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In two experiments, humans received tokens either on a fixed-interval schedule for plunger pulling or various response-nondependent fixed-time schedules ranging from 16 to 140 seconds. Locomotor activity such as walking, shifting weight, or pacing was recorded in quarters of the interreinforcement interval to examine the induced characteristics of that behavior in humans. While performance was variable, several characteristics were present that have counterparts in experiments with nonhumans during periodic schedules of food reinforcement: (a) first quarter rates, and sometimes overall rates, of locomotor activity were greater during intervals that terminated in a visual stimulus and token delivery than those without: (b) overall rates of locomotor activity were greater during fixed-time 16-second schedules than during fixed-time 80- or 140-second schedules; (c) rates of locomotor activity decreased during the interreinforcement intervals; (d) locomotor activity was induced by response-dependent and response-nondependent token delivery. These results showed that the rate and temporal pattern of locomotor activity can be schedule-induced in humans.  相似文献   

The ability of rats to select a warm environment was studied as a function of postnatal age (birth to 13 days). Animals younger than 5 days demonstrated no choice response (movement to a warm compartment, 36-37 degrees C); however, they did demonstrate movement within the start compartment (23 degrees C). Increasing the motor capabilities of the pups, by injection of L-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa, 50 mg/kg), elicited a choice response in 4-5 day-old animals. Younger animals demonstrated no choice of a warm environment even though they moved considerably. Also there was no difference between L-dopa-treated and control animals in the magnitude of temperature change in pups isolated from their mother for 1 hr. The evidence suggests development of behavioral thermoregulatory mechanisms prior to abilities for internal regulation.  相似文献   

In a series of six experiments, cholinergic mediation of behavior was studied in immature rats. It was found that although scopolamine disrupted discriminative choice behavior in both 15- and 23-day-old rat pups, it increased latency to choice in 15-day-olds and decreased latency to choice in 23-day-olds. This disruption of discriminated choice behavior was not due to differential shock thresholds or differences in locomotor activity between drug-treated and control animals, nor was it specific to a T-maze shock-escape discrimination task. These results suggest that central cholinergic mediation of different behaviors may mature at different rates.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in an attempt to clarify the facilitatory influence of hydrocortisone on shock-induced fighting in rats. Results of the first experiment indicated a biphasic, dose-dependent action of intraventricularly-administered hydrocortisone. Low (25 μg) and intermediate (50 μg) doses both facilitated fighting whilst the high (100 μg) dose exerted a potent suppressant effect. Two control tests were performed to determine whether alterations in pain reactivity or locomotor activity could have accounted for the observed changes in fighting behaviour. None of the treatments altered shock thresholds (Experiment 2) but whilst neither low nor intermediate doses affected activity measures, the high dose preferentially reduced vertical activity (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Wistar rats of three age groups were tested in an automated tunnel-maze system of variable geometry to investigate whether changes in spontaneous locomotor activity and in learning and memory develop differentially or in a correlated fashion as a function of age. Senescent (30 months) as well as mature-adult (17 months) rats showed an age-correlated decline of locomotor activity as compared to the mature-young (5 months) group. Both working-memory (measured as within-trial arm discrimination performance) and reference-memory (measured as avoidance of "blind alley" visits) were severely affected in the senescent group, whereas the middle-aged animals suffered only from a working-memory deficit. The findings provide evidence that locomotor deficits do not necessarily interfere in the assessment of age-related changes in cognitive performance. Furthermore the results support the hypothesis that working and reference memory have different underlying physiological correlates and that these neuronal systems are differentially affected by the aging process.  相似文献   

Bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the nucleus accumbens septi (NAS) and olfactory tubercle (OT) caused enhanced intake of wet mash in 23-hr-food-deprived rats tested in photocell activity cages during restricted 30-min sessions. This mild hyperphagia was accompanied by a significant hypoactivity in the group with NAS/OT lesions. No hyperphagia was observed during a prolonged 120-min test session or in free-feeding tests conducted in the home cage. Anorexia induced by d-amphetamine (.5 and 1.5 mg/kg) was unaltered by the lesion, although the locomotor stimulant action of the drug was attenuated. A second experiment showed that the NAS/OT lesion also enhanced food intake in the photocell cages during 30-min sessions with dry food pellets but that food-associated drinking was concomitantly reduced. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the behavioral changes caused by mesolimbic neuron destruction result in part from an inability to switch from one behavioral activity to another.  相似文献   

Peripheral glucose administration attenuates the effects of muscarinic cholinergic antagonists on several measures, including spontaneous alternation, inhibitory avoidance, and locomotor activity. The present study examined glucose interactions with mecamylamine, a nicotinic cholinergic antagonist, on these measures. Mecamylamine (5 mg/kg, sc) significantly impaired spontaneous alternation performance. Glucose (100 mg/kg, ip) administered with mecamylamine attenuated the impairment. Treatment with hexamethonium (5 and 10 mg/kg, sc), a peripheral nicotinic blocker, did not impair performance. Pretraining treatment with mecamylamine, but not hexamethonium, significantly reduced later retention latencies on inhibitory avoidance tests. Glucose, administered with mecamylamine prior to training, significantly attenuated the impaired test performance. Mecamylamine, but not hexamethonium, significantly decreased locomotor activity. In contrast to the attenuating effects of glucose on the other measures above, glucose administered with mecamylamine potentiated the decreased locomotor activity. These findings demonstrate that glucose influences the behavioral effects of a nicotinic cholinergic antagonist in a manner generally similar to that of muscarinic cholinergic antagonists, and supports previous evidence that circulating glucose interacts with central cholinergic functions.  相似文献   

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