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民国时期的乡村教徒以当地方式信仰、礼敬天主、耶稣、玛利亚、圣人与天使,但懂得只有天主是最终的依赖者,大部分教徒不懂与天主进行交流,信仰目的兼有世俗功利性与信仰功利性,宗教活动中加入本地宗教活动内容,其信仰已相当程度上本土化,但其崇拜对象、信仰方式、宗教活动都尚在天主教教义的范围之内。与知识分子教徒相比,他们的信仰知识有限,缺乏救世、奉献精神,他们的信仰是天主教文化与中国乡土文化互相交流、融合而成的新信仰,具有西方天主教没有的新特征。  相似文献   

天主教上海教区于本月十五日在徐家汇天主教堂举行宗教活动,庆祝天主教的传统节日“圣母升天占礼”。在细雨绵绵中,来自各区和附近地区的教徒三千多人,从清晨起就陆续到教堂参加弥撒。教区神职人员为虔敬的教友们举行了隆重的弥撒和各种宗教活动。对远道来的,还从生活服务方面给予关心。广大教徒深为喜悦,体验到宗教政策真正得到了落实,对独  相似文献   

天主教是一个国际性宗教,其外事工作既要做到普世性与民族性相结合,又要做到教法与国法有机统一,即向圣事型、道德型、文化型、服务型的民间外交型发展。 在圣事活动上,首先要把弥撒做得生动活跃并具有神圣性。使来华的外国朋友对中国教会有客观、全面的了解,探索开拓合法宗教场所这一概念的内涵与外延。 天主教的教义核心是一个“爱”字,爱就是无私服务,服务分精神服务和物质服务两种。南堂国际堂区为在京的外国教徒开设了主日学校,组织基督徒生活分享营,基督徒青年夫妇恳谈会,主日圣经分享小组等活动。国际堂区每年都举办…  相似文献   

德意志区域是宗教斗争的重点区域,基督教和本土宗教、天主教和基督新教、教会和政府的斗争错综复杂。在这一背景基础上,分析德国统一前后的宗教生活对于认识德国的教会发展有着重要意义,而这需要借助不同时期宗教信仰的成员比例和做礼拜的次数的调查。通过德国的ALLBUS数据库,可以得知,基督新教教徒宗教热忱普遍低于天主教教徒。西部德国信教人数基本没有变化,占人口的80%左右,而东部德国无神论者则占到了70%左右。这体现了不同区域、不同路径的宗教世俗化过程。  相似文献   

十字架是基督宗教一个十分重要的标记。天主教把带有被钉耶稣身体的十字架称为“苦像”。基督徒在教堂、祭台、屋内、墓地、旗帜上置放十字架,也在胸前或衣服上佩带十字架,在举行各种圣事礼仪和祈祷时在胸前恭请十字圣号。天主教藉着十字架的标记不断提醒教徒和其他人有关耶稣的死亡与复活的救赎意义。十字架是天主教信仰的根本基础与核心。  相似文献   

报北京11月30日讯 40年前的11月30日,中国天主教爱国神职人员和教徒掀起了一场反帝爱国运动。40年来,中国天主教从根本上改变了过去的半殖民地性质,成为我国天主教徒自主自办的宗教事业。去年11月30日,来自全国各地的天主教神职人员代表,在四化建设中做出贡献的教徒代表,在京部分神职人员共约200人在人民大会堂聚首,纪念天主教反帝爱国运动40周年。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理吴学谦在纪念会上指出,纪念中国天主教反帝爱国运动,就是要发扬爱国主义精神,自觉  相似文献   

宗教的礼仪节庆是神学理论的外在表现形式,其中蕴含着深厚的文化内容。天主教传入中国后,曾经因为中西礼仪的差异而导致两种文化的冲突与碰撞,康熙年间发生的礼仪之争就是一个典型的例证。随着历史的发展,基督宗教文化中的礼仪逐渐得到中国基督徒的理解和认可,中国教会也根据社会的进步和本国国情对宗教礼仪进行调整,从而形成了具有中国教会特色的礼仪形式。本文以中国天主教的老教区湖北磨盘山(位于鄂西北谷城县)为个案,来分析当代中国天主教礼仪的内容和新特点。一、 教徒对基本礼仪的认识和理解1、祈祷祈祷是基督宗教信仰的基本形式,也是…  相似文献   

