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Mindfulness-based interventions are reported as being efficacious treatments for a variety of psychological and somatic conditions. However, concerns have arisen relating to how mindfulness is operationalized in mindfulness-based interventions and whether its ‘spiritual essence’ and full potential treatment efficacy have remained intact. This qualitative study used interpretative phenomenological analysis to examine participant experiences regarding the acceptability and effectiveness of a newly designed secularized intervention called meditation awareness training (MAT) that follows a more traditional Buddhist approach to meditation. Participants (with issues of stress and low mood) reported experiencing improvements in psychological well-being due to receiving MAT. The wider implications are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生环境意识与环境行为的调查研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
钟毅平  谭千保  张英 《心理科学》2003,26(3):542-542,544
1 问题的提出N.w.海姆斯特拉和L.H.麦克法林早在1978年指出“环境心理学是研究人的行为和物理环境相互关系的学科。”D.V.坎特尔和K.H.克赖克曾在1981年撰文指出环境心理学要探讨和分析人的体验和活动与有关的社会物理环境之间的相互关系。他们主要探讨了环境心理学的研究对象,并指出人的意识、行为与外界环境相互作用,换而言之,人的环  相似文献   

Web‐based training programs commonly capture data reflecting e‐learners' activities, yet little is known about the effects of this practice. Social facilitation theory suggests that it may adversely affect people by heightening distraction and arousal. This experiment examined the issue by asking volunteers to complete a Web‐based training program designed to teach online search skills. Half of participants were told their training activities would be tracked; the others received no information about monitoring. Results supported the hypothesized effects on satisfaction, performance, and mental workload (measured via heart rate variability). Explicit awareness of monitoring appeared to tax e‐learners mentally during training, thereby hindering performance on a later skills test. Additionally, e‐learners reported less satisfaction with the training when monitoring was made salient.  相似文献   


For the past few decades a concern with heritage in the countries of the Arab Gulf has led to the reclamation of the purebred Arabian horse as one of the iconic animals of the Bedouin identity and to developing a thriving horse breeding industry in the region. While stud farms and equestrian sport events are intended to reinforce the Arabian identity of the breed, a closer look at its history demonstrate in fact the complexity of its identity. The complexity of cultural transfers with respect to horse breeding between the East and the West from the Early Modern period on, highlights the connected history of both the Arabian horses and the Thoroughbreds, and the ongoing cultural re-appropriation of both breeds as ‘native’ to the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(1):29-53
Twenty-nine environmental activists (mean age, 49.8) responded in writing to questions on influences that gave rise to environmental ethics in their own lives. Answers represented all phases of the lifespan. Through a qualitative analysis, six principle themes emerged: (a) deep environmental concern and an affiliation with nature often began in early childhood; (b) a combination of intellectual or academic and direct experiences with nature contributed to the development of environmental ethics; (c) familial and extra familial models were influential; (d) for some, environmental ethics was tied to spiritual, cultural, or religious feeling; (e) the development of environmental ethics was linked with identity and generativity issues; and ( f ) historical events interacted with individual development in the formation of an environmental ethics. These themes are discussed in terms of continuities and discontinuities in lifespan development, the role of the family and of history, and the relation between reason and emotion in the development of an environmental ethics.  相似文献   

One million cases of child maltreatment and twelve hundred child deaths due to abuse and neglect occur per year. But since many cases of abuse and neglect remain either unreported or unsubstantiated due to insufficient evidence, the number of children who are abused, neglected, and killed at the hands of family caregivers is probably higher. One approach to combat child abuse in the U.K. has been the employment of hospital-based covert video surveillance (CVS) to monitor parents suspected of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP). The use of CVS, however, raises concerns about voluntary informed consent, research on human subjects, privacy, and the appropriateness of healthcare providers to conduct CVS. More broadly, the use of CVS raises concerns about the ethical life of healthcare institutions and their moral obligations to the families and communities they serve. The U.K. protocol for CVS is examined in light of these concerns. Three alternative CVS protocols and two procedures for selecting a protocol are then proposed for use in the U.S. The paper concludes that any CVS protocol selected for use by hospitals ought to be selected by means of open and democratic processes that permit community input and, subsequently, the possibility of a consensus on the moral status and scope of CVS.  相似文献   

