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Recent research has shown that unfamiliar face matching from both high‐ and low‐quality closed circuit television video images to photographs is highly prone to error, even when viewpoint and expression are matched as closely as possible. The current experiments made use of a filmed, staged reconstruction of a bank raid that was captured on CCTV and on high‐quality broadcasting video. Experiment 1 tested the ability of members of the public to match actors captured on CCTV to photo‐spreads containing similar‐looking distractors. Further experiments, each testing different groups of subjects, investigated matching ability using both high‐quality photographs (Experiment 2) and broadcast‐quality video material (Experiment 3). Experiment 3 also investigated the effect of disguising hairstyle, and varied whether or not the target was present in the photo line‐up. The results of these experiments confirm those of previous work, that matching the identity of unfamiliar faces is highly fallible, even when high‐quality footage is used. Experiments 4 and 5 tested matching ability using two‐alternative forced‐choice and single‐item verification tasks. Performance remained highly error‐prone even with the simplest question asked. The legal implications of the results are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper compares the effectiveness of public CCTV systems according to meta‐reviews, with what might be expected based upon theoretical predictions. The apparent gulf between practice and prediction is explored in the light of the challenges faced by CCTV operators in terms of effective target selection. In addition, counter‐intuitive reactions by members of the public to situational symbols of crime deterrence may also undermine the efficacy of CCTV. Evidence is introduced and reviewed that suggests CCTV operators may employ implicit profiles to select targets. Essentially, young, scruffy males who appear to be loitering are disproportionately targeted compared with their base rate use of surveyed areas. However, the extent to which such a profile is diagnostic of criminal intent or behaviour is unclear. Such profiles may represent little more than ‘pattern matching’ within an impoverished visual medium. Finally, suggestions for future research and effective CCTV operator practice are offered in order to improve target selection. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alibi believability can be affected by characteristics of the alibi corroborator, including the relationship between the defendant and corroborator, which has been studied extensively by researchers. The corroborator's certainty that they were together at the time of the crime may also influence alibi believability, but only a few studies have examined this. Another factor that may affect believability is the corroborator's cooperativeness with the police, which is yet to be studied in the alibi context. Online U.S. participants recruited from CloudResearch (N = 280) acted as mock jurors and evaluated a mock arson case where the defendant used an alibi defence. The alibi corroborator's relationship to the defendant (brother/neighbour), the certainty that they were together at the time (65%/100%) and cooperativeness with police (cooperative/uncooperative) were manipulated between participants. The participants were evenly split when it came to verdict (p > .05) but were more likely to vote guilty when the corroborator was a brother rather than a neighbour (p < .01) and when the brother was uncooperative versus cooperative (p < .05). As expected, alibis were more believable when they were corroborated by a neighbour rather than a brother and when the corroborator was 100% certain that they were together versus 65% certain (ps < .01). Alibis were also more believable when the corroborator cooperated than when he was uncooperative (p < .01). Cooperative (vs. uncooperative) corroborators led to more positive defendant and corroborator views on all six character trait measures (ps < .01). Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying a criminal captured on conventional security video typically requires matching poor-quality video footage against a high-quality photograph. The authors examined the consequence of such a large discrepancy in image quality. Recognition and matching performance of this incongruent-quality condition was compared with that of a congruent one, in which a high-quality photograph was reduced to a low-quality video. Recognition memory was little affected by this manipulation, whereas matching performance of the incongruent condition enjoyed occasional advantage. The results show that person identification can tolerate a large discrepancy between image qualities of matching stimuli when one of the images is of poor quality.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the processing of juveniles in the justice system place greater significance on children's capacities to participate in legal contexts. Effective participation as a defendant encompasses abilities beyond those legally required for adjudicative competence, which may nevertheless influence the quality and nature of a defendant's participation in the trial process. Based in developmental judgment theory, the current study compares 203 juveniles and 110 adults detained pre-trial using a hypothetical attorney-client vignette to examine how psychosocial factors are reflected in decision-making processes and link to decision outcomes and effective participation within the attorney-client relationship. Age-related differences in legally relevant decision-making processes and outcomes are identified, and implications for policy are made.  相似文献   

Two rhesus monkeys were trained in a same/different task to discriminate digitized computer-stored picture stimuli. The pictures were digitized from 35-mm slides and presented in pairs on a computer monitor. The monkeys were required to touch the pictures and then make a choice response to indicate whether the pictures were identical or nonidentical. The response areas and stimuli were located to the sides of the picture stimuli. Responses were defined and monitored by an infrared matrix touch screen. After learning the same/different task, both monkeys showed performance accuracy with novel picture stimuli similar to that with training picture stimuli. This accurate novel-picture transfer indicates that a same/different concept had been learned, a concept similar to the one they had previously demonstrated in a different apparatus with rear-projected slide stimuli and a response lever.  相似文献   

An Apple IIe-based system is described that generates both machine-readable and human-readable numbers for recording with visual information on videotape. Hardware and software components of the encoding system are detailed. An automatic decoding system that reads the numbers from videotape into computer memory is also described. Current applications of the system are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

