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独生子与非独生子行为特点的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
茅于燕 《心理学报》1987,20(2):3-13
本研究有151名三至四岁半的幼儿园儿童参加,其中48名为非独生子,103名为独生子(其中48名为配对独生子)。所用方法为观察、评价和问卷。结果表明:三至四岁半儿童的性格无特异性与两端性。报告也讨论了独生子与非独生子行为和性格无显著差异的原因。此外,作者还提出:不同的环境反馈和儿童行为的有意性,会导致儿童的“双重性格”。  相似文献   

The validity of Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model was assessed by conducting a comprehensive review of nearly 200 relevant studies on the model as well as by applying meta-analytic procedures to a large portion of the data. The evidence indicated that the available correlational results are reasonably valid in light of the issues examined. Results tended to support the multidimensionality of job characteristics, but there was less agreement on the exact number of dimensions. The corrected correlational results of the meta-analysis indicated that job characteristics related both to psychological and behavioral outcomes. Concerning psychological states, the results tended to support their mediating (e.g., intervening) role between job characteristics and personal outcomes. The pattern of correlations between the job characteristics and psychological states was less supportive of the model. Meta-analytic results demonstrated that most of the cross-study variance was due to statistical artifacts. True variance across studies was found for the job characteristics-performance relationship, however, and subsequent analyses suggested that growth-need strength moderates this relationship. Implications for potential revisions of the model and for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports research conducted as a part of a continuing program designed to provide empirical delineation of the communication apprehension construct. Five studies are reported which indicate a substantial correlation (r =?.52 to r =?.72) between oral communication apprehension and self-esteem. Results from two college student samples (N = 192 and N = 272), two samples of elementary and secondary teachers (N = 202, N = 384), and a sample of federal employees (N = 211) indicate highly consistent relationships across age groups and occupational types.  相似文献   

The correspondence between inferences made using two validation strategies–content and criterion-related–were examined in a specific personnel selection application. Empirical validity values and Law-she's (1975) content validity ratios (CVR) were obtained for items from three structured interview guides used in the selection of insurance agents. Ratings of each item by over 300 field managers were used to calculate the CVR values. Statistically significant, yet modest correlations were found between empirical item validities and content validities for an interview guide used to select applicants with prior insurance sales experience. No significant differences were found among these correlations by comparing job experts of different levels of managerial experience and experience in selection. Data for the interview guide used to select experienced applicants also indicated that a content validity approach can be useful in developing a selection instrument with an empirically valid composite rating. The hypotheses were not confirmed for interview guides used to select applicants with no prior insurance sales experience. The practical importance of these results are discussed, as are plans for future research.  相似文献   

This research compared the validity of two different types of structured interview questions (i.e., experience-based and situational) under tightly controlled conditions. The experience-based interview questions required that 108 study participants relate how they had handled situations in the past requiring skills and abilities necessary for effective performance on the job. Situational questions, administered to another group of 108 study participants, provided interviewees with hypothetical job-relevant situations and asked them how they would respond if they were confronted with these problems. The experience-based interview questions yielded higher levels of validity than the situational questions. Additional analyses showed that the interview added incrementally to the prediction of performance beyond the variance accounted for by a cognitive ability test. There were small differences in subgroup performance (White, Black, Hispanic, male, and female) on the experience-based interview, though it was equally valid for all subgroups.  相似文献   

Researchers conducting meta-analyses such as validity generalization can never be certain that their review contains all studies relevant to the research domain. Indeed, several authors in the past have noted ways in which research reviews may be systematically biased. A few techniques have emerged for addressing the issue of "missing studies" including the use of Rosenthal's (1979) file-drawer equation. Noting that Rosenthal's technique is inappropriate when applied to validity generalization findings, this paper develops a new method for assessing the vulnerability of validity generalization results to unrepresented or missing studies. The results of this new procedure are compared to the results of file-drawer analyses for 103 findings from validity generalization studies. We illustrate that this procedure more appropriately estimates the robustness of validity generalization results.  相似文献   

跟踪操作业绩与人格特征的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究发现,跟踪作业的业绩与允许误差值之间有某种规律性的关系。因此,跟踪任务的操纵器设计应考虑最佳宽容度。本文还探讨了不同人格维度与跟踪作业业绩之间的关系。就单个人格维度而言,内倾者的跟踪作业业绩优于外倾者;较高精神质者优于较低精神质者。在神经质维度上表现出高神经质者作业业绩好于低神经质者的倾向。  相似文献   

