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The ACLTRANS ANSI FORTRAN IV program transforms the 300 adjectives on the Adjective Check List (Gough, 1950. 1960) into 37 raw and T-standard psychological scales. This program has three advantages over scoring based ob theAdjective Check List Manual (Gough & Heilbrun, 1965, 1980, 1983): ease and speed of computing the raw scale scores; exact partialing of number of adjectives checked from standardized scale scores; and choice of parameter norms for standardization. By using the ACLTRANS program, the researcher can be confident of quick and accurate scoring, as well as appropriate standardization.  相似文献   

A recent factor analysis of the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL) changed the Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility scales from bipolar to unipolar scales and added two new scales: Positive Affect and Sensation Seeking. Internal reliability of the MAACL-R scales, computed for normal and patient samples, was adequate for state and trait forms except for Sensation Seeking. Test-retest reliability in college students was higher for the trait form with retest intervals of from 2 to 8 weeks than for the state form with retest intervals of from 2 to 5 days. The pattern of correlations among self-, peer, and counselor ratings and the MAACL-R scales for normal and patient samples indicates improved discriminant validity and equally good convergent validity as the old scales. The use of standard scores that are indexed to the number of items checked reduced scale intercorrelations by controlling the acquiescence set.The financial support of the Weldon Springs Endowment Fund, University of Missouri at Kansas City, toward the completion of this research project is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Factor analyses were used to develop new scales for the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL) measuring anxiety, depression, hostility, positive, and sensation-seeking affects. Anxiety, depression, and hostility scales were moderately intercorrelated and a combined score called “dysphoria” was formed from their addition. Positive and sensation-seeking affects were also correlated and combined in a summary score (PASS). The dysphoric and PASS scores were not highly correlated. The number of items checked correlated highly with the positive affect scale, moderately with sensation seeking, and relatively low with the negative affect scales. Internal reliabilities were high and retest reliabilities were low, in conformance with the model for state scales. The anxiety score increased and the positive affect score and number of items checked decreased just prior to a classroom examination. Further plans for scale development are discussed.  相似文献   

In a replication of a ten-year-old study by Gough, peer-rated adjectives from the Adjective Check List were correlated with scores on the 18 standard scales of the California Psychological Inventroy (CPI) for 95 college sorority members. For each scale, the ten most positively and negatively correlated adjectives were selected for comparison with Gough's results. The absolute magnitude of the correlations, the qualitative content of the adjectives, and the degree of correspondence with Gough's findings were used to assess the extent to which each CPI scale achieved its stated objective.  相似文献   

This investigation attempted to test and extend selected aspects of Super's self-concept theory of career development. Four hundred twenty-eight male college student subjects, representing 39 college majors, selected their most-preferred occupational interest areas from a list of 14 factorially separable areas. The students described both themselves and their most-preferred occupational member concepts with Adjective Check List items. Individuals with demonstrably different self-concepts and occupational preferences displayed differences in the concepts that they held of members of their preferred occupational areas. Relatively distinct dimensions of similarity of self and occupational member concepts among students who preferred the same occupational area were also found.  相似文献   

A composite profile of "empathic individuals" was developed from adjectives checked on Gough and Heilbrun's Adjective Check List by 43 undergraduate students enrolled in a course on counseling. Individuals were nominated as empathic by the students who also completed the checklist. The composite profile was consistent with the Rogerian definition of empathy and Factor 3 (Sociability) of the check list. The profiles for the nominated sample and for the students did not differ significantly on 36 of the 37 scales but both differed significantly from the composite profile on 34 scales.  相似文献   

