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The person-by-situation interaction model of anxiety was tested in the reallife setting of an academic examination. Twenty-eight male and 79 female university students served as subjects. State anxiety (A-State) was assessed just prior to the examination (Trial 2) and approximately 1 week before (Trial 1) and after (Trial 3) the examination. Five facets of trait anxiety (A-Trait) were measured in a nonstressful situation 1 week prior to the examination. The subject's cognitive appraisal of the various situations was assessed by a self-report index of the type and degree of threat involved in the situation just experienced. As predicted, a significant A-Trait-by-situation interaction in eliciting A-State was observed for social evaluation A-Trait. There were no interactions for the other, noncongruent facets of trait anxiety. The results also indicated that individuals' perception of situations may be the most important factor affecting reactions to stressful situations. In general, the results were interpreted as providing support for the multidimensionality of A-Trait and further validation of the interaction model of anxiety.  相似文献   

The person by situation interaction model of anxiety was tested in the field setting of a track and field meet. Forty-one male runners served as subjects. State anxiety was assessed just prior to a routine training session and again 2 weeks later just before a meet. Five facets of trait anxiety were measured after the routine training session. As predicted there was a significant interaction between social evaluation trait anxiety and the stressful meet situation. No interactions were observed for the interpersonal, ambiguous, and physical danger facets of trait anxiety. In general, the results supported the interaction model of anxiety.  相似文献   

The possibility of an age-related increase in the capacity of the short-term store was examined in two short-term memory experiments, and an M-operator model was proposed to account for the data. In the first experiment, lists of 8, 10, and 12 consonants were presented to 10-, 12-, and 14-year-olds. Despite the fact that the amount of chunking was monitored and kept constant across ages, there was a definite developmental increase in short-term memory performance. The size of the increase corresponded to the prediction of Pascual-Leone's M-operator theory. An M-operator model was proposed to account for the relation between performance level and list length at each age, as well as the developmental increase. Predictions of adult performance were tested in a second experiment. Together the two experiments show that an important part of short-term memory development can be explained as a growth in short-term store capacity.  相似文献   

One-hundred-five internal and external locus of control subjects attributed responsibility for their positive and negative outcomes on a university examination. Internal and positive outcome subjects attributed responsibility to internal causal factors while external and negative outcome subjects were more external in their causal attributions. Overall ratings of the four causal components ability, effort, task, and luck were not always in accord with the Weiner model two-dimensional classification.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a deficiency in spontaneous strategy use accounts for deaf children's verbal short-term memory performance. Various colors were presented for 3 s each, followed by a 15-s recall delay. The delay was either unfilled, or subjects were induced to rehearse or were prevented from rehearsing. Sixty-four deaf students from oral and total communication settings, 5 to 15 years of age, were tested. The spontaneous rehearsal of both deaf samples seemed to emerge later than the hearing sample's, and it was both inefficiently implemented and less effective in mediating recall than hearing children's. However, when rehearsal was prevented or was induced in all samples, the deaf recalled as well as, or better than, the hearing. Implications discussed include the need to compare both spontaneous and controlled strategy use in developmental memory studies, and the need to provide additional training for deaf children in the strategies of remembering, as opposed to the content material.  相似文献   

Effects of prior observation of modeling performances upon learning simultaneous visual discriminations were studied in nine groups of rats. Stimulus patterns which had been positive (“Cued”) or negative (“Uncued”) for the model animal and novel stimuli were presented. Observers learned faster if discriminations required approach to, rather than avoidance of, the previously positive stimulus. Approach to the negative stimulus was acquired more rapidly only if the second stimulus was novel. Approaches to a substituted new stimulus combined with either of the previously viewed stimulus patterns required nearly twice the training needed for a similar response attachment when both stimuli were novel. Attentional changes appear to underlie the stimulus control exerted over the observer rat in instrumental learning situations.  相似文献   

A point by point examination of Trabasso and Foellinger's paper shows their criticisms of my 1970 work to be based on errors of fact (regarding the data I reported) and errors of method (regarding proper procedures for model evaluation). Factual errors are refuted by summarizing crucial data reported in 1970 but ignored by my critics. Errors of method are refuted by contrasting my CSVIBE model and data with Trabasso and Foellinger's model and data in the light of the scientific epistemology of model evaluation. The issues of “general” versus “local” models, their “empirical scope,” “number of empirical parameters,” and “simplifying assumptions” are examined. Five ways of evaluating models are distinguished, and in all five my 1970 model is shown to be superior to that of Trabasso and Foellinger. The 1970 data (in light of the controls built into the CSVI task) and new unreported data exhibiting developmental step functions confirm the model of a developmental growth of M (mental energy, working memory), which occurs concurrently with and independently from the growth of executive/control structures. Executive growth alone cannot explain the obtained results.  相似文献   

