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Research in marital therapy has been disadvantaged by the lack of a good, short and recent psychometric questionnaire to objectively assess the state of a marriage for research, demographic and clinical purposes. The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS) is a companion questionnaire to the Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS), and concentrates on aspects other than the sexual in a dyadic relationship between two adults living together. It is a 28 item psychometrically constructed inventory designed to produce a single scale along which changes in a marriage may develop as marital therapy progresses. It has been shown to be valid for this purpose, and to have a good reliability.  相似文献   

We here present the development and validation of the Verbal Affective Memory Test-24 (VAMT-24). First, we ensured face validity by selecting 24 words reliably perceived as positive, negative or neutral, respectively, according to healthy Danish adults’ valence ratings of 210 common and non-taboo words. Second, we studied the test's psychometric properties in healthy adults. Finally, we investigated whether individuals diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) differed from healthy controls on seasonal changes in affective recall. Recall rates were internally consistent and reliable and converged satisfactorily with established non-affective verbal tests. Immediate recall (IMR) for positive words exceeded IMR for negative words in the healthy sample. Relatedly, individuals with SAD showed a significantly larger decrease in positive recall from summer to winter than healthy controls. Furthermore, larger seasonal decreases in positive recall significantly predicted larger increases in depressive symptoms. Retest reliability was satisfactory, rs?≥?.77. In conclusion, VAMT-24 is more thoroughly developed and validated than existing verbal affective memory tests and showed satisfactory psychometric properties. VAMT-24 seems especially sensitive to measuring positive verbal recall bias, perhaps due to the application of common, non-taboo words. Based on the psychometric and clinical results, we recommend VAMT-24 for international translations and studies of affective memory.  相似文献   

The Racial Attitudes Index (RAI) measures a child’s racial attitudes. Designed for children aged 5–9 years, the RAI is delivered over the Internet using Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI). Unlike traditional binary forced-choice instruments, the RAI uses an expanded response format permitting a more nuanced understanding of patterns of children’s racial attitudes. In addition to establishing psychometric evidence of the RAI technical adequacy, hypotheses about RAI item response patterns were tested. The racial attitudes of 336 Black and White children in grades K–3 were assessed using a forced-choice instrument (Preschool Racial Attitudes Measure II) and the RAI. Findings from this study indicate measures obtained with the RAI are technically adequate, and the measure functions invariantly across racial groups. Also, patterns of children’s racial attitudes measured with the RAI are more nuanced than those obtained using the forced-choice response format.  相似文献   

The authors report the development and initial psychometric evaluation of gender-specific brief screening instruments to identify undetected psychiatric impairment on incarceration. Women and men completed the Correctional Mental Health Screen (CMHS), a 56-item screen derived from validated measures. Representative subsamples completed structured diagnostic interviews within 5 days. An 8-item screen for women and a 12-item screen for men identified inmates with current Axis I psychiatric disorders with 83% to 100% accuracy on the basis of cut points chosen to maximize negative predictive power. The CMHS showed evidence of incremental predictive utility compared with two previously validated correctional mental health screening measures with White and Black men and White women. Incremental validity was not supported with Black women, for whom the CMHS performed well in identifying true cases but not in ruling out noncases. Analyses of internal consistency, interrater, and retest reliability and convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity supported the psychometric status of the CMHS.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to develop and provide evidence supporting the construct validity and internal consistency of scores from the Nigerian Pre-retirement Anxiety Scale (NPAS). The measure comprises three dimensions: financial preparedness, social obligation, and social alienation. In the first study, data collected from 424 civil servants supported the proposed dimensionality of scale scores and internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha for the full scale = 0. 83). In the second study, data collected from a total sample of 216 employees who were also civil servants from different government agencies likewise supported the internal consistency of scores from the NPAS (Cronbach alpha for the full scale = 0.73), as well as validity. Scores from the NPAS appear to have evidence for research purposes.  相似文献   

《Body image》2014,11(3):233-244
This paper details the development of the Male Body Talk (MBT) scale and five studies supporting the psychometric soundness of scores on this new measure. Participants were 18–65-year-old men recruited via Amazon's Mechanical Turk, introductory psychology courses, and snowball sampling. The MBT scale assesses the frequency with which men engage in negatively valenced body-related conversations with others. Two subscales were identified through a combination of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The Muscle Talk subscale assesses men's tendency to express concerns regarding degree of muscularity and being too small. The Fat Talk subscale assesses men's tendency to express concerns regarding level of body fat and being overweight. Scores on the MBT scale demonstrated strong internal consistency and moderate test–retest reliability. Evidence of convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of scores on the MBT scale is presented. This new measure is a useful tool for examining how often men engage in negative body talk.  相似文献   

