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ABSTRACT Typically, models of self-regulation include motivation in terms of goals. Motivation is proposed to differ among individuals as a consequence of the goals they hold as well as how much they value those goals and expect to attain them. We suggest that goal-defined motivation is only one source of motivation critical for sustained engagement. A second source is the motivation that arises from the degree of interest experienced in the process of goal pursuit. Our model integrates both sources of motivation within the goal-striving process and suggests that individuals may actively monitor and regulate them. Conceptualizing motivation in terms of a self-regulatory process provides an organizing framework for understanding how individuals might differ in whether they experience interest while working toward goals, whether they persist without interest, and whether and how they try to create interest. We first present the self-regulation of motivation model and then review research illustrating how the consideration of individual differences at different points in the process allows a better understanding of variability in people's choices, efforts, and persistence over time.  相似文献   

The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) funds research and related activities that promote new knowledge that helps individuals with disabilities to perform regular activities in the community and increases the capacity of society to provide full opportunities and supports for individuals with disabilities. NIDRR achieves this goal by promoting interdisciplinary research and related activities. Psychologists play a key role in many of these activities and assist with improving understanding of disability and rehabilitation by participating in peer review of research proposals or by reviewing NIDRR's proposed research priorities. Psychologists also contribute by taking advantage of training and the many other opportunities for support outlined in this article.  相似文献   

Although it is common in community psychology research to have data at both the community, or cluster, and individual level, the analysis of such clustered data often presents difficulties for many researchers. Since the individuals within the cluster cannot be assumed to be independent, the use of many traditional statistical techniques that assumes independence of observations is problematic. Further, there is often interest in assessing the degree of dependence in the data resulting from the clustering of individuals within communities. In this paper, a random-effects regression model is described for analysis of clustered data. Unlike ordinary regression analysis of clustered data, random-effects regression models do not assume that each observation is independent, but do assume data within clusters are dependent to some degree. The degree of this dependency is estimated along with estimates of the usual model parameters, thus adjusting these effects for the dependency resulting from the clustering of the data. Models are described for both continuous and dichotomous outcome variables, and available statistical software for these models is discussed. An analysis of a data set where individuals are clustered within firms is used to illustrate fetatures of random-effects regression analysis, relative to both individual-level analysis which ignores the clustering of the data, and cluster-level analysis which aggregates the individual data. Preparation of this article was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grant R18 HL42987-01A1, National Institutes of Mental Health Grant MH44826-01A2, and University of Illinois at Chicago Prevention Research Center Developmental Project CDC Grant R48/CCR505025.  相似文献   

Researchers have typically portrayed intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as dichotomous. Although this dichotomy has explanatory utility, we present a differentiated view of extrinsic motivation, arguing that the relative autonomy of one's motivated actions is more useful for characterizing the motivational basis of learning than is the undifferentiated intrinsic-extrinsic dichotomy. Our concept of autonomous extrinsic motivation is based on a developmental analysis of the processes of internalization and integration. In this article we review extensive research indicating that intrinsic motivation and integrated internalization are facilitated by autonomy supportive social contexts, and that these autonomous forms of motivation, in turn, promote high-quality learning.Preparation of this article was facilitated in part by research grant HD-19914 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to the Human Motivation Program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Rochester.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that approximately one third of the population of homeless single adults suffer from severe mental illnesses. Despite multiple health, mental health, and social welfare needs, this population is often unable to obtain necessary housing and community-based services. For this reason, since 1982, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has undertaken a number of federal initiatives to encourage research and assist states and localities in improving services focused on this vulnerable subgroup of the homeless population. This article describes the target population, NIMH research findings, and current mental health service trends--with particular emphasis on two mental health programs established under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. Proposed future directions for federal research and evaluation efforts in this area are also discussed.  相似文献   

This issue of Motivation and Emotion is devoted to research and theory on intrinsic motivation. Individuals who were instrumental in defining the initial issues in this area of research were invited to submit papers. Initially, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation were conceived as a dichotomy, although now many researchers no longer hold to this notion. This point of view is summarized in the first article by Rigby, Deci, Patrick, and Ryan. Lepper and Cordova, on the other hand, pursue the question of what makes learning “fun.” Harter and Jackson also question the dichotomy of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, suggesting instead that sometimes motivational orientation is a trait, and other times it is situation-specific. Heyman and Dweck take a “goals approach” to the question of motivation in the schools, contrasting learning goals with performance goals. Sansone and Morgan argue that the sources of motivation are not static but can change across individuals, activities, surrounding context, and time. Boggiano and her colleagues, in the final article, present a diathesis-stress model to account for students' divergent achievement patterns. In all, these articles address the question of whether an intrinsic motivational orientation can be implemented in the schools, and if so how and where will it be effective?  相似文献   

