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同性恋问题在国际学术界已经引起浓厚兴趣。1987年12月,在荷兰召开了一次“同性恋疾病以外问题国际会议”。会议讨论了三大问题:同性恋与精神卫生;同性恋研究的科学前景;同性恋的政治与法律。我有幸被邀请参加这次会议并安排在会上报告这个题目的论文。后来我因事  相似文献   

同性恋形成机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管人们对同性恋越来越宽容,但它仍是一种反常规现象。让现有同性恋者放弃同恋行为来减少同性恋难度很大,也不人道。在同性恋形成机制的问题上,有生理机制说和社会心理机制说。本文倾向于社会心理机制说。尝试从同性恋的社会心理机制上把同性恋分为两个形成亚型,并说明了每个亚型形成的具体过程。  相似文献   

同性恋形成机制探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
尽管人们对同性恋越来越宽容,但它仍是一种反常规现象.让现有同性恋者放弃同恋行为来减少同性恋难度很大,也不人道.在同性恋形成机制的问题上,有生理机制说和社会心理机制说.本文倾向于社会心理机制说.尝试从同性恋的社会心理机制上把同性恋分为两个形成亚型,并说明了每个亚型形成的具体过程.  相似文献   

同性恋,这一人类性爱中的逆转现象可谓“历史悠久”,但怎样才算是同性恋?同性恋产生的根源是什么?这类问题的回答则众说纷纭,莫衷一是。不同的历史时期,不同的社会制度,不同的文化背景,人们对同性恋的态度也不尽相同。同性恋者有过被视为自然、被认同、被崇拜的时期,也有过须火焚才足以消罪孽的过去,对一个现代的、开放的社会中的人来说,尽管从理智上、情感上不赞同、不认可同性恋,但至少要有一颗平静的心,抱着  相似文献   

内化同性恋嫌恶是同性恋者经历对外界偏见的内化过程后,所形成的对自身性取向的负性态度。本文在回顾和分析内化同性恋嫌恶形成及影响机制相关研究的基础上,尝试提出整合性的内化同性恋嫌恶形成/影响机制假设模型。最后,本文提出进一步验证和发展内化同性恋嫌恶形成/影响机制模型、考察缓解内化同性恋嫌恶影响的保护因素及加强内化同性恋嫌恶的本土化研究是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

同性恋问题的道德探讨与法律应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着越来越多的国家就同性婚姻出台立法,同性恋已不单是道德问题,也带来了实践中的法律冲突。在这一背景下,应对同性恋问题进行道德上的理性思考,将接受同性恋与承认同性恋者的平等权利分开,并在谨慎处理我国是否为同性婚姻立法的同时,积极探讨如何应对涉外同性法律关系。  相似文献   

当前国内对同性恋问题的不同观点   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
当前国内对同性恋问题的不同观点浙江省精神卫生研究所(杭州311122)王乃信同性恋问题一直为国内同道所关注,已成为一个有争议的学术敏感问题。为此,《精神卫生通讯》及时在全国范围内组织展开了有关“同性恋诊断是否该取消”的学术大讨论,历时半年余,在国内外...  相似文献   

同性恋(homosexualism)对同性别者产生强烈依恋感和性爱的行为,它是性变态中最常见者,对同性恋行为争议很大,不同时代和不同社会各有不同态度,古希腊崇尚男性骨骼肌肉的自然美,故赞许男性间的同性爱慕,认为它比异性恋更为高级。中国明清两代对同性恋较宽容,所以恋风盛行。犹太一基督教又则视同性恋如同通奸等均是罪恶,一直到20世纪,西方社会对同性恋的态度才有所改变。现在,  相似文献   

康先生: 您好。我们是某学校的两名住宿生,也是一对形影不离的好朋友,平时吃一个碗里的饭,合睡一张床,彼此并未感觉有什么特别,但同学们都说我俩不是一般的朋友关系,是同性恋。什么是同性恋?我们的行为是同性恋吗?  相似文献   

同性恋作为畸形“恋爱”,历来受到传统道德和文化的批评和抵制,为了探明同性恋何以发生,学术界从生物学、社会学等不同角度出发加以研究,提出了不同观点。我们认为同性恋的产生主要是不良环境影响的结果,是后天生活过程中形成的。  相似文献   