The utility of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for identifying Major Depressive Episode was assessed with two samples of adolescents, 65 psychiatric hospital inpatients and 49 secondary school students. Diagnoses based on the Child Assessment Schedule served as criteria. With the school sample, a BDI screening score of 16 resulted in 100% sensitivity and 93.2% specificity. For the inpatient sample, a cutoff of 11 yielded a sensitivity of 81.5% and specificity of 52.6%. There was evidence of the BDI's convergent and discriminant validity for both samples. The results were consistent with the assertion that Major Depressive Episode is a sufficiently distinct diagnostic category in adolescence to be detected by a screening measure such as the BDI.This research was supported by grants to the first author from the National Research Council, and to the second author from the Graduate Students Association of Arizona State University. The authors express their appreciation to Camelback Hospitals and to Judson School for their cooperation in arranging for subject participation.  相似文献   

A questionnaire for management of expressed emotion was constructed. It consisted of two scales, criticism and emotional overinvolvement. The questionnaire and the Camberwell Family Interview were then administered to relatives of schizophrenics and preliminary assessments of scale reliabilities and concurrent validities were done. Both questionnaire scales were reliable. With respect to validity the criticism scale correctly classified 88% of the subjects relative to the criticism scale of the interview. The emotional overinvolvement scale was less satisfactory (67%) but still assisted in classification of over-all expressed emotion. Expressed emotion, classification by the questionnaire, correctly identified 84% of the subjects with respect to the interview.  相似文献   

The Self-Identity Inventory (SII) was developed using the Optimal Theory Applied to Identity Development (OTAID) model. A sample of 325 culturally diverse respondents completed the SII, the Tolerance Scale from the California Psychological Inventory, the Belief Systems Analysis Scale, and the Social Desirability and Infrequency Scales. Through confirmatory factor analysis, goodness-of-fit, and social desirability/item infrequency measures, SII items were analyzed, resulting in a 6-scale, 71-item inventory. Internal consistency for the scales ranged from .72 to .90. Test-retest reliability ranged from .72 to .92. Correlations with external construct validity measures supported predictions. Interscale correlations and other statistical tests primarily supported the OTAID model. Implications for therapy and future research are suggested.  相似文献   

As interest grows in near-death experiences (NDEs), it is increasingly important to accurately identify them to facilitate empirical research and reproducibility among assessors. We aimed (1) to reassess the psychometric properties of the NDE scale developed by Greyson (1983) and (2) to validate the Near-Death Experience Content (NDE-C) scale that quantifies NDEs in a more complete way. Internal consistency, construct and concurrent validity analyses were performed on the NDE scale. Based on those results and the most recent empirical evidence, we then developed a new 20-item scale. Internal consistency, explanatory and confirmatory factor, concurrent and discriminant validity analyses were conducted. Results revealed (1) a series of weaknesses in the NDE scale, (2) a 5-factor structure covering relevant dimensions and the very good psychometric properties of the NDE-C scale, including very good internal consistency (Cronbach α = 0.85) and concurrent validity (correlations above 0.76). This new reliable scale should facilitate future research.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined Fowler and Park's (1979) two-factor solution (aggressive-hyperactive-distractible and anxious-fearful) for the Preschool Behavor Questionnaire (PBQ; Behar & Stringfield, 1974) in a sample of 179 (93 males, 86 females) grade 1 and 155 (73 males, 82 females) grade 2 children. The validity of this two-component solution was assessed by relating the PBQ factor to indices of peer popularity and observations and peer nominations of aggressive, sociable, and isolative/fearful behavior. Popularity was measured using a rating scale sociometric. Behavioral data were obtained by observing children at free play and recording the frequency of aggression, withdrawal, and sociability. Peer assessments of children's social behaviors were obtained using The Revised Class Play (Masten, Morison, & Pellegrini, 1985). A two-factor solution of the PBQ resulted in the identification of an externalizing (EXT) and an internalizing (INT) factor. These data replicated earlier findings employing younger children (e.g., Fowler & Park, 1979). Each child's EXT and INT score was then correlated (with age partialled out) with his/her scores on each of the observational and peer assessment variables. Teacher ratings of EXT were significantly related to indices of aggression and unpopularity. The teacher ratings of INT were related to measures of anxiety, withdrawal, and unpopularity. These results suggest that the two-factor solution employed herein is an economical and viable indicator of social maladjustment in samples of “normal” elementary school-aged children.  相似文献   

