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The aim of the present study was to explore how rapid emotional responses are manifested as facial electromyographic (EMG) reactions when people with explicit fear of snakes are exposed to their fear relevant stimuli. Fifty-six subjects, high or low in fear of snakes, were exposed to pictures of snakes and flowers while facial EMG activity from the corrugator supercilii and the zygomatic major muscle regions was recorded. Measures of autonomic activity and ratings of the stimuli were also collected. Pictures of snakes evoked a rapid corrugator supercilii muscle reaction which was larger in the High fear group as early as 500ms after stimulus onset. The High fear group also rated snakes as more unpleasant and displayed larger skin conductance responses (SCRs) and increased heart rate (HR) when exposed to snakes. Pictures of flowers tended to evoke increased zygomatic major muscle activity which did not differ among the groups. The present results demonstrate that the facial EMG technique is sensitive enough to detect rapidly evoked negative emotional reactions. The results support the hypothesis that people high in fear of snakes are disposed to react very rapidly with a negative emotional response to their fear relevant stimuli.  相似文献   

This study explored whether subjects high as compared to low in social fear react with a more negative emotional response, measured as facial electromyographic (EMG) activity, when exposed to social stimuli (pictures of angry and happy facial expressions). It was found that subjects who rated themselves as relatively high in public speaking fear gave larger negative facial EMG responses (Corrugator supercilii muscle activity) to angry faces than did the low fear subjects. Low fear subjects, on the other hand, gave larger positive facial EMG responses (Zygomatic major muscle activity) to happy faces than did the high fear subjects. It was further found that happy stimuli were rated as more hostile and less friendly and happy by the high fear group. Consistent with earlier findings, it was concluded that the facial EMG technique is sensitive to detecting different reactions among subjects relatively high and low in social fear.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether subjects high and low in public speaking fear react with different facial electromyographic (EMG) activities when exposed to negative and positive social stimuli. A High-fear and Low-fear group were selected by help of a questionnaire and were exposed to slides of angry and happy faces while facial-EMG from the corrugator and zygomatic muscle regions were measured. The subjects also rated the stimuli on different emotional dimensions. Consistent with earlier research it was found that Low fear subjects reacted with increased corrugator activity to angry faces and increased zygomatic activity to happy faces. The High fear group, on the other hand, did not distinguish between angry and happy faces. Rating data indicated that the High fear group perceived angry faces as being emotionally more negative. The present results are consistent with earlier studies, indicating that the facial-EMG technique is sensitive to detect differential responding among clinical interesting groups, such as people suffering from social fears.  相似文献   

The aim was to explore whether people high as opposed to low in speech anxiety react with a more pronounced differential facial response when exposed to angry and happy facial stimuli. High and low fear participants were selected based on their scores on a fear of public speaking questionnaire. All participants were exposed to pictures of angry and happy faces while facial electromyographic (EMG) activity from the Corrugator supercilii and the Zygomaticus major muscle regions was recorded. Skin conductance responses (SCR), heart rate (HR) and ratings were also collected. Participants high as opposed to low in speech anxiety displayed a larger differential corrugator responding, indicating a larger negative emotional reaction, between angry and happy faces. They also reacted with a larger differential zygomatic responding, indicating a larger positive emotional reaction, between happy and angry faces. Consistent with the facial reaction patterns, the high fear group rated angry faces as more unpleasant and as expressing more disgust, and further rated happy faces as more pleasant. There were no differences in SCR or HR responding between high and low speech anxiety groups. The present results support the hypothesis that people high in speech anxiety are disposed to show an exaggerated sensitivity and facial responsiveness to social stimuli.  相似文献   

Facial EMG activity was measured from the Corrugator supercilii and the Zygomatic major muscle regions while 48 subjects were exposed to pictures of angry and happy facial expressions, snakes and flowers as well as low and high preference nature scenes. The valency perspective predicted that facial reactions should be related to the intensity of the positive and the negative valency of stimuli. The mimicking behavior approach predicted that facial reactions should only be reflected as a mimicking response to the facial stimuli, whereas the evolutionary:biological perspective predicted that the most clearcut positive and negative facial reactions should be evoked by facial stimuli and by snakes. In support of the latter perspective, the present results showed that angry faces and snakes evoked the most distinct Corrugator supercilii muscle response, whereas happy faces evoked the largest Zygomatic major muscle response.  相似文献   

