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Priming effects were examined in two experiments using either a pronunciation or lexical decision task. The prime, either a strong associate of the target, an unrelated word, or a neutral prime, was presented for 200 ms. After an SOA of 200, 400, or 800 ms, a masked target was presented for 33.3, 50, or 66.7 ms. Attention was manipulated by varying the probability that prime and target would be strongly associated. Both experiments showed significant interference in the low attention condition and at the 200-ms SOA, presumably before the onset of consciously directed processing. Two subsequent experiments using a short SOA and the low attention condition attempted to determine the conditions under which this interference will occur by varying the interstimulus interval, target duration, and the mask. It was found that interference occurred only when targets were brief and masked. These results are discussed in terms of a model involving lateral inhibition between nodes in semantic memory. It is suggested that when the target is brief and masked, the node in memory corresponding to the target is much less strongly activated and therefore more susceptible to the inhibitory effects of other activated nodes.  相似文献   

The same set of Ss was run In an LT (single late target letter followed an earher multiletter display) and an ET (single early target preceded a later multiletter display) condition. On one-half the trials, the multiletter set included the target. and on the other half, the target was absent. The task of S was to push the “yes” (“no”) button if the target was present (absent), and reaction times were recorded. The most plausible processing model assumed that LT comparisons took place in a verbal-acoustic store and that ET comparisons took place in a visual store. It further assumed that processing within these stores was self-terminating, with rates that differed on “same” and “different” comparisons and which changed as the multiletter set increased. Classes of serial and parallel models that are falsified or supported by the present and similar data are discussed.  相似文献   

A PDP-8/I was connected to an IBM/370 via telephone. Programs enable the PDP-8 to send data to practically any large-scale computer having timesharing capabilities. These programs can be used as models by others wishing to analyze data on a large computer.  相似文献   

The estimation of sensitivity and bias from data collected in a yes/no detection‐theoretic experiment is complicated by the possibility of proportions of 0 or 1 appearing in the resulting contingency table. Inverse normal transforms of these probabilities result in mathematically intractable infinities. Typically, some transformation of the data must be applied prior to parameter estimation. Several transformations have been reviewed in the literature, in terms of both the bias and the variance of the estimates they produce. We propose three generalized transformations, which contain the two most reported transformations as special cases, and consider their performance in terms of the mean square error of the estimates they produce. Results indicate that the ‘1/N ’ and the adaptive log‐linear transformations outperform the others. Guidelines for the application of these transformations are presented.  相似文献   

In the first year of life, infants possess two cognitive systems encoding numerical information: one for processing the numerosity of sets of 4 or more items, and the second for tracking up to 3 objects in parallel. While a previous study showed the former system to be already present a few hours after birth, it is unknown whether the latter system is functional at this age. Here, we adapt the auditory‐visual matching paradigm that previously revealed sensitivity to large numerosities to test sensitivity to numerosities spanning the range from 2 to 12. Across studies, newborns discriminated pairs of large numerosities in a 3:1 ratio, even when the smaller numerosity was 3 (3 vs. 9). In contrast, newborn infants failed to discriminate pairs including the numerosity 2, even at the same ratio (2 vs. 6). These findings mirror the dissociation that has been reported with older infants, albeit with a discontinuity situated between numerosities 2 and 3. Two alternative explanations are compatible with our results: either newborn infants have a separate system for processing small sets, and the capacity of this system is limited to 2 objects; or newborn infants possess only one system to represent numerosities, and this system either is not functional or is extremely imprecise when it is applied to small numerosities.  相似文献   

Huitema and McKean (Psychological Bulletin, 110, 291–304, 1991) recently showed, in a Monte-Carlo study, that five conventional estimators of first-order autocorrelation perform poorly for small (< 50) sample sizes. They suggested a modified estimator and a test for autocorrelation. We examine an estimator not considered by Huitema and McKean: the C-statistic (Young, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 12, 293–300, 1941). A Monte-Carlo study of the small sample properties of the C-statistic shows that it performs as well or better than the modified estimator suggested by Huitema and McKean (1991). The C-statistic is also shown to be closely related to the d-statistic of the widely used Durbin-Watson test.  相似文献   

The present study examined the application of elaborative interrogation (EI), a questioning strategy, to ecologically valid classroom contexts. Instruction was provided to individuals, small groups of five, and large groups of 20. Recall performance did not differ as a function of group size. For individuals, small and large groups, EI subjects outperformed repetition control subjects.  相似文献   

