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While past research has demonstrated a link between the subjective “Aha” experience of insight and verbal insight problem solution activation in the right hemisphere (RH), no one has yet linked insight to long term semantic priming. We propose that through a shared process of semantic integration both of these concepts are linked and thus the experience of insight should facilitate semantic priming in the RH. Participants attempted to solve a group of compound remote associate problems and afterwards completed a lexical decision task. The results showed that the experience of insight facilitated semantic priming in the RH, but only for unsolved compound remote associate problems. It was also shown that participants who indicated that they generated more solutions through insight that were incorrect demonstrated the most semantic priming in the RH. These results indicate that long-term semantic priming can occur as a result of insight solutions, and that this activation occurs predominantly in the RH. This study extends both the evidence for long-lasting semantic priming as well the theory of coarse semantic coding in the RH.  相似文献   

Healthy subjects performed a lexical decision task in a semantic priming paradigm while event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 64 channels. Semantic distance between prime and target was varied by including directly, indirectly, and nonrelated word pairs. At centro-parietal electrodes an N400 to nonrelated pairs was elicited bilaterally which was sensitive only to direct, but not to indirect semantic priming. These N400 priming effects were mirrored by the RT data. At inferior fronto-temporal sites directly related words showed ERP priming effects over both hemispheres. However, indirectly related words only elicited ERP priming effects over the right hemisphere. These results support the hypothesis that the right hemisphere semantic system is involved in processing of remote semantic information.  相似文献   

Two patients with pure alexia were studied with tachistoscopically presented stimuli to examine factors influencing their ability to distinguish words from nonwords and to derive semantic information at exposures too brief for explicit letter identification. Both patients had profound right hemianopia and computerized tomography (CT) evidence of splenial destruction. Both patients were successful in making word/nonword decisions for high-frequency, but not low-frequency, words. They could judge semantic class membership reliably for such common categories as animals and vegetables, but not for arbitrarily selected categories, such as office-related items. Judgments about the gender of people's names and place versus person name distinctions were made with high reliability. Results are interpreted as evidence for limited word recognition and semantic-processing capacity in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

Aiming movements are part of daily activities but the brain hemispheres’ role in targeted aiming sequential movements is not fully clear. Start and execution of discrete and sequential tasks toward targets were analyzed in 10 individuals with left-hemisphere damage, 10 right-hemisphere–damaged, and 10 healthy ones. Arm movements were performed over a digitizing tablet, following stimuli on a monitor, from initial position toward right and left-positioned targets. Poststroke individuals used their ipsilesional arm and healthy individuals, both arms. Right-hemisphere–damaged individuals showed higher reaction time and left-hemisphere–damaged individuals, lower smoothness. Due to spatial demand of tasks, the right hemisphere played a major role in movement planning, while the left, in movement execution.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that sex differences in spatial ability and emotional perception are due to sex differences in intrahemispheric organization of the right hemisphere. If the right hemisphere is differently organized by sex—primarily specialized for spatial ability in men, but primarily specialized for emotional perception in women—then there should be a negative correlation between spatial ability and emotional perception within sex, and the greatest disparity between abilities should be found in people with characteristic arousal of the right hemisphere. Undergraduate men (N= 86) and women (N= 132) completed tests of Mental Rotation, Surface Development, Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity, Progressive Matrices, and Chimeric Faces. Although the expected pattern of sex differences was observed, there was no evidence for the hypothesized negative correlation between spatial ability and emotional perception, even after statistical control of general intelligence.  相似文献   

