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Four hundred and ten school children, aged between 13 and 16 years, were administered a questionnaire to investigate (a) their perceptions of AIDS and implications of the disease for the victim; (b) beliefs about how best to prevent the spread of disease; (c) sources of information and (d) AIDS relevant topics they would like to learn in school. The results suggested that there were few differences in knowledge or attitude as a function of age, but some significant differences due to sex. Boys were more likely to derogate the AIDS victim compared with girls. In terms of different strategies for prevention, boys were more in favour of “scare” approaches, and girls of information-giving. The success of any AIDS education package may be at least partly determined by individual beliefs about the disease, and preferences for different educational strategies.  相似文献   

The problem-posing methodology of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, using the reading circle approach previously deployed in successful literacy campaigns in developing countries, is introduced for application in AIDS information programs. The basis of this educational process is the dialogue where those to be educated resolve their problems by evaluating information critically, capturing concepts by codification and decodification, and transmitting information by creating relevant educational materials. Health circles are organized with women as educators to impart knowledge about AIDS and HIV: definitions, epidemiological components (sex, age, and risk behavior), means of transmission, stages of the progression of AIDS, prevention of HIV infection, and tests for detecting HIV antibodies. The dialogue explores knowledge and feelings about AIDS and how it affects life in the community reveals personal experiences and accounts of knowing someone who was HIV-positive, and develops action plans to minimize AIDS cases in the community. The Latin population of California, mainly of Mexican origin, with low levels of education, income, and acculturation and a high incidence of AIDS, is an appropriate target of such intervention. In 1980, there were 12.3 million people of Hispanic origin in the US. In August 1990, there were 143,280 persons diagnoses with AIDS according to the Centers for Disease Control. 78,878 of these (55%) were Anglos, and 21,752 (15%) were Hispanics. Among the Anglos, the incidence was 300/million inhabitants, while among Hispanics, it was 1059/million, a 3-field higher rate.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns have been overshadowed by conflicting, competing, and contradictory views between those who support condom use as a last resort and those who are against it for fear of promoting sexual immorality. We argue that abstinence and faithfulness to one partner are the best available moral solutions to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Of course, deontologists may argue that condom use might appear useful and effective in controlling HIV/AIDS; however, not everything that is useful is always good. In principle, all schools of thought and faith seem to agree on the question of faithfulness for married couples and abstinence for those who are not married. But they differ on condom use. On the ground, the situation is far more complex. We simply lack a single, entirely reliable way to resolve all disagreements regarding HIV/AIDS prevention strategies.
Joseph-Matthew Mfutso-BengoEmail:

This study explored how students construct family and peers as resources for their HIV prevention. The participants were 20 education students from a South African technology education university (female = 60%, black = 85%; age range = 18 to 24). They completed a semi-structured interview on their access to family and peers talking about HIV/AIDS prevention in the context of perceived cultural influences. The data was thematically analysed using open-coding. Findings suggest that students shared information about HIV/AIDS prevention with peers, and less so with family. They perceived cultural taboos around sex talk to be a barrier to open discussion of HIV/ADS. Students may need to acquire strategies to negotiate HIV/AIDS prevention approaches with family in the context of culture.  相似文献   




贫困妇女人群中HIV新发感染不成比例上升的现象揭示了社会中的性别不公正,通过美国和肯尼亚的案例说明,预防艾滋病需要认可和促进妇女的人权,减少针对妇女的暴力,并保障妇女的教育,普及艾滋病相关知识.对女性主义进行了重新阐释,并以南非"和平与和解"运动为例指明了新的前进方向.  相似文献   


Surveys on gay and bisexual men in Sydney and non-metropolitan New South Wales (NSW) indicate uneven patterns of HIV/AIDS knowledge and sexual behaviour change. As a follow-up action-research study, the Class, Homosexuality and AIDS Prevention (CHAP) project pursued audio-recorded, semistructured interviews with men in western Sydney and Nullangardie, a provincial city in NSW, to investigate the relationship between homosexuality and class.

One-to-one interviews with working-class, homosexually active men revealed particular patterns of homosexual initiation and sexual relationships, and a distinct culture being slowly affected by notions of being “gay” and “gay community”. This impact of modern gay life on western Sydney was different from that in the provincial city. More prominent were the effects of class—unemployment, poor education, poverty, and cultural marginalisation—on the experience and elaboration of homosexuality. Group interviews confirmed an experience of “difference” from prominent gay communities, especially Sydney's “Oxford Street” gay quarter. Working-class men offered a critique of gay community-initiated HIV/AIDS prevention strategies, pointing toward different education initiatives involving local social networks.