This study examined whether facial electromyographic (EMG) reactions differentiate between identical tone stimuli which subjects perceive as differently unpleasant. Subjects were repeatedly exposed to a 1000 Hz 75 dB tone stimulus while their facial EMG from the corrugator and zygomatic muscle regions were measured. Skin conductance and heart rate responses were also measured. The subjects rated the unpleasantness of the stimulus and based on these ratings they were divided into two groups, High and Low in perceived unpleasantness. As predicted the facial EMG activity reflected the perceived unpleasantness. That is, the High group but not the Low group reacted with an increased corrugator response. The autonomic data, on the other hand, did not differ between groups. The results are consistent with the proposition that the facial muscles function as a readout system for emotional reactions and that facial muscle activity is intimately related to the experiential level of the emotional response system.  相似文献   

Male subjects (N = 128) with high or low sex guilt either were or were not threatened with shock (fear arousal manipulation) and then viewed either an erotic or a neutral film (sex arousal manipulation). Then all subjects viewed and rated slides of attractive women and slides of landscapes (neutral control slides). If fear arousal was specifically transferred to sexual arousal as is often predicted rather than simply causing a general increase in arousal, then it would be expected that subjects who had been exposed to the threat would show high arousal in response to the slides of women and low arousal to the slides of landscapes, whereas subjects who had not been threatened would show low arousal to both the slides of women and landscapes. Physiological (pulse rate, skin resistance), self-report, and word association measures consistently indicated that (a) both of the arousal manipulations were effective, (b) the slides of women were arousing, (c) sex guilt influenced responses as would be expected from previous research, but (d) did not indicate support for arousal transference. These findings (a) provide information concerning the influence of guilt on drives, (b) raise questions about the transfer of arousal that was noted in less controlled investigations, and (c) highlight the need for additional controls in research of this type.  相似文献   

The present study presents psychometric data for four different phobic fear questionnaires in a Norwegian sample of 284 subjects. The questionnaires concerned fear of flying, snakes, spiders and a questionnaire of general phobic complaints. The results showed a high estimate of internal consistency, and a very high test-retest reliability for all questionnaires. A low to moderate degree of intercorrelation between the questionnaires appeared. A clear sex difference emerged in responding to all four questionnaires. In addition, a clinical sample of phobics with fear of flying as the main symptom was compared to the larger sample on a fear of flying scale. The results showed a clear difference in responding between the samples. The present study concludes that the four different fear questionnaires yielded a high degree of reliability, and their use in clinical practice is encouraged.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the facial muscle pattern of disgust in comparison to appetence and joy, using an improved facial EMG method. We analyzed the activity of nine facial muscles in forty healthy subjects. The subject group was randomly divided into two groups (oversaturated vs. hungry) of ten women and ten men each. Four different emotions (disgust, appetence, excited-joy and relaxed-joy) were induced by showing pictures from the IAPS. Pre-visible facial muscle activity was measured with a new facial EMG. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was established. Disgust is represented by a specific facial muscle pattern involving M.corrugator and M.orbicularis oculi, clearly distinguishing it from the facial patterns of appetence and joy. The intensity of disgust is stronger in a state of hunger than under oversaturation and is altogether stronger in females than in males. Our findings indicate the possibility to explore the entire emotion system successfully through a state-of-the-art psychophysiological method like our EMG device.  相似文献   

Twenty female subjects were selected from a larger subject pool on the basis of their scores to the ‘snakes’ item on the Geer (1965) Fear Survey Schedule. Ten of the subjects were selected as phobic; the other ten were non-phobic controls. Heart rate, skin conductance and self-reports of fear and imagery vividness were continuously monitored while subjects repeatedly imagined a prescribed snake scene for a total of 15 trials. The phobic group reported more overall fear to the images. Further, while the nonphobic subjects reported progressively less fear over trials, the phobic subjects reported progressively more fear. The groups did not differ in rated imagery vividness. However, heart rate responses to the image differentiated the two groups. The non-phobic subjects showed a progression from cardiac acceleration in the early trials to a biphasic response pattern, deceleration preceding acceleration, in the later trials. In contrast, the phobic subjects demonstrated sustained acceleration in the later trials. The groups did not differ in skin conductance response amplitude.  相似文献   