This study examined factor dimensions common to the eight basic personality scales of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II; Millon, 1987) and Personality Adjective Check List (PACL; Strack, 1987, 1990). Subjects were 140 college students (65 men and 75 women). MCMI-II weighted raw scores (WRS) and WRS corrected for number of items endorsed true by regression were employed for analysis along with PACL T-scores. Principal components analyses with varimax and direct oblimin rotations were carried out separately on the two sets of MCMI-II and PACL scores. MCMI-II and PACL scales measuring the same personalities were usually correlated most highly with each other, although some divergences were noted. WRS yielded three bipolar dimensions and a fourth unipolar method factor that loaded only the five MCMI-II scales that were strongly correlated with number of items endorsed true. Residual scores yielded a more meaningful set of three bipolar dimensions labeled Social Introversion-Extraversion, Emotionality-Restraint, and Social Dominance-Submissiveness, without the method factor, that were very similar to personality dimensions found separately in the two tests. More research is needed to clarify the response bias issue in the MCMI-II and to further explicate similarities and differences between the MCMI-II and the PACL.  相似文献   

This study examined factor dimensions common to the eight basic personality scales of the Millon Clinical Multiaxiat Inventory-II (MCMI-II; Millon, 1987) and Personality Adjective Check List (PACL; Strack, 1987, 1990). Subjects were 140 college students (65 men and 75 women). MCMI-II weighted raw scores (WRS) and WRS corrected for number of items endorsed true by regression were employed for analysis along with PACL T-scores. Principal components analyses with varimax and direct oblimin rotations were carried out separately on the two sets of MCMI-II and PACL scores. MCMI-II and PACL scales measuring the same personalities were usually correlated most highly with each other, although some divergences were noted. WRS yielded three bipolar dimensions and a fourth unipolar method factor that loaded only the five MCMI-II scales that were strongly correlated with number of items endorsed true. Residual scores yielded a more meaningful set of three bipolar dimensions labeled Social IntroversionExtraversion, Emotionality-Restraint, and Social Dominance-Submissiveness, without the method factor, that were very similar to personality dimensions found separately in the two tests. More research is needed to clarify the response bias issue in the MCMI-II and to further explicate similarities and differences between the MCMI-II and the PACL.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between irrational beliefs and the nonpathological personality characteristics origence and intellectence described by Welsh (1972, 1975b). The Adjective Check List (ACL) and the Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT) were administered to 319 college students. Data were analyzed for the entire sample and for males and females separately. In each case, two combinations of scores yielding significant canonical correlation coefficients were produced. The results offer a refinement to Ellis' personality model and suggest that irrational beliefs are insufficient as indications of psychopathology.  相似文献   

The creativity of photographers was investigated in three samples: photography students (n = 17), neophyte photographers (n = 46), and experienced photographers (n = 49). All participants completed the Adjective Check List (ACL), scored for Domino's creativity (Cr) scale; these scores were correlated with various indexes of creativity, including self- and peer-ratings, ratings of portfolios, and course grades. The findings support the validity of the ACL Cr scale as a measure of creativity.  相似文献   

用以中国人人格结构的形容词量表(QZPAS)为基础构成的138个人格形容词问卷调查383名大学生压力应对人格的内隐人格观,然后用筛选后的88个形容词组成的压力应对人格问卷和自我评定方式调查1653名大学生,因素分析的结果表明,压力应对人格结构由才智、坚韧性、外向性、情绪控制、自信心和功利性6个因素构成。最后在检验信、效度前提下,本研究对该结构合理性和有效性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用以中国人人格结构的形容词量表(QZPAS)为基础构成的138个人格形容词问卷调查383名大学生压力应对人格的内隐人格观,然后用筛选后的88个形容词组成的压力应对人格问卷和自我评定方式调查1653名大学生,因素分析的结果表明,压力应对人格结构由才智、坚韧性、外向性、情绪控制、自信心和功利性6个因素构成。最后在检验信、效度前提下,本研究对该结构合理性和有效性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Depression Adjective Check List (DACL) and a battery of mood and activity measures were administered to 49 older adults who were members of a senior citizens day center. Higher depression scores were negatively associated with avowed happiness on the Affect-Balance Scale and the Bradburn Happiness Scale and with participation in active recreational and social activities, assessed by the Activity Pattern Indicators. DACL scores were uncorrelated with measures of passive and quiet activity. The results are viewed as providing tentative support for the DACL's appropriateness with older populations, and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

