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A new scale for the measurement of interpersonal trust   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  

This paper describes an early phase in the development of new research scale for the assessment of psychopathy in criminal populations. The scale is meant to be a sort of operational definition of the procedures that go into making global ratings of psychopathy. While the interrater reliability of these ratings is very high ( > 0.85) they are difficult to make, require a considerable amount of experience, and the procedures involved are not easily communicated to other investigators. Following a series of analyses, 22 items were chosen as representative of the type of information used in making global ratings. Two investigators then used interview and case-history data to complete the 22-item checklist for 143 male prison inmates. The correlation between the two sets of total checklist scores was 0.93 and coefficient alpha was 0.88, indicating a very high degree of scale reliability. The correlation between the total checklist scores and global ratings of psychopathy was 0.83. A series of multivariate analyses explored the factorial structure of the scale and demonstrated its ability to discriminate very accurately between inmates with high and low ratings of psychopathy. Preliminary indications are that the checklist will hold up well to crossvalidation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (GSS), its rationale and scoring. The scale is quick to administer and contains a sufficiently large range of possible scores to be of practical value with different groups of Ss and individuals. It can be used either as a clinical tool to measure individual susceptibility to suggestion or as a research instrument for obtaining greater understanding of the nature and mechanisms of interrogative suggestibility. Principal-component (rotated) analyses were performed on the scale's item scores. Two types of suggestibility emerged: (i) the extent to which Ss yield to suggestive questions; (ii) the extent to which Ss can be made to shift their replies once interpersonal pressure has been applied. Each aspect of the scale contains 15 items which comprise reasonably homogeneous measures with satisfactory internal-consistency reliabilities. The validity of the scale has been demonstrated in several recent experiments.  相似文献   

A new method for the assessment of proprioception was developed and tested with 40 healthy subjects on two facial muscles (i.e., masseter and zygomatic muscles). The experiment was repeated after 3 1/2 months. In our study, proprioception was studied with respect to sensations arising from the muscle spindles and tendon organs. Therefore, myesthesia was investigated, which was assessed by the correspondence between a voluntary muscle contraction and its immediate replication. Good perception was defined by a small integral of differences, standardized by duration and intensity of the contraction, and its replication. Results show that this measure is independent of the characteristics of muscle activation. In concordance with our hypothesis, myesthesia was superior in a muscle richly supplied with muscle spindles and afferent fibers (i.e., masseter muscle), to that for a muscle less prepared for afferent information processing (i.e., zygomatus major).  相似文献   

A new memory model is proposed based on regression analysis and exponential- shaped learning curves. The efficacy of the model is tested with several types of experiments including food aversion in snails, maze learning in rats and memory tests for adults and children. The model is also tested on drug abusers and alcoholics. The results of goodness of fit tests indicate that our model can accurately be used to predict the memory dynamics of diverse experiments and populations. The model can also be used to predict both group and individual performance. The application of the model to detect memory impairment is discussed, as are limitations.  相似文献   

The fourteen-factor Processes of Change Scale for Sun Protection assesses behavioral and experiential strategies that underlie the process of sun protection acquisition and maintenance. Variations of this measure have been used effectively in several randomized sun protection trials, both for evaluation and as a basis for intervention. However, there are no published studies, to date, that evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale. The present study evaluated factorial invariance and scale reliability in a national sample (N = 1360) of adults involved in a Transtheoretical model tailored intervention for exercise and sun protection, at baseline. Invariance testing ranged from least to most restrictive: Configural Invariance (constraints only factor structure and zero loadings); Pattern Identity Invariance (equal factor loadings across target groups); and Strong Factorial Invariance (equal factor loadings and measurement errors). Multi-sample structural equation modeling tested the invariance of the measurement model across seven subgroups: age, education, ethnicity, gender, race, skin tone, and Stage of Change for Sun Protection. Strong factorial invariance was found across all subgroups. Internal consistency coefficient Alpha and factor rho reliability, respectively, were .83 and .80 for behavioral processes, .91 and .89 for experiential processes, and .93 and .91 for the global scale. These results provide strong empirical evidence that the scale is consistent, has internal validity and can be used in research interventions with population-based adult samples.  相似文献   

