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我国是灾害多发的国家, 重大灾害事件不仅导致人民巨大的生命伤亡和经济财产的损失, 而且也给亲历灾害的幸存者带来了严重的个体、家庭和集体的心理创伤。本文重点回顾了5·12汶川大地震以来, 我国研究者在灾后心理创伤领域内的研究进展, 包括灾后心理创伤的流行病学调查, 灾后心理创伤的行为特征、认知功能变化、免疫功能变化以及灾后社会群体心理与行为表现与特征。同时, 分析了我国未来灾后心理与行为研究可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震给居于四川北川、阿坝等地区的羌族人民带来了深刻的痛苦与回忆,给幸存者心理上留下了不可磨灭的阴影。灾后如何做好对其心理自我修复的引导,是一个值得关注的课题。而面对这样一个特殊的历史悠久的民族,由于他们特殊的地域性和文化背景,其灾后心理自我修复的过程就会不同于一般群体。在灾后心理自我修复的过程中,羌族人民将经历怎样的一种心理过程,这种心理过程的根源是什么?如何借助其民族文化中心灵自愈的积极元素,运用正确的方法帮助他们医治心理创伤?本文将从集体潜意识的角度做一论述。  相似文献   

箱庭疗法在灾后心理援助与辅导中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了箱庭疗法引入灾后心理援助工作的在可行性,介绍了以"心"为主题的心理危机援助模式,并报告了存灾区活动板房内使崩箱庭疗法为一名初中一年级学生进行心理咨询的过程,还报告了一位女教师通过箱庭制作梳理负面情绪的过程,说明箱庭疗法可以作为灾后心理援助与辅导的重要方法.  相似文献   

为探究在儿童青少年时期经历地震的青年幸存者的领悟社会支持与创伤后成长的关系及其内在机制,采用领悟社会支持量表、感恩量表、自我效能感量表和创伤后成长(PTG)量表,对汶川地震12年后476名青年幸存者进行调查。结果发现:青年幸存者的PTG处于中上水平;领悟社会支持显著正向预测PTG;感恩和自我效能感分别在二者之间起到部分中介作用。研究结果为震后较长时期内社会支持对PTG的影响机制提供证据,为灾后心理干预工作提供实践参考。  相似文献   

脑卒中后的心理障碍不但影响患者的心理健康,还严重阻碍整个康复治疗的进程。心理疗法作为一种重要的心理障碍康复手段,其有效性已得到相关临床研究的证实。但如何根据临床具体情况选择适宜的心理疗法加速患者功能的康复,提高其生活质量和日常生活活动能力,最终帮助患者重返家庭和社会一直是临床关注的热点。为了更好地提高对卒中患者心理障碍的认识和干预,本文试从哲学的角度出发,结合各期心理障碍的特点,对脑卒中后心理障碍的康复作一论述。  相似文献   

该研究追踪调查汶川地震后1573名青少年,考查心理弹性、生活事件和抑郁症状的关系,以探讨幸存者的心理修复过程。结果表明:(1)心理弹性既能直接预测抑郁症状,也能通过抑郁症状间接影响生活事件;(2)生活事件既能直接预测心理弹性,也能通过抑郁症状间接预测心理弹性;(3)抑郁症状既能直接影响心理弹性,也能通过生活事件间接影响心理弹性。结论:灾后不同特征的青少年心理修复过程不同,存在"钢化效应"和"敏化效应"。  相似文献   

在汶川地震发生5年半后,基于《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第五版(DSM-5)诊断标准,调查了地震幸存者中可能的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的流行情况。本研究调查了1196名汶川地震幸存者,调查内容包括幸存者的人口统计学信息、当前的PTSD症状情况和在汶川地震中的创伤性暴露情况。本研究发现在接受调查者中,可能的PTSD患病率为13.8%;PTSD的风险因素包括:年龄较大、文化程度较低,地震中目睹支离破碎的尸体和家庭成员因地震死亡等。这些结果表明,PTSD是灾后幸存者常见的心理健康问题,且其影响长期存在。  相似文献   

本文从灾后心理危机干预的角度论述和分析了藏传佛教的心理调节功能,并以震后的相关调查为据,进一步探讨了宗教与心理健康、宗教与灾后心理危机干预之间的关系。同时,也从时机、内容以及方法上分析了宗教的心理调节功能在危机干预中的具体应用。文章指出,作为一种理念文化的宗教,事实上是信仰主体与环境压力之间的一个缓冲器,也是特定族群对待环境变化的传统心理防御机制。我们如果能够正视并且有效利用宗教的这种积极作用,那么在灾后群众的心理重建上就能取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

