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The 21st century shift of the church's "center of gravity" from North America and Europe to Asia, Africa, and South America, provides a context in which translating the Lutheran confessional writings— and the theology to which they point—will play a vitally important role in the life of "...the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church."  相似文献   

墨家战争观念的逻辑起点及其历史命运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毫无疑义 ,先秦诸子百家学说的主体是各自的政治哲学思想 ,然而 ,不容忽视的是军事思想在各家学说体系中也据有很大的比重 ,成为诸子政治思想在军事领域的衍化和派生。墨家在先秦时期与儒家学派同称为显学。《韩非子·显学》称“世之显学 ,儒、墨也”。《孟子·滕文公下》也说“杨朱、墨翟之言盈天下” ,可见其在当时影响之大。因此 ,其包含有丰富的军事理性认识乃是十分自然的事情。其主要内容 ,一是“非攻” ,二是“救守” ,前者集中体现了墨家的战争观念 ,后者则是墨家作战指导思想的具体表现和基本特征。本文重点讨论墨家的战争观问题 ,…  相似文献   

Forty-three women who had worked outside of the home prior to becoming pregnant and had returned to the same place of employment after the birth of their children participated in the study. To do so, they responded to a two-part questionnaire asking about their work lives (e.g., level of job satisfaction before, during, and after their pregnancies) and demographic characteristics (e.g., occupation). The results indicated that their job satisfaction was significantly greater before their pregnancies than either during or after their pregnancies. Job satisfaction during pregnancy had a significant, positive correlation with satisfaction with organizational maternity leave policies. Perceived reactions from women's coworkers and supervisors were also examined. Implications for these findings for organizations are discussed. Limitations of the study, and how they might be rectified in future research, are also addressed.  相似文献   

The current study explored the relationship between recall of a form of bullying, specifically childhood teasing, and later interpersonal functioning in a sample of 414 college students. It was predicted that memories of frequent teasing during childhood would be associated with fewer close friends, a more anxious attachment style in the context of romantic relationships, and lower social self-esteem in early adulthood. Although recalled-teasing was not associated with number of friends later in life, it was related to other interpersonal difficulties. Specifically, frequent teasing was associated with less comfort with intimacy and closeness, less comfort in trusting and depending on others, a greater degree of worry about being unloved or abandoned in relationships, and poorer social self-esteem. The relationship of these difficulties to specific domains of teasing was also explored.  相似文献   

义是墨家学说的伦理总则和精神实质,兼爱、非攻等道德原则是义这一上位概念下的具体原则.义在墨家思想体系中具有法天、兴利、举公的内在特征.法天明义思想和儒学的道统精神共同孕育了后世对恶政的批判和改造精神,以利达义思想首倡了群体导向的功利主义,举公正义思想是传统社会大同情怀的重要渊源.墨家义思想启示我们要建立惩罚机制,维护道德有效运行,倡导友爱互助,建立和谐人际关系,防止假公济私.促进社会公平正义.  相似文献   

Heidegger sharply distinguishes philosophy from worldview. In this he was quite unlike Hegel, Dilthey, Nietzsche, and Jaspers, who more or less equated the two, but instead followed the lead of Husserl. Nevertheless, Heidegger did not accept Husserl's unqualified reduction of philosophy to science. Early on, 1919–1922, Heidegger's concern for facticity was tied to a thinking of worldview. Conversely, Heidegger's Being and Time (1933–34/2010a Heidegger, M. (2010a). Being and truth (G. Fried and R. Polt Trans.). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Original work published 1933–34) [Google Scholar]) considered worldview to be a fixed interpretation of the universe of beings, as opposed to philosophy as the study of Being, and suggested that fundamental ontology could demonstrate the condition of possibility for something like worldview. Later, Heidegger extended his historico-ontological critique of the Western philosophical tradition to include worldview. Worldview was now the notional equivalent of the modern subject's picturing or representing of beings as a whole to herself/himself, a fallout of the technological understanding of being. This article provides a historical précis of the notion of worldview in Heidegger's thinking and, at the same time, argues that philosophy cannot be absolutely separated from worldview in Heidegger's works.  相似文献   

In 2007, the letters of The Blessed Mother Teresa to her confessors were published for the public in a book entitled Come Be My Light. What surprised many readers was that Mother Teresa felt very distant from God and described feeling great “darkness” for many years. This paper draws parallels between the writings of Mother Teresa and those of writers’ illness narratives describing the psychiatric condition of Depression. The author provides this textual analysis to explore Mother Teresa’s experience within a psychiatric paradigm (Major Depressive Disorder), in comparison with and contrast to the spiritual paradigm of a “Dark Night of the Soul.”  相似文献   

The author revisits his contemporary review of The Authoritarian Personality (TAP) in the light of subsequent developments in research and theory. In spite of warranted criticism of the F-scale, the major substantive findings of TAP have held up well. Whether they are better understood in terms of psychoanalytic psychodynamics or Bandura's social learning theory remains controversial. The role of the four authors is briefly examined.  相似文献   

