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Several retrospective investigations of sexual assault have assessed the extent to which a sexual victimization experience early in life is a risk factor for a subsequent victimization experience. The present investigation was an attempt to extend previous work by conducting a prospective analysis of sexual assault in a sample of 857 college women to assess the pathways through which victimization experiences become linked. The design was such that both victims'and nonvictims'history of child and adolescent sexual victimization experiences were assessed prior to their most recent assault experience. Psychological functioning was also assessed utilizing standardized measures of depression and anxiety. After the assault experience, psychological functioning of victims was reassessed, and nonvictims were reassessed after a comparable period of time. Results of the path analysis indicated that a sexual victimization early in life is a risk factor for an adult victimization experience. Furthermore, the results revealed a link between psychological functioning and victimization experiences. The discussion emphasizes clinical implications of these findings and suggested avenues for future research.  相似文献   

A sample of predominantly low-income, African American female veterans and reservists seeking health care in a Veterans' Administration medical clinic was screened for a history of sexual assault since age 18. Overall, 39% had been sexually assaulted in adulthood. Those who had been sexually victimized were asked to describe one assault incident in detail: 38% described an assault that occurred during military service and 62% described one that occurred before or after military service. This study also examined victims' postassault help-seeking experiences and the degree to which they encountered "secondary victimization" (i.e., victim-blaming behaviors and practices engaged in by legal and medical personnel, which exacerbates victims' trauma). Most victims who sought help from the legal or medical systems (military or civilian) reported that this contact made them feel guilty, depressed, anxious, distrustful of others, and reluctant to seek further help. Secondary victimization was significantly positively correlated with posttraumatic stress symptomatology.  相似文献   

Path modeling assessed (a) the influence of child abuse traumatization on women's use of violence and their experiences of being victimized, (b) the association of these three variables to depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms, and (c) the indirect pathways from women using violence and their being victimized to psychological symptoms through avoidance coping. Among 108 primarily African American women recruited from the community who used violence with a male partner, women's use of violence, but not their experiences of being victimized, was predicted by child abuse traumatization. Women's use of violence did not directly or indirectly predict symptomatology. In contrast, child abuse traumatization and women's experiences of being victimized were predictive of both depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms, and being victimized also was related indirectly to depressive symptoms through avoidance coping.  相似文献   

Despite assumptions that leaving the batterer offers the best chance for improvement in battered women's lives, few studies provide conclusive data on this issue. Although many women eventually reunite with partners, also unexamined is the influence of relationship course over time. Five waves of data from 206 low-income, largely Black, help-seeking battered women revealed minimal differences in emotional well-being either initially or over time for women following different relationship trajectories during the course of 1 year. Consistency in relationship status (completely apart, completely together) tended to be associated with sharper drops in violence during the year; abuse tended to decrease most slowly among women who were in and out of their relationship over time. Findings suggest that the act of leaving is not necessarily associated with improvements for victims—how the process of leaving occurs may be more influential. Challenging common assumptions, women remaining with partners may sometimes fare better than women who leave.  相似文献   

Predictors and outcomes of male harassment and hostility toward women (woman-unfriendly experiences) were analyzed for professional and blue-collar women ( N = 805) in three geographic regions. Two central questions were addressed by using multiple regression: Do the same types of variables predict woman-unfriendly experiences across regions? Are there similar job-related and psychological outcomes of woman-unfriendly experiences across regions? Americans reported more such experiences and they affected more outcomes. Scandinavians had fewer woman-unfriendly experiences than Americans, fewer job-related or psychological problems, more autonomy, and better work environments. Former Soviet professionals reported more unfriendly experiences than workers but less than their peers in the other regions. Differences among the regions were attributed to general social and economic policies that have attempted to eradicate gender inequality (Scandinavia), occupational status levelling and traditional gender stereotypes (former USSR), or cultural values of competitiveness and individualism and heightened sensitivity to the issue of sexual harassment (United States).  相似文献   