Psychological explanations of both spontaneous and experimentally induced panic anxiety stress the role of fear of fear, especially fear of bodily symptoms of arousal. Fear of fear is conceptually different from trait anxiety but may be associated with repeated experience of arousal symptoms in fearful situations, while frequent physical exercise may lead to habituation to these symptoms. To test this hypothesis, 44 healthy male volunteers, classified as having high or low trait anxiety and high or low aerobic fitness, underwent a single-dose adrenalin infusion (80 nanogram/kilogram bodyweight/minute). In both groups, during the experiment a significant rise in state anxiety was found; compared to the group with low trait anxiety, subjects with high trait anxiety reported higher levels of state anxiety, which could be attributed to differences in aerobic fitness. In the high-anxious group, subjects showed a greater decrease in state anxiety during the recovery phase. State anxiety during adrenalin was strongly associated with fear of bodily symptoms only in the high-anxious group. Correlations between trait anxiety and somatic anxiety were not significant; state anxiety scores tended to correlate negatively with physical fitness. It is concluded that these results lend support to a fear of fear-model of panic anxiety.  相似文献   

为揭示高特质攻击个体对愤怒、恐惧威胁面部表情识别的特点及其电生理机制,本研究采用Buss-Perry攻击问卷选取高低特质攻击个体26名和27名为被试,采用面孔识别范式对高低特质攻击个体识别威胁面部表情时的ERP差异进行研究。结果发现,在愤怒、恐惧表情上,高特质攻击组在N170成分的潜伏期都显著短于低特质攻击组;在愤怒、恐惧表情上,高特质攻击组在P200成分的波幅都显著高于低特质攻击组。这表明高特质攻击个体对愤怒、恐惧威胁面部表情的识别具有高度敏感性,这种敏感性体现在面部表情识别的早期和中期阶段,而非晚期阶段,即高特质攻击个体在早期的前注意阶段就对愤怒、恐惧威胁面部表情进行优先注意;在中期的注意阶段,高特质攻击个体可以很好地确认愤怒、恐惧威胁面部表情。  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of some specific fear questionnaires   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Normative psychometric data on a Swedish translation of fear questionnaires concerning snakes, spiders, public speaking, and mutilation given to 223 college students are presented. High internal consistencies were found for all four questionnaires, and low intercorrelations among the four inventories emerged. In a separate study the inventories were administered to a clinical sample of spider and snake phobics. Phobics scored higher on their respective phobic scale than the college group but did not differ from controls on mutilation or public speaking scales. A significant negative correlation emerged between snake and spider scores among the phobics. One year test-retest reliabilities in the phobic sample were high. Finally, snake and spider phobics viewed and rated phobic and nonphobic slides. Snake phobics rated snake slides as more aversive than spider slides, whereas the reverse was true for spider phobics. The correlation between fear ratings and questionnaire scores was significant. Use of these scales in evaluating therapeutic changes is encouraged.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the role of phobic responsivity in the generation of phobia-relevant illusory correlations. As a means of disentangling the contributions of prior fear and elicited fear responses, half of a group of phobic women received 1 mg alprazolam (n = 21), and half received a placebo (n = 22). A group of nonfearful women (n = 24) was included to control for prior fear per se. Participants were exposed to slides of spiders, weapons, and flowers that were randomly paired with a shock, a siren, or nothing. Postexperimental covariation estimates and on-line outcome expectancies were assessed. Irrespective of both prior and elicited fear, participants postexperimentally overassociated spiders and shock. Yet, only women with spider phobia displayed a persisting fear-confirming expectancy bias. This bias was similar for the placebo and alprazolam groups. Thus, the bias appeared to be due to preexisting phobogenic beliefs, whereas phobic responsivity played a negligible role.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test Eysenck's incubation theory of fear/anxiety in human Pavlovian B conditioning of heart rate (HR) responses. The conditioned stimuli (CSs) were phobia-relevant slides (snakes and spiders) and the unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) were aversive noises. The subjects were presented with two levels of noise intensity during acquisition and three levels of nonreinforced CS presentation (CS-only) in a delay differential (CS+/CS-) conditioning paradigm (2 x 3 x 2). Consistent with the incubation theory, conditioned HR acceleratory responses were sustained (resistance to extinction) for high-noise intensity and short-presentations of CS-only subjects. During the extinction phase, HR acceleratory responses quickly extinguished in low-noise intensity groups after the first presentations of CS-only. These findings were interpreted as support for the incubation theory of phobic fear.  相似文献   

