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In this article the goal was the examination of the factorial structure of a short, Hungarian version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI; Zimbardo and Boyd Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271–1288, 1999) in a sample of 1370 participants, comparing alternative factor structures through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). According to the results the short, 17 item version of ZTPI includes the original five factors and has appropriate model fit indices. Furthermore, it is reliable in terms of internal consistency and temporal stability. In the light of previous ZTPI validations with severe shortcomings, the present results might encourage radical shortening of the original ZTPI scale.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to validate the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the Zimbardo Time Perspectives Inventory (ZTPI) in a South African student sample. A total of 200 students completed the ZTPI. The sample comprised 58 0.8% female students. Of these, 61.1% were black students and 38.9% were white students. The average age for the sample was 21.59 years. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the construct and discriminant validity of the ZTPI. The data suggest ZTPI to comprise four factors of Present-Fatalistic (PF), Present-Hedonistic (PH), Past-Negative (PN), and Past-Positive (PP). Many of the factors cross-loaded onto one or two others, suggesting poor differentiation in the study sample. Scores from the ZTPI were of acceptable reliability. The study results suggest the ZTPI is usable for research purposes in South Africa.  相似文献   

Recently, a shortened version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI; Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) was proposed as a “gold standard” (Sircova et al., 2014, p. 9). In this study, we examined the internal consistency and structural validity of this version of the ZPTI in samples of adolescents from the United Kingdom (N = 913) and the United States (N = 815), and adults from Australia (N = 667). Results provided support for the internal consistency of ZPTI scores, but structural validity analyses indicated poor fit and numerous problematic items. The findings call into question the use of scores on this shortened version of the ZTPI.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: The Dual Control Model suggests that sexual excitation and associated behaviors are the result of the balance between relatively independent excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. Based on this theoretical model, the Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women (SESII-W) was developed to evaluate excitation and inhibition dimensions in women. The aim was to adapt and validate the SESII-W in the Spanish population. Method: A sample of 1,380 heterosexual women (aged 18 to 52) completed the Spanish SESII-W, together with other related instruments. After the translation and adaptation of the SESII-W, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed. Results: CFA resulted in a version consisting of 33 items divided into eight sub-factors, which were grouped into two higher-order factors (Sexual Excitation and Sexual Inhibition). The sub-factors demonstrated adequate internal consistency values except for Sexual Power Dynamics and Concerns about Sexual Function. Test-retest reliabilities were good. Their scores correlated with erotophilia, sexual sensation seeking, age at first intercourse, and number of sexual partners in the expected direction. Conclusions: The Spanish version of SESII-W has adequate psychometric guarantees for use in clinical practice and research, although it would be necessary to further revise factors that showed a lower level of reliability.  相似文献   



Sexual double standard (SDS) has long been associated to several dimensions of sexual health. Therefore the assessment of SDS is relevant and requires self-reported measures with adequate psychometric properties. This study aims to adapt the Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) into heterosexual Spanish population and examine its psychometric properties. Method: Using quota incidental sampling, we recruited a sample of 1,206 individuals (50% women), distributed across three groups based on their age (18-34, 35-49 and 50 years old and older). Results: We performed both, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. An abridged version was yielded, consisting of 16 items distributed into two factors (Acceptance for sexual freedom and Acceptance for sexual shyness). A second-order factor structure was also adequate, which facilitates the use of a global index for SDS. Reliability, based on internal consistency and temporal stability was good for the factors. Evidence of validity is also shown and reported. Conclusions: This adapted version of the SDSS is reliable and valid. The importance for its use to estimate the prevalence of both traditional and modern forms of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

The Cooperative Preschool Inventory (CPI) in both English and Spanish was administered to preschool Hispanic children who were monolingual in either English or Spanish. Subscales were factor-analyzed separately. When the factors were compared using coefficients of congruence, we concluded that both measures appeared to assess the same underlying construct.  相似文献   

Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire was derived from the same conceptual basis as Kolb's Learning Style Inventory and may provide a more reliable and valid measure of Kolb's learning style constructs. The Learning Styles Questionnaire has not been psychometrically evaluated as extensively as the Learning Style Inventory. Since there is no published information on how the Learning Styles Questionnaire scales were derived, an attempt was made to factor analyze the responses to the questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis of 284 psychology undergraduates' responses identified a four-factor oblimin solution as the most satisfactory model investigated. Implications for interpretation and use within higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The factorial validity and internal consistency reliability of the Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale was examined using a random sample of elementary-school children in grades I through 6. Teacher ratings of subjects' classroom behaviors on the Devereux approximated ratings obtained by the standardization sample. Internal consistency (coefficient alpha) reliability coefficients of the 11 Devereux subscales were found to be quite adequate, ranging from 80 to 93. Intercorrelations among Devereux subscales were moderate to high. A principal factor analysis of the 11 subscales produced two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which cumulatively accounted for 70.2% of the total variance. When rotated via an orthogonal (Varimax) solution, the two resultant factors appeared to measure emotional adjustment and academic related dimensions of classroom behavior. Given the problem of multicollinearity that was shown to exist among subscales, the authors suggest caution in the interpretation of Devereux subscales as discrete factors.The authors gratefully acknowledge computer support funding provided by the University of Wisconsin, Graduate School Research Committee Grant 135-1537 to the first author.  相似文献   