Traditional accounts of right-posterior brain injury describe a syndrome of low-level perceptual sequelae producing marked acute dependency and transient safety concerns. The syndrome is also held to spare cognition and to carry a generally favorable long-term prognosis. The present paper reviews publications and anecdotal data that challenge this picture. Recent theoretical expositions and empirical studies stipulate three major cognitive functions of the right posterior association cortex: processing novel input, guiding reactions to emergencies, and anticipating consequences. Appearing benign after acute recovery, the impairment of these processes produces vocational, social and marital dysfunctions that increase as a function of chronicity, ultimately becoming more broadly disabling than focal injuries in other cortical loci. The unique symptom picture and serious implications suggest that the long-term syndrome should be labeled (Broad-Perspective Perceptual Disorder) and incorporated in future clinical taxonomies, underscoring the need for extraordinary long-term assistance and specialized therapeutics. Procedures for assessment and differential diagnosis are outlined.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了色词与颜色重组训练能否让被试习得与真实情境相似的色词与颜色范畴联结, 并引起相应的偏侧化颜色范畴知觉, 从而进一步揭示语言编码对颜色范畴知觉的影响。采用六种蓝色作为材料。B1与B2为先前研究的两种蓝色。B11和B12, B21和B22分别为使B1, B2变浅和变深所得, 四者是连续的蓝色。训练被试分别用“duān”和“kěn”命名B1和B2。由于被试可能习得色词与颜色范畴的联结, 因此B12与B21为可能变范畴间颜色, B11和B12, B21和B22为可能变范畴内颜色。训练前后分别让被试完成一个视觉搜索测验。结果发现:前测中可能变范畴间颜色的辨别优于可能变范畴内颜色, 且在左视野呈现时更显著; 后测中可能变范畴间颜色的辨别同样优于可能变范畴内颜色, 但在右视野呈现时更显著。这提示:(1)人们在知觉同一语言范畴的不同颜色时可能会区分深浅范畴, 并因此引发右半球颜色范畴知觉; (2)短期习得的语言范畴能引起偏左半球颜色范畴知觉, 且使右半球颜色范畴知觉转为左半球颜色范畴知觉; (3)被试在训练中习得了色词与颜色范畴的联结; (4)范畴学习可以在仅学习一个样例的条件下自动发生。  相似文献   

In two experiments, multilingual Papua New Guinean subjects were tested using a divided visual field technique designed to determine hemispheric laterality for English and for Tok Pisin. Various factors including age of acquisition, proficiency, mode of instruction, and number of years that the language had been used were considered in relation to language laterality. Only age of acquisition proved to be a significant contributor to the laterality effects obtained; older acquirers of both English and Tok Pisin showed greater right hemisphere involvement than early acquirers. Although proficiency did not seem to be related to language laterality, it too was systematically affected by acquisition age. Older acquirers of English performed significantly poorer than younger acquirers on all four of the language-usage tests given. The strong influence of acquisition age on cerebral laterality for language and proficiency is interpreted as supporting a critical period for language learning.  相似文献   

右半球语言功能研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大脑右半球功能的研究如今趋于增多。该文介绍了右脑半球语言加工能力研究概况 ,这方面研究将对人脑语言功能的研究提供有益的启发。  相似文献   

The verbal/nonverbal account of left and right hemisphere functionality is the prevailing dichotomy describing the cerebral lateralization of function. Yet the fact that the left hemisphere is the superior language processor does not necessarily imply that the right hemisphere is completely lacking linguistic ability. This paper reviews the growing body of research demonstrating that, far from being nonverbal, the right hemisphere has significant language processing strength. From prosodic and paralinguistic aspects of speech production, reception, and interpretation, to prelexical, lexical and postlexical components of visual word recognition; strong involvement of the right hemisphere is implicated. The evidence reviewed challenges the notion that language is solely a function of the “verbal” left hemisphere, indicating that the right cerebral hemisphere makes significant and meaningful contributions to normal language processing as well.  相似文献   

