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The paper proceeds by criticising the central accounts of obscenity proffered by Feinberg, Scruton and the suggestive remarks of Nussbaum and goes on to argue for the following formal characterization of obscenity: x is appropriately judged obscene if and only if either (A) x is appropriately classified as a member of a form or class of objects whose authorized purpose is to solicit and commend to us cognitive-affective responses which are (1) internalized as morally prohibited and (2) does so in ways found to be or which are held to warrant repulsion and (3) does so in order to (a) indulge first order desires held to be morally prohibited or (b) indulge the desire to be morally transgres-sive or the desire to feel repulsed or (c) afford cognitive rewards or (d) any combination thereof or (B) x successfully elicits cognitive-affective responses which conform to conditions (1)–(3).  相似文献   

惠能及其开创的禅宗的核心思想“明心见性”是明白“心量广大”。它包括如下几层含义:(1)“本心”中所包含的估量标准或尺度广大;(2)“心”度量、衡量、审度的对象众多,范围广大;(3)“心”的容量广大;(4)人心的耐受程度和转化能力强大;(5)人心的范围广大和创造力强大;(6)人的心态积极强大。“心量广大”具体体现在平常心、包容心或宽容心、认知力、精神力、心理能量等几个方面。“心量广大”具有浓郁的中国文化特色,蕴含有“自强不息,厚德载物”的中国文化精神,“道德自律和躬身自省”的中国文化伦理与价值追求,“以人为本的人道主义和人文情怀”的中国文化核心思想理念。由此来看,惠能的“心量广大”思想在当代社会仍具有积极的现实价值,对当代文化建设,社会道德构建等有积极作用。  相似文献   

The state of the art of definition of community violence as it relates to child development was examined in terms of the definitions used in 23 empirical studies. In all cases community violence was defined in terms of what were assumed to be measurements obtained as linear combinations of a priori numerical weighting of responses to questions--asked either of a child or of the parent of a child--about experiencing and/or witnessing and/or hearing about instances of violence. Thus, the definitions can be seen to represent the perspectives of 2 kinds of observers--the child or the child's parent--and 3 levels of closeness to violence--experiencing, witnessing, or hearing about violence. Combining these perspectives and levels, the following 8 different definitions could be seen to be used in the practice of 1 or more of the 23 empirical studies: Child Self-Report (perception) of either (1) experiencing, or (2) witnessing, or (3) experiencing and witnessing, and hearing about violence; or Parent Report (perception) of the Child (4) experiencing, or (5) witnessing, or (6) experiencing and witnessing and hearing about violence, or (7) = (1) + (4), or (8) = (3) + (6). In almost all the examples of research definitions it was assumed implicitly and without test of the assumption that different violent events were interchangeable, and usually it was assumed (again without test) that the magnitudes of different violence events were equal. Usually, an unstated theory of stress appeared to guide the measurement definition, but in one study definitions were developed and tested in terms of a clearly-stated theory of learning. It was concluded that definition of community violence is a measurement problem; that very likely it is multidimensional; that it could be more nearly solved if better attention were given to specifying it in terms of theory that can be put to test and by attending to basic assumptions and principles of measurement.  相似文献   