The DIS, a 17-item questionnaire, was developed for subject selection in non-clinical research into disinhibitive eating. The DIS was designed to possess a tight and clear subscale structure, lessened impact of concern for dieting and explicit reference to self-esteem. Four subscales tapped the following themes: failed restriction, binge eating, weight fluctuations and self-esteem. DIS and the often used Restraint Scale (RS) were tested psychometrically among 269 female students from the Netherlands. Cronbach alpha was 0.88 for the DIS and 0.84 for the RS; correlation between the scales was 0.78. Factor analysis of the RS yielded the traditional two factors concern for dieting—weight fluctuations, whereas the DIS had a somewhat clearer four factors structure in accordance with its a priori subscales. On both the DIS and RS, high scorers were often currently dieting, and had higher Body Mass Index than low scorers. As to selection, DIS and RS differed in that partly different groups of individuals were selected when applying equally stringent cut-off scores. It was concluded that some of the psychometric and conceptual problems with the RS are alleviated by the DIS and that a next step is to behaviourally validate the DIS in disinhibition research.  相似文献   

The two-alternative forced-choice technique has been successful in the assessment of functional sensory deficits because it has the power to assess deception or exaggeration. This report describes how the procedure can be used for the assessment and modification of a memory complaint. Three case studies are presented. In two cases the supposed deficit was judged to be functional. In a third case a brain-injured patient "cheated" to obtain correct answers, suggesting that he was trying to hide a deficit and not attempting to obtain compensation.  相似文献   

This study assessed the functioning and measurement properties of Rotter's Locus of Control Scale in its Spanish version by using a new approach based on Item Response Theory. Our procedure allows us: (a) to detect the impact of response biases (acquiescence and social desirability); (b) to evaluate clearly the test dimensionality and structure; (c) to evaluate and understand the causes of some items' inefficiency; and (d) to increase measurement precision. Globally, the results do not contradict those obtained in previous research, but allow some of the criticisms the scale had received to be qualified. Some recommendations for use are proposed.  相似文献   

Male defendants (n = 99) who had been court ordered to a forensic treatment facility as incompetent to stand trial were tested using the Computer-Assisted Determination of Competency to Proceed (CADCOMP) instrument soon after admission (median days = 15). Shortly thereafter, competency was assessed by a forensic psychiatrist and by a majority decision of three mental health professionals who viewed a videotape of the forensic psychiatrist's interview. From the CADCOMP item pool, 18 scales were constructed on conceptual grounds. Internal consistency analyses revealed that most scales had reasonable item homogeneity and scale reliability. In addition, item and scale analyses, with few exceptions, followed predicted patterns of intercorrelation and association with competency as determined by both criteria. Scales and items measuring serious psychopathology, psycholegal ability, and criminal history demonstrated the strongest associations with competency. These findings suggest that additional research on CADCOMP is warranted. The instrument shows promise for use in forensic research and assessment.  相似文献   

An individual's subjective evaluation of sexual identity differs from objective evaluation by sex role researchers. This study reports initial validity and reliability data on a new measure of self-ascribed sexual identity: the Sexual Identity Scale (SIS). SIS considers four functional sex dimensions on the basis of components described in both sex and age role literature. SIS and two modified Bem Sex Role Inventory instruments—a Masculinity Trait Index (MTI) and a Femininity Trait Index (FTI)—were administered to an adult sample of 380 men and 380 women aged 20–80. Reliability, assessed with LISREL VI and Cronbach's alpha, was found to be high. LISREL VI findings provide construct validity, both convergent and divergent. The nature of association of biological sex and sex trait measures, high interitem SIS correlations, as well as divergence from the modified sex trait indices (MTI and FTI) also support validity. The study's results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of Shafer's (1999a) Big Five Marker (BFM) scale were assessed. The assessment was based on self-ratings on the BFM scale obtained from 694 subjects (82% women and 18% men) residing in Sweden. The following main results were obtained: (a) The factor structure was clear and simple. (b) The factor reliabilities were satisfactory. (c) The heterotrait-heteromethod coefficients indicated construct validity for the scale. (d) The BFM scale showed similar psychometric properties for the older, employed, Swedish sample of the present study to those obtained for the younger, psychology undergraduate, USA sample in Shafer's study (1999a). The conclusion is that the BFM scale has satisfactory and stable psychometric properties and that due to its brevity and documented psychometric evaluation will facilitate research within the Big-Five factor domain, not least in Sweden.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of Spreitzer's (1995a) empowerment scale were assessed. Three parallel assessments were made of data from 1,107 female registered nurses, 758 female assistant nurses, and 107 male registered and assistant nurses. The analyses indicated that the psychometric properties of the scale can be considered satisfactory. Suggestions are made regarding future research in the fields of psychometrics and work- and health-psychology.  相似文献   


