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Repeated assessments obtained over years can be used to measure individuals' developmental change, whereas repeated assessments obtained over a few weeks can be used to measure individuals' dynamic characteristics. Using data from a burst of measurement embedded in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE; Baltes & Mayer, 1999), we illustrate and examine how long-term changes in cognitive ability are related to short-term changes in cognitive performance, cardiovascular function, and emotional experience. Our findings suggest that "better" cognitive aging over approximately 13 years was associated with greater cognitive plasticity, less cardiovascular lability, and less emotional diversity over approximately 2 weeks at age 90 years. The study highlights the potential benefits of multi-time scale longitudinal designs for the study of individual function and development.  相似文献   

Developmental cognitive neuroscience: progress and potential   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Developmental cognitive neuroscience is an evolving field that investigates the relations between neural and cognitive development. Lying at the intersection of diverse disciplines, work in this area promises to shed light on classic developmental questions, mechanisms subserving developmental change, diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders, and cognitive and neuroscientific topics traditionally considered outside the domain of development. Fundamental questions include: What are the interrelations between developmental changes in the brain (e.g. in connectivity, chemistry, morphology) and developmental changes in children's behavior and cognitive abilities (e.g. representational complexity, ability to sustain selective attention, speed of processing)? Why, and how, is learning enhanced during certain periods in development? How is our knowledge organized, and how does this change with development? We discuss preliminary investigations of such questions and directions for future work.  相似文献   

Stimulus variability and cognitive change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

E. M. Elliott, Cowan, and Valle-Inclan (1998) reported a cross-modal Stroop-like interference effect in adults when an auditory distractor (a color or noncolor word) occurred simultaneously with a color patch to be named. Response times were slower with color as opposed to noncolor distractors. To distinguish two accounts of this phenomenon, we tested 4- to 11-year-olds and adults. The suppression hypothesis posits that the irrelevant word enters a phonological buffer and is injurious to color naming if the participant is unable to suppress its representation in time. The concurrent processing hypothesis states that interference occurs when the distractor and the color name are lexically accessed at the same time. Our finding that the cross-modal Stroop effect occurred in young children even with a distractor presented 500 msec in advance of the color patch favors the suppression account. Development in executive functioning may also contribute to the interference effect's becoming progressively weaker with age.  相似文献   

How do children acquire humankind's remarkable cognitive skills? Why are the abilities children acquire readily, such as native-language fluency, harder for adults? Although attitudes to these questions span the continuum from nativism to learning theory, answers remain elusive. We relate a recent model of language acquisition in childhood to advances in the neuroscience of adult cognitive control, to propose a domain-general shift in the architecture of learning in childhood. The timing of this supports children's imitative, unsupervised learning of social and linguistic conventions before the maturation of cognitive control gives individuals greater self-direction, which causes learning to become less conventionalized and more idiosyncratic. These changes might represent an important adaptation supporting the development and learning of cultural and linguistic conventions.  相似文献   

拖延是指尽管预见到拖延会带来不利后果, 人们仍自愿推迟开始或完成某一计划好的任务。研究表明, 不同文化背景下有15%~20%的成年人存在慢性拖延, 超过70%的学生承认自己存在学业拖延, 部分学生还会形成特质性拖延。严重的拖延不仅影响人们的学业、工作和生活, 甚至还会危害到人们的身心健康。鉴于目前对于拖延产生的核心机制、形成的关键期以及发展认知神经机制还不是很清楚, 本项目拟从拖延的时间决策理论出发, 首先系统探明拖延决策的核心机制, 尤其是远期价值评估、延迟折扣和自我控制能力等在拖延决策过程中的认知加工机制和神经基础; 其次结合行为-环境变量-脑的多模态数据, 从发展角度探究拖延形成的关键期(敏感期)、影响因素以及发展认知神经机制; 最后从行为干预和脑的可塑性角度出发, 试图制定各关键年龄阶段拖延预防与干预的临床方案。本研究的开展对于把握拖延形成的认知机制、神经基础及其发展规律具有重要的科学价值, 对于拖延行为的预防和干预也具有直接的现实意义。  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling procedures were used to investigate developmental changes in the ability to process previously unfamiliar faces. Eighty male subjects, aged 7, 9, 12, or adult, rated the similarity of pairs of faces. The faces were presented to subjects in either the upright or the inverted orientation. Multidimensional scaling analyses suggest that subjects of all ages use similar information in judging the similarity of faces. However, for upright faces, individual subjects under age 10 seem to use fewer features at a time. The results argue against a qualitative shift in face processing at age 10, and suggest that the improvement in face recognition ability noted at this age is due at least in part to an increased ability to consider more features simultaneously.  相似文献   

A multidimensional latent trait model for measuring learning and change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A latent trait model is presented for the repeated measurement of ability based on a multidimensional conceptualization of the change process. A simplex structure is postulated to link item performance under a given measurement condition or occasion to initial ability and to one or more modifiabilities that represent individual differences in change. Since item discriminations are constrained to be equal within a measurement condition, the model belongs to the family of multidimensional Rasch models. Maximum likelihood estimators of the item parameters and abilities are derived, and an example provided that shows good recovery of both item and ability parameters. Properties of the model are explored, particularly for several classical issues in measuring change.  相似文献   

