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This paper presents the author's view of why the promise for education visualized by early behavioral researchers is as yet unrealized. It points out that behavior analysis has had an important impact on special education but has had much less influence on teaching practice in regular classrooms. This is not seen as the fault of educators who have failed to embrace procedures developed by behavior analysts. Rather, the author contends, behavior analysts have failed to develop procedures that fit the ecology of the regular classroom. Those developed often require too much additional effort thereby punishing those who attempt their use. Another factor hindering widespread adoption is that behavior analysts have failed to disseminate their procedures and have not participated widely in undergraduate training of teachers. The paper concludes by noting that our success in special education provides a model for behavior analysts interested in regular education. By developing procedures that result in increased academic performance for entire classrooms without punishing the teachers who implement them, by making those procedures available commercially and by publishing in journals teachers read, and finally by participating more widely in undergraduate training, the unfulfilled dream of what behavior analysis has to offer education can be achieved.  相似文献   

Structure building refers to the way in which people construct meaning from incoming information by creating a foundation of mental nodes, mapping incoming information to the foundational structure, and shifting to a new structure when necessary. Structure building ability has been shown to moderate learning both in laboratory-based and classroom-based research (e.g., use of outlines for effective note-taking and course final grades, respectively). However, measurement of structure building can be resource intensive. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate a shortened, scalable measure of structure building (developed by a textbook publisher) in a real-world context. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this tool, embedded in the online ancillary materials accompanying a textbook, can be used to measure a variable that is relevant to students' learning in introductory psychology courses.  相似文献   

The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a popular group contingency implemented to decrease disruptive behavior in classrooms. However, despite numerous replications of the GBG, there are few direct comparisons evaluating the effectiveness of specific components of the GBG. In the present study, we directly compared the type of feedback delivered during the GBG on the effectiveness of the GBG to reduce disruptive behavior in two preschool classrooms. Results showed that delivering vocal feedback (e.g., “raise your hand”) alone or in combination with visual feedback (i.e., hatch marks) was superior to no feedback or visual feedback alone during the GBG. These results suggest that different variations of the GBG are not equally effective and that a collection of effective procedural variations from which teachers can choose would be beneficial.  相似文献   

We examined college students' participation in a game activity for studying course material on their subsequent quiz performance. Game conditions were alternated with another activity counterbalanced across two groups of students in a multielement design. Overall, the mean percentage correct on quizzes was higher during the game condition than in the no-game condition.  相似文献   

The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a group contingency that reduces disruption and increases engagement in various contexts. In recent years, researchers have extended the GBG in at least 3 ways: (a) demonstrating its efficacy with novel populations, settings, and behaviors, (b) examining procedural variations that improve contextual fit, and (c) using more comprehensive data collection methods to explore the behavior of individual students and indirect effects. The purpose of the current review is to summarize recent advances, discuss implications of recent studies and potential mechanisms for the general efficacy of the GBG, and suggest future directions.  相似文献   

Situation Awareness (SA) has been studied in many dynamic environments such as aviation.transportation, and medicine, but has not been extensively applied to sporting environments. Research from other areas suggests that SA is an important aspect of successful performance. The objectives of this scoping review were to identify what types of SA frameworks are used in sports, what methods are used to directly assess SA in sports, and what are the cognitive skills that have been linked to SA in sports. Seven databases were searched for peer-reviewed papers examining SA in a sporting context. The literature search revealed a scarcity of studies that directly describe SA within a sporting context. The most common frameworks described in the sporting literature were the three-level framework and Distributed Situation Awareness. The direct methods of measuring SA in sports varied and included the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT), Cognition Self-Assessment Tool (CSAT), and Random Number Cognition Test (RANCT) tools. Lastly, the cognitive skills linked to SA in sports included visual behaviours, anticipation, and decision-making. After evaluating the research, we argue there is potential benefit in applying SA to a sporting context but there are, currently, issues of validity and reliability in how SA is described and assessed in sports. Suggestions are made for how we might advance in this field of research.  相似文献   