ObjectiveA major concern for coaches is the transmission of effective information in the moments before sport practice, when they communicate to players what they are supposed to do and how (Rink, 1994). The present study's main objective was to cover a gap in the sport psychology measurement field and to develop and validate a quantitative self-report instrument to measure the effectiveness of coaches' task presentation for athletes. The resulting instrument was the Escala de Presentación de las Tareas por Parte del Entrenador (EPTE) [Coach's Task Presentation Scale].DesignThe two studies developed to validate the EPTE used a cross-sectional research design.MethodParticipants in Study 1 included 830 college athletes aged between 18 and 27, who completed the EPTE. Participants in Study 2 included 677 college athletes aged between 17 and 29, who completed the EPTE and other questionnaires measuring coach's interpersonal style (autonomy support and controlling style) and basic psychological needs satisfaction/thwarting. Study 1 comprised translation, item formulation and examination of the reliability and factorial structure of the EPTE. Study 2 provided evidence of factorial validity and evidence of validity based on relationships with other variables in the context of the Self Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000).ResultsThe results of reliability analysis and the different sources of validity provided, demonstrated the instrument's adequacy in terms of psychometric properties.ConclusionsThe EPTE is a valid, reliable scale that can be used to measure the effectiveness of task presentation by coaches, according to the perception of athletes.  相似文献   

This study constructed an instrument which identifies people who fear success (FOS) in academic areas and conducted a laboratory study which tested the instrument's predictive validity. The theoretical formulation of the FOS phenomenon leads to the expectation that individuals high in the fear of success would demonstrate the following characteristics: low self-esteem, a preoccupation with the evaluative aspects of situations, a competitive orientation, repudiation of competence, and self-sabotage at the approach or attainment of success. The fear of success questionnaire is an 83-item scale with a reliability of .90. In a 2 x 2 factorial design, subjects identified by the FOS questionnaire were given either Success or nonsuccess feedback after completing the first of two equivalent reading tests. The results of the laboratory experiment indicated that there is strong clear evidence of self-sabotage under conditions of success among subjects who scored high on the FOS questionnaire.  相似文献   

Depression is considered one of the most complex mental disorders in the elderly. The diagnostic difficulties due to comorbidity, especially, with somatic diseases, have cast doubt on the use of diagnostic instruments for the elderly. In the present study, we try to determine the existence of differences in affect of third-age depression with respect to adult-age depression. For this purpose, the PANAS-X scale was administered to 120 subjects (30 depressive patients over 65 years old, 30 depressive patients between 25 and 50, and two control groups of 30 people each). The data allow us to establish two major differences of depression in the elderly compared to depression in adults: a lower intensity of negative affect and a lower intensity in the affects of fear, hostility and guilt. We can also conclude that sadness is not a differentiating element between both depressive groups.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) in the nonclinical sample of 230 young adults. The BDI-II is a revised version of the BDI-IA. We evaluated the fit of three alternative models to the sample data, using confirmatory factor analysis. Results provided support for the fit of the oblique three-factor model. The BDI-II and factor scales had satisfactory coefficient alpha indices. We obtained gender differences on the BDI-II item, total, and factor scale scores. We examined the relations of the BDI-II with demographic variables and with other self-report measures of social desirability, anxiety, depression, stress, and self-esteem. We also examined the issue of whether specific self-report measures of anxiety and depression assess separate or different constructs. We discuss the limitations of the present study.  相似文献   

The present research developed and evaluated a self-report measure of guilt that encompassed diverse, typical guilt experiences. Behavior-analytic procedures were employed to construct the Situational Guilt Scale (SGS), in which 22 items assessed anticipated guilt feelings for a wide range of naturally occurring specific situations. The SGS was administered to young-adult college students (mean age, 24 years), along with measures of guilt in traditional moral contexts, depressive tendencies, and socially desirable responding. A test-retest study of the SGS was separately conducted. Results indicated that SGS scores had statisfactory internal consistencies and considerable stability. Correlational findings and comparisons of SGS scores in a typology of depressive experience showed relationships of SGS guilt scores with dependent and self-critical tendencies and support the validity of the measure. The findings and utility of the SGS are discussed.Grant 13487 from the PSC-CUNY Research Award Program of the City University of New York provided support for this project. The Committee on Research Computing of the City University of New York funded the use of computer facilities.  相似文献   

As one component of emotion regulation, display rules, which reflect the regulation of expressive behavior, have been the topic of many studies. Despite their theoretical and empirical importance, however, to date there is no measure of display rules that assesses a full range of behavioral responses that are theoretically possible when emotion is elicited. This article reports the development of a new measure of display rules that surveys 5 expressive modes: expression, deamplification, amplification, qualification, and masking. Two studies provide evidence for its internal and temporal reliability and for its content, convergent, discriminant, external, and concurrent predictive validity. Additionally, Study 1, involving American, Russian, and Japanese participants, demonstrated predictable cultural differences on each of the expressive modes.  相似文献   

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