The present study used ERPs to compare processing of fear-relevant (FR) animals (snakes and spiders) and non-fear-relevant (NFR) animals similar in appearance (worms and beetles). EEG was recorded from 18 undergraduate participants (10 females) as they completed two animal-viewing tasks that required simple categorization decisions. Participants were divided on a post hoc basis into low snake/spider fear and high snake/spider fear groups. Overall, FR animals were rated higher on fear and elicited a larger LPC. However, individual differences qualified these effects. Participants in the low fear group showed clear differentiation between FR and NFR animals on subjective ratings of fear and LPC modulation. In contrast, participants in the high fear group did not show such differentiation between FR and NFR animals. These findings suggest that the salience of feared-FR animals may generalize on both a behavioural and electro-cortical level to other animals of similar appearance but of a non-harmful nature.  相似文献   

Snakes and faces are unique stimuli because they are deeply grounded in evolutionarily shaped behavior systems. Snakes are the prototypical stimulus in a predatory defense system promoting escape from predators, which prepares primates for efficient processing, attentional priority, and rapid fear acquisition to snakes and other stimuli related to predation. The social submissiveness system plays a similar role on the social arena by promoting yielding to dominant individuals without jeopardizing the protection of the group. Supporting these theoretical propositions, empirical data from a research program spanning four decades demonstrate enhanced fear conditioning to snakes and threatening faces compared to neutral stimuli, as well as fast nonconscious processing of, and prioritized attention to, snakes and threatening faces. Human brain‐imaging data show that these effects are mediated by an extensive fear‐network centering on the amygdala.  相似文献   

A field study exposed 235 high school students to anti‐smoking advertisements over a five‐month period to test the effectiveness of short‐term cosmetic versus long‐term health fear appeals in preventing or reducing smoking. The study was a longitudinal experiment with two experimental groups and a control group. Smoking behaviour was measured prior to message exposure on television, in magazines and on the internet, and at the end of the study period. The primary results were that average smoking declined for subjects exposed to either type of anti‐smoking fear appeal but not for the control group and short‐term cosmetic fear appeals were more effective for males but long‐term health fear appeals were more effective for females. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

The overall purpose of this investigation was to examine heterogeneity among specific phobias. In particular, the goals were to compare features of fear responding between individuals fearful of claustrophobic situations and individuals fearful of spiders/snakes, and to compare their response to hyperventilation challenges. By so doing, specific predictions were tested in relation to a conceptual model of exteroceptive and interoceptive fear cues. Using a nonclinical sample, 19 subjects with spider/snake phobias, 18 nonphobies, and 9 subjects with claustrophobias were exposed on two separate occasions to a live tarantula or python, a small closet, and a hyperventilation challenge. Dependent measures included subjective anxiety, panic attacks, physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms (or, fear of symptoms) and heart rate. In addition, subjects completed a standardized self-report scale that measures fear of bodily symptoms of arousal. It was found that subjects with claustrophobia reported more physical symptoms and cognitive symptoms than did subjects with snake/spider phobias, in response to their fear-relevant stimulus. In addition, claustrophobic subjects were more fearful of hyperventilation challenges and reported more fear of bodily symptoms, than did snake/spider phobic subjects. Finally, subjects with claustrophobia were as fearful of hyperventilation as they were of their fear-relevant stimulus. Theoretical and empirical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt was made to replicate the preparedness effect reported by Öhman, Fredrickson, Hugdahl, & Rimmö (1976). Following Öhman et al. (1976) as closely as possible, a differential conditioning procedure was carried out in which subjects'skin conductance responses (SCRs) were conditioned either to stimuli of evolutionary significance (slides of snakes and spiders) or to evolutionally neutral stimuli (slides of mushrooms and flowers). The experiment consisted of 8 habituation, 12 acquisition, and 20 extinction trials. Electric shock served as an unconditioned stimulus during the acquisition phase. Although SCRs showed significant decreases during habituation and were significantly influenced by the conditioning procedure during acquisition, they were not found to extinguish significantly more slowly in the group that saw slides of snakes and spiders. This result contradicts the earlier results reported by Öman and colleagues. Possible explanations for this failure to replicate their results are discussed.  相似文献   

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