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赵晓春 《心理科学》2005,28(1):248-251
本次研究从心理学的角度对瞿秋白悲剧性的政治命运进行探究,主要采用个案分析法和心理历史学的部分研究方法,着重对其人格结构中的核心内容——性格进行分析,结果发现瞿秋白的性格特点确实对其政治命运产生了微妙影响。希望通过此次研究可使我们走近瞿秋白,同时也是人格心理学理论在历史人物研究方面的尝试运用。  相似文献   

The issue of factor indeterminacy, and its meaning and significance for factor analysis, has been the subject of considerable debate in recent years. Interestingly, the identical issue was discussed widely in the literature of the late 1920's and early 1930's, but this early discussion was somehow lost or forgotten during the development and popularization of multiple factor analysis. There are strong parallels between the arguments in the early literature, and those which have appeared in recent papers. Here I review the history of this early literature, briefly survey the more recent work, and discuss these parallels where they are especially illuminating.Support by the NRC (Grant No. A4640) and the University of British Columbia (UBC Humanities and Social Sciences Grant 26-9508) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

To evaluate gender differences in the subjective experience and use of condoms, 193 heterosexual patrons at 13 bars in New York City were interviewed on site in 1991. Most respondents were single, middle class, and White; their ages ranged from 18 to 51 years. The data analysis was restricted to the 155 men and women who had at least 1 new partner in the 3 years preceding the survey. Respondents worried most about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) when engaging in sex with a new partner. 86% indicated concern about AIDS had affected their sexual behavior, most often by increasing their condom use and decreasing casual sex. 91% of women and 79% of men said that condoms give them greater peace of mind. Women worried more than men about AIDS when they had a new sexual partner and were more likely to limit their number of partners, work harder on an existing sexual relationship, give up casual sex, or give up sex with new partners. Men's subjective condom experiences were related to their penile functioning (erection and ejaculation) and the threat of loss of sexual pleasure. Multiple regression equations revealed that, among men, condom use with new partners was associated with worrying about AIDS and younger age; among women, peace of mind was a positive predictor. With casual partners, more partners led to increased condom use among women and worrying about AIDS was a predictor for men; peace of mind was predictive for both genders. 53% of men compared to 21% of women expected to meet a new sexual partner at the bar where they were interviewed, and 36% of men and 19% of women were carrying condoms with them.  相似文献   

Based on a 1974 nationwide survey, this paper describes the characteristics of 1, 669 women in consciousness-raising (CR) groups. Most women in the survey are white, middle- and upper-middle class women who joined their first CR group during the 1970's. They learned about CR groups primarily from women friends and joined a group with friends or through a women's organization. Sixty-five percent of the women considered themselves to be members of the women's movement prior to their joining a CR group. Most women identified themselves as liberal (58%) or radical (21%). Women's primary reason for joining a CR group was to learn from, share with, and gain support from other women; they joined to examine personal issues within the context of their common social roles. Sharing experiences and feelings as women was the most salient group process. Women in this survey were highly satisfied with their CR group experience and encouraged other women to join a CR group.  相似文献   

皮锡瑞相信伏羲画卦,同意司马迁等人以文王重卦的观点,认为卦、爻辞都是孔子所作,并以“十翼”中的一些篇目出自孔子.皮氏论《周易》的作者和成书时代彰显了他对“汉学“的尊崇,体现了他崇经尊孔观念.由于他有着今文经学的立场,所以其对易学各派的评论也多受先人为主的经学观念的影响.皮锡瑞对王弼义理易学表示推崇,然而他并不忽视象数之学.他从易学史的高度论述了清代易家之易学.在具体的治《易》方法上,皮氏有继承,也有创新.他推崇焦循以“假借说《易》”,还主张以汉碑证《易》.  相似文献   


The purpose of the article is to emphasize why social-psychological be practical for both theory and practice. As investigators attempt to which theories are most parsimonious, there is often encouragement to pit against each other rather than also examining their similarities and their mentary nature. The former strategy may lead to fragmentation of illustrate the benefit of the latter strategy, the theories of selfe5cacy, action, and planned behavior are discussed relative to practical good theories and their conceptual and measurement similarities. This is extended intojoint use considerations for planning practical signed to impact on health and exercise behavior. It is suggested that such ventions have more potential to induce health/exercise change than any theory. The appropriateness of using these practical theories to study adherence isdiscussed. Lewin's (195 1) point about there being nothing so as a good theory for applied research and intervention is the underlying of the article.  相似文献   

在中国佛教和道教的发展史中,两家经常借用对方的名词来表达自己的思想,产生了很多话语歧义。一般认为,法轮功邪教是抄袭盗用了佛教的“法轮”名词,笔者通过考证,发现“法轮功”邪教盗用的是道教经典中的“法轮”。明清时期的民间宗教、会首门泛滥成灾,它们大量盗用道教与佛教的教义和修持方法,李洪志从民间宗教、会道门那里学来一些东西,经过胡乱拼泰,编出了一套“法轮功”的歪理邪说。  相似文献   

This note discusses P. Oppenheimer and E. Zalta's ‘A Computationally-Discovered Simplification of the Ontological Argument’ [this journal, 2011]. I try to explain why the simplification presented there was successful and comment on the technical aspects of the method they applied.  相似文献   


Only two years ago, my colleagues and I participated in a published debate over the sufficiency of a predominantly behaviorally oriented approach to marital therapy (Gurman and Kniskern, 1978c; Gurman and Knudson, 1978; Gurman et al., 1978; Jacobson and Weiss, 1978). This debate has stimulated a good deal of discussion (e.g., Colapinto, 1979; Taggart, 1979), presumably because it focused attention on a number of issues which are fundamental to how clinicians conceive of marital conflict and treatment, which had not received enough of a public airing for some time. In that debate, my colleagues and I argued that a single-minded application of behavioral principles to marriage therapy was insufficient for effective clinical practice. While behavioral marital therapy (BMT) was the focus of that particular interchange, in several other places I have taken the position that psychodynamically oriented and systems-oriented methods, when applied monolithically to marital problems, are also subject to serious criticism on both theoretical (Gurman, 1978; 1979; Gurman and Klein, 1980) and empirical (Gurman and Kniskern, 1978a; 1978b; 1980a; Kniskern and Gurman, 1980a; 1980b) grounds.  相似文献   

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