Randomized clinical trials remain the most valid method of testing the efficacy and safety of treatments. While efforts to elucidate the genetic and neurodevelopmental bases of autism are underway, clinicians and families are in need of scientifically valid information on how to best treat patients with autism. The effectiveness of many interventions currently used in communities has not been adequately tested. Given the high public health relevance of autism treatment research and the low interest of the pharmaceutical industry in autism, the role of the National Institutes of Health in supporting this research is paramount. Among recently launched initiatives in autism clinical trials, there are the Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology Autism Network and the network of centers for Studies to Advance Autism Research and Treatment. These and other government activities in the area of autism clinical trials are here briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

In the past five years, China has experienced increased efforts to regulate activities in biomedical research and practice. Background is provided on some of the key developments in Chinese bioethics especially in relation to genetics, stem cells, cloning, and reproductive medicine. This background sets the stage for a document entitled "Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research," proposed by the Bioethics Committee of the Southern China National Human Gene Research Center, Shanghai, which is reprinted in this volume of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have a long history of supporting investigator-initiated research and research training to enhance the scientific understanding of and effective interventions for a range of problems associated with youth violence. New technologies are emerging and basic research has promise for increasing our understanding of how biological factors operate in conjunction with other factors to contribute to violent behavior, psychopathology, and drug abuse. This article describes emerging areas and directions for research in this important area of public health.The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

In this article, the relation between research emerging from the goals approach to motivation and research emerging from the intrinsic motivation approach is examined. A review of relevant research suggests that factors promoting learning goals (emphasizing the development of competencies) are associated with enhanced intrinsic motivation, and that factors promoting performance goals (emphasizing the evaluation of competence) are associated with diminished intrinsic motivation. It is also suggested that important aspects of the goals approach are often incorporated into conceptions and measures of intrinsic motivation. Finally, a framework is presented in which adaptive motivation is described in terms of the coordination of achievement goals and intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

The self‐expansion model posits that individuals are motivated to broaden their sense of self by acquiring new identities, developing new perspectives, enhancing capabilities, and gaining resources. The self‐expansion motivation is driven by individuals' desire to increase their potential self‐efficacy and ability to accomplish goals. In this article, we discuss two main ways individuals self‐expand – by forming relationships and including the other in the self and through engaging in novel activities that are challenging and/or interesting either on one's own or with a relationship partner. We provide an overview of recent research detailing the numerous interpersonal and intrapersonal benefits and implications of self‐expansion. Additionally, we differentiate self‐expansion from a series of potentially associated constructs.  相似文献   

The Prevention Research Branch, Division of Clinical Research, of the National Institute of Mental Health held a research workshop on the methodological issues in evaluating preventive interventions using mutual support. This workshop, held in June 1989, was part of an effort to stimulate high-quality research on preventive interventions using mutual support. These interventions include but are not limited to naturally occurring self-help groups. Participants reviewed methodological problems, generated strategies for dealing with these problems, and made recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Latent transition models increasingly include covariates that predict prevalence of latent classes at a given time or transition rates among classes over time. In many situations, the covariate of interest may be latent. This paper describes an approach for handling both manifest and latent covariates in a latent transition model. A Bayesian approach via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is employed in order to achieve more robust estimates. A case example illustrating the model is provided using data on academic beliefs and achievement in a low-income sample of adolescents in the United States. This research was partially supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant 1-R03-DA021639. This research was partially supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant 1-P50-DA10075, The Methodology Center, The Pennsylvania State University. This research was partially supported by the National Institute of Mental Health funds as part of the Studying Diverse Lives research support program at the Henry A. Murray Research Archive, Institute for Quantitative Science, Harvard University.  相似文献   

