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心理咨询热线在突发性公共卫生事件中的应用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003年SARS在中国一些地区的流行给社会公众在心理上带来了一定程度的影响,在SARS流行期间期间及时开通了面向公众的心理咨询热线,成为了广大公众寻求心理支持的有效途径,为缓解社会压力、促进社会正常秩序恢复起到了积极作用。该文结合中国科学院心理研究所“非典心理咨询热线”的统计数据,进一步探讨了心理咨询热线在应对突发性公共卫生事件中的作用和工作特点。  相似文献   

分析生态环境危机对SARS的暴发、流行的影响,认为生态环境危机从根本上说是人类道德的危机.通过对这一突发性的事件的反思,说明保持生态环境的可持续发展的是我们必须树立的生态伦理观.  相似文献   

我国民众对SARS信息的风险认知及心理行为   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
采用分层抽样的调查方法,对全国17个城市的4231名市民进行了SARS疫情中风险认知特征和心理行为的研究。结果发现:(1)负性信息,包括患病信息和与自身关系密切的信息,更易引起民众的高风险认知; 正性信息,包括治愈信息和政府防范措施的信息,能降低个体风险认知水平。(2)我国民众5月中旬风险认知因素空间位置分析结果表明, SARS病因处于不熟悉和难以控制一端,“愈后对身体的影响和有无传染性”处于不熟悉一端,这是引起民众风险意识的主要因素。(3)结构方程分析结果表明,SARS疫情信息是通过风险认知对个体的应对行为、心理健康产生影响的, 并初步验证了风险评估、心理紧张度、应对行为和心理健康等指标对于危机事件中民众心理行为的预测作用  相似文献   

<正>人类社会总是无法避免地发生着各种各样的自然灾害或人为灾祸。这些突如其来的天灾人祸,就是所谓的严重突发事件。如果突发事件给社会公众造成或可能造成健康严重损害的,被称为突发公共卫生事件。2019年底始发的新冠肺炎疫情,在2020年1月30日被世界卫生组织确定为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”。两年多来,疫情侵袭全球,造成5亿多人感染和600多万人病故,对公众生命安全和身体健康带来严重威胁,同时也对公众心理健康造成了显著而持续的负面影响。世卫组织强调,新冠肺炎大流行目前仍是国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。相信在今后相当长的一段时间里,新冠疫情仍然是一个全球性的重大事件,依然会持续影响人们的健康和生活,我们需要了解疫情可能对心理造成的负面影响,并掌握防范和应对之策。  相似文献   

风险认知的结构,因素及其研究方法   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
风险认知是心理学的热门研究领域之一。风险认知是人们对影响日常生活和工作的各种因素的心理感受和认识,是测量公众心理恐慌的指标。风险认知的研究方法包括:风险估计,风险认知的测量;风险认知结构具有复杂性。风险认知的影响因素有:个体因素,期望水平,风险沟通,风险的可控程度,风险的性质,知识结构,成就动机,事件风险度。  相似文献   

采用2(新闻框架类型:诱发气愤情绪或诱发悲伤情绪)×2(危机事件团体回应类型:惩罚型或补偿型)×2(团体回应中情绪感染力的呈现情况:呈现或缺乏)的被试间实验设计,探讨不同版本的危机事件新闻报道诱发出的不同情绪如何影响个体的信息加工,以及情绪反应怎样影响个体对组织随后回应策略的偏好。结果发现:气愤情绪促使公众采用启发性加工方式,悲伤情绪促使公众采用系统性加工方式;相比于悲伤情绪,气愤情绪会导致公众对公司更加负面的态度;惩罚型回应信息的可信性更高;惩罚型和补偿型回应信息使公众对企业的态度从比较消极转变为偏向积极;具有强烈情绪感染力的回应信息更容易降低气愤组对企业的责任归因程度,并进而促进公众对企业态度的改变;公众的气愤和悲伤情绪水平在接受企业回应后明显减弱,但没有达到基线水平。结果表明,在面对危机事件时,新闻框架的类型、企业对危机事件的回应方式以及回应中的情绪感染力,会结合在一起,制约公众对危机事件的知觉以及对企业的判断。  相似文献   

