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The delivery of services for people with severe mental illness (SMI) is described as healthcare's most difficult challenge because SMI patients suffer from the combined effects of conditions that have 1) a chronic course, 2) disabling consequences, and 3) a high risk of poverty. The fundamental advantages of managed care for persons with chronic, disabling conditions are discussed along with an examination of how well these assumptions hold in actual practice for persons with SMI. The legal risks assumed by clinicians in managed care are reviewed, including the inherent risk of discriminating against high cost enrollees, such as patients with SMI. Finally, recommendations are made regarding the measures that might be taken to increase the "match" between the principles of managed care and the specialized needs of people with severe mental illness.  相似文献   

Mental health diversion is a process where alternatives to criminal sanctions are made available to persons with mental illness (PMI) who have come into contact with the law. One form of mental health diversion is pre-arrest, in which the police use their discretion in laying charges. Concomitant with the growth of pre-arrest diversion programs is a growing body of research devoted to the phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature of pre-arrest diversion, and to report the results of an international survey of pre-arrest diversion programs we conducted to identify evidence-based practices. On the basis of our review and survey, we note that successful pre-trial programs appear to integrate relevant mental health, substance abuse and criminal justice agencies by having regular meetings between key personnel from the various agencies. Often, a liaison person with a mandate to effect strong leadership plays a key role in the coordination of various agencies. Streamlining services through the creation of an emergency drop-off center with a no-refusal policy for police cases is seen as crucial. While there is some indication that mentally ill offenders benefit from their participation in this form of diversion, the evaluative literature has not yet achieved the "critical mass" necessary to create generalizable, evidence-based knowledge. The absence of generally agreed-upon outcomes could lead to the inequitable application of basic principles of diversion. We suggest that indicators, benchmarks, and outcomes must be agreed upon if a comprehensive understanding of pre-arrest programs is to emerge.  相似文献   

Finlay WM  Lyons E 《心理评价》2001,13(3):319-335
In this article the authors review methodological issues that arise when interviews and self-report questionnaires are used with people with mental retardation and offer suggestions for overcoming some of the difficulties described. Examples are drawn from studies that use qualitative methodology, quantitative studies assessing different question types, and studies reporting on the development of instruments measuring psychiatric symptoms, self-concept, and quality of life. Specific problems that arise with respect to item content (e.g., quantitative judgments, generalizations), question phrasing (e.g., modifiers), response format (e.g., acquiescence, multiple-choice questions), and psychometric properties (factor structure and validity) are discussed. It is argued that because many self-report questionnaires include questions that have been found to be problematic in this population, more attention needs to be paid to establishing the validity of such measures and to clearly defining the population for which the instrument is designed.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an unconventional treatment for mental illness, the exorcism or deliverance ritual used by Pentecostals and some other charismatic Christians. Deliverance beliefs and practices are based on the assumption that both mental and physical ills result from possession of the sufferer by demons, and are to be treated by the expulsion of those demons. Deliverance practitioners claim to treat schizophrenia, ADHD, and Reactive Attachment Disorder, and believe that these problems are related to sins either of the person in treatment or of an ancestor. Clinicians and counsellors dealing with clients who partially or completely espouse deliverance beliefs may need to understand their worldviews and to discuss their belief system before managing to engage them in conventional mental health treatments. Unusual ethical problems may also be met in the course of such work.  相似文献   

Research has found that a substantial proportion of individuals with mental illness have high morbidity and mortality rates, and high under-diagnosis of major physical illnesses. Furthermore, people with a mental illness tend not to seek out or utilise health care services. The reasons for the negative attitudes and behaviour towards health care services among this population have not been investigated. This paper presents findings from a study that investigated the health care service needs of people with mental illness (n = 20), and views from health care providers (n = 16) regarding access to these services by people with a mental illness. Results indicated that psychiatric patients identified a range of barriers to their health care usage and low levels of health care satisfaction. These views were shared with health care professionals. Reasons for these findings and strategies to address these problems so that there is better access to health care services for people with mental illness are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine prejudiced attitudes as a factor associated with social distance from people with mental illness. A total of 289 university students from Greece completed written measures assessing social distance from, prejudiced attitudes about, and familiarity with mental illness. A structural equation model with manifest variables was tested. Participants who reported to be more familiar with mental illness held stronger social care and weaker prejudiced beliefs, and consequently expressed a less strong desire for social distance. Implications of the results and suggestions for future research are outlined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cross-national survey was conducted among 358 recently homeless young people in Melbourne and Los Angeles. Drug dependence and mental illness were assessed at baseline, 6 and 12 months. At each time point, participants were classified as no condition, drug dependent, having a mental illness or dual condition. Low levels of drug dependence or mental illness or both were reported at each data point. Most young people were classified as neither drug dependent nor having mental illness at baseline and remained so for the 12-month period and few remained drug dependent, or had continuing mental illness or both. Half to two-thirds of young people classified as having one or both conditions were subsequently reclassified as "no condition". There was no evidence of a consistent pathway from either drug dependence or mental illness to co-morbidity. Most young people reported an absence of mental illness and/or drug dependence at each time point. Improvement from one or both conditions at each transition suggests it may be more effective to provide interventions to address drug dependence and mental health problems to young people early in their experience of homelessness.  相似文献   