As an essential contributor to the scientific understanding of mental health and illness, psychology continues to be the leading discipline receiving National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) research support. Future behavioral science research initiatives at NIMH are likely to emphasize cognitive science, behavioral genetics, behavioral patterns and physiological systems, and personality, motivation, emotion, and interpersonal processes. Although prognostication is particularly risky in times of transition such as the present, advocacy efforts focused on mental-illness-related research are most likely to help the NIMH and the field if they avoid polarization and factionalization by providing equal encouragement for studies of biological aspects, of behavioral aspects, and of their interaction.  相似文献   

The blood volume pulse (BVP) measured by a photoplethysmograph was recorded in 43 children with behavior and learning problems before and after either stimulant drug treatment or placebo. A series of twenty-four 750-cps tones was presented at 10-sec. intervals, with one trial having a doubled interval and one with a halved interval. A 1,000-cps tone was introduced following the 24th trial. As predicted, the drug-treated subjects showed significantly more rapid habituation to the tones. They also showed more variability of BVP following the longer intertriai interval, but showed less variability following the introduction of the high tone. The results are interpreted as showing that the stimulant has the effect of raising autonomie arousal level with consequently more rapid habituation of the orienting response.An earlier version of this article was presented to The Society for Psychophysiological Research, Monterey, California, October 1969. This research was supported by Grant No. MH14432 from the Psychopharmacology Section (National Institute of Mental Health) and Research Scientist Development Award No. K2MH7839 (National Institute of Mental Health).  相似文献   

Educational policy is often based on the assumption that redundancy is a negative factor in dissemination and should be eliminated in order to achieve cost effectiveness. This article examines issues of redundancy in three dissemination contexts: knowledge acquisition and storage; knowledge synthesis; and knowledge utilization. Knowledge utilization and implementation, ultimately the goals of federally supported dissemination efforts, should rely on processes of planned and targeted redundancy of knowledge syntheses to various users. Barbara Lieb is research director, Research Applications Division of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, where she formerly managed the the Regional Educational Laboratory Program. Having published and taught extensively in the areas of interpersonal, organizational, and instructional communication, she brings a communication perspective to issues of knowledge utilization. In addition to managing other federally supported dissemination programs for the National Institute of Education, she has served in executive capacities for both the Speech Communication Association and the American Society for Medical Technology, dealing with issues of professional development and knowledge use.  相似文献   

Although the self-concordance of goals has been repeatedly shown to predict better goal progress, recent research suggests potential problems with aggregating autonomous and controlled motivations to form a summary index of self-concordance (Judge, Bono, Erez, & Locke, 2005). The purpose of the present investigation was to further examine the relations among autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and goal progress to determine the relative importance of autonomous motivation and controlled motivation in the pursuit of personal goals. The results of three studies and a meta-analysis indicated that autonomous motivation was substantially related to goal progress whereas controlled motivation was not. Additionally, the relation of autonomous motivation to goal progress was shown to involve implementation planning. Together, the three studies highlight the importance for goal setters of having autonomous motivation and developing implementation plans, especially ones formulated in terms of approach strategies rather than avoidance strategies. The present research suggests that individuals pursuing goals should focus relatively greater attention on enhancing their autonomous motivation rather than reducing their controlled motivation.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) emphasizes improved mental health and mental health services in rural areas through funding for research projects and research centers. NIMH also supports related activities including state planning, improvement of state data systems, protection of and advocacy for mentally ill individuals, disaster relief, professional training, and education concerning depression. Other important components include surveys, analyses, and public information, including support for a public hearing on rural mental health.  相似文献   

This paper critiques the research on distress in spouses of chronic pain patients and includes a review of two studies of spouses conducted at the Miriam Hospital Chronic Pain Research Unit. The clinical implications of this research are discussed and case material is presented to illustrate the role of spouse distress in the treatment of patients with chronic pain. Future directions for research in this area are recommended.The research conducted at the Miriam Hospital Chronic Pain Research Unit was supported by the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Administration of the National Institute of Mental Health, Small Grants Program, Grant No. 1 R03 MH39257001A1.  相似文献   

The fourth annual fMRI Experience was held at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, on 3-14 May 2002. The conference was organized jointly by research fellows at the NIH and Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) in London, and benefited from financial support from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Intramural Research Program, the NIMH Division of Intramural Training, and the Guarantors of Brain in association with the IoP.  相似文献   

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