultures, low physical aggression in boys, but high physical aggression in girls, predicts elevated victimization due to bullying, and we predicted that the same would be true cross-culturally. The present study sought to understand the role that physical aggression plays in victimization in Samoa, provide a prevalence estimate of the rate of bullying in the island nation, as well as validate the Forms of Bullying Scale (FBS; Shaw, Dooley, Cross, Zubrick, & Waters, 2013) in a cross-cultural context. In a sample of adult Samoan men and women (n = 214), men reported elevated rates of verbal, physical, and overall rates of victimization due to bullying in childhood compared to women, but no sex differences emerged in levels of physical aggression. Additionally, the FBS showed appreciable reliability, as well as a latent factor structure consistent with the findings of the scale's authors. Prevalence of victimization due to bullying in Samoa is comparable to that reported by other authors conducting cross-cultural research on this topic.  相似文献   

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