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The preservation of visuospatial ability relative to verbal ability following right middle cerebral artery stroke was assessed in 19 left- and 19 right-handed male patients who were group-matched on the basis of age, education, and time elapsed since stroke. Analysis of covariance (covarying education) indicated that the left- and right-handed groups were significantly different with regard to the discrepancy between Verbal IQ and Performance IQ, with the left-handed patients showing a smaller difference than the right-handers. These results provide further evidence that sinistrality may be associated with less hemispheric specialization.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that left-handed individuals are more aware than right-handed individuals of others' handedness. 18 left-handed and 18 right-handed college students were shown a drawing of 8 children at a party. Seven children held objects in the left hand, while one held an object in the right hand. After 2 1/2 min. the drawing was removed and subjects answered 15 questions about its contents. Included were 2 questions asking how many children were holding something in the right or left hand. Compared with right-handed subjects, left-handed subjects reported significantly more children holding something in the left hand and significantly fewer holding something in the right hand. The two groups did not differ on any other questions.  相似文献   

Data from 56 subjects in Grades 4 to 12 only able to wink one eye indicated that the non-winking eye was used as the dominant one in tests on monocular and binocular sighting.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was twofold: first to examine the influences of sex and handedness on manual performance on the Grooved Pegboard Test; and secondly to provide normative data for two versions (Place and Remove tasks) of the Grooved Pegboard Test, as previous work (Bryden & Roy, 1999) had suggested that the Remove task of the Grooved pegboard may provide a purer measure of motor speed of the two hands than the standard administration of the Grooved Pegboard Test. One hundred and fifty-three (47 males and 106 females) participants completed the Grooved Pegboard Test. Individuals performed the standard version of the Grooved Pegboard Test (Place task) and a novel version of the test (Remove task). In the standard version, participants were timed on their speed for placing the pegs, while in the novel version they were timed on their speed for removing the pegs. Results confirmed previously noted hand and sex differences in the Place task of the Grooved Pegboard Test, as well as the lack of effect of handedness on performance (Bornstein, 1995; Ruff & Parker, 1993). Significant performance differences between the hands were also noted for the Remove task. Findings also indicated that the Remove task was sensitive to sex and handedness effects.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the question of Levy's (1974, Psychobiological implications of bilateral assymetry. In S. Dimond &; J. G. Beaumont, Hemispheric function in the human brain, NY: Halstead. Pp. 121–183.) proposal that left handers would have lowered spatial skills relative to verbal skills. In the first part of the study, performance on the PMA (visuospatial subtest) and WAIS Block Design subtest were compared between right and left handed high school and college samples. No support could be found for deficient visuo-spatial performance in the left handers. In the second part of the experiment, no relative impairment of visuospatial skills was found when subjects were classified into predicted speech dominance groups on the basis of a dichotic listening task and/or a visual half-field task. An extreme groups comparison of the most left dominant and most right dominant groups again yielded no significant differences in visuo-spatial performance. Finally, the relationship between degree of speech lateralization and visuo-spatial skills was examined. Only partial support for differences in cerebral organization for speech in left handers was found in the college sample.  相似文献   

Speech dominance and handedness in the normal human   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spectral analysis was used to measure the coherence or similarity of form between occipital and temporal evoked potentials. In both right- and left-handers, coherence was greater in the left hemisphere for click stimuli and in the right hemisphere for flash stimuli. Similar asymmetries occurred in left but not right speech dominant patients whose speech lateralization has been determined by the intracarotid amytal test. Right-handers and males, however, showed significantly larger amplitudes of auditory responses in the right hemisphere. Left-handers and females reversed this pattern. It was concluded that within a basically left speech dominant organization, males and right-handers would emphasize the verbal, temporal structure of auditory information and the nonverbal, spatial structure of visual information. Females and left-handers would tend to reverse this emphasis.  相似文献   

An optional reversal-nonreversal shift task for which the relevant color or form cues were either dominant or nondominant was presented to 320 Ss, 6 through 20 years of age. Dominance, as defined in terms of relative cue similarity, was related to initial learning and shift behavior for kindergarten and third-grade Ss; but not for sixth-grade and college Ss. The speed of initial learning and percentage of reversal shifts was related to age when the nondominant dimension was relevant. There were no developmental differences when the dominant dimension was relevant.  相似文献   

Personality correlates of lateral eye movement and handedness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Handedness cannot be predicted using a single performance measure, and preference measures of handedness are unreliable because of their subjectivity. This report was designed to examine the relationship between hand performance and hand preference using six different measures: the Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire (a measure of hand preference), the Wathand Box (a performance-based indicator of hand preference), two pegboard tasks, finger tapping, and grip strength and to determine the most accurate performance-based predictor of hand preference as measured by the Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that together, the Wathand Box score and the lateralized place phase of the grooved pegboard task were the most accurate predictors of hand preference.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2010,72(3):204-214
We investigated the effects of increased inter-hemispheric interaction (IHI) on five creativity dimensions (appropriateness, detail, categorical distinctiveness, fluency, and originality) of the Alternate Uses Task. Two methods were used to indicate degree of IHI. Trait IHI was indicated by individual differences in handedness, mixed-handers showing greater IHI than strong-handers. State IHI was directly manipulated by central (control group) and bilateral viewing conditions of a 30 s eye movement task (EM). Results indicate significantly higher creativity for mixed-handers, as compared to strong-handers, for all five sub-scores separately and linearly combined. Bilateral EM increased originality and categorical distinctiveness (i.e., flexibility) of strong-handers, but had no effect on mixed-handers. Strong-handers in the bilateral EM group were not different from mixed-handers. Additionally, the bilateral EM effect on strong-handers had different durations for originality (up to 7–9 min) and categorical distinctiveness (up to 3 min). The results suggest that greater IHI can facilitate creativity of strong-handers, but that the characteristically higher IHI of mixed-handers was unaffected by the bilateral EM manipulation.  相似文献   

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