This paper reviews three major classes of structural models of episodic and semantic memory which have been proposed to describe the organization of permanent memory. Although semantic memory workers have developed methods for obtaining representations of these models from empirical data, students of episodic memory generally have not. A method is presented for extracting representations of memory structure using output order information from a free recall learning task. It is shown that this method can be embedded within each of the three general models of memory structure to produce graphic representations of those structures. These representations may be obtained for individuals or for group data, and in some cases the nature and extent of individual differences in organizational structure can be characterized. A final section of the paper demonstrates the validity of the method using both real and simulated data, shows that the method is sensitive even to small differences in organizational structure, and illustrates the utility of this approach with an analysis of part-whole transfer.  相似文献   

Junior kindergarten children, third-grade children, and college students were given a simultaneous pattern discrimination task, with simple and complex patterns, under either unlimited or limited (150 msec) viewing time. Under unlimited viewing, RTs to same patterns were faster than to different patterns for younger children and older males. Under limited viewing, same and different RTs were equivalent, but more errors were made in judging different patterns by all age groups. The RTs were longer to complex than to simple patterns, but the increase was differentially less for the youngest Ss, especially on same pairs. Since this age difference was found under both limited and unlimited viewing, it was not attributable to age differences in perceptual scanning strategies. The same-different asymmetry in RT under unlimited viewing and in error rate under limited viewing confirms across a wide age range previous findings with adults using codable stimuli. A two-process model for same and different judgments appears to be required, although young children may have had a response bias for same in Expt II.  相似文献   

Comprehension of language and visuo-spatial abilities were studied in 12 surgical patients with left cerebral lesions and right-hemisphere speech representation verified by sodium amobarbital tests. When left-hemisphere symptoms preceded the acquisition of speech, impaired understanding of syntactically complex sentences was associated with an early, but not late, onset of convulsive seizures. Other behavioral measures did not show a similar effect of age at seizure onset. Sparing or loss of comprehension could not be related to any aspects of the neurological histories in cases with right-hemisphere speech acquired before the onset of left-hemisphere symptoms. Factors which may have influenced the development of right-hemisphere language comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

This research note raises some concerns about possible alternative explanations to studies using perceptual change as indicative of minority vs majority influence. Having failed to replicate the original study (S. Moscovici & B. Personnaz, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 1980, 16, 270–282), using the same and an alternate measuring procedure, inspection of additional data introduces the role of suspiciousness in explaining this and previous findings. An informal study adds further credence to this explanation.  相似文献   

The generalizability of the Fishbein model for behavior prediction was extended to a new field behavior, alcohol drinking by adolescents. The model's two components (i.e., attitudes and normative beliefs) varied in their predictive importance depending on the behavior's situational context. Following this field demonstration, two issues related to properties affecting the model's predictive effectiveness were investigated. First, it was found that the predictability of alcohol-drinking intentions (BI) declined when attitudes (Aact) and normative beliefs (NB) did not correspond with BI in terms of alcohol type (beer, liquor, or wine) and drinking situation (home, party, or pub). A second experiment tested the hypothesis that exogenous variables (those other than Aact and NB) would have a direct influence on BI. A comprehensive test was provided within the context of Jessor's multivariate predictive system for adolescent alcohol use. Present data indicate only a marginal increase in explained variance occurred when applying this system, thereby generally indicating the sufficiency of the Fishbein model's two components.  相似文献   

Past research suggests that in judging a person's category membership, people largely ignore the population frequency of membership in the category (base rates) in favor of individuating information about the particular person. This study tested the hypothesis that base rates will be utilized to the extent that the usefulness of the individuating information for diagnosing category membership is diminished. Subjects were given problems in which both base rates of membership in each of two categories and individuating information about a target person were presented. Then, in each case, they were asked to assess the probability that the target person belonged to each category. In three sets of problems, the diagnostic usefulness of the individuating information (personality characteristics) was diminished by including individuating information that was either inconsistent or irrelevant, or by increasing the similarity of the two alternative membership categories. In a fourth set of problems, the individualistic information included consistent, relevant personal characteristics and the membership categories were dissimilar. As expected, base rates were used in each of the first three sets of problems but were ignored in the fourth set. The results were interpreted in terms of informational factors that induce a shift away from a habitual, spontaneous reliance on a source of information (e.g., personality traits) for which one has well-developed rules (e.g., intuitive personality theories), and toward a more controlled, deliberate mode of thinking wherein other sources of information (e.g., base rates) are attended to and incorporated into judgment through less frequently used rules (e.g., sampling rules).  相似文献   

Ninety-eight female subjects were presented with a statement made by an attractive or an expert source suggesting that people should sleep less than the usual eight hours. For approximately half of the subjects the source gave a simple statement of opinion, for the other half six separate supporting arguments were also presented. As predicted the manipulation of number of arguments provided had more influence on the effectiveness of the expert than the attractive source. Results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that quite different dynamics underly the persuasive power of attractive and expert individuals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare college students' perceptions of the similarity of occupations with the groupings suggested by Roe (1956). Subjects were 90 male and 99 female university freshmen. Four illustrative titles were selected from five of Roe's eight groups. Subjects were asked to judge the similarity of each of the possible pairs of titles. The results were analyzed using multidimensional scaling procedures. The data provide partial support for Roe's postulated structure, although the subject's perceptions were generally more complex than suggested by Roe. In particular, the hypothesized circumplex arrangement of groups received only limited support.  相似文献   

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