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This paper examines effects of both purchasing involvement and product involvement on consumers' responses to rebates. In Part One, the study examines the effects of involvement on consumer responses to a rebate price promotion. Specifically, the study reports that consumers with high levels of purchasing involvement and consumers with high levels of product involvement are more likely to experience satisfaction with a shopping experience involving a rebate and, subsequently, are more likely to express intentions to engage in repeat purchase behavior and word-of-mouth communication about the product. High purchasing involved (but not high product involved) customers are also more likely to use rebates. In Part Two, the study examines effects of involvement on consumer attributions for satisfaction with the price deal and reports that high purchasing involvement is significantly related to a tendency to make internal, rather than external, attributions for satisfaction with a rebate shopping experience. Results of hierarchical moderated regression suggest that consumer responses to the rebate price promotion are moderated by these internal attributions. Implications of the findings for a theoretical understanding of involvement effects on attributions and for the effectiveness of price promotion strategies in the marketplace are discussed.  相似文献   

Kumar and Epley (2023) review robust evidence for an intriguing hypothesis: That people fail to appreciate the benefits of everyday social behaviors and thus hesitate to connect with others in ways that would increase well-being. In this commentary, we discuss how consumer research can enrich theory and application in this emerging line of inquiry. We suggest (a) that the hedonic implications of undersociality can be integrated with reputational signaling insights to generate new questions about the wisdom and utility of social behavior, and (b) that undersociality has interesting implications for a consumption domain of particular interest to maximizing welfare: charitable giving.  相似文献   

  • In this conceptual paper, the authors review literature on how consumers react when a piece of brand communication is incongruent with established brand associations. Although brand experts typically criticize such brand image incongruity, it is a fact that companies do communicate in a way that challenges existing associations, for example in advertising or when launching brand extensions. The article integrates previous work—which has been scattered across several poorly connected domains—into a coherent framework. The authors propose effects of brand image incongruity on consumers' processing and evaluation. They also identify marketing implications and avenues for future research. The propositions imply opportunities for brand management, thus suggesting the need for a balanced view on brand image incongruity.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Customized pricing is an increasing phenomenon in the marketplace, but little is known about factors influencing consumer responses to customized pricing. The present paper seeks to gain an understanding of how, why, and when this emerging pricing mechanism may offer benefits. Specifically, this research focuses on how consumers respond to customized pricing tactics and, more specifically, on how interpersonal attachment orientations impact consumers' responses to prices offered in the presence of a customized pricing program. The results of 3 studies suggest that customized pricing programs likely create an expectation for a discounted price among securely attached individuals, such that these consumers are dissatisfied paying the shelf price in the presence of a customized pricing program. Overall, the results provide evidence that, although customized pricing programs are often used to enhance consumer evaluations, they may not always be effective. This paper advances prior research by integrating important considerations for both pricing and customization strategies based on individual and situational differences in attachment orientations.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the conventional opposition, or distinction, between consumer behaviour theory and practice. This binary dualism, it is argued, is predicated on a simplistic ‘either/or’ logic that ignores the effects theory and practice have on each other. Furthermore, it obscures a hierarchical relationship between academic researchers and marketing practitioners in which basic research is more dominant and privileged than applied research. In response to these criticisms, an alternative ‘both/and’ logic is proposed for exploring the interrelationships between consumer behaviour theory and practice and new social relations among consumer researchers. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

Behavior analysis has exploited conceptual tools whose experimental validity has been amply demonstrated, but their relevance to large-scale and fine-grained behavioral phenomena remains uncertain, because the experimental analysis of these domains faces formidable obstacles of measurement and control. In this essay I suggest that, at least at the fine-grained end of the behavioral spectrum, we have not taken sufficient advantage of all available procedures. Specifically, I propose that an examination of eye movements, joint control, and response latency in intraverbal tasks might help us to formulate more complete accounts of complex human behavior.  相似文献   

Although people generally prefer persuasive messages that align with their self‐construal, the present research explores a seemingly paradoxical situation wherein mismatched message that does not align with people's self‐construal is positively received. Given sufficient cognitive capacity to trigger persuasion knowledge—the knowledge of persuasion tactics that are encountered in the marketplace, the use of an individually focused persuasion attempt on consumers with an interdependent self‐construal results in greater levels of trust in the sales agent. In contrast, consumers with an independent self‐construal respond similarly to different types of persuasion attempts. Persuasion knowledge is a mechanism for variations in trust. The findings replicate those of prior work, and the robustness of the effects is confirmed via small‐scale meta‐analysis.  相似文献   

A popular program among consumer action groups involves publicizing comparative food price information (CFPI) gathered from retail stores. Its significance is based on the assumption that publishing CFPI maximizes retail competition (i.e., moderates price levels or price increases) and occasions more frugal store selections among consumers. We tested these assumptions during a 2-year analysis. Specifically, we monitored the prices of two distinct market baskets in the supermarkets of two midwestern cities (target and contrast cities). Following a lengthy baseline, we published the prices of only one of the market baskets at stores in the target city in the local newspaper on five different occasions. The results suggested that reductions in price inflation occurred for both market baskets at the independently operated target stores. The corporate chain stores were not similarly affected. In addition, surveys indicated that many consumers used the CFPI as a basis for store selection. Finally, the analysis included a discussion of the politics, economics, and future of CFPI programs.  相似文献   

This article describes three experiments on the possibility of expressing scent or sound into visual forms made by design engineering students. The hypothesis tested was that people are able to pick up patterns in the energy flow that the students transposed from one perceptual sense to another. In Exp. 1 subjects were given different scents and were asked to choose a sculpture designed according these scents. In Exp. 2 subjects were given different musical pieces and asked to match them with portable cassette players designed according to this music. Exp. 3 was identical to Exp. 2 but different music selections, similar to the ones in Exp. 2, were used. In all three experiments subjects were indeed able to perform the tasks above chance level. Results are discussed within the framework of the theory of direct perception of Gibson.  相似文献   

