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Male rats were either handled daily or left undisturbed (nonhandled) during the first 21 days of life. At weaning (Day 22) animals in each early treatment condition were assigned to two housing conditions, isolated or grouped, creating four early/late treatment conditions: Handled-Grouped (HG), Handled-Isolated (HI), Nonhandled-Grouped (NHG), and Nonhandled-Isolated (NHI). At maturity, all animals were tested in the latent inhibition (LI, Experiment 1) and the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE, Experiment 2) paradigms. In LI, animals receiving prior nonreinforced preexposure to a stimulus (PE) show subsequently retarded conditioning to that stimulus as compared to nonpreexposed (NPE) controls. In the PREE, partially reinforced (PRF) animals exhibit higher resistance to extinction as compared to continuously reinforced (CRF) controls. LI and PREE were obtained in the HG condition, but were impaired in NHG and HI animals. The pattern of impairment was different in the two conditions. The absence of LI in NHG males was due to increased suppression in the PE group, whereas in HI males, was due to decreased suppression in the NPE group. Likewise, the attenuation of the PREE in NHG males stemmed primarily from decreased resistance to extinction in the PRF group, whereas in HI males, it resulted from increased resistance to extinction in the CRF group. The combination of nonhandling and isolation led to the reinstatement of both LI and PREE: normal LI and PREE were obtained in the NHI animals. These results demonstrate that early rearing experience interacts with later experience differentially depending upon the later experience.  相似文献   

The effects of behavioural treatment on chronic pain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The aetiological antecedents of the Type A pattern have not been studied widely. In the present study the effects of parental rearing practices on the development of Type A pattern were evaluated. Perceived parental rearing style was assessed by the EMBU and Type A pattern by the JAS. Subjects were drawn from a random sample of residents (older than 21 years) of a Dutch community. Results suggested that a significant amount of variance of Type A behaviour can be accounted for by perceived parental characteristics, especially rejection and lack of emotional warmth. It is suggested that lack of emotional warmth and negative evaluation of children by their parents may lead to an internalized maladaptive cognitive set in the children which may be a developmental antecedent for eliciting the competitiveness, achievement striving, and sense of time urgency characteristic of Type A adults.  相似文献   

The effects of behavioural and cultural expectation cues on the perception of a dyadic encounter were studied, using realistic videotaped interactions as stimuli. Intimate and non-intimate non-verbal interactions and intimate and non-intimate episode definitions were combined in a 2 × 2 design and presented to subjects who rated both information sources separately (N = 20) as well as in congruent and incongruent combinations (N = 48). The contribution of each of these two cues to ratings of the combined episodes was analysed by Frijda's (1969) average relative shift technique, and a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) procedure. Results indicated that behavioural cues dominate perceptions, but this dominance is reduced in incongruent cue combinations, suggesting a weighted averaging strategy. Perceptions of the relationship between the interactants were more resistant to behaviour cue dominance than perceptions of the interaction. An analysis of open-ended accounts by subjects substantiated these findings. The results suggest that cultural expectations of interaction episodes have a salient and non-obvious effect on social perception.  相似文献   

To examine the neurotoxic effects of domoic acid, an amnesic shellfish toxin, electroencephalographic and behavioural experiments were conducted on 38 rats. Injection of domoic acid (0.5-1.0 mg/kg intravenously, or 0.04-0.08 microgram intraventricularly) caused seizure discharges in the hippocampus, tonic-clonic convulsions, and death within a few days. Convulsions and ensuing death were prevented by diazepam. Animals pretreated with diazepam (5 mg/kg, ip) tolerated intraventricular dose of domoic acid 0.4 microgram, but showed a loss of pyramidal neurons mainly in the CA3, CA4, and a part of CA1 areas of the dorsal hippocampus. Learning of a radial maze task was severely impaired in naive rats after intraventricular injection of domoic acid (and diazepam, ip). In the animals previously trained on the maze task, domoic acid interfered with relearning of the same task. These effects appear similar to those of kainic acid and are analogous to the symptoms observed in humans who ingested mussels tainted with domoic acid.  相似文献   

