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This paper uses the AIDS Risk Reduction Model (ARRM) to examine psychosocial factors involved in adopting safer sex practices in a sample of Los Angeles injection drug users (IDUs; n= 161) who reported having more than one sex partner in the year preceding the interview. The ARRM hypothesizes that behavior change is a process occurring in three stages: (a) labeling one's behavior as problematic, (b) making a commitment to behavior change, and (c) taking action to accomplish that change. We test the first two stages of the model using a measure of perceived risk of HIV infection (Stage I), and intentions to use condoms always during vaginal or anal sex in the next year (Stage 2). We examine differences in the predictive value of the ARM between IDUs who reported using condoms in the year prior to the interview and those who reported not using them. We identify leverage points in the model-factors which appear to have a major influence on intentions to use condoms and which may be amenable to change through educational or other types of intervention. For both condom users and non-users, susceptibility to AIDS predicted perceived infection risk (Stage I). For condom users, knowledge about AIDS also predicted perceived risk. For both groups, self efficacy, peer norms concerning condom use, and the perceived pleasure of using condoms predicted intentions to use condoms (Stage 2). Our findings do not support either direct or indirect relationships between the Stage 1 and Stage 2 outcome variables for either group.  相似文献   

The AIDS risk reduction model (ARRM) is a theory-based representation of psychosocial processes by which people may attempt to change their HIV risk behavior. This study tests the degree to which hypothesized relationships among ARRM factors are consistent with cross-sectional data collected from a sample of HIV-negative injection drug users in Los Angeles, California. The data pertain to users' intentions to reduce HIV transmission risk incurred through sex with multiple partners. Findings conform to ARRM hypotheses in some important respects. In particular, findings suggest that perceived self-efficacy for sexual risk reduction may be a crucial factor leading to the formation of intentions to change sex-related HIV risk behavior.  相似文献   

The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has rapidly become the most serious medical consequence of injecting illicit drugs. Its potential impact on intravenous (IV) drug use is enormous. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, also known as HTLV-III and LAV), the virus that causes AIDS, appears, usually, to lead to lifelong infection. At present there is no effective treatment, and the treatments under development may require lifelong antiviral therapy. Since most of the antibody produced in response to HIV infection does not neutralize the virus, and since there is substantial genetic variation in the virus, it will be difficult to develop a vaccine. Even after vaccines are developed, testing their safety and efficacy will be formidable problems. Until either effective treatment or vaccines are developed, control of the epidemic among IV drug users must be attempted through behavior change/prevention efforts. In this paper we will review the epidemiology of AIDS among IV drug users and characteristics of the IV drug-use subculture relevant to prevention efforts. We will then identify different target groups for these prevention efforts, present available evidence about behavior change in these groups, and then briefly discuss how to prevent transmission of HIV to heterosexual partners who are not themselves IV drug users and to the children of IV drug users.  相似文献   

In a sample of 700 drug users, 64% evidenced comorbidity (i.e., coexisting substance use and psychiatric disorders). Robust relationships between the presence of comorbidity and increased levels of risk behavior, such as needle sharing and trading sex for money, were revealed.  相似文献   

Drug abuse, needle sharing, and high-risk sexual behaviour are often compounded to increase the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. This paper analyzes covariates of multiplicity of risk behavior among injecting drug users (IDUs). Findings are based on data from 1471 IDUs following modified time-location cluster sampling across Nepal in 2010–2011. Among Nepalese IDUs, average duration of injecting drugs is 4.4 years with two-fifths initiating it before age 20. Alcohol use is common with two-fifths reporting its daily consumption. Needle sharing is quite prevalent especially among younger and alcoholic IDUs. Further, IDUs practicing needle sharing exhibit rampant multi-partner behavior. Condom use with non-commercial partners is almost 80 %, whereas with intimate partner it is 41 %. Coexistence of needle sharing and unprotected sex enhances STI prevalence (7 %), which is further pronounced among alcoholics (9 %). Working towards risk reduction for IDUs must deal with multiplicity of risk. Interventions should deal with covariates of risk, addressing youth, substance abuse and risky sexual behavior.  相似文献   

This study identified the psychosocial factors related to condom‐use intention, based on Triandis’ (1980) theory of interpersonal behavior, among 261 injection drug users participating in a needle‐exchange program. With regular partners (n= 139), condom‐use intention was explained by normative beliefs, self‐efficacy, length of relationship with last regular sexual partner, and taking oral contraceptives. Condom‐use intention with casual partners (n= 157) was also associated with self‐efficacy and normative beliefs, on top of cognitive dimension with attitudes and lending used needles. Neither the perception of being HIV‐positive, nor the habit of using a condom was associated with intention. It is thus suggested that interventions aimed at promoting condom use among this clientele be oriented toward the reinforcement of personal convictions as well as toward the development of competencies needed to overcome obstacles, since both relate to the intention to adopt this behavior.  相似文献   

This article deals with a study that assessed the effects of marathon group therapy on the attitudes of the participants in a 16-hour-long marathon group. The participants were all former drug users who were transferred from prison to a residential drug treatment center. The volunteer residents, who were randomly divided into control and experimental groups, completed posttests that included the following semantic differential concepts: kindness, reality, the future, anger, guilt, my real self, drug treatment programs, counselors, counseling, and group counseling. Evaluative (E) and Potency (P) scales were obtained for each concept. The results showed that experimental group members responded higher on the Group Counseling (E) subscale and lower on the guilt (E) subscale than the control group members.  相似文献   