BAR VICTIMIZATION OF WOMEN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Internal and external factors are examined as mediational processes and/or coping strategies that link four aspects of women's rape experiences to the initial and lasting effects on their post-rape adjustment, attitude toward sex and intimacy, and lifestyle changes to prevent future assaults. Data are from a multiethnic community sample of 55 women who had been victims of rape or attempted rape. A measured or observed variable simultaneous path analysis model was used to test the relationships among the traumatic circumstances, mediators, and outcome variables. More self-blame, high involvement of police or other agencies, a greater number of repeated rapes per incident, and severity of abuse predicted women's negative initial and lasting attitudes toward sex and intimacy. The implications of these findings are discussed as they relate to barriers in disclosing attempted and completed incidents of rape.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between relative victimization in television drama and variations in susceptibility to the cultivation of a sense of personal risk in the real world. The data are based on 323 demographic subgroups (defined by all combinations of age, sex, race, marital status, and class categorizations). Viewers whose fictional counterparts are more likely to be shown as victims show stronger associations between viewing and perceived vulnerability. Moreover, the relative power hierarchy of television drama (derived from “risk ratios” of violence and victimization) strongly matches the real-world hierarchy of susceptibility.  相似文献   

Promotability evaluations are important for individuals' career development and organizations' human resource management practices. Nevertheless, little empirical research has addressed predictors of promotability evaluations, and the studies that have, have often focused on current job performance and fixed, nonbehavioral predictors. This study takes a more behavioral approach, and investigates whether besides how one performs (i.e., job performance) what one performs also serves as an indicator of promotability. Specifically, we examine the relationship between employees' challenging job experiences and supervisors' evaluations of employees' promotability over and above employees' current job performance. Results from 3 field studies, sampling different types of employees via different measures, consistently showed that challenging job experiences explained incremental variance in supervisory and organizational evaluations of promotability over and above current job performance and job tenure.  相似文献   

Recent prevalence studies have suggested that 15-22% of women have been raped at some point in their lives, many by close acquaintances, although few victims seek assistance services or professional psychotherapy immediately post-assault. Surveys have revealed that 31–48% of rape victims eventually sought professional psychotherapy, often years after the actual assault. These observations suggest that the primary role of clinicians in the treatment of rape victims is the identification and handling of chronic, post-traumatic responses to a nonrecent experience. However, it is concluded that most of the existing literature on rape treatment addresses only the target symptoms that represent the immediate response to rape. In this article, contemporary theoretical and empirical discussions of stress, cognitive appraisal, cognitive adaptation, and coping are used to conceptualize the long-term impact of rape and the process of resolution. Directions for future research on the clinical treatment of rape are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper discusses several decisions that researchers must make in their application of factor analysis to data related to communication phenomena. Several suggestions are provided to aid researchers in reaching appropriate decisions.  相似文献   

中小学生欺负/受欺负的普遍性与基本特点   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
张文新 《心理学报》2002,34(4):57-64
利用修订的Olweus欺负问卷对 92 0 5名城乡儿童进行了测查 ,考察初中和小学阶段儿童欺负 /受欺负问题的普遍性及基本特点。结果发现 :中小学生中存在着较严重的欺负问题 ,近 1/ 5被调查的儿童卷入欺负 /受欺负问题 ;总体上小学和初中阶段学生欺负 /受欺负问题的发生率随年级的升高而下降 ,但欺负他人在初中阶段具有稳定性 ;直接言语欺负是最为普遍的欺负方式 ;在欺负 /受欺负的比率、对待欺负态度和欺负类型上均存在性别差异。  相似文献   

