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The Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC) convened its 5th National APAHC Conference in Boston March 3–5 2011. The conference and its theme, “Preparing Psychologists for a Rapidly Changing Health Care Environment,” brought psychologists from academic health centers together to examine how psychology can adapt to and help lead health care efforts in the face of health care reform. This paper reports on the conference and introduces the special issue of JCPMS that is dedicated to the conference. The conference theme is framed in the historical context of the four national conferences that preceded it. In examining the focus and topics of the preceding conferences, recurrent themes are identified and progress in certain areas is highlighted.  相似文献   

Psychologists play key roles in academic health centers. This article is an outgrowth of a presentation at the 2015 Conference of the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers addressing various strategies by which psychologists can effectively adapt to and develop successful careers in medical schools, academic health centers, and teaching hospitals. The authors encourage early career and mid-career psychologists in academic health centers to be active, engaged members of their institutions and to participate in multiple aspects of the research, educational, and clinical missions.  相似文献   

This article is based on the invited presentation by the author at the American Psychological Association??s Annual Convention, August 4?C7, 2011, upon his receipt of the Joseph D. Matarazzo Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in Academic Health Centers presented by the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers. This article relates the history, roles, and responsibilities of psychologists in academic health centers to the ultimate survival and success of professional psychology. It describes implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the institutional practice of psychology including how psychology??s place in academic health centers positions the field well for the future of healthcare reform. The article provides several recommendations to help professional psychology prepare for that future of integrated, interprofessional healthcare.  相似文献   

Psychology must assure that its programs, faculty and staff, clinical services, research enterprises, and training programs must be freestanding in Academic Health Science Centers and not organized within any other department except a freestanding Department of Psychology. Without this autonomy, it is argued, Psychology can never reach its full potential as a health care science and profession in hospital and academic health care center settings. This thesis is argued on the basis of issues of finances, credentialing and privileging, role modeling for psychologist trainees, the importance of Psychology's persona within the health science center and in the eyes of the public, and finally, academic freedom.  相似文献   

Psychologists, interns, and postdoctoral fellows convened in Minneapolis May 3–5, 2007 for the 3rd National Conference of the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC): “Psychologists in Academic Health Centers: Traditions and Innovations in Education, Science, and Practice.” This paper reviews the development and organization of the conference, which built upon the two previous conferences of the Association of Medical School Psychologists. The articles in this special issue are based on a selected number of the 32 conference presentations, covering a range of timely topics that reflect the conference theme. Participants’ positive perceptions and satisfaction with the conference reveal the value of such conferences focused on the activities, interests, opportunities, and challenges of psychologists who work in academic health centers (AHCs) and teaching hospitals. Moreover, the content and success of the conference underscores the importance of APAHC as an organization serving the needs and promoting the interests of psychologists affiliated with AHCs.
William N. RobinerEmail:

Psychologists in academic health centers (AHC) face important ethical issues including confidentiality when working with a multidisciplinary team, sharing of information through the electronic health record, obtaining informed consent in a fast-paced healthcare environment, cultural competency in the medical setting, and issues related to supervision and training. The goal of this paper is to describe ethical issues for psychologists in AHCs in the context of case examples, and to consider ethical decision-making tools to enhance clinical care. Considerations for best practices in integrated care settings will be discussed, and the APA Ethical Standards will be referenced throughout.  相似文献   

A promising opportunity exists to continue psychology's move beyond its traditional mental health emphasis into a general health care discipline. Abundant empirical evidence supports that psychologists treat a wide array of physical disorders as well as psychological components of medical problems. The immediate issues confronting psychology's full emergence into the health care world are discussed and recommendations are offered to assure the success of this initiative. Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost  相似文献   

This paper begins by providing the landscape that undergirds the competency-based movement within professional psychology education, training, credentialing, and performance appraisal. Attention is then paid to the relevance of this culture shift for psychologists working as practitioners, educators, researchers, and administrators in AHCs. In this regard, there is an articulation of the essential subcomponents of each of the core foundational and functional competency domains that are salient for AHC psychologists. Implications of the competency-based movement for professional psychologists in AHCs are offered. This paper is based in part on the first author’s plenary address at the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers Midwinter Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2007.  相似文献   

National reports have recommended additions to the core competencies that should be required of all health disciplines, including psychology. The recommendations will affect the education and training of health professionals at academic health centers (AHCs). There will be more focus on training for competence in patient-centered care, evidence-based care, interdisciplinary teamwork, informatics, and continuous quality improvement. Other trends that will affect training of psychologists and other health disciplines in AHC settings include emphasis on better ways to assess the quality of clinical skills, support for improvement of teaching and training, and an increase in educators' status.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC), formerly known as Association of Medical School Psychologists (AMSP), held its first national conference since 1997. At the latter conference, the author of this article [Sheridan (1999) Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 6, 211–218] was asked to present some of the issues that would be important to health care psychologists in the next decade. These issues included the role of psychology in academic health centers, interventions psychologists offer, reimbursements for such treatments, education and training models, and research. This article examines those observations, offers new data, and explores the current challenges and opportunities for psychologists in academic health centers. The presentation also addresses aspirations of psychologists as well as resistances within the profession. Parts of this paper were delivered at the 3rd Conference of the Association of Academic Health Center Psychologists in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2007.  相似文献   

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings - Mentoring has a long tradition in academic health centers, and from an institutional perspective can positively impact retention, wellness,...  相似文献   

Careers in academic health centers (AHCs) come with a unique set of challenges and rewards. Building a stable and rewarding career as a psychologist in an AHC requires the efforts of a whole team of players and coaches. This paper outlines the characteristics of AHCs and the general skills psychologists need to thrive in this type of setting. Advice specific to each stage of career development (early, mid, and late) is offered, highlighting the themes of coaching and teamwork that are critical to success in an AHC.  相似文献   

江淹《别赋》中说:“黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣。”别离,是中国文学中经久不衰的创作题材。早在《诗经》里就有“之子一,远送于野。瞻望弗及,润涕如雨。”〔1〕“于嗟阔兮。不我活兮。于嗟洵兮。不我信兮。”〔2〕这样的句子,堪称是中国送别诗的源头。到汉乐府、汉魏古诗中,送别诗日趋发展,《文选》已有送别一类。对于封建社会的知识分子而言,一生中辞亲远游、科举应试,甚至迁客贬谪等等常有发生。所谓“离群托诗以怨”,古人述别离之情的诗已成经典,李白“桃花潭水深千尺”〔3〕、王维“渭城朝雨轻尘”〔4〕、杜牧“蜡烛有心还惜别”〔5〕等,早…  相似文献   

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