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Over 60 percent of Americans have some sort of family pet. Although studies have explored the personality and demographic correlates of pet ownership, none have considered whether religious characteristics may influence not only pet ownership, but the kind of pet Americans own. Drawing on data from the 2018 General Social Survey, we examine the religious antecedents of pet ownership in general as well as owning a cat or a dog, taking into account factors previously associated with owning certain pets (e.g., urban vs. rural residence, political affiliation). Although religious tradition and biblical literalism generally do not predict pet ownership, frequent worship attendees and the most conservative evangelicals report owning fewer pets. Religious characteristics also predict Americans’ ownership of particular pets. Most notably, we find a strong, negative association between worship attendance and cat ownership. We theorize potential mechanisms. On the one hand, certain personality types might simultaneously attract some Americans toward religious participation and away from pets, and cats in particular. Alternatively, to the extent that pet ownership is a partial substitute for human bonding and interaction, Americans more deeply embedded within a religious community may have less need (or time) for pets generally, and specifically more independent “roommate pets,” like cats.  相似文献   

The primary focus of this study was to investigate the roles of spirituality and religiosity in self-reported physical health, and to determine whether there is an association between an individuals spirituality and cardiovascular responses to two stressors. Fifty-two females participated in both a betrayal interview and a structured interview, during which blood pressure and heart rate were monitored. Spirituality, as assessed by the Spiritual Well-being Scale, was associated with perceived stress, subjective well-being, and medication use. The Existential Well-being subscale predicted fewer physical health symptoms and was associated with lower mean heart rate and decreased heart rate reactivity. The Religious Well-being subscale was associated with reduced systolic blood pressure reactivity in response to the structured interview. These findings suggest that spirituality may have a salutary effect on health, even in a fairly young sample. While previous studies have predominantly reported that religion, as well as spirituality, have a health protective effect, this study did not find strong support for that conclusion. Religiosity in this age group may still be undergoing developmental maturity, which may explain the lack of relationships to health.  相似文献   

We examined self-efficacy (task, in-class, and barrier) and physical activity during transition from hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation. Participants ( N  = 50) completed measures of self-efficacy at the midpoint and end of the program. Cardiac rehabilitation adherence was monitored and physical activity assessed by telephone interview 6 and 12 weeks post-program. Mid-program barrier self-efficacy predicted adherence ( R 2adj. = .15, p  < .05). Barrier self-efficacy at the end of the program predicted physical activity 6 weeks later ( R 2 = .11, p  < .05). Task self-efficacy at the end of the program predicted home-based exercise at the 12-week follow-up ( R 2 = .10, p  < .05). Results have implications for intervention efforts to ease transition from supervised to independent home-based exercise.  相似文献   

This study examined relations between depressive symptoms and health outcomes among 79 patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation. Results showed cross‐sectional negative associations between depressive symptoms and cardiac symptom appraisals at the beginning (Time 1) and end (Time 2) of rehabilitation. No longitudinal effects of depressive symptoms on cardiovascular functioning were found. Results also showed that improvements in depressive symptoms from Time 1 to Time 2 were related to improvements in cardiac symptom appraisals from Time 1 to Time 2. These results support the deleterious effects of depression on cardiovascular functioning. Findings such as these may help to understand the processes by which proximal health outcomes are affected by cardiac rehabilitation, thereby elucidating mechanisms linking depression to long‐term cardiovascular health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to develop and refine a psychometric measure of self-motivation and assess its relationship to adherence to programs of habitual physical activity. Following construction of a Self-Motivation Inventory, a series of studies were conducted involving the pretesting of undergraduate males and females (N= 401) and subsequent validation work involving intercollegiate women athletes (N= 64) and adult males (N= 66) in actual exercise settings. Results of the psychometric work provided evidence for the logical validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability of the self-motivation construct. In addition, convergent and discriminant evidence was provided for construct validity through self-motivation's pattern of association with other conceptually relevant psychometric variables. Finally, from the standpoint of behavioral validation, self-motivation proved to be the best discriminator between exercise adherers and dropouts among the psychological variables employed and was strongly related to program adherence in both exercise settings. In fact, when combined with selected morphologic variables in a psychobiologic framework, self-motivation scores were found to accurately classify participants according to their adherence status in approximately 80% of all cases and to account for nearly 50% of the variance in exercise adherence behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether self-efficacy functions as a determinant and outcome of maintenance cardiac rehabilitation exercise adherence. Specifically, the purpose of this prospective observational study was to examine which types of self-efficacy–task or self-regulatory–predicted maintenance exercise attendance. In addition, the relative contribution of self-efficacy to the prediction of perceived exercise intensity was examined. Self-regulatory self-efficacy was operationalized as confidence to schedule and manage exercise sessions, while task self-efficacy concerned confidence to perform aspects of the exercise session and to walk for increasing durations. Sixty-four maintenance cardiac rehabilitation participants completed social cognitive measures and provided attendance data for 4 weeks prior to and 4 weeks following assessment. Results indicated that scheduling and walking self-efficacy significantly predicted cardiac rehabilitation exercise attendance. Task self-efficacy was the best predictor of perceived exercise intensity. Past exercise attendance significantly predicted all 3 dimensions of self-efficacy. Findings are discussed with respect to self-efficacy theory and applications to the maintenance of cardiac rehabilitation exercise adherence.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported which examined physiological responsiveness to changes in level of nonverbal intimacy cues expressed by a partner during an interview conducted across interactive television. Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 separately examined the effects of decreasing apparent interactive distance (produced by alteration of image size) and increasing eye-contact on subjects' heart rate and pulse amplitude. The findings suggest that shifts in these nonverbal approach cues are related to cardiovascular changes including bradycardia and a modest compensatory increase in pulse amplitude. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of the hypothesized relationship between cardiovascular functioning and information processing and practical considerations for the use of interactive television.  相似文献   

