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Research has shown that Broca's and Wernicke's aphasic patients show different impairments in auditory lexical processing. The results of an experiment with form-overlapping primes showed an inhibitory effect of form-overlap for control adults and a weak inhibition trend for Broca's aphasic patients, but a facilitatory effect of form-overlap was found for Wernicke's aphasic participants. This suggests that Wernicke's aphasic patients are mainly impaired in suppression of once-activated word candidates and selection of one winning candidate, which may be related to their problems in auditory language comprehension.  相似文献   

Three experiments in Serbo-Croatian were conducted on the effects of phonological ambiguity and lexical ambiguity on printed word recognition. Subjects decided rapidly if a printed and a spoken word matched or not. Printed words were either phonologically ambiguous (two possible pronunciations) or unambiguous. If phonologically ambiguous, either both pronunciations were real words or only one was, the other being a nonword. Spoken words were necessarily unambiguous. Half the spoken words were auditorily degraded. In addition, the relative onsets of speech and print were varied. Speed of matching print to speech was slowed by phonological ambiguity, and the effect was amplified when the stimulus was also lexically ambiguous. Auditory degradation did not interact with print ambiguity, suggesting that perception of the spoken word was independent of the printed word.  相似文献   

This study introduces the second release of the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Lexical Sophistication (TAALES 2.0), a freely available and easy-to-use text analysis tool. TAALES 2.0 is housed on a user’s hard drive (allowing for secure data processing) and is available on most operating systems (Windows, Mac, and Linux). TAALES 2.0 adds 316 indices to the original tool. These indices are related to word frequency, word range, n-gram frequency, n-gram range, n-gram strength of association, contextual distinctiveness, word recognition norms, semantic network, and word neighbors. In this study, we validated TAALES 2.0 by investigating whether its indices could be used to model both holistic scores of lexical proficiency in free writes and word choice scores in narrative essays. The results indicated that the TAALES 2.0 indices could be used to explain 58% of the variance in lexical proficiency scores and 32% of the variance in word-choice scores. Newly added TAALES 2.0 indices, including those related to n-gram association strength, word neighborhood, and word recognition norms, featured heavily in these predictor models, suggesting that TAALES 2.0 represents a substantial upgrade.  相似文献   

We used the visual world paradigm to examine interlingual lexical competition when Dutch–English bilinguals listened to low-constraining sentences in their nonnative (L2; Experiment 1) and native (L1; Experiment 2) languages. Additionally, we investigated the influence of the degree of cross-lingual phonological similarity. When listening in L2, participants fixated more on competitor pictures of which the onset of the name was phonologically related to the onset of the name of the target in the nontarget language (e.g., fles, “bottle”, given target flower) than on phonologically unrelated distractor pictures. Even when they listened in L1, this effect was also observed when the onsets of the names of the target picture (in L1) and the competitor picture (in L2) were phonologically very similar. These findings provide evidence for interlingual competition during the comprehension of spoken sentences, both in L2 and in L1.  相似文献   

Measurements of people’s causal and explanatory models are frequently key dependent variables in investigations of concepts and categories, lay theories, and health behaviors. A variety of challenges are inherent in the pen-and-paper and narrative methods commonly used to measure such causal models. We have attempted to alleviate these difficulties by developing a software tool, ConceptBuilder, for automating the process and ensuring accurate coding and quantification of the data. In this article, we present ConceptBuilder, a multiple-use tool for data gathering, data entry, and diagram display. We describe the program’s controls, report the results of a usability test of the program, and discuss some technical aspects of the program. We also describe ConceptAnalysis, a companion program for generating data matrices and analyses, and ConceptViewer, a program for viewing the data exactly as drawn.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we examined the effects of frequency and age of acquisition on auditory and visual lexical decision. Word frequency affected visual, but not auditory, lexical decision speed (Experiments 1 and 3). Age of acquisition affected lexical decision speed in both modalities (Experiments 2 and 4). We suggest that previous reports of effects of frequency on auditory lexical decision may be due to a confounding of frequency with age of acquisition, and we discuss the implications of these findings for theories of auditory and visual word recognition.  相似文献   