Gabay S  Henik A 《Cognition》2008,106(3):1478-1486
This research examined the influence of cue temporal predictability on inhibition of return (IOR). In exogenous attention experiments, the cue that summons attention is non-informative as to where the target will appear. However, it is predictive as to when it will appear. Because in most experiments there are equal numbers of trials for each cue-target interval (SOA--stimulus onset asynchrony), as time passes from the appearance of the cue, the probability of target presentation increases. Predictability was manipulated by using three SOA distributions: non-aging, aging and accelerated-aging. A robust IOR was found that was not modulated by temporal information within a trial. These results show that reflexive effects are relatively protected against modulation by higher volitional processes.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of a “cooperative” computer game in which the subject has to follow directions, supposedly sent from a partner, and steer a tank to avoid invisible mines. The tank is lost if it hits a mine or does not reach base within a set time limit. The game was designed so that the majority of trials would be lost. Affective (mood self-ratings), cognitive (attribution of blame questionnaire), and behavioural (feedback sent to the “partner”) outcomes were assessed. The game significantly increased ratings of discontentedness and anger. Self-blame for task failure was correlated with the Guilt subscale of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI), and blaming the partner was correlated positively with the Motor Aggression subscale and negatively with the empathy scale of the I7, supporting the notion of hostile attributional bias in adults. The importance of individual differences in the strength of the behavioural inhibition system (BIS) and behavioural activation system (BAS) were explored using the BIS/BAS scales developed by Carver and White [1994]. Sending negative feedback to the partner was negatively correlated with scores on the BIS. Scores on BAS drive were positively correlated with increases in discontentedness and with sending negative feedback on trials when the tank was lost due to lack of time. These results are discussed in relation to Berkowitz's [1993] model of affective aggression. Aggr. Behav. 24:27–36, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Personality types and behavioural activation and inhibition in adolescents   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A hypothesis relating personality types to activity of the Behavioural Approach System (BAS) and the Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) was tested in a sample of 1015 10–18-year-old adolescents. According to this hypothesis, Undercontrollers could be characterized as individuals with overactive BAS, Overcontrollers as individuals with overactive BIS, and Resilients as individuals with low activity of both systems. These predictions were generally confirmed. Psychometrically measured BAS and BIS appeared to be the strongest predictors of Undercontrolled and Overcontrolled prototypes, respectively. Resilients were characterized by low scores on both dimensions.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between self-reported behavioural inhibition and psychopathological symptoms in a sample of 152 children aged 12-14 years. Children were provided with a definition of behavioural inhibition and then asked to classify themselves as low, middle or high on behavioural inhibition. Furthermore, children completed questionnaires of worry, depression and anxiety symptoms. Results showed that children who endorsed the high behavioural inhibition category had elevated levels of anxiety, worry and depression compared to children who endorsed the low or middle behavioural inhibition categories. Moreover, children high on behavioural inhibition more frequently reported anxiety disorders symptoms in the subclinical range. These findings fit well with those of previous studies on behavioural inhibition.  相似文献   

The factorial structure and invariance of the BIS/BAS scales of Carver and White were assessed across three samples from the USA, UK, and Italy. Previous validation studies of the BIS/BAS scales relied on individual samples drawn from English‐speaking populations only and failed to formally assess generalizability. The current study shows that the four‐factor structure proposed by Carver and White—i.e. one BIS and three BAS facets—achieved satisfactory psychometric properties in all three samples and that measurement invariance was obtained across countries. Latent mean differences due to gender and country were also investigated. Theoretical issues concerning the validity of the BIS/BAS scales are addressed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rats that were socially isolated or group-housed at weaning were re-housed at 51 days of age in either the same housing condition or the opposite housing condition until 91 days and throughout subsequent behavioural testing. Increased resistance to extinction of running in an alley and poorer Hebb-Williams maze learning were found only after social isolation between 23 and 51 days of age. In contrast, slower running to reach the water reward during alley training and lower rearing activity at the beginning of open field testing were evident only in rats that were isolated at the time of testing. As in previous studies, open field hyperactivity was found in rats isolated at weaning but slower emergence latency was found in animals isolated at the time of testing. These findings confirm that the many behavioural effects of social isolation at different ages do not reflect a unitary aetiology. The behaviour of rats isolated at weaning is suggestive of a “disinhibition syndrome” but the precise nature of this syndrome is as yet unclear.  相似文献   