Although research has revealed a trend toward liberalization of attitudes toward homosexuality in Western countries, acceptance of homosexuality differs remarkably among individuals and across countries. We examine the roles of individual value priorities and of national laws regarding homosexuality and the interaction between them in explaining approval of homosexuality. Data are drawn from the European Social Survey and include representative national samples of 27 European countries in 2010. As hypothesized, individuals who prioritized openness to change and universalism values approved of homosexuality more, whereas those who prioritized conservation and power values exhibited more disapproval. Approval was greater in countries whose laws regarding homosexuality were more progressive. In addition, legal regulation of homosexuality moderated the associations of individual value priorities. In countries with more progressive laws, both the positive effect of openness to change values and the negative effect of conservation values on approval of homosexuality were weaker. However, the positive effect of universalism values and the negative effect of power values did not vary as a function of national laws regarding homosexuality. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A psychiatrist, an ethicist, and a pastoral counselor comment on the ways in which they conceive of homosexuality in their work, reflection, and efforts at counseling. Although each writes in isolation from the others, a surprising degree of consensus emerges. All three cite the problem of unclear terms and the peril of labeling. Each distinguishes between homosexuality as a state of being and homosexual acts or behavior. Mansell Pattison, the psychiatrist, comments on prejudice, norms, sickness, and deviancy and their relevance for understanding homosexuality, before suggesting a model himself. Stanley Hauerwas, the ethicist, seeks a context that will allow us to think seriously about homosexuality from an ethical point of view. John Patton, the pastoral counselor, argues that the major contribution of a counselor is to avoid labeling and preconceived notions about homosexuality and to relate to the counselee in such a way as to help him clarify what he seeks.  相似文献   

According to the attribution-value model, prejudice toward a group stems from 2 interrelated variables: attributions of controllability and cultural value. Thus, prejudice toward gay men and lesbians may stem from others' holding them responsible for their behaviors and perceiving negative cultural value regarding homosexuality. The author tested that model by using the issue of homosexuality. The participants were Turkish undergraduates who completed a homophobia scale and answered questions about the origins of homosexuality, cultural attitudes toward homosexuality, and their own gender and sexual preferences. In general, the participants were prejudiced against gay men and lesbians. As expected, attributions of controllability and negative cultural value regarding homosexuality operated jointly to explain 39% of the variation in homophobia. The participants who thought that homosexuality was controllable had more negative attitudes toward gay men and lesbians than did those who thought that homosexuality was uncontrollable. The female participants were more tolerant of homosexuality than were the male participants.  相似文献   

The psychosocial consequences of HLV-infection were studied using a semi-structured interview and the psychiatric questionnaire SCL-90-R, in 3 matched groups of homosexual men: 20 patients with Aids, 20 asymptomatic HIV-infected and 20 non-infected controls. The data was collected before the HAART (Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy) era. The results showed that the infected subjects more often concealed their homosexuality, engaged in more risky sexual behavior and were less inclined to regard AIDS as a serious problem. The infected subjects also revealed more psychopathology on 5 of the 9 indexes on the SCL-90. Across all 3 groups, contact ability was correlated to being open about homosexuality and to psychological well-being. These results indicate that HIV has considerable impact on psychological well-being among the infected and point to the need for health-care workers to be especially attentive to those HIV-infected who have difficulty in talking to others about their situation.  相似文献   

J K Mills 《Adolescence》1990,25(100):913-922
Psychoanalytic theory asserts that adolescent homosexuality is the result of unresolved infantile conflict experienced during the Oedipal and pre-Oedipal periods, in which inadequate object relations and identifications with parents predispose the individual to homosexuality in adolescence. Classical psychoanalytic thought emphasizes the importance of drives and defenses in the formation of homosexuality, while more contemporary approaches understand adolescent homosexuality from a psychosocial and early developmental perspective. In addition to childhood predispositions, the various developmental tasks of adolescence influence the degree and course of homosexuality. This article notes the different types of homosexuality that emerge in adolescence which are influenced by different psychodynamic conditions in each stage of adolescence. Changing developmental roles in relation to individuation, object relations, identification, and identity formation are a few of the factors that contribute to adolescent homosexuality.  相似文献   


