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论寿命学:2.梦想与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人类最大寿命的相对有限性为基础,论述现阶段延长人类寿命面临的问题以及人类最大寿限演化的远景并着重指出依靠现行医疗模式延寿潜力的有限性以及改变医疗保健观念与运行体系的必要性。  相似文献   

试论人体营养不全及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据一些自然现象与地理因素以及人们生活习惯,对目前人体营养状况作一粗略分析,提出了一新论点:“人类处于营养不全状态,人类的生命活动及以生理性或没程度的病理必代偿的方式来维持”。进而讨论了营养不全对寿命的影响,认为营养不全是疾病产生,寿命受损的重要因素。  相似文献   

“健康老龄化”的探索中, 指标的定义至关重要。“生命质量”综合了生理、心理、社会、环境等多维度指标, 优于“预期寿命”、“健康预期寿命”等传统概念, 其定义在发展中被广为接受, 强调个体自评的主观性、可塑性和多维度。促进积极心理因素的干预是改善老年生命质量的有效路径。老龄化过程虽必然伴随生理系统衰退, 但心理系统积极参与, 仍能为年长者奏响生命质量的凯歌。  相似文献   

繁殖力受三个方面的因素制约,即寿命、形体和食物链的位置.寿命越长,繁殖力越弱;形体越大,繁殖力越弱;在食物链的位置越高,繁殖力越弱.繁殖力制约法则是维持生物界物种平衡和多样性的基本法则.现在的肿瘤生长理论中,肿瘤细胞一方面“抗凋亡”,另一方面却不断增殖,显然与这一法则相矛盾.  相似文献   

生命退化是指生命系统从有序到无序或从高有序度到低有序度的转化趋势和过程,主要表现为物种数量减少、种群寿命缩短和个体衰老死亡.关于生命退化的原因,自然科学认为是自然规律和天灾人祸使然,宗教神学认为是人的犯罪和神的惩罚所致,哲学认为是自然、社会和神是的交互影响.生命退化论对人类具有启示和警示的积极作用,可是人们对它一直存在着认识上的误解和价值取向上的误区.  相似文献   

膳食营养结构与疾病发病率之间存在密切的联系.从改革开放前后的对比来看,近30多年来我国人均预期寿命增长明显放缓.究其原因,除了医保缺失和生存环境压力加大以外,国民膳食结构的急剧转换也是重要因素之一:与居民饮食结构由“一高三低型”向“三高一低型”快速转变相伴随的,是慢性病的发病率大幅度上升.  相似文献   

膳食营养结构与疾病发病率之间存在密切的联系。从改革开放前后的对比来看,近30多年来我国人均预期寿命增长明显放缓。究其原因,除了医保缺失和生存环境压力加大以外,国民膳食结构的急剧转换也是重要因素之一:与居民饮食结构由"一高三低型"向"三高一低型"快速转变相伴随的,是慢性病的发病率大幅度上升。  相似文献   

1982-2007年我国人口老龄化原因的人口学因素分解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980年代以来我国人口老龄化水平持续快速升高.采用假设模拟方法再现1982-2007年人口发展进程,考察相关人口学变量对人口老龄化的影响,结论是:生育率下降对老龄化水平升高的贡献率为27.11%,平均预期寿命延长的贡献率为18.67%,人口惯性作用的贡献率为56.06%.  相似文献   

正我们日常使用的家电、汽车等机器,寿命一般不会超过十五年。从某种意义上说,人体也是一部机器,而且寿命还挺长。为什么由骨骼、肌肉、经络等相对柔软的零部件组成的机器,要比用坚硬的金属零部件组成的机器寿命更长呢?最重要的原因就是:人体这部机器同时还是生命体,肌体细胞能够自我修复更新,通过不停地更新换代吐故纳新,来维持生命。这一点是金属机器望尘莫及  相似文献   

一位朋友曾经告诉我,因为狗的寿命很少有长过主人的,因此当你把宠物愉快地带回家时,你同时也种下了一颗回忆生命的美好种子。我一直对此不以为然。当年我们把可爱的达克斯猎犬——卡尔带回家的时候,它才六周大。卡尔现在已经12岁半,因为生病它变得非常虚弱,已经没有力气到门口迎接我。对于它的离开,我已经做好了思想准备。  相似文献   