The ways in which the key words "family," "mental illness," and "suicide" are interpreted in the context of research into suicide will influence the formation of theories, the interpretation of results, and the development of suicide prevention strategies. It is argued that there is no general agreement about the meaning of these words.  相似文献   

Presented the structure and implementation of a university-based practicum course on social relationships for people with serious mental illness and college undergraduates. Grounded in an ecological view of social settings, cooperative learning models of education and mutual help principles, the practicum was designed to create a collaborative classroom setting where undergraduates and people with serious mental illness could both develop and enhance their own interpersonal skills and social network ties. The practicum demonstrates how a university can use its resources to help address community needs while simultaneously enhancing its mission of teaching and research. The role of social context in creating collaborative relationships among participants and the use of the university as a community resource are discussed.  相似文献   

Mental illness might be associated with creative achievement among highly functioning people, but with the mentally ill or with ordinary people, there might be a negative relationship. In Study 1, two measures of creativity (preference for complexity and writing stories rated for creativity) were administered to 37 psychotics. The psychotics were found to be less creative than the control group. Study 2 investigated physical illness and its effects on preference for complexity. People (N=80) diagnosed as having influenza decreased in preference for complexity, suggesting a decline in creativity. However, no significant results occurred with regard to complexity preference and diabetes or genital herpes. The results suggest that physical or mental illness may decrease creativity.  相似文献   

An observational approach was employed to investigate the role played by architectural characteristics of supported housing facilities (SHF) in sustaining interactional behavior among people with severe mental illness (SMI) (N = 29) and staff (N = 27). The observations were carried out in dining areas, corridors and outdoor environments of SHF (N = 4). In order to test differences in the observed behaviors two SHFs with high physical‐environment quality (HQ) and two with low physical‐environment quality (LQ) according to the perception of people with SMI were chosen. Results showed that the dining areas of HQ better support social interactions between SHF users. No differences between the housing facilities were found concerning corridors areas, while housing facilities that provided proximity and accessibility to outdoor environments, such as those with HQ, were significantly more supportive for social interactional behavior than LQ housing. These results corroborate previous findings from this project and suggest that the characteristics of the housing design have a significant impact on the use of the environment and on the behavior patterns in the setting.  相似文献   

Emotional Intelligence (EI) and resilience may be considered as prerequisites for mental health professionals caring for patients with serious mental illness (SMI), since they are often exposed to severe emotional stress during daily work. Accordingly, this cross-sectional study assessed both EI and resilience and their interrelationship in 61 individuals belonging to an assertive outreach team for patients suffering from SMI compared 61 control subjects without healthcare-related working conditions. EI was assessed by means of the German version of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso-Emotional-Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), resilience was assessed using the German version of the Resilience Scale. Both groups showed an average level of EI in all categories of the MSCEIT and indicated high levels of resilience. They did not differ significantly from each other, neither in terms of EI nor resilience. Correlation analysis revealed a positive association between EI and resilience, albeit small in magnitude. Our results suggest that mental health professionals are not more resilient and therefore not more ‘protected’ from stressors than the general population. Though this finding warrants cautious interpretation, the positive correlation between EI and resilience suggests that EI may be a potential target for education and training in order to strengthen resilience even in healthy individuals and vice versa.  相似文献   

Rates of rehospitalization of individuals with serious and persistent mental illness were compared prior to and after they were moved into 4-bed corporate foster homes. Results showed a significant drop in the number of rehospitalizations and in the total number of days hospitalized after moving into a 4-bed home. The data suggest that living in a 4-bed home-like environment may result in significantly fewer and shorter hospitalizations for these types of mentally ill individuals.  相似文献   

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