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国外实证性因素分析研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王权 《心理科学》2000,23(3):353-354
1969年瑞典统计学家J¨oreskog在美国的《心理计量学》杂志上发表了“实证性极大似然因素分析的一般方法”一文 ,首先系统地提出了“实证性因素分析”(ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis,CFA)的理论和方法 ,从而使因素分析的研究和应用步入了一个新的发展阶段。八十年代以来 ,一种综合回归分析、路径分析和因素分析的新的统计方法“结构方程模式”(StructuralE quationModeling ,SEM )迅速崛起 ,并相应地推出了LISREL等计算软件。CFA的许多研究成果也同时出现在这些…  相似文献   

1996年9月,经郝瑞教授的举荐,我有幸获得美中学术交流委员会和美国华盛顿大学中国项目的资助,来到华盛顿大学人类学系进行为期一年的访问学习。 了解美国宗教与宗教徒,在离开北京前就列入了计划。当时我想,要了解宗教,也许最好的办法是与信徒生活在一起。我的宗教田野考察就从我住进一位信仰基督教的单身女士安贝SB#相 深入“田野” 第一个星期天,我便迫不及待地要求跟安员到教堂去做礼拜。安贝的教堂名叫西雅图第一自由卫理公会教堂(seattle First Free MethodistChurch),英文简称为FF…  相似文献   

骨折治疗学派BO、CO的发展及BO对CO的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,骨折治疗无论在理论上、原则上、还是方法上 ,各学派竞相发展 ,疗效显著提高。这些学派之间有其相通性、互补性 ,观点日趋接近 ,现阶段理智的临床医生应融汇各家之长 ,多方互补[1] 。以下简要回顾骨折治疗的主要学派BO与CO的发展 ,并探讨CO能从BO的发展中得到哪些启示。1 BO的发展———AO向BO的演变AO(德文Arbeitsgeminschaftf櫣rOsteosynthese_fragen的缩写 )即骨连接研究学会 ,又称瑞士内固定学会 ,英文称ASIF(TheAssociationfortheStud…  相似文献   

试论杜威经验的方法对传统经验概念的重建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《从绝对主义到实验主义》(“FromAbsolutismtoExperimentalism”,ThePhilosophyofJohnDewey,editedwithanIntroductionandCommentary byJohnJ.Mc Dermott,TheUniversityofChicagoand London,1981.以下简称M)是杜威于1930年发表的一篇重要文章。在这篇文章中,杜威仿佛是在撰写自己的精神自传。尤其是,我们从中可以看到杜威哲学真正的起点和发萌。因此,我们对杜威经验…  相似文献   

放弃治疗:ICU病例伦理学会诊见闻   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
放弃治疗———ICU病例伦理学会诊见闻在1997年5月6~7日访问位于休斯敦BaylonColegeofMedicine所属的CenterforMedicalEthicsandHealthPolicy期间,恩格尔哈特教授热情地邀请我参加第二天上午于M...  相似文献   

纳米医学的圣殿   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
纳米科技是一门研究 0 .1~ 10 0nm之间物质的性质和应用的工程技术学科 ,其目标是按人类自己的意志操纵单个原子 ,构造具有特定功能的物质[1] 。早在 1959年著名诺贝尔物理奖获得者Feynman就预言了纳米科技的出现及其美好前景。随着扫描隧道显微镜 (scanningtunnelingmicro scope ,STM )、原子力显微镜 (atomicforcemicro scope ,AFM )、扫描探针显微镜 (scanningprobemi croscope ,SPM )等工具的相继问世 ,纳米科技获得了突飞猛进的发展 ,并交…  相似文献   

检索工效学文献的主要工具──《工效学文摘》管连荣中国科学院心理研究所(北京100012)《工效学文摘》(ErgonomicsAbstracts)由英国工效学信息分析中心(ErgonomicsIn-formationAnalysisCentre,EIA...  相似文献   