Case studies are presented to argue the importance of the relation between sexuality and class, and its consequences for HIV/AIDS education.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental study is reported with four measurement occasions to evaluate longer-term effects of a life-skills and HIV/AIDS school-based prevention program. Trained teachers administered the program promoting precursors of safer sex behavior to 2064 Mexican high-school students at an age before most were sexually active. The variables included in the study (knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention, attitudes towards use of condoms, subjective norms, intentions to use condoms and life skills as decision-making skills, partner communication and individual responsibility) have been reported as precursors of protective sexual behavior. The results demonstrate the stability of training effects and a positive impact on these precursors over 1 year of follow-up.  相似文献   

The stigma associated with HIV/AIDS poses a psychological challenge to people living with HIV/AIDS. We hypothesized that that the consequences of stigma-related stressors on psychological well-being would depend on how people cope with the stress of HIV/AIDS stigma. Two hundred participants with HIV/AIDS completed a self-report measure of enacted stigma and felt stigma, a measure of how they coped with HIV/AIDS stigma, and measures of depression and anxiety, and self-esteem. In general, increases in felt stigma (concerns with public attitudes, negative self-image, and disclosure concerns) coupled with how participants reported coping with stigma (by disengaging from or engaging with the stigma stressor) predicted self-reported depression, anxiety, and self-esteem. Increases in felt stigma were associated with increases in anxiety and depression among participants who reported relatively high levels of disengagement coping compared to participants who reported relatively low levels of disengagement coping. Increases in felt stigma were associated with decreased self-esteem, but this association was attenuated among participants who reported relatively high levels of engagement control coping. The data also suggested a trend that increases in enacted stigma predicted increases in anxiety, but not depression, among participants who reported using more disengagement coping. Mental health professionals working with people who are HIV positive should consider how their clients cope with HIV/AIDS stigma and consider tailoring current therapies to address the relationship between stigma, coping, and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This study investigated current attitudes towards HIV prevention in a sample of 1061 college students enrolled at a midwestern university. The survey was a self-administered set of 8 demographic questions and 15 questions about attitudes. The findings indicated sex difference in overall attitudes, with females having more positive attitudes than male peers with regard to HIV prevention. Also, analysis of variance indicated ethnicity was related to overall attitudes toward HIV prevention. It appears that education which might reduce the prevalence of HIV infection should consider programs specific to sex and ethnicity.  相似文献   

影响艾滋病流行的社会因素从宏观层面看有经济发展水平、法律政治和宗教文化等,从微观层面看有贫困、社会资本、教育、就业和人口流动、歧视等.研究社会影响因素不仅有助于揭示艾滋病流行根源,制定科学干预策略,也有助于反思当前的社会治理,促进社会公平与和谐发展.  相似文献   

Joseph A. Edelheit 《Zygon》2004,39(2):497-506
Abstract. The global pandemic of HIV/AIDS is the most significant challenge of our time. The ongoing conversation between religion and science comes to a critical juncture in this pandemic. The global community has not yet found a vaccine or cure for this virulent virus, which will likely claim five million more lives in the coming year. The global statistics challenge even the most sophisticated imagination, with projections in the tens of millions of people dead, orphaned children, and many more living in various stages of incapacitation or diminished lives. There is a common prophetic religious imperative among Western faith communities that urgently requires both science and religion to respond. Both disciplines define their scope and purpose as universal, and the global pandemic provides a significant challenge to that universal claim. Regardless of the many differences among the nations and peoples challenged by this pandemic, there is a common moral foundation to which the Western religious and scientific traditions must respond. Religion and science cannot deny their respective social responsibilities by claiming the role of neutral bystander. There are several critical ethical choices to be made in response to the pandemic, and the disciplines of religion and science are critical in formulating those choices.  相似文献   

Haemophilia and HIV/AIDS are life-long, life-threatening conditions for which there is treatment but no cure. Both affect not only the patient but all members of the family. This paper focusses on how the counselling of those with AIDS/HIV has been affected by dilemmas such as treatment, infectious aspects, blood donation, sex, the media and having children. The impact of haemophilia and AIDS on the family and the ripple effect on health care staff is addressed.  相似文献   

Correlates (n= 835 at Time 1) and predictors (n= 434 at Time 2) of posttraumatic growth (PTG; perceiving positive life changes stemming from diagnosis) over 1.6 years were examined among a diverse sample of HIV/AIDS patients. PTG was common–59% of participants reported to have experienced at least moderate positive changes since diagnosis. At Time 1, PTG had significant negative associations with age, alcohol use, depression, and pessimism; and positive associations with African American ethnicity (vs. White), female gender, eating a healthy diet, and optimism. At Time 2, religiosity was positively associated with PTG. The process of experiencing PTG over time was associated with lower levels of depression over time. Although the underlying process of PTG remains unclear, these results suggest that PTG is worthy of intervention focus.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the present WHO/GPA counselling aims which are based on a disease-centred approach. It argues that as the parameters of the pandemic have changed the present counselling aims are no longer as relevant. These aims need to be revised in the light of recent developments and should be based upon a person-centred approach. The new counselling aims concentrate upon improving an individual's self concept and self esteem and recommend that People With AIDS continue to participate in society to make a valid contribution and maximize their individual satisfaction.  相似文献   

AIDS/HIV has been described as one of the most pressing medical and social problems of this century. A review of the psychosocial and counselling literature relating to it indicates that the predominant psychotherapeutic approach with clients is symptom-focused and presents psychological problems as being inevitable in the course of illness. A systems approach is considered to have a good fit' with HIV-related problems because of issues relating to unpredictability, relationships, interaction, complexity and secrecy which arise in the course of the illness and its management. Some of the counselling tasks of an AIDS counsellor are set out. Consideration of these can help the system (client, family, health care team, counsellor) both to define problems and to find solutions to them without resorting to prior assumptions about either.  相似文献   

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