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Two formats of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scales were administered to 54 college students. Each subject completed the MHLC Scales in the standard 6-level response format (ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree) and in a revised 2-level format (ranging from disagree to agree). Comparisons of internal consistency measures, principal components, and classification of subjects into groups indicate that the 2-level response format yields comparable data to those obtained with the 6-level format, particularly when classification of subjects is the goal.  相似文献   

John Heil 《Topoi》1992,11(1):103-110
I am grateful to John Bickle, Jaegwon Kim, Brian McLaughlin, and, most especially, to my colleague, Alfred Mele, for much helpful discussion on the topic of intentional causation.  相似文献   

The Mentality of Apes Revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although early comparative psychology was seriously marred by claims of our species'supremacy, the residual backlash against these archaic evolutionary views is still being felt, even though our understanding of evolutionary biology is now sufficiently advanced to grapple with possible cognitive specializations that our species does not share with closely related species. The overzealous efforts to dismantle arguments of human uniqueness have only served to show that most comparative psychologists working with apes have yet to set aside the antiquated evolutionary "ladder." Instead, they have only attempted to pull chimpanzees up to the ladder's highest imaginary rung — or perhaps, to pull humans down to an equally imaginary rung at the height of the apes. A true comparative science of animal minds, however, will recognize the complex diversity of the animal kingdom, and will thus view Homo sapiens as one more species with a unique set of adaptive skills crying out to be identified and understood.  相似文献   

超越启蒙心态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
启蒙心态(the enlightenment mentality)作为人类历史上最具活力和转化力的意识形态,是现代西方崛起的基础。实际上,作为现代特征的,人们关注的所有主要领域,比如科学技术、工业资本、市场经济、民主政治等等,都从启蒙心态中受惠或汲取养分。而且,我们追求的那些被视为属于现代意识的价值,比如自由、平等和人权等等,如果不是在结构上,就是在起源上,与启蒙心态密不可分。  相似文献   

Among Filipino Americans, colonial mentality (CM) is characterized by automatic preference for anything American and automatic rejection of anything Filipino that may be manifested overtly and covertly. Thus, 3 studies were conducted to test CM's theorized covertness and automaticity. Study 1 attempted to activate and capture the existence of CM‐consistent cultural knowledge schemas; Study 2 investigated whether CM may be automatically activated using a lexical decision task; and Study 3 tested whether Filipino Americans have associated pleasantness with anything American, and unpleasantness with anything Filipino using the Implicit Association Test. The results suggest that many Filipino Americans hold a CM‐consistent cultural knowledge schema, and that CM may be conceptualized as a set of automatic associations that cannot be consciously controlled.  相似文献   

求同是中国人传统且特有的思维方式。中国人的求同主要表现为从众行为、标准答案“情结”、“听话”教养观和平均主义观念;究其原因,是中国人的尚和心态、关系自我、传统农业经济和封建社会的“大一统”思想造成的;求同心理在增强民族凝聚力抵抗外来侵略、继承传统美德方面发挥积极作用的同时,也给中国人带来了忽略个体、缺乏独立和创造性及容易迷失自我的消极影响;可通过加强逻辑思维、分析思维和自省的认知方式、服从真理而不是权威、批判地继承传统等途径避免求同心理的消极影响。  相似文献   

汉儒称"六经"为"六艺"考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术界一直以为,自孔子创立儒学以来,儒家所谓“六艺”,就既指《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》六部经典,又指礼、乐、射、御、书、数六种技艺。但本文通过对有关史料的考证,提出了不同看法。本文认为:“六经”称谓至迟流行于战国中后期,而“六艺”称谓却只是在《吕氏春秋》中才偶尔使用,流行起来更是在汉初以后。随着“六艺”称谓的流行,汉初儒者开始以“六艺”称“六经”。汉儒将先秦“六经”改称为“六艺”,并非出于学科规范考虑,而是服务于其变“经”为“艺”、变“学”为“术”的学术转向。而这一转向之所以发生,又是因为汉初儒者有争取立儒学为国家惟一官方哲学的强烈愿望。  相似文献   

在多种文明密切交往,不同信仰并存的世界 上,以现代科学思想为基础重塑我们的价值观念是 中国和平崛起过程必须面对的一个重大文化问题。 这反映在三个方面: 首先,从传统到现代心理转型是社会转型的一 个重要侧面。改革开放以来,伴随着文化生活的活 跃和丰富,各种迷信思潮也沉渣泛起。这种现象令  相似文献   

Five mental components of human intentionality are distinguished and related to different properties of mammalian orientation. It is proposed that, in the course of evolution, these old properties became integrated and thereby allowed for the development of a new quality: human orientation. The existence of more than 4,000 mammal species with their various forms and levels of mental organization, offering a panorama of different combinations of differently developed components of mentality, provide ample opportunities for comparative studies. The difficulties in assessing specific types are outlined, drawing on over 40 years of observation. Based on this knowledge, an argument is made for the importance of staying in contact with the empirical objects and of considering their ontological status when rising the standards of precision of formal analysis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

异常心理病理机制的哲学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过现代心理学、异常心理学、心理哲学及分子生物学的研究成果对异常心理病理机制的哲学分析,探讨异常心理病理机制的哲学本质.异常心理同正常心理一样不仅有自然物质世界的各种特性,还有许多自然物质世界不具有的高级和复杂特性.异常心理病理机制的哲学本质是它的意义世界和价值世界.  相似文献   

辨证与辨病是两种不同的思维方式,西医辨病又辨证,中医辨证又辨病,辨病与辨证是中医与西医都遵循的诊治过程,在临床中辩证运用中医与西医有利于中西医结合临床思路的建立  相似文献   

中西医结合临床思路浅谈——论辨证与辨病的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辨证与辨病是两种不同的思维方式,西医辨病又辨证,中医辨证又辨病,辨病与辨证是中医与西医都遵循的诊治过程,在临床中辩证运用中医与西医有利于中西医结合临床思路的建立  相似文献   

对作为一种生存方式的社会心态样式的伦理审察,既是一种事实性描述,也是一种价值判断,描述和审视社会心态的无序状态并为心态的调控提供维度与可能路径,应该说是对社会心态进行伦理审视的理想切入点.  相似文献   

民营企业家的创业心理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严建雯  叶贤  陈传锋 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1503-1506
在当前全民创业、全面创新的时代背景下,许多研究者探讨了民营企业家的创业心理和创业历程,该文在参阅国内外企业家创业研究相关文献的基础上,根据当前创业心理研究的重点,着重阐述了民营企业家创业的心理动因与环境影响、创业的心理历程与企业发展、创业企业家的心理素质与胜任特征、创业的心理误区与决策失误、以及创业企业家的社会责任与利他行为等.  相似文献   

李士金 《心理科学》2007,30(4):987-989
本文在大量学生学习心理调查资料的基础上,发现当代大学生中普遍存在着“非理性学习心理”状态,通过对典型心理资料的实证分析,探讨造成他们“非理性学习心理”的各种因素,对改变目前学生不良的学习心理状态具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

六艺与六经的关系,乃课程与课本的关系,二者不能完全等同起来,六艺除了六经还包括解释六经的传.经之得名,乃对传而言,并非推崇六艺的产物.六艺是从课程的角度对诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋的总称,六经是从课本的角度对诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋的总称.汉朝人在使用诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋等概念的时候,有时是从课程的角度出发的,有时是从课本的角度出发的.至于六艺为何会出现礼、乐、射、御、书、数和诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋两种不同说法,则与中国教育史上的一场变革有关.  相似文献   

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