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In the present study of middle latency auditory evoked potentials during Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga meditation there was a decrease in the peak latency of the Na wave (a negative wave between 14 and 19 msec.) during meditation. Since the neural generator of this wave lies at the midbrain-thalamic level, from the results one can infer that the meditation reduces conduction time at this level.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of loudness on the latency of evoked potentials and on simple reaction time were compared. It was found that both reaction time and the evoked-potential latency increases with decreasing stimulus intensity. However, different slopes of the curves were found. This is explained in terms of the arousal effect of loud auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

A digital computer, using a simple decision algorithm, attempted to determine when an acoustical signal had been presented to a cat by monitoring the amplitude of the evoked potentials (EP) at brainstem auditory nuclei. The signal-to-noise level at threshold and the shape and range of the decision model “psychometric functions” were similar to those obtained from humans in the same task. In addition, the detection performance obeys Weber’s law, the mean amplitude of the EP increases monotmonically with signal level, the variance of the amplitude is independent of both signal and noise level, and both the mean latency and the variance of the latency of the peaks decrease with increasing signal level. These findings suggest that the synchronization in firing of a population of single units plays a part in determining the amplitude of the EP. Interaural effects in detection performance were found at the inferior colliculus and, to a lesser extent, at the superior olive.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that receptive developmental language disorder (RDLD) may be explained by an auditory processing deficit. The neuroanatomical locus of this deficit is unknown. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) reflect the functioning of the auditory nerve and auditory brainstem pathways to high-frequency acoustical stimulation in humans and reflect the first stages of auditory processing. These were studied in 12 subjects with RDLD (four females and eight males, ages 12 to 19) and twelve control subjects (three females and nine males, ages 14 to 24). Click intensity and rate of stimulation were varied. The BAEPs for the RDLD group were comparable to the control group as well as to hospital norms across intensity levels and stimulation rates. The evidence obtained suggests that a disorder in the neurophysiological systems underlying the BAEPs and reflecting initial stages of auditory processing is not essential for RDLD.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated a relationship between evoked potential augmenting/reducing and extraversion or sensation seeking. However, the proposed mechanism of protective inhibition can account for this fact only if the relationship generalizes across different modalities and response definitions. The present study was designed to test this, using six intensities of visual and six intensities of auditory stimuli along with the EPI and SSS questionnaires.For the visual stimuli, the slope of the P90-N120 amplitude at the vertex correlated significantly with both the extraversion and the disinhibition scales in the way that augmenting/reducing theory predicts.However, over the primary visual area, no component showed the same personality relationship as the vertex wave, and one early component showed the opposite. This result suggests that personality differences in VEPs may reflect different ways of allocating processing resources between primary and association areas, rather than a generalized tendency to inhibit strong stimuli.In the auditory modality, personality differences were not apparent in the amplitude slopes, possibly due to the confluence from primary and association areas in AEPs in the vertex lead.There was a general tendency for latencies to correlate positively with extraversion and disinhibition, in congruence with Eysenck's theory on the biological basis of extraversion.  相似文献   

Meditation commonly gives rise to the feeling that the self and the surrounding world are no longer separate, as if the boundary between them has dissolved. We propose this may occur due to alterations in representations of peripersonal space (PPS), the reachable space surrounding the body which is integral to a sense of where one’s bodily “self” is located in space. Thirty-one participants completed an auditory oddball paradigm before and after a guided meditation, during which we measured their P3 evoked potential, a marker of attentional salience. Pre-meditation, participants exhibited an enhanced attentional response to stimuli presented within PPS, relative to beyond PPS. Post-meditation, this PPS attentional enhancement was negated, with no distinction between responses to stimuli within versus beyond PPS. The results suggest that meditation leads to a constriction of PPS boundaries, even in novice meditators, elucidating one potential cause of the perceptual changes associated with meditation.  相似文献   

An electrophysiological method is described for measuring the direction and strength of a subject's ear dominance for pitch using the P3 component of event-related potentials. Results of these experiments reveal that the P3 can be used effectively for these measures in man.  相似文献   

Vertex potentials elicited by visual feedback (signals following an auditory intensity discrimination have been studied with eight Ss. Feedback signals which confirmed the prior sensory decision elicited small P3s, while disconfirming, feedback elicited P3s that were larger. On the average, the latency of P3 was also found to increase with increasing disparity between the judgment and. the feedback information. These effects were part bf an overall dichotomy in waveshape following confirming vs disconforming feedback. These findings are incorporated in a general model of the role of P3 in perceptual decision making.  相似文献   