Both teacher and parent delivered consequences have been shown to be effective in improving the classroom behavior of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, there is a delay between the behavior and delivery of parent provided consequences. The delay may make the consequences less salient and effective, for children with ADHD. The current study compared the effectiveness of parent delivered consequences (PC) to teacher delivered consequences (TC) for increasing academic performance and appropriate classroom behavior in African American, low income, elementary students with ADHD. Results indicate that the two interventions are equally effective in improving children's on-task behavior and classwork productivity.  相似文献   

Interteaching is a new method of classroom instruction that is based on behavioral principles but offers more flexibility than other behaviorally based methods. We examined the effectiveness of interteaching relative to a traditional form of classroom instruction-the lecture. In Study 1, participants in a graduate course in special education took short quizzes after alternating conditions of interteaching and lecture. Quiz scores following interteaching were higher than quiz scores following lecture, although both methods improved performance relative to pretest measures. In Study 2, we also alternated interteaching and lecture but counterbalanced the conditions across two sections of an undergraduate research methods class. After each unit of information, participants from both sections took the same test. Again, test scores following interteaching were higher than test scores following lecture. In addition, students correctly answered more interteaching-based questions than lecture-based questions on a cumulative final test. In both studies, the majority of students reported a preference for interteaching relative to traditional lecture. In sum, the results suggest that interteaching may be an effective alternative to traditional lecture-based methods of instruction.  相似文献   

文章描述了一名大专女生的人格特点,分析了其人格结构及其人格形成的原因,并对其人格进行了预测,提出了解决其人格问题的策略。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of response cards on student quiz scores and participation in an upper division undergraduate course at a small, private university. Results showed that response cards increased both quiz scores and student participation. In addition, a measure of the social validity of the response-card procedure suggested that students approved of the use of the cards.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of teacher public (i.e., loud) and private (i.e., quiet) praise on students' appropriately engaged behavior (AEB) and disruptive behaviors (DB). Employing a combined multiple-baseline withdrawal design, the effects of loud and quiet praise were assessed across two pairs of secondary classrooms. Each classroom's mean percentage of observed intervals of AEB and DB across loud and quiet praise intervention phases was assessed and compared. Overall, visual analysis of the data, multilevel modeling, and effect sizes showed that both loud and quiet praises were more effective than no treatment at increasing AEB and decreasing DB. In addition, there were no statistical or clinically significant differences between the loud and quiet praise interventions. The results are discussed in light of appropriate practices and controversies in the literature.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge monitoring is critical to the learning process, as it allows one to regulate studying and test preparation. Thus, a number of investigations have attempted to improve metacognition in the classroom, with the ultimate goal of improving student exam performance. However, such interventions have had inconsistent success using varying paradigms. We compared the effectiveness of five interventions aimed at improving prediction accuracy in a laboratory environment: review, salient feedback, motivation warning lecture, incentives, and reflection. Only the salient feedback and the motivation warning lecture interventions significantly improved participants' prediction accuracy from test 1 to test 2. Review, incentives, and reflection did not improve predictive or postdictive calibration. Well‐timed salient feedback and a lecture warning students not to be biased by desired grades were effective methods of improving calibration accuracy. Results offer effective interventions to improve metacognition that could be used in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

Stigma can have detrimental effects on the health and wellbeing of individuals living with a mental illness. This scoping review describes the nature, range, and extent of intervention research aimed at reducing public and self-stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context. The review was guided by Arksey and O’Malley’s framework. A search of databases and relevant websites identified 35 primary studies. Most studies used quantitative research methods and included predominantly youth or middle-aged adults, women, and white Canadian-born people. Guided by different conceptualizations of stigma, direct or indirect contact, education, and advocacy-focused interventions, aimed to provide information, and/or develop skills to address self and public stigma. Most studies evaluated interventions’ effectiveness short-term. Of the few studies that followed-up participants long-term, some were able to reduce stigmatizing attitudes post-intervention, however, these targeted only specific groups such as students or health care professionals. Lack of diversity among the samples, and limited evidence of long-term effectiveness of interventions, were some of the studies’ limitations. What is currently known about interventions aimed at reducing the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context is not informed by research among vulnerable groups, such as people living with a mental illness, older adults, immigrants, and people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Interventions that are informed by clear conceptualizations of stigma and rigorously evaluated in a range of ethno-cultural groups would create a knowledge base that is useful for policy-makers, community leaders, and agencies serving various ethnic communities in Canada.  相似文献   

