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Equations were developed to predict the apparent motion of a physically stationary object resulting from head movement as a function of errors in the perceived distances of the object or of its parts. These equations, which specify the apparent motion in terms of relative and common components, were applied to the results of two experiments. In the experiments, the perceived slant of an object was varied with respect to its physical slant by means of perspective cues. In Experiment I, O reported the apparent motion and apparent distance of each end of the object independently. The results are consistent with the equations in terms of apparent relative motion, but not in terms of apparent common motion. The latter results are attributed to the tendency for apparent relative motion to dominate apparent common motion when both are present simultaneously. In Experiment II, a direct report of apparent relative motion (in this case, apparent rotation) was obtained for illusory slants of a physically frontoparallel object. It was found that apparent rotations in the predicted direction occurred as a result of head motion, even though under these conditions no rotary motion was present on the retina.  相似文献   

A curvilinear relationship between texture and perceived length was investigated in. two experiments. In Experiment 1 the perceived lengths of four grades of emery cloth and an untextured stimulus were compared in a forced-choice procedure. Generally, as predicted, fine-texture stimuli were perceived as longer than coarse-textured stimuli. Experiment 2 attempted to modify the biasing effect of texture by employing preliminary training with fine or coarse textures. Although unsuccessful in modifying the bias, the curvilinear relationship between texture and perceived length was agmn supported. Some implications for constructing teaching materials for the blind are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of perceived motion-in-depth on temporal interval perception. We required subjects to estimate the length of a short empty interval starting from the offset of a first marker and ending with the onset of a second marker. The size of the markers was manipulated so that the subjects perceived a visual object as approaching or receding. We demonstrated that the empty intervals between markers was perceived as taking shorter to view when the object was perceived as approaching than when it was perceived as receding. We found in addition that the motion-in-depth effect disappeared when the shape continuity between the first and second marker was broken or when the object approached but missed the face. We conclude that anticipated collision of an approaching object altered perception of an empty interval.  相似文献   

The magnitude of induced movement was measured as a function of the perceived depth between the test object and the plane of the induction object, with this perceived depth produced by stereoscopic cues. Three experiments were conducted. In each experiment, the induction object (a frame of constant physical size) was positioned at one of three distances with the test object (a point of light) placed successively at each of the three distances. Predictions of the magnitude of induction as a function of the depth separation of the test and induction object were made from the subject-relative and object-relative hypotheses of induced motion. It was expected, however, that neither of these hypotheses would predict the results independently of a factor described in the adjacency principle. This principle states that the effectiveness of whatever cues or processes determine the induced movement will decrease with increased depth between the test and induction object. The data indicate that the adjacency principle must be considered in explaining the results. The subject-relative rather than object-relative hypothesis as modified by the adjacency principle was most successful in predicting the results. Control conditions in which the frame was stationary and the point of light was physically moving were also used. Despite the fact that the relative displacement of the objects on the eye in the experimental and control conditions were the same, the results indicate that O could distinguish between these two kinds of conditions. Although the apparent movement was greater in the control conditions than in the experimental conditions, the reverse is true if the total perceived movement of the test and induction object are considered together.  相似文献   

We argue that giving individuals a sense of choice over the product information they receive (i.e., message choice) can have important subsequent effects when individuals are prompted to make inferences about the company. Even when the product information that is received is exactly the same, being given a sense of choice can produce more favorable company evaluations and in turn, more favorable product judgments. The first two experiments support these hypotheses using different means of prompting company inferences: when prompted, those who had been given message choice judged the company more favorably and were more willing to purchase from that company. The third experiment illustrates when message choice effects can backfire. Specifically, when the company itself highlights the provision of message choice in the ad, and consumers are prompted to make inferences about the company, message choice can backfire because it may be perceived as a persuasion tactic rather than a sincere attempt to inform. The results support company evaluations as the mediator of message choice effects and rule out alternate accounts based on dissonance, elaboration, reactance and self-labeling explanations. These findings are important in interactive media environments where marketers have opportunities and imperatives to give consumers a sense of choice in message selection.  相似文献   

Survey data from several countries indicate that many people believe that hypnosis may increase the accuracy of an eyewitness's memory; most experimental research, however, suggests that this belief is inaccurate. This study examined whether the belief could influence judgments of guilt and innocence in a simulated criminal trial. The results indicated that British undergraduates were more likely to find a male defendant guilty when told that the testimony against him had been elicited under hypnosis. Results concerning a nonhypnotic memory facilitation technique were found to be inconclusive, and the salience of hypnotically elicited testimony was ruled out as a contributory element.  相似文献   