This study examined the interactive effects of imagined rejection and narcissism on cardiovascular reactivity (CVR). Participants completed measures of overt narcissism (Narcissistic Personality Inventory, NPI; Raskin & Hall, 1979 ), overt–covert narcissism ( Margolis & Thomas, 1980 ), and trait self‐esteem. They then imagined 2 scenarios culminating in either interpersonal acceptance or rejection. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) were assessed before, during, and after the imagery. Overt–covert narcissism was positively associated with task increases in SBP and DBP and recovery elevation of HR following rejection, but not acceptance. Similar effects on SBP were found for the Entitlement/Exploitativeness dimension of the NPI. Lower self‐esteem predicted greater task increases in SBP, DBP, and HR across conditions. Implications for health are discussed.  相似文献   

Reducing the spread of infectious viruses (e.g., COVID-19) can depend on societal compliance with effective mitigations. Identifying factors that influence adherence can inform public policy. In many cases, public health messaging has become highly moralized, focusing on the need to act for the greater good. In such contexts, a person's moral identity may influence behavior and serve to increase compliance through different mechanisms: if a person sees compliance as the right thing to do (internalization) and/or if a person perceives compliance as something others will notice as the right thing to do (symbolization). We argue that in societies that are more politically polarized, people's political ideology may interact with their moral identity to predict compliance. We hypothesized that where polarization is high (e.g., USA), moral identity should positively predict compliance for liberals to a greater extent than for conservatives. However, this effect would not occur where polarization is low (e.g., New Zealand). Moral identity, political ideology, and support for three different COVID-19 mitigation measures were assessed in both nations (N = 1,980). Results show that while moral identity can influence compliance, the political context of the nation must also be taken into account.  相似文献   

This report is a post-hoc, exploratory examination of the relationships among patient motivation, therapist protocol adherence, and panic disorder outcome in patients treated with cognitive behavioral therapy within the context of a randomized clinical trial for the treatment of panic disorder (Barlow, Gorman, Shear, & Woods, 2000). Results suggested that motivation and adherence interacted to predict change in panic severity. Among patients rated as less motivated, greater therapist protocol adherence was associated with poorer outcome. Among patients rated as more motivated, adherence was not significantly associated with outcome. Further process research is needed to confirm these preliminary results and to understand the interactions of patient and therapist factors and how they are related to outcome in standardized protocols such as cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder.  相似文献   

We conducted a one-year follow-up study of child psychoeducational assessment cases to examine whether and how the assessments were helpful to families. The current report focuses on parents’ views of their child’s assessment as well as the parents’ adherence with the written recommendations provided to them following their child’s assessment. Fifty-one of 72 eligible parents whose child received an assessment in an urban, Midwest university clinic participated. Based on semistructured interviews with the parents about the assessment recommendations, we grouped the recommendations and any barriers to adherence the parents mentioned into categories, and we also rated the clarity and complexity of the recommendations. Findings showed that, on average, parents identified the assessment process as useful and attempted or fully adhered to 71.5?% of recommendations. Parents reported the lowest adherence when referrals were recommended for their child to be seen by other professionals such as a pediatrician or psychiatrist; and they cited significantly more stigma barriers for recommendations to seek counseling/therapy or psychotropic medication than for recommendations pertaining to changes at home or school. Higher parental compliance was predicted by a combination of parents reporting fewer barriers and receiving more home based recommendations. The results support the utility of psychological assessments from parents’ perspectives and suggest ways in which psychologists may increase the likelihood that parents will adhere to their recommendations.  相似文献   