法庭中被告的负面名人形象会对公众的量刑预期产生影响。研究者以一个负面形象的名人和普通人共同犯罪的案件为例,在审判前调查了192位公众对被告量刑结果的预期。结果显示,被告的名人身份对公众的量刑预期产生了负面影响,名人身份主效应显著。在主犯情景下,名人比普通人得到更高的量刑预期。在从犯情景下,名人与普通人的量刑预期无显著差异。在共同犯罪中,负面的名人形象对公众的量刑预期产生的影响发生在主犯情景下。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of defendant remorse on monetary damages awarded to a plaintiff in a malpractice case. In two experiments, the physician-defendant expressed remorse at the time of the incident and again at trial, expressed remorse at trial, explicitly demonstrated a lack of remorse at trial, or made no mention of remorse (or a lack thereof). Participants decided how much money to award to the plaintiff and evaluated both the plaintiff and the defendant on several dimensions. Participants awarded greater compensation when the physician expressed remorse at the time of the incident than in the other conditions, both when the plaintiff was the injured patient's spouse in a wrongful death suit (experiment 1) and when the patient sued on his own behalf (experiment 2). This effect of remorse was greater for males than for females (experiment 1) and for relatively severely injured plaintiffs (experiment 2).  相似文献   


Previous research has assessed links between violent video game playing, aggression, and desensitization in the moral domain, but here we find that frequent violent video game play additionally may be linked with differences in perceptual processing. In an emotion-induced blindness task – wherein graphic images typically outcompete and impair perception of targets – violent video game players suffered less perceptual disruption following aversive images than non-players did, despite no group difference following neutral images. This difference persisted when controlling for sex and other violent media consumption and despite no group differences in trait aggression, disgust propensity, or disgust sensitivity. Importantly, the recruitment method ensured that participants were not aware of links between the experiment and their videogame playing history. Although a causal relationship has yet to be established, the findings suggest that violent video game players might sometimes, literally see the world differently.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of video modeling and video modeling plus video feedback to enhance four adolescents' performance of a dance movement. Intervention was evaluated in a multiple baseline across participants design. This study found that video modeling enhanced performance from baseline, but the addition of video feedback produced further increases. For one participant, improvement was dependent on the perspective of the video model. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Working within the “matching theory” of social supports, this research focuses on depressed mood and examines how resilience to stress during adolescence is shaped by developmental constraints on the use of support for coping with problems in the family, peer, and personal arenas. The sample is 1,036 adolescents systematically drawn from 3 community high schools in the Boston area. Predictions center on the efficacy of peer and family supports, and two intraindividual protective factors: sense of mastery and sense of social integration. Findings indicate little evidence of cross-domain stress buffering (where family support buffers the effects of peer stress on mood, and vice versa), suggesting that family and peer domains are more distinct during this stage of development. Protective effects for friendship stresses are evidenced, but boys are more able than girls to marshal their personal and support resources in managing friendship problems. Discussion centers on matching theory and the role of development in shaping coping responses to stress. This research was supported by the Grant R)1 H42909, Stress and Mental Health: Adolescence to Early Adulthood, from the National Institutes of Mental Health. A previous version of this paper was presented at the Fifth Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, February 10–13, 1994, San Diego, California. We thank Mary Ellen Colten for helpful critique and Virginia Mackay, Carol Cosenza, and Lin Bin for their secretarial and research assistance. We also thank the three anonymous reviewers for helpful critique of earlier drafts.  相似文献   

Video glasses have previously been reported to be an effective instrument for emotion induction or for reducing pain perception. In the present study, we assessed the application of video glasses within the affective picture viewing paradigm. Possible advantages of this new method were tested by a comparison with a commonly used video projector. Twenty-four participants viewed sustained picture series of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant valence with video glasses and with a projector on different days. Affective report, heart rate (HR), and skin conductance level were measured. The results showed that the video glasses presentation mode is not generally superior to the projector mode. Instead, typical responses to prolonged presentations of emotional pictures were obtained across both modalities with valence-modulated pleasure ratings and with an arousal modulation for arousal ratings, skin conductance level, and HR. These results suggest that video glasses are as useful for presenting prolonged affective picture series as are projectors. Specific contexts in which the application of video glasses is preferential are discussed.  相似文献   

McDermott J 《Perception》2004,33(9):1101-1127
Junctions, formed at the intersection of image contours, are thought to play an important and early role in vision. The interest in junctions can be attributed in part to the notion that they are local image features that are easy to detect but that nonetheless provide valuable information about important events in the world, such as occlusion and transparency. Here I test the notion that there are locally defined junctions in real images that might be detected with simple, early visual mechanisms. Human observers were used as a tool to measure the visual information available in local regions of real images. One set of observers was made to label all the points in a set of real images where one edge occluded another. A second set of observers was presented with variable-size circular subregions of these images, and was asked to judge whether the regions were centered on an occlusion point. This task is easy if junctions are visible, but I found performance to be poor for small regions, not approaching ceiling levels until observers were given fairly large (approximately 50 pixels in diameter) regions over which to make the judgment. Control experiments ruled out the possibility that the effects are just due to junctions at multiple scales. Experiments reported here suggest that, although some junctions in real images are locally defined and can be detected with simple mechanisms, a substantial fraction necessitate the use of more complex and global processes. This raises the possibility that junctions in such cases may not be detected prior to scene interpretation.  相似文献   

陈卫旗  王重鸣 《心理科学》2007,30(4):979-981
本研究采用结构方程建模方法检验了人与职务、组织匹配对员工工作满意感和组织承诺的效应,及“内部整合”与“人际预测”的中介作用。结果表明,人与职务、组织匹配对员工工作满意感和组织承诺有显著的积极效应,“内部整合”对这种效应起完全中介作用,而“人际预测”仅对“人-职务匹配”对员工工作满意感的效应起部分中介作用。研究为理解“人-环境匹配”对于员工工作态度的效应机制提供了理论框架和实证依据。  相似文献   

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