Play is part of people's lives. Across the life span, play is viewed as central to healthy growth and development, although how individuals play and what play means to them changes with different stages of life. In this qualitative study using photo elicitation, children, college students, and retirees photographed 9 play concepts (connection, creativity, discovery, freedom, fun, growth, inner self, risk, and play as an overarching concept). The thematic analysis showed convergent (each theme within the concepts of discovery, freedom, growth, inner self, and play were represented by all groups) and divergent (within the concepts of connection, creativity, fun, and risk) conceptualizations of play concepts across the life span. Implications for working with all groups are also discussed.  相似文献   

Meaning in life is thought to be important to well-being throughout the human life span. We assessed the structure, levels, and correlates of the presence of meaning in life, and the search for meaning, within four life stage groups: emerging adulthood, young adulthood, middle-age adulthood, and older adulthood. Results from a sample of Internet users (N = 8756) demonstrated the structural invariance of the meaning measure used across life stages. Those at later life stages generally reported a greater presence of meaning in their lives, whereas those at earlier life stages reported higher levels of searching for meaning. Correlations revealed that the presence of meaning has similar relations to well-being across life stages, whereas searching for meaning is more strongly associated with well-being deficits at later life stages.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the life spans in two lines of mice selectively bred for high (Turku Aggressive, TA) and low (Turku Nonaggressive, TNA) levels of aggression. The maintained parental Swiss albino strain (N), normally distributed with regard to aggression, served as a control line. It was found that the TNA males had a significantly shorter life span than the other lines of mice of both sexes. The relative early death of the TNA males was discussed in terms of male age-related decline of inherited low levels of catecholamine and androgenous hormone concentrations. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Professional counselors must understand both psychological and neurological factors that impact human development across the life span. Despite an emerging body of literature about neurocounseling, little is known about how to integrate this information into supervision or the counseling curriculum. This article provides an overview of neuroscience topics applicable to professional counselors and recommendations for learning about neurocounseling.  相似文献   

Research in life span development suggests that middle adulthood is a time of stability, discovery, and psychosocial growth. This review applies the life span developmental perspective to advance counselors’ understanding of psychosocial development during middle adulthood, specifically, midlife adults’ sense of self, perceptions of aging, developmental tasks, and contexts.  相似文献   

性是人类生命的道德伤口。性是生命的核、质与根。人类掩藏性的信息,给生命以最大的神学、美学和伦理学的空间;也同时用潜伏的原理忧挂生命发生的神秘和戏剧性;性爱和情爱的形式改变了忏悔的精神说教,与科学实践、生活实践相结合,面临如何延续生命又如何避免蒙受尊严丧失的屈辱。  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested strategies in the spiritual domain for improving wellness. This study explored relationships among spirituality, religiosity, and wellness for poor, rural women in early adulthood, early–middle adulthood, and middle–later adulthood. Implications for evidence‐based strategies to improve wellness for poor, rural women across the life span are provided.  相似文献   

Interviews of productive counselors usually do not capture their adult life span in depth. This article examines the life of a prolific counselor over 5 decades in context and through the theories of personal and career development formulated by Erikson ( 1994 ) and Super ( 1980 ). It looks biographically at his life and its challenges as well as resolutions to difficulties he faced in the process. Lessons that have universal application are highlighted.  相似文献   

Body image across the adult life span: stability and change   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
Tiggemann M 《Body image》2004,1(1):29-41
By far, the majority of studies investigating body image in adults have drawn samples from college populations within a very narrow age range. The purpose of the present paper is to review empirical research on the body image of adults older than the typical college student. There are marked changes in appearance across the adult life span, especially for women, which lead to the expectation of concomitant changes in body image. In fact, the review found that body dissatisfaction was remarkably stable across the adult life span for women, at least until they are quite elderly. In contrast, the importance of body shape, weight and appearance decreased as women aged, underscoring an important distinction between evaluation and importance of the body. However, there are many large gaps and limitations in the current literature that will need to be addressed before a more complete understanding of the development of body image across the adult life span is achieved.  相似文献   

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