本文是一例女大学生因怀疑自己口臭、担心肠蠕动的声音像放屁声,因表现为在人多的场所感到紧张、不断地吞口水,回避人多的场所等症状的心理咨询案例。分析了求助者的生物学层面、社会层面和心理层面的相关资料,结合SCL-90、SAS、SDS的测验结果,分别做出了诊断和鉴别诊断。采用认知行为疗法和暴露疗法对来访者做了有效干预和治疗。根据求助者自我评估、咨询师评定、心理测验结果证明本咨询为有效咨询。  相似文献   

扩招以来,医学院校新增专业大量增加,其增加量主要集中在投入相对较少的非医学学科门类,突显医学院校专业设置的功利化倾向,急功近利,追求大而全,脱离办学条件,淡化行业特色.这种发展趋势导致医学院校规模迅速扩大,基本办学条件不足,师资队伍结构失衡,教学基本建设滞后,医学教育发展受到冲击,毕业生竞争力不足.  相似文献   

高职学生心理健康问题研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
邱开金 《心理科学》2007,30(2):444-446
高职学生是中国高校学生中的一个特殊群体。职业化教育模式影响下的高职学生.面对的是学历教育与职业教育并举的教育,职业心理和学习心理折射出高职学生在职业定势、学习动机、成才抱负、人际关系、青春期回应等方面的诸多心理健康问题。本研究从问卷探源到本质归因,提出高职学生心理健康教育问题的具体应对策略和思考。  相似文献   

This article focuses on Reflective Structured Dialogue as a set of practices developed in the context of conflict resolution that are well suited to handling quotidian uneasiness and extraordinary moments of disruption in religious studies classrooms. After introducing Reflective Structured Dialogue's history, goals, and general practices, the authors consider its uses in classroom settings. They argue that a classroom in which teachers understand themselves as facilitators, and in which students are experienced in structured dialogue practices – including being comfortable in a state of intellectual “wobble” – is one more apt to be able to engage with, and more likely to benefit from, disruptive events.  相似文献   

Although prevalence rates vary, 6% to 28% of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs) engage in inappropriate sexual behavior (ISB), ranging from public masturbation to sexually aggressive behavior. Along with increased risk for contacting the criminal justice system, people with IDDs who display ISB may encounter negative social consequences, restricted community access and barriers to independence, and a variety of counter-therapeutic outcomes. The purpose of the present review is to highlight recent, efficacious behavior-analytic treatments for ISB in individuals with IDDs. Ethical considerations and areas for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted a scoping review to characterize the role of caregiver involvement in behavior-analytic research. We reviewed eight behavioral-learning journals from 2011–2022 for works that included children or caregivers as participants and characterized caregiver involvement as passive (implications for caregivers, input, social validity) and active (implementation, caregiver behavior, training, caregiver-collected data). The review identified 228 studies, and almost all (96.1%; n = 219) involved caregivers in some capacity; 94.3% (n = 215) had passive involvement (26.8% had only passive involvement; n = 61), 69.3% (n = 158) had active involvement (1.8% had only active involvement; n = 4), and 3.9% (n = 9) had neither passive nor active involvement. Involvement generally increased over publication years. The most common types of involvement were implications for caregivers, implementation, and input; caregiver-collected data were rare. We propose considerations when engaging caregivers in research and suggest new avenues of inquiry related to caregivers' treatment objectives and social validity, treatment implementers, and caregiver-collected data.  相似文献   

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