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乙肝歧视作为一个术语存在明显的语义学缺陷,在伦理学的视域中,乙肝歧视既非程序不公正,也非分配不公正,而是主体对客体缺少必要的仁慈。虽然通过医学手段彻底治愈乙型肝炎的时间无法准确地估测,但只要我们能够充分利用现有的医学和社会手段,就有望在30年左右的时间内将中国社会人群的乙肝病原携带率控制在1%以内,这大体上可看作是乙肝歧视的终结。  相似文献   

乙肝歧视在我国呈普遍现象,已引起社会的广泛关注.为维护乙肝表面抗原携带者的合法权益,国家相继出台了一系列规章,但收效甚微.从医学和社会学视角分析我国乙肝歧视难以消除的原因,指出职能部门、用人单位、医疗机构、公众、乙肝表面抗原携带者存在的问题和原因,并提出了消除乙肝歧视的措施.  相似文献   

乙肝歧视现象的问题与反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国乙肝病毒携带者群体在升学、就业、婚姻等方面遭受着社会歧视.分析乙肝歧视的社会成因,并就如何消除乙肝歧视和促进社会平等提出若干对策.  相似文献   

孙伟平 《哲学研究》2023,(3):46-55+126-127
算法是以数据为基础资源,以解决问题、完成任务为目标导向的策略机制和运行程序,是人工智能的“中枢神经”和“灵魂”,它本身并不是“价值中立”的。在通过机器学习之类技术采集、存储、分析数据,进而进行自动化决策时,算法设计、编写的主体立场,支撑和训练算法的数据的来源和准确性,算法内蕴的价值负荷和价值选择,特定价值主体基于算法的行为倾向性,以及智能系统的自主评价和决策,都可能导致一定程度的算法歧视,影响社会公正的实现。相较人们熟悉的社会歧视现象,算法歧视更加广泛、多元,更加精准、有针对性,也更加隐蔽、“巧妙”。只有在社会智能化进程中,确立全体人民的价值主体地位,将公正价值观“内嵌”到智能算法之中,并建立动态的评价、监督机制,才能对算法歧视进行必要的规制,重构智能时代公正的社会秩序。  相似文献   

针对目前乙肝的抗病毒治疗现状以及临床用药的情况,对目前乙肝抗病毒治疗中存在的问题进行思考,就如何选择治疗方法提出医疗原则,认为治疗应该体现安全、有效、经济的原则。  相似文献   

针对目前乙肝的抗病毒治疗现状以及临床用药的情况,对目前乙肝抗病毒治疗中存在的问题进行思考,就如何选择治疗方法提出医疗原则,认为治疗应该体现安全、有效、经济的原则.  相似文献   

反疾病歧视立法的相关问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许多国家已对遭遇疾病歧视的患者给予法律上的保护,而我国现有的法律不足以保护受歧视者权益。通过权衡疾病患者在工作生活中所受歧视的利弊,并从多角度分析,提出我国应进行相关立法,保护受歧视者的合法权益。  相似文献   

本文探讨了印尼政府在第12/2006号新国籍法案颁布后对作为少数族群的华人,尤其是华裔穆斯林的影响。文章认为,尽管国家宪法保障了各族群平等的公民地位,但本条例草案的制定并没有在各级政府官僚机构中根除对华裔穆斯林的歧视性做法。华裔穆斯林为了保障其社会和政治安全而采用文化的方法,与宗教组织(包括穆斯林群众组织和伊斯兰非政府组织)进行深入的协调,从而保护其自身免于受到任何反华情绪的伤害以及当地社会或国家官僚机构的剥削和歧视。  相似文献   

许多国家已对遭遇疾病歧视的患者给予法律上的保护,而我国现有的法律不足以保护受歧视者权益.通过权衡疾病患者在工作生活中所受歧视的利弊,并从多角度分析,提出我国应进行相关立法,保护受歧视者的合法权益.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察中国农村地区受艾滋病影响儿童(包括双孤儿童、单孤儿童和非孤儿童)在经历了父母感染艾滋病、父母因为艾滋病丧亡后的歧视经历和歧视知觉状况,及其对心理健康的影响.采用问卷调查了1221名被试,测查了他们的歧视经历、歧视知觉、心理健康(抑郁、孤独、自尊).经过数据分析发现:(1)歧视经历和歧视知觉存在显著的年龄段和儿童类别的差异,12岁及以下的儿童得分显著高于13岁及以上的,双孤儿童得分显著高于单孤儿童和非孤儿童;抑郁、孤独和自尊存在显著的儿童类别差异,双孤儿童、单孤儿童差于非孤儿童;且孤独和自尊还存在显著的年龄段差异,12岁以下的儿童差于13岁以上的;(2)不同歧视经历和歧视知觉的儿童在抑郁、孤独和自尊上存在显著差异,均是歧视经历、歧视知觉多的儿童抑郁和孤独严重、自尊低;(3)歧视经历对抑郁、孤独和自尊都有显著的预测作用,歧视知觉在其中起到了部分中介作用.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, four rats were trained on a two-component multiple schedule with tone and light each associated with different variable-interval schedules. Extinction in light-out no-tone, common to previous studies reporting additive summation to compounded discriminative stimuli, was omitted from training. In testing, the simultaneous presentation of tone and light controlled a response rate intermediate between that controlled by these stimuli presented singly. In Exp. 2, animals were trained on three-ply multiple schedules. While tone and light were each associated with variable-interval schedules for both groups, light-out no-tone signalled extinction for one and differential-reinforcement-of-behavior-other-than-bar-pressing for the other. This permitted response reduction during light-out no-tone to be viewed independently of non-reinforcement. Responding of both groups showed summation to tone plus light in testing, with the effect clearly larger for extinction-trained subjects. These experiments indicate that: (1) discrimination training afforded by extinction has been integral to additive summation previously reported, (2) response differentiation and non-reinforcement consequences of extinction training contribute to the magnitude of summation, and (3) summation and peak shift might be functionally related phenomena.  相似文献   

A panel titled Feminist Philosophy after Twenty Years was organized by Carol C. Gould for the session sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women at the American Philosophical Association's 1993 Eastern Division Meeting, December 30, 1993 in Atlanta, GA. The remarks of the three panelists, Linda Lopez McAiister, Ann Ferguson and Kathy Addelson are printed below.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the influence of implicit memory for familiar brand names on consumer choice. Priming was measured using modified preference judgment tasks that comprised both brand consideration and choice components. Experiment 1 used a ‘complex choice task’ where consideration and choice stages were characterized as acting in sequence. Experiment 2 explored a different formulation whereby consideration and choice were assumed to act in parallel. Both experiments demonstrated that priming had an influence on brand consideration but not on final or preferred choice. Finally, Experiment 3 replicated and extended these findings under more realistic conditions where participants actually received some of the products that they selected. Overall, the experiments suggested that for many decisions involving the consideration of familiar brands prior to choice, previous exposure to brand names can increase the likelihood that they will enter the consumers' consideration set. However, the advantage does not appear to extend to choice itself. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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