The Family and Drug Abuse Symposium held on July 10–12, 1975, brought together individuals who possess clinical and/or research expertise in the area of family research and substance abuse. The purpose of the symposium was directed toward assessing the current state of knowledge in the field and delineating directions for future work. The role of family interaction in causing or maintaining a drug abuse problem has only recently become the focus of research and innovative treatment efforts. This special section is intended to acquaint therapists and researchers with recent work in the field; the papers are revised versions of materials originally prepared for the symposium. This first paper offers a brief overview of the symposium and summarizes issues that arose from each of the four workshops: I. Psychosocial Research; II. Clinical Observations; III. Clinical Programs; and IV. Recommendations Made to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The next paper is a review of recent studies in research and treatment that have approached substance abuse from a family viewpoint. Other research methods that appear relevant to the study of families with a drug-abusing member are discussed. Three commentaries on this review follow. The last paper describes an extensive effort to implement and evaluate family therapy within an existing drug treatment facility.  相似文献   

PERCEPTIONS OF WIFE ABUSE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of 157 university students'gender, attitudes toward women (Spence, Helmreich, & Stapp, 1973), and just-world beliefs (Lerner, 1980) on their perceptions and attributions regarding the perpetrator and victim of an instance of wife abuse were examined. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed two patterns of results, each differentially associated with participants'gender. Consistent with Heider's (1958) balance theory, males blamed and derogated the wife/victim more as their attitudes toward women became less favorable. Among females, in contrast, those with positive attitudes toward women blamed, but did not derogate, the wife/victim more as their just-world beliefs became stronger. The latter finding is interpreted in view of research which suggests that women may blame a victim of violence toward women in an effort to gain perceived control over the possibility of their own potential victimization. The implications of these findings for understanding and changing people's perceptions of the victims of wife abuse are discussed.  相似文献   

Research comparing men's and women's experiences of sexual coercion has typically assessed differences in prevalence rates and risk. We extended this line of research by comparing the contexts of sexual coercion and reactions to sexually coercive experiences in an attempt to understand the meanings that men and women attribute to these events. Participants were 433 randomly selected college students who responded to an anonymous survey. In line with past research, more men than women reported being sexually coercive, and more women than men reported being sexually coerced in the preceding year. There was a great degree of correspondence between men's and women's reports of the contexts within which sexual coercion occurred. According to their reports, sexual coercion occurred primarily within the heterosexual dating context. Compared to men, however, women reported more negative reactions and stronger resistance to the use of sexual coercion. These findings emphasize how comparisons of prevalence rates alone may obscure important differences in the phenomenology of sexually coercive incidents for men and women. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for the development of education and prevention programs and the need to reevaluate current approaches to interpreting prevalence reports.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence suggesting that women engage in verbal and physical dating aggression, there is a dearth of research examining the predictors of women's engagement in these behaviors. Utilizing a college sample, the purpose of the current study was to explore women's perpetration of dating aggression within the context of victimization experiences. Women ( N  = 374) completed surveys at the beginning and end of a 10-week academic quarter for course credit. Results from two retrospective regression analyses (all Time 1 variables) suggested that (1) paternal physical abuse and adolescent/adulthood verbal victimization predicted women's reports of verbal perpetration and (2) childhood sexual abuse, adolescent/adulthood verbal victimization, adolescent/adulthood physical victimization, and adolescent/adulthood verbal perpetration predicted women's reports of physical perpetration. Results from the two prospective, longitudinal regression analyses suggested that (1) verbal perpetration (as measured at Time 1) and verbal victimization over the interim predicted women's reports of verbal perpetration over the interim and (2) physical perpetration (as measured at Time 1), verbal perpetration over the interim, and physical victimization over the interim predicted women's reports of physical perpetration over the interim. These data suggest the importance of considering previous victimization experiences, mutual partner aggression, and a history of aggressive behaviors when examining women's use of aggression in dating relationships.  相似文献   

中国科学院心理研究所和一机部机械制造与工艺科学研究院的同志和上海华通开关厂合作,在該厂采用发动羣众大搞发明創造的办法,在两个車間利用业余时間,苦干两夜,創造了92付自动半自动冲模,专业車間也在业余时間突击出48付自动模子,大大提高了  相似文献   

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