Background In survival analysis, those who are alive are statistically coded as 1.0 while those who are dead are coded as 0.0. Since everyone who remains alive is given the same score, a person confined to bed with an irreversible coma is alive and is counted the same as someone who is active and asymtomatic. The Quality of Well-being (QWB) scale defines levels of wellness on the continuum between death and optimum function and integrates morbidity and mortality into the same number. This paper demonstrates the effect of including mortality in QWB estimates for male adults with HIV infection.

Method This study involves follow-up of a cohort of 386 male adults participating in the San Diego HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center (HNRC). Patients were evaluated using the QWB at enrollment and at six month intervals. All patients were classified into three stages of HIV disease according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) classification: CDC IV (symptomatic HIV disease), CDC II or III (asymptomatic infection) and uninfected male controls.

Results QWB scores were calculated with and without mortality included for men in each CDC class who completed a one year (N = 148) or two year follow-up (N = 60). At each evaluation, there were significant differences among CDC classes and inclusion of deaths increased the variance accounted for by CDC class at each evaluation.

Conclusions HIV infection has significant impacts upon both morbidity and mortality. Survival analysis captures only the mortality dimension, while quality adjusted survival analysis using the QWB includes both dimensions. We propose quality adjusted survival analysis as a more sensitive method for assessing outcome in HIV disease and other health conditions.  相似文献   

The authors undertook a comprehensive examination of the construct validity of an assessment center in this study by (a) gathering many different types of evidence to evaluate the strength of the inference between predictor measures and constructs (e.g., reliability, accuracy, convergent and discriminant relationships), (b) introducing a theoretically relevant intervention (frame-of-reference [FOR] training) aimed at improving construct validity, and (c) examining the effect of this intervention on criterion-related validity (something heretofore unexamined in the assessment center literature). Results from 58 assessees and 122 assessors suggested that FOR training was effective at improving the reliability, accuracy, convergent and discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity of assessment center ratings. Findings are discussed in terms of implications and future directions for both FOR training and assessment center practice.  相似文献   

A teacher scale based on DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was developed for the behavioral assessment of children in Brazil. A total of 2, 082 children (782 males and 1,300 females) with a mean age of 11.2 years who were attending a public school in the greater Rio de Janeiro area were the subjects of this study. Two factors (Hyperactivity-Impulsivity and Inattention) were extracted from a principal-factor analysis conducted on the data, and the factor structure of the scale was found to be stable. Ratings of boys were higher than ratings of girls, and younger children had higher ratings than older children for both factors. Test-retest reliability for each item of the scale ranged from .56 to .70. The data are discussed in view of current controversies in the factor structure of teacher ratings of DSM-III-R ADHD symptoms.This research was supported by FINEP (42.88.0138.00) and FUNPENE. GNOB is the recipient of a CNPq Research Career Development Award (30.0197/82). RCAP was supported by a CNPq fellowship (82.2151/87). The authors are grateful to Rosely V. Magalhaes and Angela S. Guedes for assistance in data analysis with the SAS and SPSS packages. The authors wish to thank the school staff and teachers who participated in the study. This work was presented at the Fifteenth European Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portugal, 1993.  相似文献   

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