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Non-ecumenical Christian bioethics will seem a strange category for many. The category relies on the recognition that bioethics mediates morality and ethics in healthcare. As such bioethics will have particular content. It is the content of a moral vision that both divides and unites. The enterprise of non-ecumenical Christian bioethics explores how Christians are both divided and united on the issue of bioethics. Non-ecumenical Christian bioethics is opposed to a facile ecumenism that reduces the content of Christian morality to the lowest common denominator.  相似文献   

This article gives an account of the background to the Hanover Report, The Diaconate as Ecumenical Opportunity (1996), and in particular to the West Wickham consultation (1995). Recognising that the diaconate offers new ecumenical perspectives on ordained ministry, the author presents and critiques the Hanover Report for its harmonisation of contradictory positions, especially among Lutherans. The idea of diaconal ministries in the report makes the distinctive diaconate indistinct and gives rise to a mainly functional understanding of ministry. Ecclesiologically historical layers contradicting each other are mixed in such a way that the ecumenically productive eucharistic ecclesiology derived from the Early Church and central to the report's understanding of the diaconate remains at the end rather indistinguishable among the variety of other perspectives conveyed.  相似文献   

Summary Responsible to a pluralistic society more directly than to a denominational constituency, ministers in training for pastoral care in public institutions engage simultaneously in ecumenical associations and in the construction of an ecumenically validated pastoral theology. The process was clearly under way in the pioneering work of Boisen, and it continues today with greater scope and a larger harvest. If present indications have predictive value, the history of ecumenicity in the last half of the Twentieth Century will make a modest but secure place for the discovery and use of clinical methods of training for pastoral care.  相似文献   

This article explores why the Lutheran/Roman Catholic commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 is an ecumenical challenge par excellence. In particular it contrasts the context of the 2017 commemoration with that of previous centenaries and goes more deeply into this by analysing the dialectics of centenaries both in general and with respect to this very special centenary. It also describes major changes in the relationship between Protestants and Catholics, presenting other main aspects of the new context in which that commemoration is taking place in 2017, and addressing different aspects of commemoration. It offers an analysis of how the Catholic/Lutheran Commission on Unity overcame the hindrances to a common commemoration and celebration in its document ‘From Conflict to Communion’, opening the way for a twofold commemoration, both in joy and gratitude, and in lament and confession of guilt. The article also focuses on five ecumenical imperatives which this document offers, not only looking back, but also looking forward, committing Catholics and Protestants to continue their way from conflict to communion. It concludes by describing the highly remarkable service of Common Prayer, which took place in Lund Cathedral, with Pope Francis, for which the above document prepared the way and formed the basis. It becomes clear how theological preparation and the Common Prayer in Lund concurred in making possible a historic ecumenical commemoration and celebration of the Reformation.  相似文献   

This article places the veneration of the Precious Blood in Weingarten in the wider horizon of the veneration of relics and saints in general. It takes into account that the Reformers, above all Martin Luther, were very critical about pilgrimages and the veneration of relics. Against this background it discusses the following points with regard to the veneration of the Precious Blood. First, what is the added value of pilgrimages? Secondly, what, or rather, who, is being venerated in what way in Weingarten? Thirdly, what is theologically legitimate in venerating a relic of the Precious Blood and could render it ecumenically justifiable? And, fourthly, what is the current meaning of the veneration of the Precious Blood? Answering these questions is vital for keeping the veneration of the Precious Blood in Weingarten a living tradition – especially in a time without a monastery.  相似文献   

哲学向来被认为是无前提的科学,而要解读一个民族的哲学思想(包括宗教思想),无论如何是不能脱离该民族根源性的神话传说,也曰故乡的经验。这主要是因为,在经验的范围内所理解的神话传说,不仅培育了我们的存在、与我们的现在存在着联系,,而且它还将在我们之中继续保持着持久的活力。庞蒂也曾明确指出:“传说的历史,它可用一篇哲学论文的深度来看世界。”①应该说,在别无他途的情况下,神话的历史功能为现代人们全面“体验”、“理解”本民族当时的生活,确实提供了某些比较可信的依据。另一方面,“创造性的哲学思维,就其本质来说,需要同神话的…  相似文献   

Chaplains who serve in a clinical context often minister to patients representing a wide variety of faiths. In order to offer the best pastoral care possible, the chaplain should first possess a set of personal theological convictions as a foundation for ministry. Second, he or she needs to be sensitive to the beliefs and practices of the patients. Third, it is vital to develop a relationship of acceptance and trust not only with patients under their care, but also with family members and caregivers as well. At times, situations will arise that are purely religious or theological. In a clinical setting, however, the questions and problems that arise more often are both theological and ethical. It is beneficial for the chaplain to be involved in an ethics committee, where the specifics of each case can be discussed, and staff can offer counsel to patients and their families. This study examines issues that chaplains face at the bedside, such as terminal care, life-prolonging treatments, dementia, persistent vegetative state, and euthanasia-assisted suicide. We will discover that those who are involved in clinical pastoral ministry will be called upon to be a comforter, mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor.  相似文献   

Heart and spirit     
In qualitative interview research with 25 psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists in London, Sydney and Melbourne, the author explored how these clinicians experienced, conceptualised and worked with spiritual issues. Bringing to bear their experience on both sides of the couch, this 'information-rich' sample of mainly senior practitioners reflected on a psychoanalytically informed view of spirituality, and its understanding in clinical practice. Two methods of analysis were used. The technique of 'narrative finding' was followed by coding of core ideas, themes and concepts expressed. Participants noted that spirit may be the 'blind spot' of psychoanalysis, and reflected that what they had wanted in their own analyses-and consider that what patients want-is to be able to have spiritual issues addressed in a similar manner to other matters, not prejudged as infantile or pathological. In participants' concepts and experience of spirit, a comfort / challenge dimension was identified. Comfort was taken in having a 'wider view', a more inclusive sense of inter-relatedness, with challenge involving a heightened sense of the unknown and a greater degree of uncertainty.  相似文献   

什么是科学精神?自从江泽民从政治家的高度倡导科学精神,并于2000年4月12日为中国科学技术馆题词"弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识,传播科学思想和科学方  相似文献   

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