The Back Pain Classification Scale (BPCS). identifies patients whose low back pain reflects a primary psychological disturbance. BPCS scores were related to the MMPI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, and Social Readjustment Rating Scale scores; to distribution, intensity, and activities affecting pain; and to social characteristics of t 16 patients. High scores on the BPCS (psychological disturbance) are associated with elevated MMPI profiles, and with more widely distributed and more intense pain. Stepwise multiple regression solutions indicate that the MMPI Hypochondriasis (Hs) scale accounts for 15.5% of the variance. No other variable accounts for as much as 3% of the variance. Scores on Hs relate primarily to words in the BPCS psychologically disturbed pole, supplying convergent validity to the BPCS. BPCS scores are unrelated to social characteristics, implying usefulness with the variety of patients seen for evaluation of low back pain.  相似文献   

Psychological and social correlates of the back pain classification scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Back Pain Classification Scale (BPCS) identifies patients whose low back pain reflects a primary psychological disturbance. BPCS scores were related to the MMPI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, and Social Readjustment Rating Scale scores; to distribution, intensity, and activities affecting pain; and to social characteristics of 116 patients. High scores on the BPCS (psychological disturbance) are associated with elevated MMPI profiles, and with more widely distributed and more intense pain. Stepwise multiple regression solutions indicate that the MMPI Hypochondriasis (Hs) scale accounts for 15.5% of the variance. No other variable accounts for as much as 3% of the variance. Scores on Hs relate primarily to words in the BPCS psychologically disturbed pole, supplying convergent validity to the BPCS. BPCS scores are unrelated to social characteristics, implying usefulness with the variety of patients seen for evaluation of low back pain.  相似文献   

This study examined the expectations of Roman Catholic priests' personality characteristics. Personality measures (i.e., Symptom Check List-90-Revised, Weinberger Adjustment Inventory, Belief in Personal Control Scale, and several authordesigned measures) were administered to 102 undergraduate students. The subjects' perceptions of Roman Catholic priests' personality traits were examined by having the subjects complete the Personality Adjective Checklist (PACL) describing a typical Roman Catholic priest. These scores were compared to PACL scores from 12 successful applicants to the priesthood. Findings suggest that subjects tend to view Roman Catholic priests stereotypically as authority figures and that Catholic subjects view priests more positively than do non-Catholic subjects.  相似文献   

目的:修订梅尔美术判断测验(Meier Art Judgment Test)并对其信度、效度进行检验。方法:通过对来自6所大学、中专共2270人施测梅尔美术判断测验,采用CTT区分度和IRT的模型拟合检验、区分度筛选项目,以霍兰德艺术分测验、学生艺术创作水平自评与艺术过往经历分量表为效标,以及采用效标组法(美术与非美术专业)检验效标关联效度。结果:保留的61题都拟合IRT的2参数logistic模型,量表得分与各效标得分相关显著,美术与非美术专业学生得分存在显著差异; 但测验信息量分析表明,对高能力被试的测量误差相对较大。结论:修订的量表能测量个体的美术判断能力; 今后改进方向应该是增加更难的试题。  相似文献   

Using Campbell and Fiske's (1959) multitrait-multimethod matrix technique and Jackson's (1975) multimethod factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validity were investigated for masculinity and femininity scales from the Adjective Check List, Bem Sex Role Inventory, and PRF ANDRO Scale as compared with measures of dominance and nurturance. Results indicated very good convergent and discriminant validity for the masculinity and femininity scales from the Adjective Check List and Bem Inventory, but not for the PRF ANDRO Scale. Implications of these results for research on sex roles and psychological androgyny are discussed.  相似文献   

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