According to the attribution-value model, prejudice toward a group stems from 2 interrelated variables: attributions of controllability and cultural value. Thus, prejudice toward gay men and lesbians may stem from others' holding them responsible for their behaviors and perceiving negative cultural value regarding homosexuality. The author tested that model by using the issue of homosexuality. The participants were Turkish undergraduates who completed a homophobia scale and answered questions about the origins of homosexuality, cultural attitudes toward homosexuality, and their own gender and sexual preferences. In general, the participants were prejudiced against gay men and lesbians. As expected, attributions of controllability and negative cultural value regarding homosexuality operated jointly to explain 39% of the variation in homophobia. The participants who thought that homosexuality was controllable had more negative attitudes toward gay men and lesbians than did those who thought that homosexuality was uncontrollable. The female participants were more tolerant of homosexuality than were the male participants.  相似文献   

Mary Amanda Dew 《Sex roles》1985,12(1-2):143-155
A study was conducted to test the hypothesis that inferences of homosexuality will be made more frequently about women who are perceived to be less physically attractive. This hypothesis was supported. More importantly, the investigation was designed to determine whether the perception of a relationship between female homosexuality and level of physical attractiveness would be affected by raters' attitudes about homosexuality and traditional sex-role behavior. Results indicated that female raters with conservative attitudes were likely to associate homosexuality with those women to whom they had given the worst evaluations concerning physical appearance, while more liberal females were less likely to do so. Male raters' attitudes bore little relationship to their evaluations of homosexuality and physical attractiveness. Several interpretations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study utilized national panel data gathered in 2008 (T1) and 2010 (T2) to examine associations between Black and White U.S. adults' pornography consumption and homosexuality attitudes (indexed via moral judgments of homosexuality and attitudes toward same‐sex marriage). Pornography consumption at T1 predicted interindividual change in attitudes toward more acceptance of homosexuality at T2 for moral individualists, Whites, and men. Women expressed more positive homosexuality attitudes than men, but their attitudes did not vary with exposure to pornography. Homosexuality attitudes at T1 did not predict interindividual change in the probability of pornography consumption at T2. Results were parallel when moral judgments of homosexuality and attitudes toward same‐sex marriage were analyzed separately or were combined into a composite index.  相似文献   

Conclusion We do not conclude that homosexuality must be accepted by society. We do hope that society's attitudes towards homosexuals can be more intelligent, less confused. Perhaps our society will reject homosexuality on a basis of manifestly conscious prejudice of the majority who simply find it distasteful; but at least this will be more honest than many current rationalizations. Perhaps it will be possible and desirable because of changing conditions to accept homosexuality in our culture at some future time. Any sincere effort to confront the issues raised by homosexuality in our culture will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of many other aspects of human life.Presented to One Inc., Los Angeles, May 7, 1967.  相似文献   

Homosexuality is a challenging subject for the psychoanalytic community, which is now rethinking some of its basic theoretical and institutional assumptions. In recent decades psychoanalytic theory has changed, and the classical psychosexual model has been challenged. After a short review of major psychoanalytical theories of homosexuality, the authors focus on the existence of contrasting attitudes towards homosexuality. This plurality of theories and their clinical and institutional consequences stimulated the authors to investigate the relationship between the individual analyst's theoretical model and his/her clinical practice. The authors present the results of empirical research conducted in the Italian psychoanalytic community on the attitude of psychoanalysts towards homosexuality and the implications for cultural, theoretical and institutional issues. A questionnaire was sent to 600 psychoanalysts (206 of which responded), members of the five main Italian psychoanalytic institutions. First, analysts' personal characteristics and preferred theoretical models were investigated. Second, the respondents responded to statements eliciting their theoretical and clinical approach towards homosexuality. Results indicate that: a) cultural and theoretical background influences the analysts' attitudes towards homosexuality more than gender; b) there is a discrepancy between analysts' theoretical position and their clinical practice; and c) IPA institutes are more discriminatory towards homosexual colleagues than are Jungian ones.  相似文献   

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