你知道吗?只要反复地快速转动眼球,创伤后精神紧张综合症患者的病情就会有所好转,甚至痊愈。乍一听,你可能会觉得这种疗法"神"得让人难以相信,不过,临床试验已经表明,它是目前治疗创伤后精神紧张综合症的最佳方法之一,它不仅帮助"9·11"恐怖袭击事件中的美国受害者抹去了心理阴影,还帮助土耳其大地震、波黑战争等重大灾难中的幸存者减轻了痛苦。  相似文献   

四川汶川大地震心理危机干预的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对大地震我们如何应对?突发的灾难除了顷刻间造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失外,还会对人们的心理产生巨大影响。帮助灾区人民渡过心理创伤,减少心理疾病的发生和对心理社会功能的后遗影响。灾后心理危机同样是灾难,灾后心理疏导需专业人员,抗震救灾与灾后的心理干预同等重要。  相似文献   

A survey has been undertaken to examine long-term psychological after-effects of a devastating earthquake (the Tangshan earthquake) in China in 1976. Subjects (equal number of males and females, aged between 20 and 70) consisted of 110 paraplegic and 100 non-deformed persons. The 16-PF Questionnaire, two attitude tests and individual interviews were used in the investigation. Results show that the earthquake had long-term effects on people's minds. The effects are extensive and long-lasting, and differed between different groups. This indicates that in the study of the impact of Global Change on humans, earthquake disasters should be brought into focus, not only as physical disasters but also with reference to the psychological shock caused by an earthquake.  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have demonstrated that improvements in physical conditioning can influence one's psychological functioning. Heaps proposed in 1978 that physical improvement does not improve psychological functioning. Heaps contended that only when an individual is cognitively aware of the physical improvement can one expect psychological functioning to be enhanced through physical activity. The purpose of this study was to construct a valid and reliable instrument to assess an individual's perception of his physical fitness.  相似文献   

我国艾滋病患者持续上升。艾滋病不仅损害了人们的躯体健康,也同时损害了人们的心理健康,引发心理危机。观察300例患者发现:抑郁症41.3%、焦虑症31.4%、报复心理20.0%、麻木8.3%。艾滋病的防治不仅仅是治疗肌体病痛的问题,还应该治疗患者的心理问题。因此运用系统论对艾滋病人心理问题中的相关问题进行探索和剖析,动员患者及全社会行动起来,才能达到对艾滋病的有效控制。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the influence of spirituality and religiousness on the psychological traumatic effects of a catastrophic event in a population that had been exposed to an earthquake compared with a control population that had not been exposed. A total of 901 people have been evaluated using: (1) Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality; (2) Impact of Event Scale and (3) Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report (TALS-SR). Self-perceptions of spirituality and religiousness were used to rank the samples, distinguishing between spiritual and religious, spiritual-only, religious-only and neither spiritual nor religious groups. The sample that had experienced the earthquake showed lower scores in spiritual dimension. The religious-only group of those who were exposed to the earthquake demonstrated TALS-SR re-experiencing and arousal domain scores similar to the population that was not exposed. A weakening of spiritual religiosity in people having difficulty coping with trauma is a consistent finding. We further observed that the religious dimension helped to buffer the community against psychological distress caused by the earthquake. The religiosity dimension can positively affect the ability to cope with traumatic experiences.  相似文献   

The importance of socioeconomic status (SES) for psychological functioning over the life span is increasingly acknowledged in psychological research. The Reserve Capacity Model by Gallo and Matthews (2003) suggests that SES is not only linked to physical health but also to the experience of positive and negative emotions. Moreover, due to differential amounts of psychosocial resources, cross-domain associations between emotions and health might differ according to SES. The present study examined age-related developments in positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), and physical health, as well as dynamic associations between health and emotions in the second half of life. We looked at differences in these trajectories and their interrelationships according to education as one aspect of SES. We used data of up to three waves spanning 12 years from the nationally representative German Ageing Survey (N = 3,847, AgeT1 = 40-85 years). Applying multiple-group dual change score models, we found differential age-related change in PA and physical health, but not in NA, in two groups differing in level of education. NA did only predict change in physical health in low-educated individuals, whereas physical health was equally strongly related to change in PA in both education groups. These results indicate that SES not only affects changes in physical health and emotional functioning but also their interrelationships.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrates that aspects of parenting interact to influence child adjustment. We aimed to extend this research by examining parenting strategies associated with behavioral control, specifically sources of parental knowledge regarding child behavior (child disclosure, parental solicitation, parental control), as moderators of the relation between psychological control and relational and physical/verbal aggression. Our sample included 89 children (56% male), ages 9–12. Consistent with prior research on child adjustment, low child disclosure was the only source of parental knowledge associated with both relational and physical/verbal aggression. Moreover, parental solicitation moderated the association between psychological control and relational, but not physical, aggression. That is, at high levels of parental solicitation, psychological control and relational aggression were positively related, whereas at low levels of parental solicitation, psychological control and relational aggression were unrelated. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to analyze whether there are differences in physical health between men and women when considering their working situation. Three psychological variables are analyzed (anxiety, self-esteem and satisfaction) as well as several indicators of physical health for different working situations. The results seem to indicate that although women have worse health than men (when the group is analyzed in general), these differences vary when we take into account the working condition of the participants, and the differences even disappear. The psychological variables used in this survey only explain the variance of the subjective indicators of physical health, most of all, the Physiological Anxiety, which is responsible for the highest rate of the explained variance. The psychological variables predict women's physical health more than men's, what seems to indicate that women's physical health is closely related to psychological health.  相似文献   

Natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the Gulf Coast of the United States in the summer of 2005, have highlighted the need to develop effective post-trauma psychotherapeutic intervention strategies, not only to deal with the immediate psychological aftermath of trauma, but also the long-term effects of anniversary reactions. Governmental responses to Hurricane Katrina relief were greatly criticized for disorganization and delay. Both immediately afterwards and in ensuing months, people's life needs often were not addressed. People-to-people individual and group grassroots efforts, including those provided by mental health professionals, however, did reach local communities to service immediate needs and long-term emotional reactions. The present paper describes one such effort designed to help survivors cope on the occasion of the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Specifically, anniversary reaction group workshops were held to address unresolved emotional issues and to promote healing by encouraging belonging, comfort, security, and resilience. The ultimate goal of these wellness workshops was to assist participants in understanding and resolving their anniversary reactions. Preliminary quantitative and qualitative findings suggested that this workshop format helped participants face their anniversary reactions, address their related psychological sequelae, and deal with their physical displacement. Participants were then able to find the emotional strength to reattach, form new communities, and begin problem solving. These methods, with appropriate cultural modifications, were subsequently used in China, to assist Chinese mental health professionals prepare for the first anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake.  相似文献   

An infrequent physical increase in the intensity of an auditory stimulus relative to an already loud frequently occurring “standard” is processed differently than an equally perceptible physical decrease in intensity. This may be because a physical increment results in increased activation in two different systems, a transient and a change detector system (signalling detection of an increase in transient energy and a change from the past, respectively). By contrast, a decrease in intensity results in increased activation in only the change detector system. The major question asked by the present study was whether a psychological (rather than a physical) increment would continue to be processed differently than a psychological decrement when both stimuli activated only the change detector system. Participants were presented with a sequence of 1000 Hz tones that followed a standard rule-based alternating high-low intensity pattern (LHLHLH). They were asked to watch a silent video and thus ignore the auditory stimuli. A rare “deviant” was created by repeating one of the stimuli (e.g., LHLHLLLH. The repetition of the high intensity stimulus thus acted as a relative, psychological increment compared to what the rule would have predicted (the low intensity); the repetition of the low intensity stimulus acted as a relative, psychological decrement compared to what the rule would have predicted (the high intensity). In different conditions, the intensity difference between the low and high intensity tones was either 3, 9 or 27 dB. A large MMN was elicited only when the separation between the low and high intensities was 27 dB. Importantly, this MMN peaked significantly earlier and its amplitude was significantly larger following presentation of the psychological increment. Thus, a deviant representing an increment in intensity relative to what would be predicted by the auditory past is processed differently than a deviant representing a decrement, even when activation of the transient detector system is controlled. The psychological increment did not however elicit a later positivity, the P3a, often thought to reflect the interruption of the central executive and a forced switching of attention.  相似文献   

Functional autonomy is a core condition of successful ageing. To maximize autonomous functioning is not only a claim of social policy but also primarily an individual need. Part of the challenge of preventing unnecessary dependence in old age is to recognize the diversity among the elderly and the different availability of their physical, psychological and social resources. The aim of this study is to examine the age- and time-related changes in functional autonomy (activities of daily living, ADL, and instrumental activities of daily living, IADL) and the psychophysical resources correlated with these changes in a sample of 441 healthy elderly persons aged 65-95. Furthermore, we are interested in the long-term predictive power of physical resources (objective and subjective health, physical strength) and psychological resources (memory) on functional autonomy. Results show significant age- and time-related deteriorations in functional autonomy and in most psychophysical resources. Structural equation model analyses were performed to test the long-term predictive power of these resources. Results suggest that ADL is better predicted by physical resources than by psychological ones, but for IADL the reverse is the case; here memory variables play a dominant role. Physical and psychological variables are thus specifically related to different components of functional autonomy. This has to be taken into account in the development of preventive and intervention programmes.  相似文献   

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