To investigate whether some of the MMPI-2 basic and/or content scales measure the factor structure represented by the Big-Five, 288 undergraduates (178 women and 110 men), between the ages of 18 and 34 years, were administered MMPI-2 and MARS (Michill Adjective Rating Scale) which measures four factors that are conceptually similar to the first four of the Big-Five. It was hypothesized that (a) three MMPI-2 scales (basicDepression or D, contentAnxiety or ANX, and contentDepression or DEP) would be correlated with MARSUnhappiness; (b) two MMPI-2 scales (basicSocial Introversion or Si and contentSocial Discomfort or SOD) would be correlated with MARSExtraversion; (c) two MMPI-2 scales (contentAnger or ANG and contentType A Behavior or TPA) would be correlated with MARSAssertiveness; and (d) two MMPI-2 scales (contentWork Interference or WRK and supplementaryDominance or DOM) would be correlated with MARSProductive Persistence. Results corroborated the hypothesized relationships between the components of the aforementioned four dyads.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined whether the psychological refractory period (PRP) effect can be eliminated with ideomotor compatible (IM) but not stimulus-response compatible (SR) tasks, as reported by A. G. Greenwald and H. G. Shulman (1973). Their tasks were used: a left or right movement to a left- or right-pointing arrow (IM) or to the word left or right (SR) for Task 1; saying "A" or "B" (IM) or "1" or "2" (SR) to an auditory A or B for Task 2. The stimulus onset asynchronies were 0, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1,000 ms in Experiment 1, and only 0, 100, 200, and 1,000 ms in Experiments 2-4. The arrow was in the center of the screen in Experiments 1-3 and to the left or right in Experiment 4. As in Greenwald and Shulman's Experiment 2, the instructions stated that most often the 2 stimuli would be presented simultaneously. A PRP effect was obtained in all conditions, most likely because response-selection decisions are required even for IM tasks.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were: (1) to identify the communication concerns of prospective, student, and inservice teachers and (2) to determine differences in the concerns of the three groups with regard to a three-phase conceptualization: concern with self, task, and impact. Findings were that: (1) prospective teachers expressed more self than task or impact concerns, (2) student teachers expressed more task than impact concerns, (3) inservice teachers expressed more impact than self or task concerns, and (4) prospective teachers expressed more self concerns than student or inservice teachers, student teachers expressed more task concerns than prospective or inservice teachers, and inservice teachers expressed more impact concerns than prospective or student teachers.  相似文献   

This 25 factorial experiment investigated the primacy effect in the orienting response. The type of stimuli (tone or "music"), stimulus intensities (loud or soft), length of adaptation period (same, 5 or 30 sec; or different, 5 min.), interstimulus intervals (5 or 30 sec.), and sex were studied. College students, 32 males and 32 females were randomly assigned to each group. In the same condition, the tone (or music) was soft (or loud) for 5 sec. (or 30 sec.) in adaptation and was then changed alternately without interruption to loud, soft, etc. (or soft, loud, etc.) for 5 sec. (or 30 sec.). The different condition was identical except for the length of adaptation period in which the stimuli sounded continously for 5 min. Analyses of the GSR manifestation of the orienting responses indicated: (a) an over-all primacy effect with the auditory stimuli and (b) the primacy effect occurred in the 5-sec.-same but not in the 30-sec.-same condition as predicted.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which monolingual and bilingual participants who were younger (Experiment 1) or older (Experiment 2) adults performed in a dual-task classification paradigm. Visually (primary task) and auditorily (secondary task) presented stimuli were classified into two categories. The stimuli belonged to two domains, letters or numbers (LN) and animals or musical instruments (AM), and the two task modalities used stimuli from the same (related) or opposite (unrelated) domains. For both age groups, bilinguals were less disrupted than monolinguals in visual sorting in the LN domain, and relatedness affected performance only in the AM domain. The results indicate different processing demands for the two domains, with the simpler domain (LN) favouring bilinguals and the more semantically complex domain (AM) favouring related judgements for the two task modalities.  相似文献   

The organization of spatio-temporal information in an auditory memory task was studied in two experiments. Stimuli consisted of four different configurations of eight sequentially presented beeps. In two configurations, the stimuli were space-time congruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances corresponding to (constant or variable) inter-stimulus time intervals. In the other two configurations, the stimuli were space-time incongruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances not corresponding to (variable or constant) inter-stimulus time intervals. After a learning phase consisting of 20 presentations of the target configuration, participants reproduced the spatial (Experiment 1) or temporal (Experiment 2) characteristics of the target 60 times in succession without re-examining the target configuration. Accuracy (with respect to the target) and variability (between responses) were found to evolve independently. In the incongruent space-time conditions, effects of variable inter-stimulus time intervals or distances on the reproduction of, respectively, constant distances (Tau effect) or constant time intervals (Kappa effect) were observed, while the reverse was not the case. Thus, dimensional interference occurred when the dimension to be ignored was variable. The results are discussed in the light of the distinction between properties of the stabilized mental image and the process of stabilization.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of suicide survivors groups. Survey responses by 149 U.S. and Canadian groups are characterized as follows: (1) they are most often sponsored by mental health or social service agencies or have no sponsor; (2) groups have operated an average of 8 to 9 years; (3) fewer than 10 people typically attend monthly or twice monthly meetings; (4) group experience predominantly involves sharing personal experiences; (5) leadership generally involves either trained facilitators, mental health professionals, or both; (6) most groups are open ended; (7) all social/ethnic, income, and adult age groups are served, but few children and teenagers attend; and (8) referrals come predominantly by word-of-mouth or medical and religious sources. Further research is required regarding survivor group attributes and processes.  相似文献   