Neuromarketing is the field of studying neural signals to comprehend consumer behavior, which can help improve marketing strategies. In the recent past, scholars have conducted research to enhance the conceptual understanding of neuromarketing by applying bibliometric analysis. However, most studies either had a myopic view or considered a few articles. As a result, existing literature fails to provide a nuanced understanding of neuromarketing. The present research addresses this lacuna using a bibliometric analysis of 383 research articles across different domains from the Scopus database. The research covers the most influential authors, articles, top journals, most prominent countries, and institutions in the neuromarketing field. Next, keyword co-occurrence analysis reveals major themes such as decision-making in consumers, marketing and consumer behavior, advertisement, non-invasive techniques in advertisement effectiveness, ERP and brand extension, brand and fMRI. Finally, analyzing the six thematic areas gives valuable insights into the current research. The study also provides research areas for future researchers by identifying the gaps in the present thematic areas.  相似文献   

《Philosophical Papers》2012,41(1):29-54

Philosophers have traditionally used thought-experiments in their endeavours to find a satisfactory account of the self and personal identity. Yet there are considerations from empirical psychology as well as related ones from philosophy itself that appear to completely undermine the method of thought-experiment. This paper focuses on both sets of considerations and attempts a defence of the method.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the emotion of embarrassment affects shopping behavior in a retail setting. In a series of three studies, we explore the phenomenon of “masking,” which is defined as a coping strategy used by shoppers when experiencing embarrassment related to a purchase task. Study 1 provides consumer insights into masking behaviors among Millennials. Study 2 empirically examines degrees of anticipated embarrassment associated with purchasing a variety of personal care products and uses a controlled experiment to test the impact of embarrassment on the size of the shopping basket (number of items purchased) and the value of the shopping basket. Study 3 examines basket size and value with respect to complementary and counterbalancing products, and compares Millennial with non‐Millennial consumers. Collectively, this research indicates that both Millennial and non‐Millennials use masking as a coping strategy for a variety of products due to anticipated embarrassment, translating into enhanced basket sizes and values. This effect appears to be moderated by one's innate susceptibility to embarrassment. This study contributes to our understanding of how the emotion of embarrassment influences shopping basket composition in terms of its value and size. It also provides insightful findings relevant to retail practitioners. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ethical issues surrounding the act of suicide are confounded by the difference between the complexity of suicide and the popular and professional clinical view of suicide. In elaborating these different views, it is shown that the dominant view of suicide as a manifestation of mental illness has a weak scientific base and limits our efforts at understanding the multi-faceted concept “suicide.” In particular, the rationality of those who kill themselves is examined. Finally, the right of a person in our society to take his or her own life is supported; the state is shown to have no base for a compelling interest in preventing suicide.  相似文献   

Consumers have a fundamental need to belong. Prior research has examined the compensatory mechanisms that consumers use to restore belongingness when they have a low sense of belonging. However, research has yet to adequately understand the influence that having a high sense of belonging has on consumption behavior. Thus, three studies are conducted to address this gap in the literature, specifically examining religiosity as a source of consumers' high sense of belonging. Study 1A identifies that religiosity positively influences consumers' sense of belonging and corresponding product evaluations because belongingness creates a positive affect state. This affect then incidentally transfers a positive halo effect to product evaluations. Study 1B replicates the sequential mediation from Study 1A but only for those products that are value expressive. Studies 2 and 3 then better isolate these effects by priming religion (Study 2) as well as general social acceptance and rejection (Study 3). Findings reveal that only religion and acceptance primes influence consumers' sense of belonging and product evaluations. Discussion builds on need‐to‐belong theory and implications for marketing practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Male hamsters were tested for their responses to areas that had been scent marked by intact or vaginectomized females to determine the effects of naturally deposited vaginal secretions on male behavior. In the first experiment males produced more ultrasonic courtship calls when investigating areas marked by intact females than areas scented by vaginectomized females, demonstrating that vaginal marks facilitate such calling. In a wind-tunnel preference test situation in which scent-marked alleys and clean alleys served as sources of odor, males approached the scented alley first if it had been freshly marked by intact females but not if it had been scented by vaginectomized females or other males. Thus, the odors of vaginal marks are sufficient to attract males over short distances. After males entered these alleys they showed a preference for odors of both intact and vaginectomized females over no odors, but still spent significantly more time investigating the odors of intact females than those of vaginectomized females. These experiments indicate that vaginal secretions are one of the primary cues that elicit male courtship calling, and the small quantities of vaginal secretions deposited by females in vaginal marks are sufficient to elicit ultrasonic calling and attract males over short distances. Thus it is likely that vaginal scent marking and ultrasonic calling by females interact to facilitate attraction and location of mates during courtship.  相似文献   

Animal trainers working in scent detection programs are responsible for arranging training contingencies as well as for observing and recording animal behavior. We provided behavioral skills training (BST) to animal trainers working with scent detection rats to improve the treatment integrity of scent‐detection research sessions. We evaluated the trainers' behavior at baseline and during the sequential introduction of each component of BST (instructions, modeling, and feedback). We observed incremental improvements in treatment integrity with the introduction of each BST component. Posttraining probes revealed that these improvements were sustained at least 3 weeks post‐BST. As the trainers' behavior was modified during BST, we observed decrements in measures of rat performance. We discuss the nature of these interactions and their implications for the use of BST in scent detection research and in situations in which intervention with one party produces concomitant effects on the behavior of another.  相似文献   

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