大学生皮肤电反应、MMPI及其关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用日产San-eilA97A型脑电图机及MMPI(中国版本)对26名大学生进行了皮肤电反应记录及人格特征的测查。结果表明:(1)普通大学生中皮电基础水平个体差异十分明显。(2)皮电平均每分钟自发波动次数与MMPI中的D、Si、Mas、Cn呈显著正相关,与L、K呈显著负相关。皮电平均每分钟自发波动幅度与F、D、Mas呈显著正相关;与L呈显著负相关。(3)皮电基础水平高组与低组在L、Si、Mas之T分上的差异达显著水平。(4)习惯化倾向差组与优组在K、St、MasT分的差异有显著意义,差组与中组在Si、CnT分上有显著性差异。(5)习惯化倾向差组皮电基础水平较高;优组皮电基础水平较低,两组差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

放弃生命维持疗法准则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
放弃生命维持疗法准则AmericanAcademyofPediatricsCommitteeonBioethics娄长春译多数患病小儿,包括患威胁生命疾病的小儿,都能恢复健康,过着满意的生活。然而,有时随着疾病病程的进展,医护人员和家属可能会考虑继续...  相似文献   

辅助生育技术的发展及其哲学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1978年 7月 2 5日世界上首例经体外受精—胚胎移植 (invitrofertilization -embryotransfer,IVF -ET)形成的试管婴儿—LouiseBrown的诞生为人类生殖的自我调控树立了新的里程碑。近 2 3年来 ,辅助生育技术 (assistedreproductivetechnology ,ART)经历了飞速发展的阶段 ,由IVF -ET派生出许多新的ART已形成人类生殖科技新的发展态势 ,尤其是克隆技术及胚胎干细胞培养技术的突破 ,在生命科学史上具有划时代意义。与此同时 ,也面临着人类生殖技术…  相似文献   

Through direct observation of infants and mothers in an "experimental" nursery, Mahler and her associates have accumulated data which when analyzed point to distinct phases (stages) during the long process of the development of the concepts of self and object. These phases, autism, symbiosis, and separation-individuation (itself subdivided into four subphases, differentiation, practicing, rapprochement, and consolidation of individuation) correspond well with the stages described by Piaget as constituting the period of cognitive growth described as sensorimotor intelligence. The intercorrelation of the phasic development along these two separate lines (objectal-affective and cognitive), expectable as it may be, is of considerable interest as it underlines the intrinsic strength of the psychoanalytic concept of the object. Furthermore, this intercorrelation enhances and enlarges our understanding of the process of consolidation of self and object during the first years of life.  相似文献   

Research in the cognitive dissonance tradition has shown that choosing between two equally attractive alternatives leads to more favorable evaluations of chosen as compared to rejected alternatives (spreading-of-alternatives effect). The present research tested associative self-anchoring as an alternative mechanism for post-decisional changes of implicit evaluations. Specifically, we argue that choosing an object results in the creation of an association between the chosen object and the self. By virtue of this association, implicit evaluations of the self tend to transfer to the chosen object, such that implicit evaluations of the chosen object depend on implicit evaluations of the self. Importantly, this mechanism can lead to ownership-related changes in implicit evaluations even in the absence of cognitive dissonance. Results from four experiments provide converging evidence for these assumptions. Implications for a variety of phenomena are discussed, including cognitive dissonance, the mere ownership effect, the endowment effect, and ingroup favoritism.  相似文献   

Recognizing opportunities to achieve pending goals is an important cognitive ability. But when and how do we recognize that a current situation is especially suited to resuming a past goal? The predictive encoding model suggests pending goals are encoded into memory in association with anticipated environmental features. Optimally, these features are (a) necessary for successful goal satisfaction, (b) distinctive preconditions for expecting a plan to achieve the goal, and (c) described so as to be readily identified in the environment. Later, ordinary perception of features in the environment leads to automatic recognition of opportunities already prepared in memory. Evidence from experimental studies supports this theory, and demonstrates that general preparation can produce apparently novel opportunism. These findings suggest ways to facilitate the recognition of opportunities to satisfy pending goals.  相似文献   