Isolation rearing is a neurodevelopmental manipulation that produces neurochemical, structural, and behavioral alterations in rodents that in many ways are consistent with schizophrenia. Symptoms induced by isolation rearing that mirror clinically relevant aspects of schizophrenia, such as cognitive deficits, open up the possibility of testing putative therapeutics in isolation-reared animals prior to clinical development. We investigated what effect isolation rearing would have on cognitive flexibility, a cognitive function characteristically disrupted in schizophrenia. For this purpose, we assessed cognitive flexibility using between- and within-session probabilistic reversal-learning tasks based on clinical tests. Isolation-reared rats required more sessions, though not more task trials, to acquire criterion performance in the reversal phase of the task, and were slower to adjust their task strategy after reward contingencies were switched. Isolation-reared rats also completed fewer trials and exhibited lower levels of overall activity in the probabilistic reversal-learning task than did the socially reared rats. This finding contrasted with the elevated levels of unconditioned investigatory activity and reduced levels of locomotor habituation that isolation-reared rats displayed in the behavioral pattern monitor. Finally, isolation-reared rats also exhibited sensorimotor gating deficits, reflected by decreased prepulse inhibition of the startle response, consistent with previous studies. We concluded that isolation rearing constitutes a valuable, noninvasive manipulation for modeling schizophrenia-like cognitive deficits and assessing putative therapeutics.  相似文献   

Exposure to prenatal stress (PNS) has been shown to induce a set of psychological and behavioral changes in developing offspring. We used the rodent model to investigate whether PNS produces changes in the ability of the pup to express social motivation. We used a set of behavioral tasks including monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations after isolation, a conditioned place preference, and a novel and familiar odor approach test. Pregnant Long-Evans rats were exposed to an unpredictable, variable stressor twice daily during the third week of gestation. Isolation vocalizations were assessed on postnatal day (PND) 10. Pup affinity for the dam was evaluated on PND 15. Typically, pups display a selective preference for an odor-paired environment only after the odor has been associated with the dam. This previous association produces a positive conditioned stimulus (CS). Normally, pups exposed to a neutral CS (odor paired with cotton balls) do not form this place preference. Results indicate that PNS exposed pups had significantly increased distress vocalizations and an equal preference for the positive and neutral conditioned stimuli. This type of alteration in forming early preferences could be detrimental because of decreases in the specificity of social learning and an impaired responsiveness in social relationships.  相似文献   

Rearing of rat pups without a mother, artificial rearing (AR), produces substantial changes in the pups' behavior in later life. These changes are similar to those produced by the stress of repeated mother-pup separations. The predominant interpretation is that the long-term effects of disruptions to the mother-pup relationship are mediated by exposure to elevated levels of corticosterone which affect the development of neurobiological systems underlying cognition and behavior. Indeed, repeated separation of pups from the mother sensitizes the pups' corticosterone response to stress. This study examined basal and stress-induced corticosterone release in AR pups. Corticosterone levels were increased immediately following implantation of feeding cannulae. One day after the start of AR, circulating concentrations of corticosterone were not increased unless AR pups were challenged with an additional stressor (injection). Corticosterone levels were lowest when cannulation and AR started on postnatal day (PND) 5 compared with earlier PNDs. On PND 12, there was no evidence of increased corticosterone levels in AR pups at baseline or in response to stress, indicating that AR did not result in persistent sensitization of corticosterone release. The long-term effects of motherless rearing on rat behavior are mediated by mechanisms that are independent of sustained early corticosterone exposure.  相似文献   

Eight naive rats were reared in enriched or impoverished environments for 39 days after weaning and then lived in operant chambers, in which they could obtain food pellets freely or by lever pressing, for 25 or 30 days. The animals raised in an impoverished environment acquired the bar-press response quickly when placed in the operant chambers and maintained a preference for obtaining food via bar pressing. Animals raised in an enriched environment did not learn to lever press, as demonstrated by low levels of responding and the lack of bar pressing when free food was subsequently removed. It was concluded that restricting animals' postweaning environments facilitated learning in a choice situation, probably because of increased activity levels. The results are interpreted in relation to previous studies on rearing environments and on contrafreeloading.  相似文献   

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