SARS危机中以受众为中心的风险沟通分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用问卷调查的方法,通过探讨信任和社会心理支持两个主要因素的效应,分析“以受众为中心的风险沟通”方式在SARS危机中的表征。结果发现,SARS期间民众通过大众渠道、专门渠道和人际渠道获得信息,并以风险信息的“焦点渐进知觉模式”知觉信息;民众对政府和专家具备基本的信任;我国民众的社会心理支持体系可区分为情感型和权威型,两种类型对个体有不同的意义。通过整合上述特征,可形成有效的“以受众为中心的风险沟通”方式。  相似文献   

姜珂 《伦理学研究》2020,(4):135-140
随着现代科技的发展,网络空间作为现实空间的延伸,在突发公共卫生事件的背景下,网络舆情因疫情的发展而滋生、爆发、蔓延,如何理性应对网络舆情早已成为管理突发公共卫生事件过程中的重要环节。从伦理的视角揭示突发公共卫生事件中网络舆情的特点,深入分析网络舆情暗藏的伦理冲突,客观地探讨应对网络舆情的伦理秩序,对积极应对当下所面临的疫情可以提供一些重要的启示。  相似文献   

政府危机管理是政府管理的一种特殊形式,包括政府对突发公共事件的应对和政府常态下的危机战略、危机规划、危机预测;严峻的农村公共安全现状直接影响社会主义新农村建设,急需建立和健全农村政府危机管理法律;强化农村政府危机管理的重要环节在于健全和完善农村政府危机管理的法律体系,从产生机理和应对机制两个方面入手构建相互关联的农村危机管理法律综合体系是农村政府危机管理法律体系的关键,建立基层农村危机管理法律体系是农村政府危机管理法律体系的重点。  相似文献   

通过网络调查的方式 ,采用POMS SF和EPQ RSC问卷以及针对SARS流行的自编题目 ,对 1 85名上网民众进行了调查 ,以了解SARS危机下民众的情绪状况 ,探讨形成不同情绪状况的影响因素。结果发现有大约一半(50 .8% )的被试POMS SF总分在 3 0分以下 ;在SARS危机下 ,人格类型、教育程度、经济收入及其评价、婚姻、地区 (疫区与非疫区 )、年龄等方面的差异影响着人们的情绪状况。研究认为我国大多数网民在SARS威胁下情绪状况基本保持良好 ;对SARS压力的心理控制感、人格类型、社会支持上的差异可能是导致人们出现不同情绪状况的原因。  相似文献   

This essay examines how Chinese governments, local communities, and overseas Chinese in North America responded to the perceived health risks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and H1N1 flu through the use of public and participatory rhetoric about risk and quarantines. Focusing on modes of security and quarantine practices, I examine how globalization and the social crises surrounding SARS and H1N1 flu operated to regulate differently certain bodies and areas. I identify three types of quarantines (mandatory, voluntary, and coerced) and conduct a transnational comparative analysis to investigate the relationships among quarantines, rhetoric, and public communication. I argue that health authorities must openly acknowledge the legitimacy of public input and actively seek public support regarding health crises. Only by collaborating with concerned communities and citizens and by providing careful guidance for public participation can health institutions ensure the efficacy of quarantine orders during emerging epidemics.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the meaning of a possible foundation of ethics, both from a philosophical perspective and with regard to religious representations. It proposes to enlarge the conception of rationality in order to take into account the critical contribution of cultures, traditions and religions to an ethics of reconstruction. This also entails rethinking the role of theological ethics and seeking to make more explicit the cultural plausibility and the practical credibility of Christianity in public ethics today.  相似文献   