Two groups of students enrolled in a university physical activity course volunteered to complete Kolb's Learning Style Inventory at the beginning of and the end of a semester to estimate test-retest reliability. A control group (n = 129) completed the inventory in its original form while the experimental group (n = 124) completed the same test but with modified instructions providing a more specific focus. Test-retest reliability, assessed using a Pearson product-moment correlation, improved for the group given instructions which specified a contextual focus.  相似文献   

Bruce Bloxom 《Psychometrika》1968,33(2):237-247
When the regression of factored variates on variates defining subpopulations (or experimental groups) is (a) nonlinear or (b) heteroscedastic, an existing solution to the problem of factorial invariance does not apply. This paper presents an approach which can be used in place of the existing solution and derives a method for obtaining maximally similar orthogonal simple structure factor pattern matrices across subpopulations. The method is applied to data from three experimental groups.The writer wishes to express his gratitude to Professor Paul Horst for his many helpful suggestions in the development presented here. Credit is also due to William Meredith and Michael Browne for their helpful comments. The study was supported in part by Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr-477(33) and USPHS Research Grant MH00743-08 (Principal Investigator: Paul Horst).  相似文献   

This article reports on two studies which examined the temporal stability of the personality disorder subscales from the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI). The scales demonstrated adequate stability in psychiatric inpatients (retested with an average of just over 1 year between testings). Furthermore, a separate sample of depressed inpatients assessed when depressed and 6 weeks later showed that the stability of MCMI personality scales was observed even after patients displayed an initial reduction in depression severity. Although stability is vital to the accurate assessment of personality disorders, both studies also found high retest correlations for the MCMI clinical syndrome subscales. In general, these results suggest that patients displayed similar symptom patterns over time, whether construed as personality traits or characteristic patterns of responding when symptomatic.  相似文献   

The present study tested the factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory among 1590 human service workers. Confirmatory factor analyses of the total sample as well as multi‐group analyses and analyses of each of seven professional groups separately, indicated that the original three‐factor model of the MBI provided a reasonable fit to the data. However, a factorial model with items 12 and 16 removed provided a superior fit, with two of the fit indices over .90 and an RMSEA value of .06. The results of a multi‐group analyses for the seven occupational groups showed a slightly poorer fit to the data than in the total sample. With a few exceptions, the fit indices of the models tested for each subsample separately indicated similar results, and the proposed 20‐item model also provided the best fit for the subsamples. Internal consistencies of the subscales of the MBI were acceptable, and test‐retest reliability indicated stability of scores over a 6‐month interval. These results indicated that the proposed three‐factor structure of the MBI based on 20 items can be replicated in the total sample as well as across occupations within human services in Norway.  相似文献   

Previous research has reported the development and validation of the Suicide Intervention Response Inventory (SIRI), a self-report instrument assessing a counselor's ability to select an appropriate response to the life-threatening client. The present study examined whether the response skill measured by the instrument might be multidimensional, rather than unitary as previously assumed. Inventories completed by 457 paraprofessional counselors from five suicide and crisis intervention services throughout the United States were factor-analyzed to yield their simple structure. Results suggested that the instrument is indeed multifactorial, with four component factors identified as Elaboration of the Complaint, Exploration of Suicidality, Involvement, and Reflection of Negative Feelings. The implications of these findings for training in crisis counseling and for the further psychometric development of the instrument are noted.  相似文献   

The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) assesses problem behaviors in children, and is a widely used instrument in both clinical work and research. Evidence suggests that the short ECBI version, comprising 22 items, can be reduced into the three oblique factors: Oppositional defiant behavior; Conduct problem behavior; and Inattentive behavior. The present study aimed to evaluate this three‐factor model in a Norwegian sample of 554 children, and examine multi‐group invariance across gender and age. Consistent with previous research, results confirmed a tripartite model, with the same residual covariances and cross‐loading appearing across groups. Multi‐group confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated partial measurement invariance across gender and age. Overall, findings support a meaningful comparison of the short ECBI across gender and age. The study makes a contribution to the generalizability issue of the ECBI.  相似文献   

Deficits in executive function (self-regulatory mechanisms) have been linked with many childhood disorders including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, and conduct disorder. Executive functioning is typically assessed by individually administering performance-based measures in a clinical setting. However, performance-based methods are inefficient for school psychologists. A more feasibly implemented measure for applied settings is the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), but researchers have raised questions about the internal validity and the proposed factors. In this study, we examined the factor structure of the teacher form of the BRIEF in a sample of 2,044 general education elementary students and 131 teachers in a multilevel design. Results revealed support for a model with three factors at Level 1 and one general factor at Level 2. The results of our study do not support the current two-factor model of the published BRIEF protocol.  相似文献   

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