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该文回顾了中国心理科学在新中国成立前后的发展情况。新中国成立后 ,在 50— 6 0年代中国心理学家与国际交流甚少。 70年代末 ,中国实行对外改革开放政策后 ,中国心理科学发展很快 ,与世界各国心理学家的交流日益频繁。中国心理科学在国际上已开始产生明显的影响 ,起到了不可忽视的重要作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we assume an interdisciplinary approach to the study of why and how people transpose political considerations to their lifestyles. Our aims are threefold: to understand the meanings and perceptions of people engaged in lifestyle politics and collective action; to examine the motives guiding individual change; and to explore the linkage processes between lifestyle politics and collective action. Identity process theory is considered as a lens to examine the processes and the motives of identity via a thematic analysis of 22 interviews. This study combined interviews with people seeking social change through their lifestyles with interviews with members of action groups and social movements. We found that each participant's identity is guided by identity motives such as distinctiveness, continuity, and psychological coherence. Besides, lifestyle politics is evaluated as an effective way to bring about social change, depending on the individual experience of perceived power to bring about change through collective action. Overall, lifestyle politics states the way in which the participants decided to live, to construct their identities, and to represent their beliefs about the right thing to do. Lifestyle politics complements collective action as a strategy to increase the potential of bringing about social change. The implications of this research are discussed in relation to the importance of understanding the processes of identity and lifestyle change in the context of social, environmental, and political change.  相似文献   

In light of the complex notions ofidentity, this paper attempts to consider howto perceive the notion of world citizenship.The paper looks to discussions on the self andidentity; focusing on the writing of CharlesTaylor and Alasdair MacIntyre, with particularattention given to the notion of an integratedself. While philosophers, sociologists andeducationalist discuss particular and universalaspects to the self, Danesh in his book`Psychology of Spirituality,' presents a modelfor the integrated self that seems to allow fora systematic process of development to helprealise a unity of character of individualidentity with an extended community. What issuggested in this paper is to consider thepossibility of an education for worldcitizenship where one can have a notion of anintegrated self and be a citizen engaged atmany levels, from local to national andinternational.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of identity in lived experiences within the professoriate. While scholarship has given some attention to professional identity and personal identity, little in the literature has attempted to present a holistic view of identity and the complex ways that it defines and influences academic careers. The authors present findings from their analysis of interview data from 50 participants across career stages, from doctoral students to full professors. These findings suggest that three distinct but related, and potentially synergistic, components of identity are salient in shaping perceptions of and experiences within academic careers. The authors offer future directions for research centered on a rich conceptualization of identity as critical for understanding faculty development, experiences, and needs.  相似文献   


The present study investigates the physical and emotional consequences of suffering an identity-related criminal victimization. In addition to reporting the extent and nature of these consequences, the present research also examines the potential determinants of the physical harms victims suffer following identity theft. Data from an analytic sample of 2,299 victims of identity theft from the U.S. National Crime Victimization Survey are analyzed, and results suggest that identity theft victimization produces consequences beyond the financial. Physical ailments and new medical conditions are often reported as a result of the crime. Further, several features of the incident were significantly related to whether victims experienced these harms, as were personal characteristics of the victim. These findings suggest that responses to identity-related victimizations – beyond financial remedies – should be considered by victims, practitioners, and policymakers.  相似文献   

Abstract : At mid‐century, Harold S. Bender's “The Anabaptist Vision” provided a definition of sixteenth‐century Anabaptist tradition that clarified the self‐understanding of its contemporary Mennonite heirs and by which their faithfulness to the tradition might be judged. Critics of the vision, such as J. Lawrence Burkholder, sought reformulations of the vision's central tension between separation from and integration into “the world,” calling for greater social responsibility and for a recognition that the ambiguities of human existence extend to the church, of necessity qualifying its lived expressions of radical discipleship.  相似文献   

一、探讨中世纪阿拉伯世界科学兴衰的原因,是个很有意义的问题。这里说的中世纪,严格说来,应该说是8到12世纪,或者延伸到13、14世纪时的中世纪的阿拉伯世界,或者说,伊斯兰世界。就这时的科学家活动的地区来说,可以分为东方部分(主要包括今天的伊拉克、叙利亚、埃及、伊朗和中亚的部分地区)和西方部分(突尼斯、摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和西班牙地区)。这些地区的科学家来自不同民族、不同宗教信仰,有基督教徒、  相似文献   

While the gender gap in mathematics and science has narrowed, men pursue these fields at a higher rate than women. In this study, 165 men and women at a university in the northeastern United States completed implicit and explicit measures of science stereotypes (association between male and science, relative to female and humanities), and gender identity (association between the concept “self” and one’s own gender, relative to the concept “other” and the other gender), and reported plans to pursue science-oriented and humanities-oriented academic programs and careers. Although men were more likely than women to plan to pursue science, this gap in students’ intentions was completely accounted for by implicit stereotypes. Moreover, implicit gender identity moderated the relationship between women’s stereotypes and their academic plans, such that implicit stereotypes only predicted plans for women who strongly implicitly identified as female. These findings illustrate how an understanding of implicit cognitions can illuminate between-group disparities as well as within-group variability in science pursuit.  相似文献   

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