Lexical competition processes are widely viewed as the hallmark of visual word recognition, but little is known about the factors that promote their emergence. This study examined for the first time whether sleep may play a role in inducing these effects. A group of 27 participants learned novel written words, such as banara, at 8 am and were tested on their learning at 8 pm the same day (AM group), while 29 participants learned the words at 8 pm and were tested at 8 am the following day (PM group). Both groups were retested after 24 hours. Using a semantic categorization task, we showed that lexical competition effects, as indexed by slowed responses to existing neighbor words such as banana, emerged 12 h later in the PM group who had slept after learning but not in the AM group. After 24 h the competition effects were evident in both groups. These findings have important implications for theories of orthographic learning and broader neurobiological models of memory consolidation.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the interplay between appetitive (approach) and defensive (avoid) responses in spoken word recognition. Ninety-two right-handed participants (half women) took part in an auditory lexical decision experiment in which speech was presented to only one ear. The danger and usefulness of the word referents interacted in predicting RTs, as in previous (binaural) studies with poorer control of psycholinguistic covariates. Specifically, higher danger ratings were associated with faster RTs for words rated low on usefulness; but higher danger ratings were associated with slower RTs for words rated high on usefulness. In addition to this primary finding, men showed more lateralised performance, as indicated by significant interactions of sex and ear of presentation with word frequency, and with the animacy of the word referents. For both sexes, word frequency had a stronger effect on accuracy for speech presented to the right ear. Finally, men's but not women's RTs were related to the danger dimension. This last finding provides an intriguing avenue for future research in the area of sex differences and emotion.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) competed with a human for food. The human sat inside a booth, with 1 piece of food to her left and 1 to her right, which she could retract from her chimpanzee competitor's reach as needed. In Experiment 1, chimpanzees could approach either side of the booth unseen but then had to reach through 1 of 2 tunnels (1 clear, 1 opaque) for the food. In Experiment 2, both tunnels were clear and the human was looking away, but 1 of the tunnels made a loud noise when it was opened. Chimpanzees preferentially reached through the opaque tunnel in the first study and the silent tunnel in the second, successfully concealing their taking of the food from the human competitor in both cases. These results suggest that chimpanzees can, in some circumstances, actively manipulate the visual and auditory perception of others by concealing information from them.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe work presented in this paper comes from an industrial need for the development of new support tools for remote collaborative design. Within this framework, we present a literature review on this concept and propose the development of an online collaborative whiteboard.ObjectiveThis study aims to determine whether or not shared whiteboards can be used for remote design task collaboration, in conjunction with online chat interactions. It additionally seeks to discover if the organization of relationships and interactions within groups alter the structure of task completion.MethodThis tool was evaluated through the remote design task of a data structure diagram with data collected from 42 computer science students. This approach was carried out through students in triads, separated into different rooms who communicated via online chat and/or whiteboard. There were two variables in this experimental design, the presence or absence of a project leader and the sequencing of exchanges (each member asked permission to use the tool). This experiment aimed to determine whether the task requested could be performed and if similarities to a natural situation could be observed. Data was collected from actions performed on the whiteboard and chat interactions. The observations were conducted using a verbal interactions observation grid that was taken from a natural synchronous collaborative design situation. It included different dimensions such as cognitive synchronization, the proposal and evaluation of solutions and non-task oriented interactions.ResultsThe results show that the tool allows students to collaborate. A variety of behaviors can be observed in terms of whiteboard usage and chat interactions that depend on the experimental conditions. This study shows that the tool may be used in a natural situation and that group consciousness and coordination are very important factors in this type of task. It is clear that the nature of the chat interaction depends on the role of the subject within the group. We also observed a high level of non-task oriented communication, which was more than we expected.ConclusionThe shared online whiteboard designed in this study allows for the completion of a collaborative design task with different groups structures.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects that the acoustic-phonetic structure of a stimulus exerts on the processes by which lexical candidates compete for activation. An auditory lexical decision paradigm was used to investigate whether shortening the VOT of an initial voiceless stop consonant in a real word results in the activation of the lexical-semantic network of its voiced competitor, i.e., does acoustically modified time prime penny via dime. Results for normal subjects showed semantic priming for related pairs and mediated priming for voiced competitors, consistent with cascade models of language processing allowing for interaction between phonological and semantic levels of processing. Although Broca's aphasics showed semantic priming (dime primed penny), they failed to show priming in the context of a lexical competitor. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that these patients have a lexical processing deficit characterized by an overall reduction in lexical activation.  相似文献   

Many species can choose between two visual sets of stimuli on the basis of quantity. This is true when sets are both visible, or are presented one set at a time or even one item at a time. However, we know comparatively little about how well nonhuman animals can compare auditory quantities. Here, three chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) chose between two sets of food items when they only heard each item fall into different containers rather than seeing those items. This method prevented the chimpanzees from summing the amount of visible food they saw because there were no visual cues. Chimpanzees performed well, and their performance matched that of previous experiments with regard to obeying Weber's law. They also performed well with comparisons between a sequentially presented auditory set and a fully visible set, demonstrating that duration of presentation was not being used as a cue. In addition, they accommodated empty sets into these judgments, although not perfectly. Thus, chimpanzees can judge auditory quantities in flexible ways that show many similarities to how they compare visual quantities.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new method for assessing personality traits that uses graphic rather than written items to facilitate the convergent validation of personality traits. A computer-administered visual analog procedure is presented that samples 40 equally spaced positions along a trait continuum five times. Examinees initiate each trial by pressing the space bar and end it by pressing either a “True” or “False” key indicating if that location describes them or not. Response time is measured in milliseconds. The majority answer determines the aggregate response and the median response time determines the latency for the aggregate response to each location on the trait continuum. This procedure enables an empirical measure of trait variability. Results indicated theoretically meaningful responses in 94 college students on each of two personality dimensions; extraversion and trait anxiety. The predicted inverted-U function was obtained for both personality dimensions such that the fastest response times were associated with 0 and 5 “True” responses, somewhat longer response times were associated with 1 and 4 “True” responses, and the longest times were associated with 2 or 3 “True” responses. Statistically significant and substantial validity coefficients were obtained with the Eysenck personality inventory extraversion scale, and the state-trait anxiety inventory, form Y-2.  相似文献   