The Special Issue highlights the importance of psychology in the research agenda on severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The five articles examined relevant theories on social cognition and coping in the ecological context of the SARS outbreak. They provide preliminary tests to current psychological principles of coping and health psychology in a real crisis. The limitations of the studies are recognized. Other areas of psychological research on SARS are suggested. It is proposed that the biopsychosocial model of behavioral medicine could be expanded as a paradigm in public health to study and prepare for future emerging epidemics.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was first reported in China, and spread to 29 regions, affecting over 8000 people worldwide. For the general public, the psychological impact of SARS may have been greater than the physical health danger of the disease. The present paper proposes the influence of psychological factors on people's cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses during the SARS outbreak. The various papers in this special issue of the Journal reveal how people have reacted during the SARS outbreak: People's general coping styles may be related to their health behavior during the outbreak. Cultural differences were evident in the perception of SARS, and individuals' perceptual styles may have influenced their ability to cope with the outbreak. The way in which individuals coped with SARS-related stressful events was different from their usual practices of managing daily stress. Individual differences in the adoption of preventive measures were related to the distinct susceptibility to several social-cognitive biases.  相似文献   

Information technology, that assortment of technology that enables the conversion of data into information, has had an enormous impact on the field of public administration and its theoretical foundation. This article explores five of them. It begins with a discussion of one of the primary impacts of information technology on public administration theory: the development of systems theory and its descendants including the study of complex systems, chaos, and complexity theory. The importance of information technology in decision-making is explored next. Does information technology free us from the limits of bounded rationality or are we simply overwhelmed by the volume of information available via new sources, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web? The third role examined is the use of information technology as a research tool to make previously intractable problems solvable. Computer capability has enormously advanced the theoretical underpinnings of public administration. Fourth, the significance of information technology as a change agent that calls for revision of other theoretical postulates is investigated. As information technology has diffused into public organizations, how has it called into question what we previously thought about the foundation of bureaucracy? Finally, learning by doing and the manner through which practice informs theory is considered.  相似文献   

Information technology, that assortment of technology that enables the conversion of data into information, has had an enormous impact on the field of public administration and its theoretical foundation. This article explores five of them. It begins with a discussion of one of the primary impacts of information technology on public administration theory: the development of systems theory and its descendants including the study of complex systems, chaos, and complexity theory. The importance of information technology in decision-making is explored next. Does information technology free us from the limits of bounded rationality or are we simply overwhelmed by the volume of information available via new sources, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web? The third role examined is the use of information technology as a research tool to make previously intractable problems solvable. Computer capability has enormously advanced the theoretical underpinnings of public administration. Fourth, the significance of information technology as a change agent that calls for revision of other theoretical postulates is investigated. As information technology has diffused into public organizations, how has it called into question what we previously thought about the foundation of bureaucracy? Finally, learning by doing and the manner through which practice informs theory is considered.  相似文献   

The three primary ethical challenges in preparing for public health emergencies - addressing questions of rationing, restrictions and responsibilities - all entail confronting uncertainty. But the third, considering whether people and institutions will live up to their responsibilities in a crisis, is perhaps the hardest to predict and therefore plan for. The quintessential example of a responsibility during a public health emergency is that of health care professionals' obligation to continue caring for patients during epidemics. Historically, this 'duty to treat' has sometimes gone unrecognized or ignored, but it has also famously been adhered to, including during the recent SARS epidemic. And non-crisis examples of health professionals working in the face of personal risk are very common. The duty to treat should be circumscribed by several considerations, including the levels or risk and benefit at issue, the degree of public reliance on health professional action, and the nature of the individual health professional's acceptance of greater than usual risk. Examining the professional duty to treat and the legitimate questions it raises can provide insight into other actors' responsibilities. Public health ethics as well as professional ethics can help frame answers to some key questions: How strong are ethical responsibilities during crises? To whom do they apply? Should they be more explicit - and hence more circumscribed - or less explicit and hence largely aspirational? And how can public health policies encourage responsible actions?  相似文献   

This article deals with the profound paradigm crisis that affects modernity and threatens the destiny of humanity. This crisis results from the lack of perspective offered by the paradigm of modernity with its emphasis on unilateral rationality, scientific objectivity, and exploitation of natural resources by a hyper development of an inflated Hero archetype. The emergence of a new paradigm of complexity, C. G. Jung’s complex psychology, and Ameridian perspectivism, may offer new paths to approach these serious problems lived by modern man. A clinical vignette illustrates how complex psychology may also help with individual patients suffering from psychosomatic complaints.  相似文献   

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