王路 《世界哲学》2006,3(6):36-43
基督教对西方思想文化的影响巨大,其中上帝占有至关重要的地位。在《圣经》中,上帝关于自己的称谓是“我是我所是”。中译文则是“我是自有永有的”。探讨这句话的中译文,不仅有助于我们理解《圣经》文本本身,而且有助于我们理解基督教思想对西方哲学的影响,以及它们之间的相互联系,从而也有助于我们理解西方哲学。  相似文献   

Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy has long influenced contemporary ethics, yet it has not, in general, received the kind of sustained critical attention that it deserves. Existentialists and Mystics and Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals provide new access to most of Murdoch's philosophical writings and make possible a deeper appreciation of her contribution to current thought. After assessing the recent critical reception of Murdoch's thought, this review places her moral philosophy in the context of contemporary trends in ethics by tracing her influence on the work of Charles Taylor, highlights the distinctive features of her moral philosophy (especially her analysis of consciousness), and suggests future directions for Murdochian ethics.  相似文献   

Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy has long influenced contemporary ethics, yet it has not, in general, received the kind of sustained critical attention that it deserves. Existentialists and Mystics and Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals provide new access to most of Murdoch's philosophical writings and make possible a deeper appreciation of her contribution to current thought. After assessing the recent critical reception of Murdoch's thought, this review places her moral philosophy in the context of contemporary trends in ethics by tracing her influence on the work of Charles Taylor, highlights the distinctive features of her moral philosophy (especially her analysis of consciousness), and suggests future directions for Murdochian ethics.  相似文献   

Count data reflect the number of occurrences of a behavior in a fixed period of time (e.g., number of aggressive acts by children during a playground period). In cases in which the outcome variable is a count with a low arithmetic mean (typically < 10), standard ordinary least squares regression may produce biased results. We provide an introduction to regression models that provide appropriate analyses for count data. We introduce standard Poisson regression with an example and discuss its interpretation. Two variants of Poisson regression, overdispersed Poisson regression and negative binomial regression, are introduced that may provide more optimal results when a key assumption of standard Poisson regression is violated. We also discuss the problems of excess zeros in which a subgroup of respondents who would never display the behavior are included in the sample and truncated zeros in which respondents who have a zero count are excluded by the sampling plan. We provide computer syntax for our illustrations in SAS and SPSS. The Poisson family of regression models provides improved and now easy to implement analyses of count data.

[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Personality Assessment for the following free supplemental resources: the data set used to illustrate Poisson regression in this article, which is available in three formats—a text file, an SPSS database, or a SAS database.]  相似文献   

Jewish college age students and adults completed measures of Jewish identity as well as self-esteem to determine whether Jews adhere to Atkinson et al. (1979) minority identity model, particularly as regards self-esteem. Participants were found to have diminished rather than enhanced self-esteem in the Resistance-Immersion stage. Diplomate in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors and an Approved Supervisor in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Clinical Psychology Program of the University of Connecticut.  相似文献   

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis -  相似文献   

福柯的思想总是处于不断地自我修正之中。从1970年到1980年,福柯的思想从内容到方法上都有一个很明显的转变过程。这些转变构成了他晚期关于自身实践的伦理学的理论前提。福柯自己在上世纪80年代的言论表明,他一直在努力通过对历史的考察来探索一种新的关切个体自身的伦理学之可能性。他的早期考古学描述的结果就已经是一幅谱系学的图景,而谱系学更侧重于对这个图景的解释和对新的可能性的探索。此外,这位思想家在他早期对"作者"这一范畴的态度与他本人的做法之间似乎存在某种矛盾之处,我们也将就此作一些探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines a narrative understanding of identity and discusses its relevance within the sociocultural contingencies of the postmodern age. Providing an historical overview of understandings of the self, Meador traces the lineage of the self from Augustine through contemporary theories of identity. He focuses on the narrative concept of identity, acknowledging the existence of multiple narratives—those that individuals tell about themselves and those told by others. Finally, he explores the transformative potential available within this context for those in their later years.  相似文献   

严进  郑玫  苗玲玲 《应用心理学》2007,13(4):297-304
管理者信任是组织运作效率的重要影响因素。为了系统分析契约与领导成员交换(LMX)在组织内部对管理者信任的权变影响模式,本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对契约与LMX如何影响管理者信任的形成进行了研究。154名被试参加了调查,结果表明,契约与LMX的交互作用项对管理者信任的作用显著。进一步分析交互作用方向,结果表明:领导成员交换(LMX)在管理者信任形成中起到主导作用;而在双方LMX一般时,完备的契约可显著降低信任风险,促进管理者信任的形成。据此,我们建议管理者采用相应的权变策略建设组织内管理者信任。  相似文献   

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