The allegation of child abuse against mega-church leader Creflo Dollar on 8 June 2012 has led many to evaluate the guilt or innocence of this religious leader. This case is especially interesting in that, in contrast to studies that have examined the sexual discretions of church leaders, this study examines the presumed innocence or guilt of Dollar's 15-year-old daughter (who he alleged choked) and the man at the centre of this debate. This study will examine over 3000 comments made by anonymous contributors on CNN's public website and analysed using a qualitative methodology. The following six themes were identified: (1) Condemnation of Mega-Churches and Mega-Church Leaders: “The love of money is the root of all evil”; (2) Condemnation of Creflo Dollar's Actions Against His Daughter: “He is a child beater”; (3) Condemnation of Religious Leaders: “Most priests are crooks”; (4) Condemnation of God and Religion: “God is not great and religion poisons everything”; (5) Support for Corporal Punishment: “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child”; (6) Support for Creflo Dollar's Actions: “It sounds like the man of the house handled business!” Narratives will be offered to support and illustrate each of these themes, and the implications for the mental health of African Americans will be discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the ways in which the visual estimation of distance to a target is affected by constraints perceived to be placed on the subsequent locomotion to the target without vision. We hypothesized that an appraisal of impending effort would play a role in ascertaining the distance to be walked. In Experiment 1, the amount of resistance to walking was variable and unpredictable. One group of subjects performed against relatively low resistance, whereas another group performed against substantially greater resistance. In the low-resistance condition, no significant differences in CE, VE, time to target, or number of steps to target were found between any of the eight combinations of predictable or unpredictable resistances during walking. In the high-resistance condition, however, significant differences were found for CE and number of strides to target when resistance varied unpredictably during walking. Experiment 2 was similar in design but required subjects to walk with combinations of normal or short steps after they had viewed the target knowing only the gait type that would be used to begin locomotion. No differences in CE, VE, or time to target were found between four different combinations of gait type and predictability, under subjectively controlled conditions. When the step constraints were externally imposed, however, differences were found for CE. None of the results from either experiment, in which the number of strides needed to reach the target or the predictability of gait did not change from normal, supported the hypothesis that motor output requirements are necessary in forming a mental representation of the target position that can be used to walk to the target with eyes closed. Whichever locomotor technique was used to walk the estimated distance in these cases, the representation was able to be used independently. When walking mechanics were altered by externally imposed constraints, however, the success at reaching the estimated target position was reduced. These latter results are consistent with those obtained using up, down, and level walking and support the premise that mental representations used in blind walking are linked to the locomotor mechanics afforded by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Theories of human temporal perception suggest that changes in physiological arousal distort the perceived duration of events. Behavioural manipulations of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity support this suggestion, however the effects of behavioural manipulations of parasympathetic (PSNS) activity on time perception are unclear. The current study examined the effect of a paced respiration exercise known to increase PSNS activity on sub-second duration estimates. Participants estimated the duration of negatively and neutrally valenced images following a period of normal and paced breathing. PSNS and SNS activity were indexed by high-frequency heart-rate variability and pre-ejection period respectively. Paced breathing increased PSNS activity and reduced the perceived duration of the negative and neutrally valenced stimuli relative to normal breathing. The results show that manipulations of PSNS activity can distort time in the absence of a change in SNS activity. They also suggest that activities which increase PSNS activity may be effective in reducing the perceived duration of short events.  相似文献   

Although previous studies found that distal minority stress contributes to proximal minority stress and shame/guilt among the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population, it is unclear whether the extent to which LGB individuals' open display and discussion their sexual orientation moderates these relationships. A total of 1,452 Chinese LGB adults provided demographic information and completed measures of outness, perceived public stigma, internalized homophobia, anticipated stigma, shame, and guilt. Structural equation modelling was conducted to test the hypothesized moderation analyses. Perceived public stigma had positive associations with internalized homophobia, anticipated stigma, shame, and guilt. Outness played a moderating role in the associations of perceived public stigma with internalized homophobia, anticipated stigma, shame, and guilt. Specifically, when LGB individuals had higher levels of outness, the effects of perceived public stigma on internalized homophobia, anticipated stigma, shame, and guilt were lower. Moreover, such moderating effect did not differ by sexual orientation. The degree to which sexual minority individuals' sexual orientation is known by and openly discussed with others may lower the extent to which LGB individuals internalize sexual stigma, expect rejection after coming out, and develop shame and guilt as a result of perceived social prejudice and discrimination.  相似文献   

