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Studies on spatial frameworks suggest that the way we locate objects in imagined environments is influenced by the physical and functional properties of the world and our body. The present study provides evidence that such an influence also characterizes imagined navigation. In Experiment 1, participants followed spatial directions to construct an imagined path, while either keeping constant or updating their orientation at each step. A pattern of step times diagnostic of spatial frameworks was obtained in the updated-orientation but not in the constant-orientation condition. In Experiment 2, participants performed the updated-orientation condition with two levels of external support for the reference frame being used. Step times conformed to the predictions of spatial frameworks in both conditions. Both experiments also provided support that the processes involved in imagined navigation exhibit the operator-operand dynamics of other mental skills previously documented in the mental arithmetic domain. These results reinforce Piaget's (1954) notion that spatial displacements and integer arithmetic share a set of structural characteristics  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that older adults can use visually distinctive cues to enhance their spatial memory performance and their recall of the identities of items located in space. Other research has shown that older adults can also use relational information to enhance recall. The relationship between relational and visuospatial support for memory across the adult lifespan is complex and has been little explored. In the present study, this relationship was examined in tasks that measured free recall for item sets possessing different degrees of visuospatial and relational support for recall. It was predicted that both types of support would enhance older adult recall relative to that of the young, and that the two types of support would synergize. The results were generally consistent with these predictions. These findings show that older adults can use relatively simple relational or visuospatial support systems to enhance free recall significantly. This research was supported by Grant AGI 1605, National Institute on Aging.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that older adults can use visually distinctive cues to enhance their spatial memory performance and their recall of the identities of items located in space. Other research has shown that older adults can also use relational information to enhance recall. The relationship between relational and visuospatial support for memory across the adult lifespan is complex and has been little explored. In the present study, this relationship was examined in tasks that measured free recall for item sets possessing different degrees of visuospatial and relational support for recall. It was predicted that both types of support would enhance older adult recall relative to that of the young, and that the two types of support would synergize. The results were generally consistent with these predictions. These findings show that older adults can use relatively simple relational or visuospatial support systems to enhance free recall significantly. This research was supported by Grant AGI 1605, National Institute on Aging.  相似文献   

Empirical research has revealed a variety of differences in the communication behavior of males and females. This study addresses whether males and females think differently about communication. Imagined interactions are cognitive representations of interactive behavior in which the actor experiences the self to be engaged in communication with another. Results of a study reveal that females have more frequent and pleasant imagined interactions, they imagine more self-words, and they are more likely to imagine and recall the scene of imagined interactions than males.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to determine whether, in the absence of distance-cues, the perceived distance of an object is regulated by the imagined space in which the object is located. Judgements of distance and size were obtained in a completely reduced situation. Preceding these judgements, the subject engaged in 5 min. of visual exploration of the interior of an oblong box. The length of the box differed (3, 6 or 9 ft.) for different groups of subjects. The different pre-exposure conditions were expected to produce diffrences in the dimensions of the imagined space that the subject introduced in the subsequent test session. These differences in imagined space should lead to differences in the perceived distance of a single object located at a constant distance. Significant differences were obtained in the expected direction. In addition, judgements of the size of the standard tended to co-vary positively with the distance-judgments, suggesting that the effect of imagined space on judged distance was not simply the product of experimental biasing of the response system. Some methodological and theoretical implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

Aims: To find out whether neuropsychiatric comorbidity (comMCI) influences spatial navigation performance in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI).

Methods: We recruited aMCI patients with (n = 21) and without (n = 21) neuropsychiatric comorbidity or alcohol abuse, matched for global cognitive impairment and cognitively healthy elderly participants (HE, n = 22). They completed the Mini-Mental State Examination and a virtual Hidden Goal Task in egocentric, allocentric, and delayed recall subtests.

Results: In allocentric navigation, aMCI and comMCI performed significantly worse than HE and similarly to each other. Although aMCI performed significantly worse at egocentric navigation than HE, they performed significantly better than patients with comMCI.

Conclusions: Despite the growing burden of dementia and the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in the elderly population, comMCI remains under-studied. Since trials often assess “pure” aMCI, we may underestimate patients’ navigation and other deficits. This finding emphasizes the importance of taking account of the cognitive effects of psychiatric disorders in aMCI.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the mental processes involved in changes that are the result of imagined translational movements. Participants were presented with a single view of a small spatial display. In a computer-based reaction-time task, spatial judgments were then made relative to four imagined headings that were either the study view or novel views that differed from the study view in terms of imagined rotational and/or translational movements. The main finding was that translational shifts detrimentally affected performance in the absence of concurrent rotations suggesting that imagined translations require additional processing time.  相似文献   

Spatial working memory (WM) seems to include two types of spatial information: locations and relations. However, this distinction has been based on small-scale tasks. Here, we used a virtual navigation paradigm to examine whether WM for locations and relations applies to the large-scale spatial world. We found that navigators who successfully learned two routes and also integrated them were superior at maintaining multiple locations and multiple relations in WM. However, over the entire spectrum of navigators, WM for spatial relations, but not locations, was specifically predictive of route integration performance. These results lend further support to the distinction between these two forms of spatial WM and point to their critical role in individual differences in navigation proficiency.  相似文献   