高迁移率族蛋白B1(high mobility group protein box 1 protein,HMGBl)是一组高度保守的非组织核蛋白,存在于多种真核细胞的细胞核中.其可通过活化细胞的主动分泌和坏死细胞的被动释放进入胞外,并与配体结合引发信号转导,诱导炎症介质的产生,扩大炎症反应.大量研究表明,HMGB1在心血管疾病的发生发展及转归中起着重要作用,并受到人们越来越多的关注.  相似文献   

高迁移率族蛋白B1(high mobility group protein box1protein,HMGB1)是一组高度保守的非组织核蛋白,存在于多种真核细胞的细胞核中。其可通过活化细胞的主动分泌和坏死细胞的被动释放进入胞外,并与配体结合引发信号转导,诱导炎症介质的产生,扩大炎症反应。大量研究表明,HMGB1在心血管疾病的发生发展及转归中起着重要作用,并受到人们越来越多的关注。  相似文献   


Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation prognms has emerged as a prime area of interest in the psychology of sport injury. In this article, behaviors typically involved in sport injury rehabilitation adherence are described. research findings on sport injury rehabilitation adherence are reviewed. and theoretical, methodological. and practical issues associated with sport injury rehabilitation research are identified and discussed. Primary recommendations resulting from the literature reviewed include use of conceptual models to guide research efforts, use of prospective resexch designs and standardized, psychometrically-sound measures of key constructs. and resolution of the question of whether enhancing adherence actually improves rehabilitation outcomes before interventions targeted at adherence behavior are developed, implemented, and evaluated.  相似文献   

现代社会导致了心血管疾病发病率的提高,同时人们越来越注重生活的质量和品质。作为生活品质标志之一的旅游能够改善心血管疾病康复患者的预后,愉悦他们的身心,而且一定高度的登山和商业飞行对患者基本是安全的。在康复旅游中我们仍有一些问题需要进一步解决。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted, one involving adoption of an exercise program and the other involving adherence to an aerobics exercise program. Consistent with action control theory, it was hypothesized that (a) subjective expected utility theory would predict exercise intentions but not exercise behavior in each study; (b) exercise adoption (Study 1) and attendance at an aerobics class (Study 2) would be predictable from the intentions regarding these behaviors expressed by action-oriented but not state-oriented subjects; and (c) subjects who had engaged in planning in regard to exercising would be more likely to adopt an exercise program (Study 1) and would exercise more frequently (Study 2). The findings provide some support for all three hypotheses. Implications of this research are discussed in regard to the distinction between decision making and decision implementation or action control; the relative usefulness of an action-control versus an expectancy-value approach for behavior involving complex decision implementation over a long period of time; the value of action orientation as a moderator of intention-behavior relationships; and the role of planning in exercise behavior.  相似文献   

This qualitative study evaluated benefits and challenges of the occupation of owning a communal pet dog living permanently at an adult psychiatric rehabilitation facility. Twenty-three participants (12 staff, 11 clients) completed surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Data were analyzed through multiple coding, member checking, and triangulation. Three major themes emerged: (a) positive emotional experiences, (b) challenges of dog ownership, and (c) supporting engagement in meaningful occupation. While experiences of participant’s were broadly positive, challenges with adopting a dog in its puppy stage of development were acknowledged. A novel finding recognizing positive impacts on the well-being of staff was found.  相似文献   

Maintaining fidelity to the principles of the Wraparound process in serving children with emotional and behavioral disorders is a high priority. However, the assumption that greater adherence to the model will yield superior outcomes has not been tested. The current study investigated associations between adherence to Wraparound principles, as assessed by the Wraparound Fidelity Index, second version (WFI), and child and family outcomes in one federally funded system-of-care site. Results demonstrated that higher fidelity was associated with better behavioral, functioning, restrictiveness of living, and satisfaction outcomes. No associations were found for several additional outcomes making interpretation difficult. Our study provides initial support for the hypothesis that maintaining fidelity to the philosophical principles of Wraparound is important to achieving outcomes. The study also provides support for the construct validity of the WFI as a service process measure.  相似文献   

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