The Genetic and Endoscopic Surveillance Clinic is an annual outreach service offering accessible colonoscopic surveillance to known families with Lynch syndrome living in remote areas of the Western and Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Unfortunately attendance at this outreach clinic has been declining over several years and fewer than a quarter of participants, attending for surveillance, have been adherent with all their recommended screening appointments. Concerns exist for non-adherent individuals as screening can prevent colorectal cancer by removing the precancerous lesion or enabling the treatment of a malignancy at an early stage. This study explored the experience of surveillance from both the non-adherers’ and adherers’ perspectives and identified unique factors affecting attendance at the outreach clinic. Rates of compliance are calculated for 191 mutation-positive cases of Lynch syndrome, using strict attendance criteria, and compared to figures obtained from self-reported attendance. Non-compliance was under-reported and compliance was exaggerated when basing data on self-reported adherence to recommendations. Specific characteristics of the outreach clinic affecting compliance are identified and recommendations are made to facilitate improvements to the service. These improvements can result in increased compliance with screening regimens and ultimately reduce cancer-related mortality.  相似文献   

Christopher E Near 《Sex roles》2013,68(3-4):252-269
Content analysis of video games has consistently shown that women are portrayed much less frequently than men and in subordinate roles, often in “hypersexualized” ways. However, the relationship between portrayal of female characters and videogame sales has not previously been studied. In order to assess the cultural influence of video games on players, it is important to weight differently those games seen by the majority of players (in the millions), rather than a random sample of all games, many of which are seen by only a few thousand people. Box art adorning the front of video game boxes is a form of advertising seen by most game customers prior to purchase and should therefore predict sales if indeed particular depictions of female and male characters influence sales. Using a sample of 399 box art cases from games with ESRB ratings of Teen or Mature released in the US during the period of 2005 through 2010, this study shows that sales were positively related to sexualization of non-central female characters among cases with women present. In contrast, sales were negatively related to the presence of any central female characters (sexualized or non-sexualized) or the presence of female characters without male characters present. These findings suggest there is an economic motive for the marginalization and sexualization of women in video game box art, and that there is greater audience exposure to these stereotypical depictions than to alternative depictions because of their positive relationship to sales.  相似文献   

This paper purports to enhance the understanding of stress and its effects on unemployed executives. The idea that unemployed managers perceive and confront stress differently from their employed colleagues is addressed. A sampling of 32 unemployed executives and managers was taken using The Stress Profile, to survey reasons for stress, coping ability, and response to stress. The profiled samples were then compared to a comparison group of 367 employed managers. The results showed that unemployed managers, when compared to their employed associates, tended to have less desireable family situations, more worries about finances, decreased perception of self and self-coherence, decreased coping ability, and heightened emotional and behavioral reaction to stress. The conclusion was that when dealing with stressors, unemployed managers experienced a decreased sense of psychological well-being and coping abilities as compared to employed managers.  相似文献   

The changing demographics of the United States have lead to increased training of multicultural issues in graduate counseling programs. Graduate students report higher levels of multicultural competencies after completing a multicultural counseling course. Similarly, this study indicates increased multicultural awareness and knowledge among undergraduates completing a multicultural course.  相似文献   

In order to facilitate cross-cultural understanding, a framework for interaction is provided by focusing on personal experience and on attrition theory and the W-curve,  相似文献   

A total of 160 Asian Americans (55 Chinese, 13 Filipino, 27 Japanese, 32 Korean, 15 Pacific Islander, and 18 Vietnamese) completed a series of standardized instruments assessing their environmental, social, and psychological experiences as undergraduates. The purpose of this study was threefold: to provide a composite of student experiences; to investigate the interrelationships of comfort in the university environment, social support, and self‐beliefs; and to examine the influence of these constructs on the academic persistence decisions of Asian American undergraduates. Overall, social support variables were the strongest predictors of academic persistence. Research‐derived implications for university personnel and professional counselors are provided.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate whether educators have knowledge regarding various religious groups. Results indicated that few educators possess knowledge of (a) which holidays are religious in nature and would necessitate that children be absent from school, (b) religious prohibitions and restrictions, and (c) the names of prophets and founders of various religions. Although significant differences in knowledge were found between educators who had completed a course in religion and those who had not completed such a course, completion of a multicultural education course did not produce significant differences. Recommendations for acquisition of knowledge, techniques, and strategies are also included.  相似文献   

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