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信任是指个体在缺乏足够信息来判断他人动机、意图和行为的情况下,将社会资源交给对方处置并承担相应风险的意愿。作为一种基本的社会信号机制,信任对于发展和维持良好社会关系具有重要作用。借助信任博弈范式,研究者揭示了人际信任的认知神经机制并建构了多种理论,包括背叛厌恶理论、社会规范理论、道德规范理论和默认行为模型。脑成像研究发现信任行为主要涉及内侧前额叶、尾状核、杏仁核和脑岛等脑区,其中内侧前额叶主要参与心理推理、情绪认知与调控等过程,尾状核参与同伴值得信赖性的习得与编码,杏仁核和脑岛则主要参与风险、不确定性和背叛恐惧加工。今后研究应侧重不同理论之间的补充与整合,强化不同脑区之间的功能连接与整体性,并注重信任行为中的个体差异。  相似文献   

人际信任渗透在社会交互的各个方面, 是促进和维持合作的重要基石。以往研究者借助信任博弈范式, 主要探讨了人际信任的理论模型、生物基础和影响因素等方面。近年来, 研究者开始将计算模型应用于信任博弈的数据分析中, 深入挖掘人际信任行为背后的心理机制, 将计算模型与神经影像技术结合, 加深对信任行为背后脑机制的理解。目前将计算模型应用于信任博弈范式中的研究主要针对“信任是如何形成的”这一科学问题, 未来要进一步发展计算模型方法, 结合非侵入性脑刺激技术, 应用于精神疾病人群中, 以深入理解正常和异常信任形成的心理和神经机制。  相似文献   

研究者发现经济人信念会破坏一般信任。由于不同的活动领域有不同的交往规则,信任主题可能会调节经济人信念对信任的影响。基于所属领域(经济与社会)与风险程度(高与低)两个维度,本研究分析了借钱、消费、捐赠、选举等主题对经济人信念影响信任的调节作用。结果发现,对经济人信念的直接学习(研究1)和间接激活(研究2)都只破坏了消费主题下的信任,经济人信念对经济领域中风险程度较低的主题下的信任有破坏作用。  相似文献   

束晨晔  沈汪兵  赵源 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1807-1817
禅修是一种能够对人类心理有广泛影响的训练工具。作为两种重要、相似但又不同的禅修方式, 冥想和正念对创造性思维中的发散思维和聚合思维产生了不同影响。在发散思维方面, 冥想主要通过对注意调控和无意识激活影响以及对解题动机和情绪的有效调控两方面显著增强了发散思维, 尤其是认知灵活性; 在聚合思维方面, 正念和冥想的影响相当复杂, 主要是通过聚合思维所需的执行功能和可能涉及表征重构来促进定势转移或功能固着的消除。就机制而言, 禅修对创造性思维的影响总体上不仅得益于走神时的无意识关联加工, 而且受禅修中诱发的情绪效应的调节。基于这些, 对未来研究的趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

张恩涛  王硕 《心理科学》2020,(2):459-464
采用两个实验探讨了权力和地位对信任和不信任行为的影响。实验1首先通过角色分配法操纵被试的权力感(高vs.低),然后采用信任和非信任博弈任务来测量被试的信任和不信任行为。结果发现,在信任行为上,高权力者比低权力者存在更低的信任水平;但在不信任行为上,二者不存在显著差异。实验2同时操纵被试的权力和地位水平,探索二者对信任和不信任行为的影响。结果发现:在信任行为上,高权力者比低权力者存在更低的信任水平,与之相反,高地位者比低地位者存在更高的信任水平,并且权力和地位的交互作用不显著;而在不信任行为上,权力和地位的效应均不显著。该研究结果说明,(1)权力负向影响信任行为,而地位正向影响信任行为;(2)权力和地位对信任的影响是独立的。  相似文献   

批判性思维是指个体基于良好判断、使用恰当的评估标准对事物的价值进行评估和思考的过程。尽管心理学家对它的研究时间并不长,但对这个概念的探索却从启蒙运动时代的笛卡尔就开始了。笛卡尔认为人们的很多知识都是建构在错误的基础上的,所以为了追求真理,最好的方法就是对现有的观念和认知统统加以怀疑,怀疑后才会发现并解决问题,从而达到促进知识发展和寻找确定性的目标,这种怀疑和质疑正是批判性思维的本质。Ennis、Facione等从20世纪80年代中期开始用心理学的方法确定了西方人批判性思维的特征,并从批判性分析能力、思维开放性和运用批判性思维倾向性三个方面衡量批判性思维。本研究计划包括4个系列实验:研究1是确立中国人批判性思维的结构;研究2是探讨智力、批判性思维与大学生创造力的关系;研究3是探究批判性思维与知识型员工创新之间的关系;研究4是通过对批判性思维的干预提升中国人的创新能力。通过这一系列的研究,找到批判性思维影响创新的机制,以及智力到创新行为之间的作用路径,从而使我们更好地理解培养批判性思维的价值,为党的十八大提出的万众创新提供理论支持。  相似文献   