基督会(INC)是菲律宾最大的本土基督教教派,也是创立于20世纪初的新兴宗教。它在发展过程中逐渐扩大规模并积累了社会影响力。本文介绍基督会兴起的历史背景,并通过田野调查材料呈现其现状。本文重点分析基督会教徒的宗教认同,认为这是基督会能在菲律宾社会立足的重要因素。这种认同的形成有两方面原因,一是基督会强调自身与天主教的对立,二是它形成了严密、自主的组织方式。作为一种新兴宗教,基督会在菲律宾社会对传统的天主教形成了补充。  相似文献   

本文以20世纪20-30年代绥远教区天主教的发展为背景,概述了天主教传教士通过医疗活动与绥远社会各阶层从交往到交融的过程,进而论证了这种交融的结果对天主教的传教事业和绥远社会发展产生的双重作用和深远影响。传教士与绥远社会交融的结果,一方面促进了天主教各项事业的发展,也使天主教这种外来宗教本土化程度日益增强;另一方面对绥远社会产生了积极影响和作用。特别值得称道的是,天主教会与绥远省政府关系融洽,营造出和谐发展的社会氛围。  相似文献   

宗教社区作为一种宗教群体的形式,在中国天主教中主要表现为“教徒聚居村”,其内部结构和状态如何,以及在200多年剧烈的社会变迁中产生了哪些变化,是我们关心和考察的重点。一衢州市位于浙江省西南部,南与福建省、西与江西省、北与安徽省相邻,称为“四省通衢”,地形以丘陵山地为主。蓬村在市区西北10公里处,当地盛产苎麻和柑橘。曾任蓬天主教堂本堂神父的倪树范在《浙江衢属蓬教务史略》中说:“蓬原名后洋。前清雍正之末年间,有傅姓兄弟两家,世奉天主教,由江西南丰潋都,迁移于此,结庐以后,开垦种麻,时人遂以蓬名其村焉。”200多年以来,社会…  相似文献   

The concept of omnipotence refers to a primitive fantasy, a mechanism of defense, and a pathological psychic structure. Omnipotence and its derivative defensive operation, omnipotent control, are highly prevalent in borderline personality organization. Three clinical vignettes illustrate these mechanisms in the treatment of patients with borderline, narcissistic, and obsessive personality disorders, respectively. These vignettes illustrate the transference developments when omnipotence and omnipotence control are dominant, and the therapeutic approach to these conditions.  相似文献   

The notion that the family is “the unit of care” for family doctors has been enigmatic and controversial. Yet systems theory and the biopsychosocial model that results when it is imported into medicine make the family system an indispensable and important component of family medicine. The challenge, therefore, is to provide a coherent, plausible account of the role of the family in family practice. Through an extended case presentation and commentary, we elaborate two views of the family in family medicine — treating the patient in the family and treating the family in the patient — and defend both as appropriate foci for care by family doctors. The practical problem that arises when the family is introduced into health care is deciding when to concentrate on the family system. The moral problems that arise concern how extensively doctors may become involved in the personal lives of their patients and families. The patient-centered clinical method provides a strategy for handling both problems. Thus, making the family a focus of care in family medicine can be justified on theoretical, practical, and moral grounds.  相似文献   

There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or "fractal scaling", during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or “fractal scaling”, during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

历史上对伏牛山地区的佛教记载较散,资料较详的是在明代。当时来山修行的僧人很多,但是到现在为止还没有人对伏牛山的佛教进行过研究,笔者根据掌握的禅宗史料提出这时伏牛山佛教已经有了明显的禅宗派系特征,在这里传教修行的僧人,主要是元代禅宗断桥伦一支的浙江天目山高峰原妙及其弟子中峰明本一系,其中受四川禅宗无际明悟禅师一派的影响很大,早期来山的僧人大多数都是无际明悟的弟子与后人,可以说成立了无际伏牛山禅派一系。  相似文献   

孕育中的旅游伦理学--近年来西方国家旅游伦理研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅行和旅游是一项历史悠久的人类活动,旅游活动中的伦理问题的存在也和旅游发展的历史一样久远.二战以后,"大众旅游"经过半个多世纪的高速发展,对自然环境和社会文化的负面影响已经凸显出来,因此,旅游研究便开始关注旅游发展伦理问题;与此同时,应用伦理学研究也开始从不同的角度关注旅游发展这一新领域.  相似文献   

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