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In West Africa kinship is a very important aspect of social organization; it is a hierarchical system which functions as the domestic group and in the wider realm of politico-jural and economic relations. The individual is constituted through the kinship group. It is suggested that family therapy, especially structural family therapy, may be suitable as a treatment technique in such non-individualistic societies. A case example is given to illustrate how this understanding can lead to successful therapy.  相似文献   

This paper describes an important recent development in American family therapy. Medical family therapy uses a biopsychosocial systems model to work with families who have a member with a chronic illness or disability. The authors maintain that family therapy has tended to embrace the mind–body split and to view itself too narrowly as a mental health specialty. Medical family therapists work collaboratively with physicians and other health professionals to help families achieve a sense of agency and communion in facing some of the greatest challenges that life brings.  相似文献   

This study explores students' attitudes about personal therapy as a component of training and assesses the effects of providing a list of community therapist who were willing to see family therapy graduate students at a reduced fee on students' behaviors. Students' personal therapy experiences and attitudes about faculty involvement in their personal lives were also investigated. Most students believe that student therapists should have personal therapy sometime during their training, and the majority of students had al-ready been in therapy. Individual issues and relationship problems were the most frequently cited reasons for starting personal therapy.  相似文献   

Four major paradigms of family therapy are contrasted: affective-experiential, structural, strategic and Milan. The differences are defined according to the way in which therapists think and behave in relation to their premises about change, and they are discussed under the following headings: historical roots and understanding of symptom formation; therapists' stance and techniques used in change; focus, goals and locus of change; and time perspective in change. Some suggestions are made with regard to training family therapists based on the differences that emerge when contrasting these models of family therapy.  相似文献   

Psychotherapists may find the study of foreign languages valuable in understanding the cultural psychology of relationships. The logic and grammar of the language used to form relationships may offer some insight into how relationships breakdown and can be restored in psychotherapy. Language and thought are inseparable in the Whorf and Sapir hypothesis.This paper illustrates how other-centeredness, indirection, indecision, and apology are embedded in Japanese grammar and become the foundation for Japanese relationships. Two other central ideas of Japanese culture,Amae (interdependency) andOmote/Ura (public and private selves), are also presented with implications for presenting complaints, therapeutic relationships, and treatment techniques.Revised version of a paper presented at the American Family Therapy Assoc, Washington, DC, June, 1986.  相似文献   

Inclusion of children in the treatment process is a central aspect of the discipline of family therapy. Young children's verbal skill and level of abstraction may not be suited to ‘talking therapy’, but they have an intuitive grasp of family life which is invaluable, and their views and needs should be considered when effecting change in the family system. A method is offered to engage young children, adolescents and adults of divergent verbal skills into a shared process. It requires no special set‐up or tools, only paper and markers. Distance and proximity are represented in a simple map of the family, adding symbols for affection and conflict. A spatial representation of the family system is created, and may be referred to in the course of the therapy.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of family therapy is assessed in a meta-analysis of 19 studies. At post-treatment, the average patient with family therapy is better off than 76% of the patients with an alternative treatment, a minimal treatment or no treatment. This effect is comparable to that assessed of other psycho-therapies at post-treatment. Our data suggest, that the effect of family therapy increases during the first year after treatment, but that the effect may diminish sharply 18 months after the end of therapy. However, more studies with extended follow-ups will be needed before firm conclusions about the long-term effectiveness of family therapy can be advanced.  相似文献   

Treating severely disturbed adolescents in a residential setting without including the family seems impossible. Several ways of letting the family participate in the clinical treatment are discussed. The focus of this article lies in multiple family therapy: groups of family members, adolescents and staff are treating each other. The objects of these meetings are manifold: to modify the stereotyped views that all the participants have of each other, to reduce the isolation of the family which is created by their child's admission, to stimulate interaction and mutual correction between family members, adolescents and staff, and to create a warm-up for and understanding of family system therapy. These multiple family sessions, which take place in a clinic with sixty disturbed adolescents, have a strong influence on the entire therapeutic process. Their impact is felt in the group psychotherapy, psychodrama and other forms of therapy.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between therapist verbal behavior and family cooperation and resistance during the second session of family therapy with juvenile delinquents. Sequential analysis was used to investigate the impact of one therapist's behavior on family resistance and cooperation in a sample of 12 families. The results of the sequential analysis revealed that therapist “support” and “teach” behaviors were associated with significant increases in the likelihood of family cooperation. The study provides an example of how sequential analysis can be used to inform family therapists about the impact of their behavior on families.  相似文献   

The utilization of the research process as an intervention has recently been described in the family therapy literature. However, it is important to draw a distinction between research as intervention and research as a unique family therapy intervention technique. From a family systems perspective, research as an intervention technique may make therapy more palatable for some families. A case study is presented in which this technique created the context for change for a family involved in a chronic illness research project.The author would like to thank Dr. Wendy L. Watson for her participation as a member of the clinical team and Drs. Fabie Duhamel and Wendy L. Watson for their helpful critiques on earlier drafts of this paper.Supported by a grant from the Albert Foundation for Nursing Research.  相似文献   

This article sets out to redress the relative neglect of the client-centred tradition within family therapy. A review of the limited literature emanating from both client-centred therapy and family therapy is provided, supported by a commentary. An argument is made for the relevance of client-centred principles in responding to contemporary concerns about disrespectful practice.  相似文献   

Tom Andersen's Reflecting Team approach is widely (and creatively) employed in family therapy. Despite continuing enthusiasm for the practice, however, there are few journal articles reporting empirical research and only one (now dated) review of the literature. After defining reflecting team processes through practices that are embedded in particular approaches to knowledge construction and theoretical interpretation, we offer an overview of the empirical research found in our search of the literature. In the second half of this article we ask why there is so little existing research in this area. Various possible explanations are explored and future directions proposed. We conclude that a dialogue around the complex interweaving of practice, theory and research (that is, praxis) would be a helpful overall stance to adopt in relation to future work in this area.  相似文献   

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