This article presents an understanding of the Rorschach Technique in terms of emergent models from cognitive science. We propose a linkage between cognitive psychology and neuropsychology in understanding the operations that underlie the Rorschach response process. Contemporary information processing models are described. The Rorschach Technique is conceived of as a complex process involving all areas of the cerebral hemispheres, encompassing various aspects of visual attention and perception, object recognition, associative memory, language production, and executive functioning. Exner's model of the response process is delineated, including both Association and Inquiry phases, in terms of requisite underlying neuropsychological abilities and anatomical substrates. The question of the Rorschach Technique's status, utility, and potential as a neuropsychological assessment, tool is discussed. Understanding the Rorschach in terms of contemporary cognitive psychological and neuropsychological models heightens appreciation of the technique's complexity and provides a heuristic and conceptual foundation for empirical research.  相似文献   

The binding problem is considered in terms of how a brain-inspired cognitive system can recognize multiple sensory features from an object which may be among many objects, process those features individually and then bind the multiple features to the object they belong to. The Causal Cognitive Architecture 3 (CCA3) is a brain-inspired cognitive architecture using a multi-dimensional navigation map as its basic store of information, and capable of pre-causal as well as fully causal behavior. Objects within an input sensory scene are segmented, and sensory features (e.g., visual, auditory, etc.) of each segmented object are spatially mapped onto a variety of navigation maps. It is shown that to provide efficient, flexible, causal solutions to real-world problems, it is not sufficient to bind space (i.e., objects spatially) but it is necessary to also bind time (i.e., change and rate of change of objects within a sensory scene). The CCA3 binds both space and time onto a navigation map as physical features, and is better able to function in real-world environments. As the CCA3 is brain-inspired, the Causal Cognitive Architecture can help to better hypothesize and understand biological mammalian brain function, including solutions to the binding problem. The CCA3 architecture allows it to work in different knowledge domains, possess continual lifelong learning, and demonstrate reasonable explainability.  相似文献   

自然物体分类的ERP研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对事物进行分类的能力是人类的一种基本认知功能。该文主要就近年来自然物体分类的事件相关电位(ERP)研究情况进行综述。首先介绍与自然物体分类有关的ERP早晚期成分;接着讨论了快速视觉分类的加工机制,认为前馈机制在这种复杂分类任务的视觉加工过程中起重要作用;最后详细介绍了两个分离的视觉加工机制,认为自然物体的视觉分类在不同时程涉及不同机制:即首先是任务无关的早期知觉加工过程,其次是任务相关的、类别无关的加工机制,与被试的决策有关。也讨论了这两个分离的加工过程涉及的神经基础。  相似文献   

Greg Davis 《Visual cognition》2013,21(3-5):411-430
Many previous studies have found that we can attend pairs of visual features (e.g., colour, orientation) more efficiently when they belong to the same “object” compared to when they belong to separate, neighbouring objects (e.g., Behrmann, Zemel, & Mozer, 1998; Egly, Rafal, & Driver, 1994). This advantage for attending features from the same object may reflect stronger binding between these features than arises for pairs of features belonging to separate objects. However, recent findings described by Davis, Welch, Holmes, and Shepherd (in press) suggest that under specific conditions this same-object advantage can be reversed, such that attention now spreads more readily between features belonging to separate neighbouring objects than between features of the same object. In such cases it would appear that features belonging to separate visual objects are more strongly bound than features of the same object. Here I review these findings and present the results of a new study. Together these data suggest that magnocellular processes in the human visual system bind together features from separate objects, whereas parvocellular processes bind together features from the same object.  相似文献   

A mood induction paradigm was used to examine dysphoria-related changes in two types of cognitive processing in individuals who had previously experienced depression. Formerly depressed patients (n = 23) and never-depressed controls (n = 27) completed the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, a self-report measure of effortful processing, and performed the Implicit Association Test, an automatic-reaction time task that measures evaluative bias, before and after a negative-mood induction. The formerly depressed group showed both an increase in endorsement of dysfunctional attitudes and a more negative evaluative bias for self-relevant information after the induction, relative to controls--however, there was no association between the mood-linked changes observed on these two measures. The shift in evaluative bias shown by the formerly depressed group was similar to that seen in a group of 32 currently depressed individuals. These findings suggest that even a mild negative mood in formerly depressed individuals can reinstate some of the cognitive features observed in depression itself.  相似文献   

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