倒班与正常班医护人员记忆特点的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20—35岁倒班和正常班医护人员400名经问卷调查睡眠情况之后,对其中88名受试者给予记忆测验。测验材料为“临床记忆量表”,包括指向记忆、联想学习、图象自由回忆、无意义图形再认和人像特点联系回忆五项分测验。研究结果表明:倒班医护人员在值夜班期间睡眠质量受到明显影响,在上正常白班期间睡眠质量虽有所改善,但仍不及正常班医护人员;倒班组和正常班组各项记忆测验成绩均无显著性差异,但两组记忆特点有些不同。  相似文献   

男性少年犯与同龄中学生人格特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用加利福尼亚心理调查表(CPI-RC)对178男性少年犯和219名同龄男性中学生进行了测查。结果表明:(1)少年犯与同龄中学生的人格特征存在显著差异,少年犯的自我确认、社会价值内化、成就潜能、生活和社会态度、自我实现和个人整合水平都较同龄中学生差;(2)在人格类型上,少年犯与同龄中学生亦存在差异,少年犯的人格类型以常规异向居多。  相似文献   

The effect of non-zero intercorrelations among the three artifacts (criterion reliability, predictor reliability, and range restriction on the predictor) and true validity on the accuracy of estimation in two validity generalization models (Model 1and Model 2) was investigated. Only the Thylor Series Approximation 1(TSA1) procedure from Model 1 and the procedure with complete sample-based artifact data from Model 2 were included in this study. Six intercorrelation conditions (zero, low positive, medium positive, low negative, low negative and positive, and medium negative and positive) and two distributions of artifacts were used in this investigation. The two major conclusions from this study are: (a) Both models yielded reasonably accurate estimates of the mean of true validities (Mρ) and (b) only Model 2 produced accurate estimates of the variance of true validities (Vρ). The need for additional research for accurately estimating Vρ when the three artifacts and true validity are correlated is recommended.  相似文献   

A predictor battery of cognitive ability, perceptual-psychomotor ability, temperament/personality, interest, and job outcome preference measures was administered to enlisted soldiers in nine Army jobs. These measures were summarized in terms of 24 composite scores. The relationships between the predictor composite scores and five components of job performance were analyzed. Scores from the cognitive and perceptual-psychomotor ability tests provided the best prediction of job-specific and general task proficiency, while the temperament/personality composites were the best predictors of giving extra effort, supporting peers, and exhibiting personal discipline. Composite scores derived from the interest inventory were correlated more highly with task proficiency than with demonstrating effort and peer support. In particular, vocational interests were among the best predictors of task proficiency in combat jobs. The results suggest that the Army can improve the prediction of job performance by adding non-cognitive predictors to its present battery of predictor tests.  相似文献   

The construct validity of “television viewing” is developed and explicated. It is suggested that while this concept is usually used as a strict behavioral variable, many different constructs are implied by it. The construct validity of television viewing can be derived from a conceptualization of what it is in television which, when viewed, or exposed to, interacts with human behavior and attributes. Four such conceptualizations are illustrated, each leading to a different construct of “viewing”: (1) television as a social-situational factor involving choice behavior between activities; (2) television as a transmission of a content repertoire, implying decision-making regarding messages; (3) television as a source of content-messages dealing with recall, comprehension, and attitude change; and (4) television as a “language” pertaining to the processes of encoding messages in the service of extracting knowledge.  相似文献   

独生子与非独生子在入园适应方面的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茅于燕 《心理学报》1984,17(3):13-22
本研究有六个小班的96名三岁至四岁半的儿童参加,其中48名为非独生子,48名为本班的配对独生子。使用的方法为观察与问卷。结果表明:三至四岁半的独生子与非独生子入幼儿园第一个月的适应行为无显著差异。报告也讨论了影响入园困难的因素,研究入园问题的良好指标以及有效的教学措施等。  相似文献   

评价中心的构想效度和结构模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用多质多法和验证性因素分析的方法,对以无领导小组讨论、文件筐和人格测验构成的一个评价中心的构想效度和结构模型进行了研究。通过对136名被试在四个测评维度上的施测,其结果表明,在评价中心中会聚效度低于区分效度,影响评价中心测评结果的主要因素是测评方法而不是测评维度,从而得到了一个以测评方法为潜变量的评价中心结构模型。从该结构模型来看,评价中心之所以起作用是由于其多个测评方法(情景)的结果。表明测评情景对于构建评价中心有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

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