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苏尼是四川凉山彝族社会类似于萨满的仪式专家,从萨满教视角研究包含彝族苏尼在内的中国南方民族萨满宗教民俗正在成为学术界思考的新取向。苏尼在产生方式、宗教体验、与神沟通方式及宇宙观与神灵体系方面展现出萨满特征。苏尼萨满特征的个案探究,为从中国南方民族萨满教视角与国际萨满学理论对话、构思完整的中国萨满学研究体系提供了南方民族的经验。 相似文献
萨满教作为人类早期的一种宗教形态,具有多方面的价值,在特定民族的早期发展阶段,对于实现社会和谐,对于特定群体精神品质的形成,具有积极的意义。就学术价值而言,萨满教为现代人考察、探讨宗教的发生和发展规律提供了鲜活的资源。萨满教所具有的综合体的特质,使其对于北方先民原始文化的起源具有重要的催生作用,成为原始文化诸种形式的母源。因此,萨满教也成为探索原始文化的途径之一。 相似文献
回鹘宗教史上的萨满巫术 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
萨满教在回鹘中流播时间长、范围广、影响大,以万物有灵论为思想基础,内容包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜等方面。在 763 年摩尼教传入回鹘之前,该教一直享有国教的地位,巫师颇受回鹘统治者宠信。当萨满教的国教地位被摩尼教取代后,其影响并未消失,而是以改变了形式——巫术继续存在于回鹘社会中,以致影响到今日维吾尔族、裕固族的社会文化与习俗。 相似文献
萨满教信仰是中国北方民族中原始先民的普遍信仰,萨满的仪式活动对部族成员的意识和行为产生强烈的影响力,通过被视为具有神力的法器来祈福禳灾是萨满仪式活动的重要特征,在对万物有灵的信仰和祈求中获得心灵慰藉的同时,法器也被赋予了丰富的文化象征意义。 相似文献
萨满式文明是以巫术为特征的广义萨满信仰的文明形态,这种文明特征广泛存在于中国乃至世界各民族中。本文通过对中国东北部索伦鄂温克族的田野调查,对现代萨满信仰进行分析,探讨这种文明形态对人们的观念、行为以及社会文化的影响。 相似文献
骨法用笔对于中国的绘画和书法来说都是最为重要的观念和技巧之一,它对于作品的造型、气韵和神采都有深刻影响。从时代背景讲,骨法用笔观念的兴起同汉魏时期的相法方术有密切关联。但从思想来源探究,源头可以追溯到原始时期萨满—巫觋文化的骨骼透视现象。中国书画作品对于骨法用笔的侧重,渊源于原始信仰通过骨骼来再现生命的信念。 相似文献
世界各民族都有关于疾病产生原因和相应的治疗方法的自身理解,这些理解构成了各自的文化医疗系统。本文以信仰萨满教的族群和民族为例,论述了萨满文化中四种核心的疾病观和治疗方法,并指出各个族群在漫长的文化实践中发展出来的独特疾病观和治疗方法,作为一个在生物医疗的体系之外的文化医疗系统,值得人类学家进行深入的发掘和理解。 相似文献
萨满领神仪式与青春期危机 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青春期是人生发展的一个关键期,许多西方心理学家把青春期看作是个体发展上的危险期,呈现一种常性危机。因文化传统、信仰观念的不同,不同的社会解决青春期危机的途径也各异。本文通过对萨满病发生年龄和萨满领神年龄的考察,阐明在萨满教世界中,萨满病是青春期危机的一种表现形式,萨满领神仪式是缓解和解除这种危机的一种方式,从而体现了萨满教在解除危机方面的基本功能。 相似文献
近几十年来,世界上曾经拥有萨满文化传统的许多国家、民族纷纷从不同角度与层面复兴了自己的文化传统,萨满文化遗产成为诸多无形文化遗产项目中的重要类别。各个国家、民族如何选择萨满文化遗产,萨满文化遗产与民族政治、文化需求如何互动,如何看待不同国家和地区对萨满文化的发掘与利用现象等是本文探讨的主要内容。 相似文献
Jack C. Carloye 《Philosophical Studies》1977,32(3):283-292
Michael Winkelman 《Zygon》2004,39(1):193-217
Neurotheological approaches provide an important bridge between scientific and religious perspectives. These approaches have, however, generally neglected the implications of a primordial form of spiritual healing—shamanism. Cross‐cultural studies establish the universality of shamanic practices in hunter‐gatherer societies around the world and across time. These universal principles of shamanism reflect underlying neurological processes and provide a basis for an evolutionary theology. The shamanic paradigm involves basic brain processes, neurognostic structures, and innate brain modules. This approach reveals that universals of shamanism such as animism, totemism, soul flight, animal spirits, and death‐and‐rebirth experiences reflect fundamental brain operations and structures of consciousness. The shamanic paradigm can contribute to a reconciliation of scientific and religious perspectives by providing a universalistic biopsychosocial framework that explicates the biological underpinnings of spiritual experiences and practices and provides a basis for neurotheology and evolutionary theology approaches. 相似文献
J. Timothy Green 《Journal of Near-Death Studies》1998,16(3):205-222
The first 20 years of near-death studies have thoroughly documented the existence of this phenomenon. The field of near-death studies appears to be evolving from a purely academic one to include an applied, clinical component. I discuss the overlap between shamanism and near-death experiences (NDEs) and suggest that the study of shamanism would be helpful in more fully understanding this phenomena and beginning the development of an applied methodology. Although it may be difficult to verify subjective accounts of NDEs and shamanic journeys, from a clinical stand-point it may not be necessary to do so in order to develop a technique that passes the test of scientific scrutiny. 相似文献
Lydia Nakashima Degarrod 《Religion》1998,28(4):339-350
This article examines the emergence of a new form of shamanism among the Mapuche of Chile during their first decades under the dominion of the Chilean state. Specifically, it links the emergence of a female shamanism with the policies implemented by the Chilean government and the Catholic Church to integrate the Mapuche into the Chilean society as Christian farmers. The material of this paper is based on historical material from 1881 to 1930. 相似文献
Lydia Nakashima Degarrod 《Religion》2013,43(4):339-350
This article examines the emergence of a new form of shamanism among the Mapuche of Chile during their first decades under the dominion of the Chilean state. Specifically, it links the emergence of a female shamanism with the policies implemented by the Chilean government and the Catholic Church to integrate the Mapuche into the Chilean society as Christian farmers. The material of this paper is based on historical material from 1881 to 1930. 相似文献