In this study, we manipulated mastery criterion form (rolling or block) and stringency (across 6 or 12 trials) and measured the emergence of derived relations. College students learned neuroanatomy equivalence classes and experienced one of two rolling mastery criteria (6 or 12 consecutive correct responses) or a block mastery criterion (12 trials in a block) during training. The study found that block and rolling mastery criteria produced similar outcomes. Effectiveness was hampered when the criterion was less stringent.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which monolingual and bilingual participants who were younger (Experiment 1) or older (Experiment 2) adults performed in a dual-task classification paradigm. Visually (primary task) and auditorily (secondary task) presented stimuli were classified into two categories. The stimuli belonged to two domains, letters or numbers (LN) and animals or musical instruments (AM), and the two task modalities used stimuli from the same (related) or opposite (unrelated) domains. For both age groups, bilinguals were less disrupted than monolinguals in visual sorting in the LN domain, and relatedness affected performance only in the AM domain. The results indicate different processing demands for the two domains, with the simpler domain (LN) favouring bilinguals and the more semantically complex domain (AM) favouring related judgements for the two task modalities.  相似文献   

One of the keynote addresses presented at the National Working Conference on Research in Health and Behavior. This address is a historical review of current challenges to researchers in health psychology. Current challenges discussed include (a) creation of physical pathology, (b) physical symptoms of physical pathology in the absence of true pathology, (c) increased or decreased vulnerability to infectious disease, (d) intensify, prolong, or diminish existing pathology, (e) individuals' preoccupation with illness or disease, (f) voluntarily engaging in health-threatening behavior (e.g., allowing toxic agents to enter the body or engaging in accident-prone behavior or high-risk sexual practices), (g) engaging in health-enhancing life-style behaviors, and (h) involuntarily becoming the victim of toxic agents. The shift in public health policy as related to psychological research--from mental health to physical illness--reflects societal support for such areas of research by health psychologists.  相似文献   

Abstract— The terms sex and gender have come to be used as synonyms in the social sciences literature. However, nothing has been gained by the use of the term gender except confusion. This article identifies five meanings for which social scientists often use the terms sex or gender and proposes a distinct term for each of those five meanings. The terms proposed are (1) sex: to refer to the biological function; (2) biologically sex-linked: to refer to traits or conditions that are causally biologically related to being male or female; (3) gender-linked: to refer to traits or conditions that are causally linked with maleness or femaleness but are culturally based as opposed to biologically based; (4) sex- and gender-linked: to refer to traits or conditions that are causally related to both a biological component and a cultural component; and (5) sex-correlated: to refer to traits or conditions that are related to being male or female without asserting a causal relation to either biology or culture (because we do not wish to make such an assertion or cannot do so confidently). It is hoped that adopting a terminological standard will reduce the confusion resulting from nonspecific language use.  相似文献   

In four experiments, a total of 384 undergraduates incidentally learned a list of 24 nouns twice in the same context (same-context repetition) or different contexts (different-context repetition). Free recall was measured in a neutral context. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 used a context repetition (same- or different-context repetition) × inter-study and retention intervals (10 min or 1 day) between-participants design. Context was manipulated by the combination of place, social environment, and encoding task (Experiment 1), place and social environment (Experiment 2), or place alone (Experiment 3). Experiment 4 used a context repetition × type of context (context manipulated by place or by place, social environment, and encoding task) between-participants design, with a 10-min inter-study interval and a one-day retention interval. The present results indicate that the determinant of the superiority of same- or different-context repetition in recall is the type of context. Implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Eleven right-handed adolescent females with a history of idiopathic precocious puberty (IPP) were compared to 11 pair-matched normal controls of similar maturational status. They were tested on a dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) discrimination task in which syllables were presented simultaneously to the two ears or with an interaural delay of 30 or 60 msec. The IPP and control groups did not differ: (1) in right-ear advantages; (2) in double-correct or total correct measures of accuracy; or (3) in "lag effects." The findings provide further evidence that timing of puberty--maturation rate--is not related to verbal ability or lateralization in adolescent females.  相似文献   