In anonymous game tasks, individuals’ prosocial behaviour was shown to increase when those individuals were provided with social cues from a third party or bystander. It has been suggested that those social cues can be presented using a configuration suggestive of a face with ‘watching eyes’. This led us to question whether it was possible to provide the watching‐eyes configuration with even weaker facial information, such as a simple dot pattern. By using a minimal social cue paradigm, such as the one described above, the present research found that individuals’ trust toward the trustee increased when they detected the watching‐eyes dot pattern as a source of social cues in two settings: a hypothetical investment game for both college students (Study 1) and customs officers (Study 2); and an actual investment game for college students (Study 3).  相似文献   

逄晓鸣  汪玲  肖凤秋  齐博 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1137-1143
已有研究表明反事实思维越多则后悔越强烈。本研究试图通过两项实验分别探讨特质性、情境性调节模式是否影响反事实思维与后悔之间的关系。结果表明:特质性调节模式及情境性调节模式均对反事实思维与后悔之间的关系具有调节作用,具体来说,针对情境性调节模式而言,运动模式下加法式思维越多则后悔越轻微,评估模式下加法式思维越多则后悔越强烈;针对特质性调节模式而言,运动模式下加法式思维越多则后悔越轻微。  相似文献   

社会公平从古至今都是人类追求的崇高社会理想。对社会公平的感知即社会公平感直接决定着个体的机构信任,并影响其公共合作参与。本研究将社会公平感分为分配公平和程序公平,将机构信任度分为工具信任和动机信任,采用实验室情境设计的方法,引入最后通牒博弈和免责博弈范式,通过2个实验系统探讨"公正无私,一言而万民齐"的因果机制。研究发现分配公平与程序公平正作用于个体的公共合作态度与意向,在此基础上建立起公共合作的双路径模型:外部路径由分配公平产生工具信任和动机信任,进而触发公共合作;内部路径由程序公平产生动机信任和工具信任,进而触发公共合作;二者结合构成个体参与公共合作的双动力系统。双路径模型的适用性在组织情境和社会情境下均得到了支持。  相似文献   

The effect of violent video games on aggressive behavior is an important topic in the field of game research. Recently, growing evidence suggests that justified game violence decreases feelings of guilt caused by in-game immoral behavior. However, little is known about the impact on aggressive behavior, and whether other factors moderate this effect. In a two-factor experiment, we tested the impact of justification of video game violence on aggressive behavior, and whether this effect would be enhanced by game immersion. Pilot experiment 1 (N = 60) and pilot experiment 2 (N = 40) demonstrated that the justification of violence and game immersion was successfully controlled by avatar and graphics quality. In the Main experiment, 123 participants played one of four conditions of a video game (2 [justification: justified vs. unjustified violence] × 2 [immersion: high vs. low immersion]) and it was found that participants who played in the justified violence condition reported greater aggressive behavior than those in the unjustified violence condition. In addition, participants who played in high immersion reported greater aggressive behavior than those in low immersion. However, game immersion did not moderate the effects of justified violence. This unexpected effect is likely due to participants' distancing themselves from and identifying less with their violent avatars.  相似文献   

未来情景思维(Episodic Future Thinking, EFT)主要指人们基于当前情景或过去经历来思考、想象未来的过程, 是人们对于未来的一种设想。根据已有的行为实验和神经影像学等多个方面的研究结果, 系统论述了未来情景思维的概念和特征, 以及个体过去的生活经历及相应记忆和个体生活目标对其的影响, 通过概括和分析行为和脑神经两方面的证据来论述未来情景思维会对人们具体生活实践产生积极与消极的双向影响。当然, 未来还需要进一步加强未来情景思维研究的广度和深度, 特别是要细化未来情景思维的类型, 探讨未来情景思维可能导致的不适应行为以及影响个体心理和行为的作用机制, 从而为人们如何更积极地适应未来提供更充分的实证证据和理论构想。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between certain individual level determinants of interpersonal trust and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior. The participants (N=303) were top, middle, and lower level executives from manufacturing and services sectors. The results indicate that interaction frequency, consistency, and competence are significant predictors of interpersonal trust. Interpersonal trust is positively associated with organizational citizenship behavior, and it also partially mediated the relationship between individual level factors and organizational citizenship behavior. The results imply that the development of trust at the interpersonal level may be used as a strategy to motivate the employees to engage in extra role behaviors to ensure improved individual and organizational performance.  相似文献   