Shifting visual focus on the basis of the perceived gaze direction of another person is one form of joint attention. In the present study, we investigated whether this socially relevant form of orienting is reflexive and whether it is influenced by age. Green and Woldorff (Cognition 122:96–101, 2012) argued that rapid cueing effects (i.e., faster responses to validly than to invalidly cued targets) were limited to conditions in which a cue overlapped in time with a target. They attributed slower responses following invalid cues to the time needed to resolve the incongruent spatial information provided by the concurrently presented cue and target. In the present study, we examined the orienting responses of young (18–31 years), young-old (60–74 years), and old-old (75–91 years) adults following uninformative central gaze cues that overlapped in time with the target (Exp. 1) or that were removed prior to target presentation (Exp. 2). When the cue and target overlapped, all three groups localized validly cued targets more quickly than invalidly cued targets, and validity effects emerged earlier for the two younger groups (at 100 ms post-cue-onset) than for the old-old group (at 300 ms post-cue-onset). With a short-duration cue (Exp. 2), validity effects developed rapidly (by 100 ms) for all three groups, suggesting that validity effects resulted from reflexive orienting based on the gaze cue information rather than from cue–target conflict. Thus, although old-old adults may be slow to disengage from persistent gaze cues, attention continues to be reflexively guided by gaze cues late in life.  相似文献   

How fish do geometry in large and in small spaces   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
It has been shown that children and non-human animals seem to integrate geometric and featural information to different extents in order to reorient themselves in environments of different spatial scales. We trained fish (redtail splitfins, Xenotoca eiseni) to reorient to find a corner in a rectangular tank with a distinctive featural cue (a blue wall). Then we tested fish after displacement of the feature on another adjacent wall. In the large enclosure, fish chose the two corners with the feature, and also tended to choose among them the one that maintained the correct arrangement of the featural cue with respect to geometric sense (i.e. left-right position). In contrast, in the small enclosure, fish chose both the two corners with the features and the corner, without any feature, that maintained the correct metric arrangement of the walls with respect to geometric sense. Possible reasons for species differences in the use of geometric and non-geometric information are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of large and small favors on gratitude was tested using a behavioral measure. Participants were 149 undergraduates (120 female, 29 male). Half received raffle tickets for a US$100 prize, and half received tickets for a US$10 prize. Some received tickets from another (fictitious) student, and others received tickets by chance. Participants receiving a favor subsequently distributed more tickets to the other student; participants receiving a more valuable favor also distributed more (ps?<?0.05). Self-reported grateful motivation predicted distribution better than did indebtedness. Grateful motivation mediated the relationship between favor and distribution (p?<?0.05). Results provide validity for a behavioral measure of gratitude, tentatively support favor value as a determinant of gratitude, and further differentiate between gratitude and indebtedness.  相似文献   

Recognition memory for pictures was tested using matrices of 0s and 1s as stimuli in two experiments. In the first experiment dimensionality of matrices was varied (5 X 5 and 10 X 10 matrices). The results showed better recognition memory for 10 X 10 matrices. The second experiment investigated the importance of certain areas, such as center or surround, using 10 X 10 matrices only. The results suggested that neither center nor surround is given unusual weight.  相似文献   

The role of the spatial separation between the ends of a rod and a frame’s inner edge (gap) in modulating the rod-and-frame effect (RFE) has been studied here with frames subtending either large or small retinal angles. With a large frame, rod settings were always in the direction of frame tilt (direct effects) and varied inversely with gap size. With a small frame, rod settings were in the direction of frame tilt for tilts between 7.5° and 15°; with larger frame tilts, rod settings in the direction opposite that of the frame were observed (indirect effects). Increasing gap size produced a tendency toward negativity (away from frame tilt). Consequently, direct effects were larger for small gaps, while the opposite was true for indirect effects. Overall, these results point to the importance of gap size in modulating the RFE, for both large and small displays.  相似文献   

The posterior distribution of the bivariate correlation is analytically derived given a data set wherex is completely observed buty is missing at random for a portion of the sample. Interval estimates of the correlation are then constructed from the posterior distribution in terms of highest density regions (HDRs). Various choices for the form of the prior distribution are explored. For each of these priors, the resulting Bayesian HDRs are compared with each other and with intervals derived from maximum likelihood theory.  相似文献   

A commonly used screening tool for psychopathology, the Brief Symptom Inventory, provides normative data for assessing current mental functioning across multiple domains. Using data from 654 psychiatric inpatients, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were conducted for three scales, Depression, Paranoid Ideation, and Psychoticism. t ratios identified significant group differences on the Depression scale between patients diagnosed with or without depression but no differences on the Paranoid Ideation and Psychoticism scales between patients diagnosed with or without schizophrenia. Area under the curve for Depression was .65, indicating that the scale improved diagnostic prediction somewhat beyond chance; for Paranoid Ideation, the area was .52 and for Psychoticism, the area was .53, indicating that these two scales did not significantly improve diagnostic prediction beyond chance.  相似文献   

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