30 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis were examined by BERA among other audiological tests. In 47% we stated significant pathological BERA-latencies, in 53% pathological interpeak-intervals. The most patients have symptoms of brainstem, but 3 cases spinal symptoms. There are no constant correlations to subjective hearing threshold measurements. According to literature BERA, especially the measurement of interpeak-intervals, increases diagnostic security of the diagnosis multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Vertex potentials were recorded from eight Ss performing in an auditory threshold detection task with rating scale responses. The amplitudes and latencies of both the N1 and the late positive (P3) components were found to vary systematically with the criterion level of the decision. These changes in the waveshape of the N1 component were comparable to those produced by varying the signal intensity in a passive condition, but the late positive component in the active task was not similarly related to the passively evoked P2 component. It was suggested that the N1 and P3 components represent distinctive aspects of the decision process, with N 1 signifying the quantity of signal information received and P3 reflecting the certainty of the decision based upon that information.  相似文献   

Acoustically evoked brain stem potentials (HSP) are employed as an additional neurological investigation in child patients. A standardisation of the conditions of derivation would be desirable for the application of the method. In a pilot study, the influence of the excitation frequency on the latency of the HSP of 25 organically and neurologically healthy children was studied. Results show that absolute latencies are prolonged by increase of stimulus frequency, with the peripheral, cochleo-encephalic, and central traveling times remaining virtually unaffected.  相似文献   

After overnight abstinence, tobacco smokers smoked an average nicotine yield cigarette and nonsmokers sham smoked an unlit placebo cigarette. EEG alpha(1), delta, and theta frequency amplitudes decreased, whereas alpha(2) and beta frequency amplitude increased. Short, middle (EP) and long latency ERP were also studied in nonsmokers and smokers just after smoking, and after overnight abstinence from tobacco. Short latency potentials were unaffected by tobacco smoking or abstinence. Middle and long-latency potentials were reduced during abstinence and enhanced immediately after tobacco smoking. These findings indicate that compared to nonsmokers smokers have a higher arousal level after smoking than when partially abstinent. Evidence for both normalization from tobacco abstinence as well as stimulation was obtained.  相似文献   

In 10 right-handed Ss, auditory evoked responses (AERs) were recorded from left and right temporal and parietal scalp regions during simple discrimination responses to binaurally presented pairs of synthetic speech sounds ranging perceptually from /ba/ to /da/. A late positive component (P3) in the AER was found to reflect the categorical or phonetic analysis of the stop consonants, with only left scalp sites averaging significantly different responses between acoustic and phonetic comparisons. The result is interpreted as evidence of hemispheric differences in the processing of speech in respect of the level of processing accessed by the particular information processing task.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials were recorded during wakefulness, Stage 1, and Stage 2 non-REM sleep using a three-tone auditory oddball paradigm. Stage 1 sleep was divided into trials preceded by alpha and those preceded by theta. A negative wave peaking at about 100 ms, N1, displayed a significant decrease in amplitude with the onset of Stage 2 sleep. A later N2 peaked at about 250 ms in the waking state. This changed into a sleep-specific negative wave peaking at 300 ms (N300) at the alpha-theta transition within Stage 1. The P300 displayed a similar shift to become a P450 in Stage 2 sleep. N550 was specific to Stage 2, and was larger in response to rare, rather than frequent stimuli. There was no evidence of any enhancement to relevant rare stimuli compared with irrelevant rare stimuli.  相似文献   

Mubarak A  Badawy A 《CNS spectrums》2001,6(6):514-6, 519-22
Studying brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and comparing the specific waves in smokers vs nonsmokers in both positive- and negative-symptom schizophrenia may elucidate the role of smoking in information processing. BAEPs were recorded in 40 patients with schizophrenia; 20 had predominantly positive symptoms (10 smokers and 10 nonsmokers) and 20 had predominantly negative symptoms (10 smokers and 10 nonsmokers). The severity of positive and negative symptoms was assessed by scale of assessment of positive symptoms and scale of assessment of negative symptoms (SANS). The BAEP results were compared with 15 healthy control individuals matched with the patients by age, sex, and cultural background. The smokers with negative symptoms showed a significant increase in the alogia, summary, and composite scores of SANS as compared to the nonsmokers. Although, most of the BAEP abnormalities were among patients with positive symptoms. The effect of smoking on the BAEPs was only in patients with negative symptoms. We also studied the interaction between smoking factor (smokers vs nonsmokers) and group type (group with mostly positive symptoms vs group with mostly negative symptoms) on the BAEPs and found a significant difference only for the first-wave latency mainly on the right side (P=0.012). The absence of a significant effect of smoking on most of the parameters of the BAEPs on interaction with the group factor suggests that the effect of smoking on the BAEPs is more apparent when negative symptoms prevail. However, studies are warranted to substantiate this finding.  相似文献   

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