Developmental functions for speeds of cognitive processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Experiment 1, 8- to 21-year-olds were tested on a visual search task in which they determined whether a target digit was present in a set of one to five digits and a memory search task in which they determined whether a target digit was a member of a previously presented set of one to five digits. Increases with age in speeds of visual and memory search were both described well by exponential functions, and the rate of developmental change was similar for the two processes. In Experiment 2, 8- to 22-year-olds were tested on a memory search task, a mental rotation task in which they judged whether a stimulus presented in various orientations was a letter or a mirror image of a letter, an analogical reasoning task in which they judged whether sets of pictures were related to one another according to the same rule, and a mental addition task in which they judged the accuracy of problems such as 2 + 3 = 6. Here, too, for three of the four tasks developmental change was described well by exponential functions with a common rate of change. Results are interpreted in terms of a central mechanism that limits speeded performance and that changes with age.  相似文献   

詹沛达  陈平  边玉芳 《心理学报》2016,48(10):1347-1356
随着人们对测验反馈结果精细化的需求逐渐提高, 具有认知诊断功能的测量方法逐渐受到人们的关注。在认知诊断模型(CDMs)闪耀着光芒的同时, 另一类能够在连续量尺上提供精细反馈的多维IRT模型(MIRTMs)似乎受到些许冷落。为探究MIRTMs潜在的认知诊断功能, 本文以补偿模型为视角, 聚焦于分别属于MIRTMs的多维两参数logistic模型(M2PLM)和属于CDMs的线性logistic模型(LLM); 之后为使两者具有可比性, 可对补偿M2PLM引入验证性矩阵(Q矩阵)来界定题目与维度之间的关系, 进而得到验证性的补偿M2PLM (CC-M2PLM), 并通过把潜在特质按切点划分为跨界属性, 以期使CC-M2PLM展现出其本应具有的认知诊断功能; 预研究表明logistic量尺上的0点可作为相对合理的切点; 然后, 通过模拟研究对比探究CC-M2PLM和LLM的认知诊断功能, 结果表明CC-M2PLM可用于分析诊断测验数据, 且认知诊断功能与直接使用LLM的效果相当; 最后, 以两则实证数据为例来说明CC-M2PLM在实际诊断测验分析中的可行性。  相似文献   

We studied developmental changes in the relation between cognitive style (i.e., attributional style and cognitive errors) and depression in children. Subjects included 409 fourth-, sixth-, and eighth-grade school children. We hypothesized (1) that evidence congruent with a cognitive diathesis model of depression would emerge with development across middle childhood, (2) that Event × Cognitive Style × Age interactions would be specific to some domains of stressful events but not others, and (3) that interactions would be especially prominent in domains that children regarded as personally important. Hierarchical multiple regressions indicated that cognitive style moderated the relation between events and self-reported depressive symptoms only in later childhood, and that such interactions were specific to certain domains of stressful events and cognitions. The importance of distinguishing among types of stress and cognitions in future tests of diathesis-stress models of childhood depression are discussed. Implications of developmental differences in the psychopathology of child depression also emerge.  相似文献   

Report accuracy of horizontally arranged letter sequences was measured for second-grade children and adults using a tachistoscopic single report procedure. Results indicated age differences in both the amount of information encoded out of visual sensory store and in the magnitude of left-right visual field differences. However, large age differences in amount of encoded information were also present under conditions which served to reduce left-right visual-field asymmetries in report accuracy. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for using a left-to-right cognitive trace scanning explanation to account for age differences in encoding efficiency.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported which utilize the five-term transitive inference task developed by P. E. Bryant and T. Trabasso (Nature (London) 1971, 232, 456–458). In Experiment I, preschool children (mean age = 4 years 8 months) required fewer trials to learn the premises and showed a higher proportion of correct responses on the inferences when the presentation order was serial (i.e., AB, BC, CD, DE) throughout training as compared to when a nonserial presentation order (i.e., BC, DE, AB, CD) was used. In Experiments II and III, preschool (mean age = 4 years 7 months), second grade (mean age = 7 years 8 months), fourth grade (mean age = 9 years 9 months), and college students (mean age = 18 years 11 months) were administered the nonserial presentation version of the five-term transitive inference. An ontogenetic decrease in trials to learn the premises and corresponding increase in proportion correct on both premises and inferences was observed. A developmental model specifying changes at two stages of constructing an internal linear order is proposed to explain the results.  相似文献   

The developmental change in subjective probability during adolescence, an important period for establishing the probability concept, was investigated. 75 Japanese adolescents, from 12 to 23 yr. of age, were asked to make probability judgments for a lottery under 15 conditions. Analysis showed that with increase in age their subjective probability came closer to the objective probability. Discussion of these results took into consideration recent studies on the development of the concept of probability.  相似文献   

We review recent advances in the understanding of the mechanisms of change that underlie cognitive development. We begin by describing error-driven, self-organizing and constructivist learning systems. These powerful mechanisms can be constrained by intrinsic factors, other brain systems and/or the physical and social environment of the developing child. The results of constrained learning are representations that themselves are transformed during development. One type of transformation involves the increasing specialization and localization of representations, resulting in a neurocognitive system with more dissociated streams of processing with complementary computational functions. In human development, integration between such streams of processing might occur through the mediation of language.  相似文献   

In the light of recent research concerned with children's understanding of mind, a study was conducted in order to test the hypotheses (a) that only older children (i.e., 8-year-olds) would understand that emotional states can influence cognitive performance, but (b) that both older and younger children (i.e., 5- and 8-year-olds) would understand its influence upon cognitive motivation. Children were explicitly questioned about the consequences for cognition and motivation of negative affect. Results based on children's predictions and justifications provided substantial support for the hypotheses.Sincere thanks are extended to the teachers and children of Hillside Infant and Junior Schools and Frithwood Primary School, Northwood, Middlesex. We wish also to express our gratitude to two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

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