This study tested the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for understanding and predicting condom use intentions among male and female injecting drug users (IDUs). Interviews were conducted with 405 male and 315 female sexually active IDUs. Participants indicated their intentions to use condoms with main and nonmain sexual partners as well as attitudes, social norms, partner norms, and perceived behavioral control relevant to condom use with each partner type. The TPB accounted for 36 to 48% of the variance in intentions to use condoms. Intentions were related to attitudes, regardless of partner type. Partner norms were related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (men only). Social norms did not predict intentions, regardless of partner type. Perceived behavioral control was related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (women only). The findings are interpreted in light of the roles of cooperation, intimacy, and concern about self-protection.  相似文献   

The present study examined the social-cognitive predictors of exercise intention among substance abusers in recovery. An extended version of the theory of planned behavior was used, accounting for past exercise behavior and self-esteem. Members of self-help groups in Melbourne, Australia (N = 201) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Hierarchical regression, multiple mediation, and moderation analysis were used. The findings showed that attitudes and perceived behavioral control were the strongest predictors of exercise intentions, and mediated the effects of past behavior and self-esteem. Psychological interventions to promote exercise among substance abusers should target attitudinal beliefs and build self-control skills.  相似文献   

The psychosocial issues related to infertility have been widely researched. However, the meaning a couple gives to childbearing remains a relatively unexplored area. This study explores the meaning making of Hong Kong Chinese couples who had received in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Eleven IVF-successful and seven IVF-unsuccessful informants were assessed using two complementary constructivist methods: laddering technique and constructivist-grounded theory analysis of in-depth interviews. Findings revealed four aspects of symbolic meaning of childbearing focused on the informant's sense of self, cultural values, existential purpose, and relations with others. The results also depicted infertility as a form of disenfranchised grief, following ambiguous loss, underscoring the need for counselors to explore the meaning of childbearing among IVF service users and the impact on their self-narratives as a function of treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Criminal activities account for a major proportion of the social costs related to illicit drug use. This article examines the factors contributing to property crime activity among a community sample of 653 untreated regular illicit opiate users in 5 Canadian cities (OPICAN study). Multivariate analyses showed the frequency of heroin, cocaine, and crack use, gender, housing status, and past criminal justice involvement as predictors of property crime. Furthermore, crack use had a significantly different impact on property crime depending on housing status and city. These findings underline the need for targeted intervention efforts toward a reduced crime burden.  相似文献   

以计算机为媒介的沟通对人际交流关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用实验室实验的方法,以被试自我报告和文本内容分析两种不同的因变量测量手段.探讨了计算机媒介对人际交流关系的影响.结果发现:随匿名水平的增加,自我报告显示被试感到讨论搭档更具社会吸引性,讨论文本的内容分析则显示被试使用的语言更多指向任务,更少指向关系.  相似文献   

Diversity in student characteristics at 79 junior colleges was examined. An attempt was made to predict each of 22 student characteristics on the basis of factor scores developed by Richards, Rand, and Rand from published information. Freshmen at the 79 junior colleges were shown to differ widely from each other in level of academic input, major goals in attending college, plans and aspirations, features that made the college attractive to them, degree of influence exerted by others, and significant out-of-class achievements. Most of these differences were related to one or more of the factor scores, but the multiple correlations were too low to permit the substitution of one set of data for the other without a significant loss in accuracy. Implications for characterizing junior colleges, for the naming of factor scores, and for junior college research are discussed.  相似文献   

Drug-use myths, questionable beliefs regarding the effects of drug use, may help to explain why people engage in self-injurious drug-use behavior. While clinicians and applied social researchers have used this concept of drug-use myths extensively when developing substance abuse prevention or cessation programs, drug belief-type myth measures have not been investigated empirically. The present study examined the internal consistency and discriminant validity of a drug-use myth measure among 362 continuation (alternative) high school youth and found it to be discriminable from demographic, drug use, and other psychosocial measures. Controlling for its relations with its correlates, social desirability, perceived friends' drug use, ethnicity items, and gender, the myth measure remained significantly associated with 4 drug-use measures. Future research regarding drug use myths as predictors of drug use is encouraged based on these results.  相似文献   

Religiosity is a protective factor against illicit drug use, but further investigation is needed to delineate which components of religiosity are protective against use. A racially diverse sample (N = 962) was surveyed about religiosity, exposure to users, and recent use of marijuana, powder cocaine, ecstasy, and nonmedical use of opioids and amphetamine. Results suggest that identifying as Agnostic increased odds of use for each of the five drugs; however, this effect disappeared when controlling for religious importance and attendance. High levels of religious attendance were protective against recent use of marijuana and cocaine, but protective effects diminished when controlling for exposure to users, which was a robust predictor of use of every drug. Religion is a protective mechanism against drug use, but this effect may diminish in light of exposure to users. Alternative preventative methods need to be directed toward individuals who are not religious or are highly exposed to users.  相似文献   

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