研究通过三个实验,在控制客观风险高低的同时,分别对刺激—反应一致性、任务转换和工作记忆负载进行操纵。结果发现,抑制控制在反应时上表现出差异,刺激—反应一致条件下被试做出信任的反应时更快;认知灵活性和工作记忆刷新在信任率上表现出差异,不转换条件和低工作记忆负载条件下被试的信任率更高。结果表明,抑制控制主要影响反应组织过程,认知灵活性和工作记忆刷新则会影响个体的信任决策过程。此外,客观风险对信任行为的影响表现出跨情境一致性,低风险条件下信任率更高。  相似文献   

自恋人格个体表现出亲社会行为的减少和对他人的反馈敏感。信任是人类社会互动行为的基础,自恋人格特质可能影响他们的信任决策。为了探究自恋水平如何影响信任博弈中结果评价的大脑活动,本研究采用事件相关电位技术记录了38名被试完成单次信任博弈时的脑电波。行为结果发现相对高自恋者的信任选择率显著低于相对低自恋者的信任选择率。脑电结果表明,相对高自恋者信任损失反馈减互惠获利反馈所得的FRN差异波(d FRN)显著地大于相对低自恋者,并且相对高自恋者结果评价诱发的P300波幅显著地大于相对低自恋者。本研究提供了自恋人格个体信任博弈中结果评价的初步神经电生理学证据。  相似文献   

Three studies are reported that explore the impact of Jin‐Shang teachings (a specialized Confucius teaching of trust on business practices) on mainland Chinese people's trust. In Study 1 , we primed Confucius and Jin‐Shang teachings on trust, and compared their effects on trusting tendency to a control prime. We found that these teachings made mainland Chinese participants score higher on three different trusting scales. In Study 2 , we found that the Jin‐Shang prime made mainland Chinese participants invest more money in a trust game than those in the control prime. In Study 3 , we compared the Jin‐Shang prime to Protestant teachings and contemporary writings on reciprocity, and found that only the Jin‐Shang prime induced a significantly higher trusting tendency from Chinese participants than the control condition.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of autonomy in counterfactual thinking in two experiments. Autonomy emphasises intrinsic motivation and reduced preoccupation with external outcomes. Experiment 1 demonstrated that autonomy influences both the number and content of counterfactual thoughts, particularly for individuals performing a task rather than reading about someone else performing a task. Experiment 2 investigated the performance improving effects of counterfactual thinking, while considering the role of autonomy. Individuals higher in autonomy were more likely to focus on undoing controllable aspects of their behaviour compared to individuals lower in autonomy. Controllable (versus uncontrollable) counterfactual thoughts were associated with greater performance improvement on a subsequent task. Self-regulatory traits such as autonomy may be important in the types of counterfactual thoughts that people generate. We discuss the mechanisms by which autonomy may exert an influence on counterfactual thinking and consider the implications of the findings for the functional theory of counterfactual thought.  相似文献   

采用元分析方法对道歉的信任修复效果进行探讨。通过中英文献检索,共有18篇文献36个独立样本符合元分析标准(N=4731)。元分析的结果表明,道歉在信任修复中起到一定促进作用,呈中等效应量(d=0.44)。调节效应检验发现,信任违背类型的调节作用显著,相比于诚实型信任违背,道歉对能力型信任违背有较好的修复效果。此外,控制组设置对道歉的信任修复效果具有显著的调节作用,以沉默为控制组的信任修复效果优于以否认为控制组的信任修复效果。信任类型、道歉所包含的成分以及测量工具的调节作用均不显著。  相似文献   

Investigating the impact of early visual deprivation on evaluations related to social trust has received little attention to date. This is despite consistent evidence suggesting that early onset blindness may interfere with the normal development of social skills. In this study, we investigated whether early blindness affects judgments of trustworthiness regarding the actions of an agent, with trustworthiness representing the fundamental dimension in the social evaluation. Specifically, we compared performance between a group of early blind individuals with that of sighted controls in their evaluation of trustworthiness of an agent after hearing a pair of two positive or two negative social behaviors (impression formation). Participants then repeated the same evaluation following the presentation of a third (consistent or inconsistent) behavior regarding the same agent (impression updating). Overall, blind individuals tended to give similar evaluations compared to their sighted counterparts. However, they also valued positive behaviors significantly more than sighted controls when forming their impression of an agent’s trustworthiness. Moreover, when inconsistent information was provided, blind individuals were more prone to revise their initial evaluation compared to controls. These results suggest that early visual deprivation may have a dramatic effect on the evaluation of social factors such as trustworthiness.  相似文献   

利用信任游戏考察242位小学3~6年级儿童在经济活动中信任的发展状况。结果表明:(1)在游戏中,儿童信任的年级差异显著,三年级儿童信任水平显著高于四年级,而四五六年级儿童信任水平逐渐增高;(2)在代表群体做出决策的情境下,儿童表现出比个体情境下更高的信任水平;(3)经济活动中儿童的信任存在性别差异,男生的信任水平要高于女生。  相似文献   

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