This study compared the differences in performance on recognition of graphic symbols across time by individuals with aphasia, individuals with right-hemisphere brain damage, and neurologically normal adults. The subjects, seen individually, learned 40 Blissymbols. The symbols were selected so that the effects of symbol translucency and complexity on the recognition of graphic symbols could be examined. A paired-associate learning paradigm was used to teach the symbol–referent pairs to subjects. The results indicated that individuals with aphasia and neurologically normal adults do not differ significantly in recognition of graphic symbols. However, individuals with right-hemisphere damage recognized fewer symbols compared to individuals with aphasia and normal adults, suggesting that they have difficulty in associative learning of graphic symbols. Additionally, translucency was found to be a potent factor in the recognition of Blissymbols by all groups. The finding that individuals with severe chronic aphasia can learn and retain graphic symbols has significant clinical implications for aphasia rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Using a signal detection paradigm, participants’ sensitivity to emotionally toned stimuli was evaluated in five experiments. A tachistoscope was used to present stimuli to one hemisphere at a time, too rapidly for conscious identification. Pictures, words, and faces were pretested for emotional valence and familiarity. Stimulus selection was based on obtaining the largest possible difference between the positive and negative valence ratings, keeping familiarity equal. Each experiment used a 2×2×2 mixed groups design. The within-subject variables were the hemispheric presentation (right and left) and the emotional tone of the stimuli (positive and negative). Gender of the participant was the between-subjects variable. The results of these studies indicate greater sensitivity in the right than in the left hemisphere, and greater sensitivity to positive than to negative stimuli. Interpretations focus on the automatization of affect and the brain lateralization of emotional processing.  相似文献   

Using a signal detection paradigm, participants’ sensitivity to emotionally toned stimuli was evaluated in five experiments. A tachistoscope was used to present stimuli to one hemisphere at a time, too rapidly for conscious identification. Pictures, words, and faces were pretested for emotional valence and familiarity. Stimulus selection was based on obtaining the largest possible difference between the positive and negative valence ratings, keeping familiarity equal. Each experiment used a 2×2×2 mixed groups design. The within-subject variables were the hemispheric presentation (right and left) and the emotional tone of the stimuli (positive and negative). Gender of the participant was the between-subjects variable. The results of these studies indicate greater sensitivity in the right than in the left hemisphere, and greater sensitivity to positive than to negative stimuli. Interpretations focus on the automatization of affect and the brain lateralization of emotional processing.  相似文献   

Mere possession of generic professional credentials cannot be used as justification of necessary and sufficient skill to perform in a forensic role. Case examples are used to illustrate problems of both competence and quality that sometimes accompany mental health clinicians to the witness stand.  相似文献   

Using the experience sampling method, this study examined two questions related to outcomes associated with after‐school programming. First, does the quality of experience in after‐school programs mediate the effect of program participation on social competence and academic performance? Second, among program participants, is the difference in quality of experience when in programs versus other settings after school related to higher social competence and academic performance? Middle school students (N = 196) attending eight programs in three Midwestern states reported a total of 4,970 randomly sampled experiences in and out of after‐school programs during 1 week in the fall and spring of the 2001–2002 academic year. Engagement during after‐school hours partially mediated the relationship between participation in after‐school programs and social competence. In addition, relative perceptions of engagement, challenge, and importance when in after‐school programs compared to elsewhere after school predicted higher English and math grades. Results suggest that the quality of experiences in after‐school programs may be a more important factor than quantity of experiences (i.e., dosage) in predicting positive academic outcomes.  相似文献   

国外关于右脑的语言功能研究的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟万金  屈加平 《心理学探新》2001,21(2):18-20,36
对国外有关右脑语言功能的研究作了简要概述,对研究中达成的共识和存在的分歧作了初步介绍;在此基础上,对有关右脑的语言功能研究意义和趋势作了概括和预测。从而为国内相关研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined hemispheric differences in information processing that may contribute to solving insight problems. We propose that right-hemisphere (RH) coarse semantic coding is more likely than left-hemisphere (LH) fine semantic coding to activate distantly related information or unusual interpretations of words, and thus more likely to activate solution-relevant information for insight problems. In Experiment 1, after trying to solve insight problems, participants read aloud solution or unrelated target words presented to the left visual field (lvf) or right visual field (rvf). Participants showed greater lvf-RH than rvf-LH priming for solutions for solved problems and priming only in the lvf-RH for unsolved problems. In Experiment 2, participants showed an lvf-RH advantage for recognizing solutions to unsolved problems. These results demonstrate that in a problem-solving context, there was greater activation of solution-relevant information in the RH than in the LH. This activation is useful for recognizing, and perhaps producing, solutions to insight problems.  相似文献   

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