Our research examines the effect of subjective financial vulnerability on prosocial activity. First, data from the European Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) revealed that higher assessment of one's financial vulnerability might be associated with prosocial motivation for social activities. Next, we manipulated participants' perception of their relative financial position compared to their peers and found that participants randomly assigned to the low financial position condition were more willing to volunteer than participants assigned to the high financial position condition. In Study 3, we manipulated participants' financial advantage. Participants who were disadvantaged in the experimental settings were more willing to volunteer and donate to charity compared to participants with financial advantage. In our final study, we examined willingness to donate to in‐group and out‐group help organizations and found that individuals of lower perceived financial standing may be motivated by the goal of increasing the strength of the social group, rather than by expectations of direct reciprocity. We also found that emotional distress mediates the relationship between perceived financial vulnerability and prosocial behavior. In line with earlier research illustrating that lower financial status promotes prosociality on an interpersonal level, we demonstrate that even momentary perception of relative financial disadvantage and vulnerability promotes prosociality in the broader social context.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the mechanisms underlying body understanding by examining the impact of visual experience (magnification and reduction) on perception of hand size and neutral external objects (squares). Independent groups of participants were asked to look through a 2× magnification lens, a ½-× reduction lens, or a control UV filter and to make visual size judgments about square stimuli and their hands. In Experiment 1, participants used a measuring device with unmarked wooden slats orientated in horizontal and radial/vertical space for their visual judgments. In Experiment 2, participants used an upright frontal slat for visual length judgments of their hands to eliminate any potential foreshortening in viewing the measurement apparatus. The results from the two experiments demonstrate that participants significantly underestimated both the square stimuli and their hands when they viewed them under a reduction lens. While overestimation and underestimation of squares was found for females in Experiment 2, males generally underestimated the squares. However, overestimation was not seen when the participants viewed their hands under a magnification lens. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments were used to investigate individuals' hypothesis-testing process as a function of moral perceived utilities, which in turn depend on perceived responsibility and fear of guilt. Moral perceived utilities are related to individuals' moral standards and specifically to people's attempt to face up to their own responsibilities, and to avoid feeling guilty of irresponsibility. The results showed that responsibility and fear of guilt in testing hypotheses involved a process defined as prudential mode, which entails focusing on and confirming the worst hypothesis, and then reiterating the testing process. In particular, the results showed that responsible and guilt-fearing individuals: (1) tended to search prudentially for examples confirming the worst hypothesis and to search for counter-examples falsifying the positive hypothesis; (2) focused on the worst alternative, and tended to confirm it; (3) prudentially kept up the testing process, even if faced with initial positive evidence. Our discussion of the results emphasises how people are largely pragmatic in their hypothesis testing, using efficient cognitive strategies that focus on error minimisation rather than on truth detection. In a context of responsibility and guilt, the errors are linked to people's failure to face up to their own responsibilities, and are thus moral errors.  相似文献   

The relations of empathy with two measures of guilt were examined in a sample of 13- to 16-year-olds (N= 113). Empathy was measured using Davis's IRI and guilt by Tangney's TOSCA and Hoffman's semi-projective story completion method that includes two different scenarios, guilt over cheating and guilt over inaction. Empathy correlated more strongly with both measures of guilt than the two measures correlated with each other. For boys, cognitive perspective-taking was a stronger predictor for guilt than for girls. Hoffman's guilt over inaction was more strongly associated with empathy measures in girls than in boys, whereas for guilt over cheating the pattern was the opposite. The results indicate that boys and girls may emphasize different aspects of morality.  相似文献   

This article analyses the influence of accent on discrimination against immigrants by examining the hypothesis that accent leads to discrimination only in more prejudiced individuals, merely because people speaking with a native accent are perceived to be better qualified than those whose accent is non‐standard. In Study 1 (N = 71), we found that only prejudiced individuals use accent to discriminate against immigrants. In Study 2 (N = 124), we replicated this effect and found that the influence of accent on discrimination is mediated by the perceived quality of the accent. Study 3 (N = 105) replicated the previous results even after controlling for the effect of stereotyping. These results are the first experimental illustration of the hypothesis that accent triggers intergroup discrimination only among prejudiced individuals because they evaluate native accents as being qualitatively better than accents of immigrants, thereby legitimizing ingroup bias.  相似文献   

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