Recent research has found that mentally simulating positive out-group contact experiences can promote tolerance and more positive intergroup perceptions. We investigated two ways of enhancing this imagined contact effect. In Study 1 we found that asking participants to generate more detail in their imagined encounter led to expectations of their having a greater number of out-group acquaintances in the future. In Study 2 we found that instructing participants to close their eyes during an imagined encounter led to heightened intentions to engage in future actual contact. These findings add further support to the notion that imagining intergroup contact may be a valuable addition to existing interventions aimed at improving intergroup relations.  相似文献   

A transference of the imaginer and the imagined, arising from largely unconscious fantasies of the way parent and child interact to construct a view of reality, is present in all analyses. For narcissistic patients, primitive fantasies of the imaginer and imagined form an enduring organization, and the enactment of these fantasies in transference and countertransference distorts the way analyst and patient construct meaning. Clinical material demonstrates the deepening that occurs when these fantasies are interpreted.  相似文献   

In this study, the nature of the spatial representations of an environment acquired from maps, navigation, and virtual environments (VEs) was assessed. Participants first learned the layout of a simple desktop VE and then were tested in that environment. Then, participants learned two floors of a complex building in one of three learning conditions: from a map, from direct experience, or by traversing through a virtual rendition of the building. VE learners showed the poorest learning of the complex environment overall, and the results suggest that VE learners are particularly susceptible to disorientation after rotation. However, all the conditions showed similar levels of performance in learning the layout of landmarks on a single floor. Consistent with previous research, an alignment effect was present for map learners, suggesting that they had formed an orientation-specific representation of the environment. VE learners also showed a preferred orientation, as defined by their initial orientation when learning the environment. Learning the initial simple VE was highly predictive of learning a real environment, suggesting that similar cognitive mechanisms are involved in the two learning situations.  相似文献   

The cognitive processes involved in route retracing are not well known. This study aims to highlight them in an elderly population in which contradictory results have been obtained, certain studies showing specific difficulties for route retracing, others not. Thirty-nine elderly subjects performed a route-learning task (forward-backward) in a garden, then completed spatial knowledge tasks and standardised cognitive tests. Results show four factors that were predictive of route retracing performance: route repetition, the pointing task, and two standardised cognitive tests, one assessing spatial working memory, and another global cognitive efficiency. According to these results, route retracing involves route and survey knowledge (i.e., egocentric and allocentric strategy), and the integration of forward-backward perspectives is underpinned by the spatial working memory. Moreover, the subjects did not make more errors in route retracing than in the route repetition task, suggesting that a real environment could compensate for a failing allocentric strategy.  相似文献   

In the present study, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to examine the neural mechanisms involved in the imagined spatial transformation of one’s body. The task required subjects to update the position of one of four external objects from memory after they had performed an imagined self-rotation to a new position. Activation in the rotation condition was compared with that in a control condition in which subjects located the positions of objects without imagining a change in selfposition. The results indicated similar networks of activation to other egocentric transformation tasks involving decisions about body parts. The most significant area of activation was in the left posterior parietal cortex. Other regions of activation common among several of the subjects were secondary visual, premotor, and frontal lobe regions. These results are discussed relative to motor and visual imagery processes as well as to the distinctions between the present task and other imagined egocentric transformation tasks.  相似文献   

We explored the impact of motor experience on the interaction between implicit motor simulation and language-processing. In an action familiarity judgment task, expert volleyball players, fans and novices were presented with semantically correct sentences describing possible and not possible motor actions, all as negative or positive contexts, e.g., "Don't shank!" or "Assist!". As processing negated action-phrases is known to reduce simulation states, exposure to negative or positive contexts was used here to test how simulation varies according to motor feasibility (possible, impossible) and experience (experts and fans). A significant group×stimulus×context interaction showed that athletes and fans, took longer to process negative than positive contexts for possible actions, compared to action-impossible sentences. In addition, experts were significantly faster and more accurate than fans and, in turn, they were both more accurate than novices. Thus, implicit motor simulation impacts on action-verb processing depending on (i) the domain-relevant expertise, (ii) the feasibility of the actions, and (iii) on whether scenes are presented in a negated context. These results suggest that the implicit triggering of motor representations is modulated by the context and it is tuned to people's motor repertoire, even when actions are described linguistically.  相似文献   

Interaction between perceived and imagined rotation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Experiment 1, subjects performed a mental-rotation task in which they were timed as they decided whether rotated letters were normal or backwards. Between presentations of the letters, they watched a rotating textured disk that induced an aftereffect of rotary movement on the letters. The function relating reaction times to orientation was influenced asymmetrically by the aftereffect, suggesting that perceived movement interacts with imagined movement. Experiment 2 showed that the aftereffect produced a negligible influence on perceived orientation, suggesting that the influence of the aftereffect on mental rotation was not caused by changes in the perceived orientations of the letters. Detailed analysis of the mental-rotation functions suggested that the aftereffect may sometimes have induced subjects to rotate letters through the larger rather than the smaller angle back to the upright where the aftereffect was in the appropriate direction.  相似文献   

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