Male albino rats were trained on an adjusting avoidance schedule in which each lever press accumulated a given amount of shock-free time. Multiple auditory and visual stimuli were programmed for each discrete temporal distance from the shock in an effort to place the avoidance behavior under the control of the shock proximity. The effects of the stimuli were further examined by presenting part of them and then by removing them altogether. With the combined auditory and visual stimuli, the rat spent most of the time relatively close to the shock and usually started to respond only when the shock was near. With the visual stimuli only, the rat kept the shock at intermediate temporal distances and responded more variably. The behavior with the auditory stimuli alone was quite similar to that produced by the combined stimuli, thus indicating that the auditory stimuli exercised the greater control. When all stimuli were removed, the animal usually kept the shock as far away as the procedure permitted. When only a single pre-shock stimulus was presented, the rat remained quite close to the shock and started to respond predominantly in the pre-shock step.  相似文献   

PEST, an adaptive (tracking) procedure originally developed for sensory research, was modified for cognitive studies with the multiple sequential frames paradigm and a letter-search task. The program which controlled stimulus presentation was designed to track the frame duration required for successful search on 75% of trials (the duration threshold). For each of the three subjects used, the threshold increased as a linear function of the number of sequentially presented frames, which varied between 1 and 10. Each tracking run was immediately followed by 40 trials with frame-exposure time fixed at the computer-selected threshold. Performance on these fixed level trials was close to the expected 75% correct. The Discussion addresses issues related to the use of the threshold measure in basic and applied cognitive research, explores the present findings about performance on fixed level trials at the computer-selected threshold, and examines the increase in duration threshold with the number of sequentially presented frames.  相似文献   

Advances in neuroscience implicate reentrant signaling as the predominant form of communication between brain areas. This principle was used in a series of masking experiments that defy explanation by feed-forward theories. The masking occurs when a brief display of target plus mask is continued with the mask alone. Two masking processes were found: an early process affected by physical factors such as adapting luminance and a later process affected by attentional factors such as set size. This later process is called masking by object substitution, because it occurs whenever there is a mismatch between the reentrant visual representation and the ongoing lower level activity. Iterative reentrant processing was formalized in a computational model that provides an excellent fit to the data. The model provides a more comprehensive account of all forms of visual masking than do the long-held feed-forward views based on inhibitory contour interactions.  相似文献   

Using a visual and an acoustic sample set that appeared to favour the auditory modality of the monkey subjects, in Experiment 1 retention gradients generated in closely comparable visual and auditory matching (go/no-go) tasks revealed a more durable short-term memory (STM) for the visual modality. In Experiment 2, potentially interfering visual and acoustic stimuli were introduced during the retention intervals of the auditory matching task. Unlike the case of visual STM, delay-interval visual stimulation did not affect auditory STM. On the other hand, delay-interval music decreased auditory STM, confirming that the monkeys maintained an auditory trace during the retention intervals. Surprisingly, monkey vocalizations injected during the retention intervals caused much less interference than music. This finding, which was confirmed by the results of Experiments 3 and 4, may be due to differential processing of “arbitrary” (the acoustic samples) and species-specific (monkey vocalizations) sounds by the subjects. Although less robust than visual STM, auditory STM was nevertheless substantial, even with retention intervals as long as 32 sec.  相似文献   

If the phonological codes of visually presented words are assembled-rapidly and automatically for use in lexical access, then words that sound alike should induce similar activity within the internal lexicon.Towed is homophonous with TOAD, which is semantically related tofrog, andbeach is homophonous withbeech, which is semantically related totree. Stimuli such as these were used in a priming-of-namingtask, in which words homophonous with associates of the target words preceded the targets at an onset asynchrony of 100 msec. Relative to spelling controls (trod, bench), the low-frequencytowed and the high-frequencybeach speeded up the naming offrog andtree, respectively, to the same degree. This result was discussed in relation to the accumulating evidence for the primacy of phonological constraints in visual lexical access. nt]mis|This research was supported in part by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grants HD-08945 and HD-0 1994 to the first author and Haskins Laboratories, respectively.  相似文献   

The Research Explicator for oNline Databases (TREND) tool was developed out of a need to quantify large research literatures rapidly and objectively on the basis of online research database output. By parsing such output with TREND, a researcher can in minutes extract the most commonly cited articles, the most frequently published authors, a distribution of publication dates, and a variety of other information from a research literature several thousand articles in size. This tool thus enables an increase in productivity both for researchers venturing into new areas of interest and for advisors and instructors putting together core reading lists. The processing of citations from articles represents a unique challenge, however, because deviations from strict APA formatting cause problems that are sometimes difficult to correct mechanically. A case study of one particularly troublesome citation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) is presented. Usage and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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