Retrieval search for the last target word of four noun category (Bus-Airplane-Car-Train) and thematic (Suitcase-Coat-Ticket-Train) stimuli by children and adults was examined in four experiments. Stimulus classification at acquisition was ensured by orienting questions. Associative search structures were externalized more or less at retrieval by providing cues reinstating the whole (Bus-Airplane-Car) or only part (Bus-Airplane, or Bus) of the associative context, cues with the same or changed (Car-Bus-Airplane) word order, or cues representing the stimulus classification (Vehicle). The results suggest that the associative structures of memory help constrain and mediate retrieval search for stimulus information, and that these structures as well as representations of the stimulus events in memory seem to differ for thematic and category events, and for children and adults, contributing to search differences.  相似文献   

Little is known about the acute effects of drugs of abuse on impulsivity and self-control. In this study, impulsivity was assessed in humans using a computer task that measured delay and probability discounting. Discounting describes how much the value of a reward (or punisher) is decreased when its occurrence is either delayed or uncertain. Twenty-four healthy adult volunteers ingested a moderate dose of ethanol (0.5 or 0.8 g/kg ethanol: n = 12 at each dose) or placebo before completing the discounting task. In the task the participants were given a series of choices between a small, immediate, certain amount of money and $10 that was either delayed (0, 2, 30, 180, or 365 days) or probabilistic (i.e., certainty of receipt was 1.0, .9, .75, .5, or .25). The point at which each individual was indifferent between the smaller immediate or certain reward and the $10 delayed or probabilistic reward was identified using an adjusting-amount procedure. The results indicated that (a) delay and probability discounting were well described by a hyperbolic function; (b) delay and probability discounting were positively correlated within subjects; (c) delay and probability discounting were moderately correlated with personality measures of impulsivity; and (d) alcohol had no effect on discounting.  相似文献   

Lesbian and gay male applicants routinely are denied government security clearances or are subjected to unusually lengthy and intensive investigation. This article reviews social science data relevant to the principal justifications that have been offered for this policy and presents the following conclusions: (a) Lesbians and gay men are no more likely than heterosexuals to suffer from a personality disorder or emotional stress, or to be psychologically unstable; (b) lesbians and gay men are no more likely than heterosexuals to be unduly sensitive to coercion, blackmail, or duress; (c) lesbians and gay men are no more likely than heterosexuals to be unwilling to respect or uphold laws or regulations, or to be unreliable or untrustworthy. Three major flaws are discussed that underlie current government policies toward gay applicants for security clearances: (a) Groups rather than individuals are screened for undesirable characteristics; (b) applicants are rejected on the basis of problems created by government policies themselves; and (c) homosexual applicants are scrutinized according to criteria that are not applied similarly to heterosexual applicants. An alternative hypothesis, that experience with stigma actually may increase a gay applicant's ability to maintain secrecy, is discussed. Finally, some consequences of current policies are noted.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined repetition priming on tasks that require access to semantic (or biographical) information from faces. In the second stage of each experiment, participants made either a nationality or an occupation decision to faces of celebrities, and, in the first stage, they made either the same or a different decision to faces (in Experiment 1) or the same or a different decision to printed names (in Experiment 2). All combinations of priming and test tasks produced clear repetition effects, which occurred irrespective of whether the decisions made were positive or negative. Same-domain (face-to-face) repetition priming was larger than cross-domain (name-to-face) priming, and priming was larger when the two tasks were the same. It is discussed how these findings are more readily accommodated by the Burton, Bruce, and Johnston (1990) model of face recognition than by episode-based accounts of repetition priming.  相似文献   

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