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Gall (1758-1828) and Spurzheim (1776-1832) were among those who developed the basic ideas of biological psychiatry. They attempted to identify a relationship between the structure and function of the brain. Although this led to speculation regarding physiognosis, it simultaneously represented a decisive step towards a scientific approach in psychiatry, which was then in its infancy. The patient was freed of gult. Mental illnesses were considered to be healable, because they were of organic origin, and this led to therapeutic optimism. The emphasis placed on endogenic factors, however, nourished biologistic views.  相似文献   

Franz Joseph Gall (1758–1828) is remembered for his claims that behavior results from a large number of independent mental faculties, and that these faculties are associated with cortical organs. Apart from the 26 faculties he localized in the cerebrum, he also recognized one faculty (reproductive drive) in the cerebellum. This picture, however, is based on Gall's presentations in his well-known later works, his four volume Anatomie et Physiologie. These books reflect the outcomes of Gall's thinking. They were steered by the observations and feedback he received in Vienna and while presenting his theories in the German states and neighboring countries between 1805 and 1807. Examining his lists before what he published in Paris shows how his faculties were changing. Notably, and as shown here, he had previously included several faculties associated with brainstem structures, in addition to the cerebellum, which he would continue to associate with some reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

去年是斯皮尔曼教授逝世 5 0周年 ,英国数学与统计心理学报出了纪念专号。但少数人趁机掀起了学派之争 ,特别是洛菲二人的《谁是斯皮尔曼等级相关的发明人》和《斯皮尔曼和威尔逊论因素不决定性》。本文就两个洛菲对斯皮尔曼的污蔑 ,作了针锋相对的反击 ,特别是对等级相关 ,详尽地阐明了斯皮尔曼的特殊贡献 ,并对桑代克的评价作了较详细的介绍。对巴塞洛缪有关因素的起源与发展 ,和利维有关斯皮尔曼对测验的贡献 ,则简单概括了他们的结论与评价。最后则对专刊不由英国心理学报举办感到遗憾 ,因为这样只能侧重方法论的讨论 ,认为对斯皮尔曼智力理论、认知原理完全不提是舍本逐末 ,以致许多斯皮尔曼的特出贡献都无法表达。这意味着英国心理学界对他的冷漠 ,无从光大其有价值的贡献。  相似文献   

This essay explores a variety of elements of Russian literature and culture that permeate all of the ideational and formal aspects of Gnessin's Sideways. Subject matter, narrative techniques, imagery and intertextual references, as well as the linguistic make‐up, all reverberate with significant influences of Russian literature that are contemporaneous with the Hebrew era of Revival. This essay is an analysis of the diverse Russian literary scene and an examination of the blending of the broader European literary and intellectual trends with Russian‐Jewish sensibilities. The essay inquires into the precarious mentality of the acculturated Russian Jewry at the turn of the century and examines the small‐town Russian‐Jewish intelligentsia, embodied in the character of Nachum Hagzar. Understanding of the methods of Gnessin's incorporation of Russian linguistic and literary models, as well as of his desire to make modem Hebrew literature comparable to contemporary European “high” culture, allows a new reading of Sideways. When viewed in the context of Russian literature, Nachum Hagzar acquires a new richness and vitality. He is a person with a complex inner world who possesses an intricate combination of qualities informed not only by his socio‐historical circumstances, but also by the tension between the Russian and Jewish components of his psychological identity. Gnessin problematizes and negotiates this tension, highlighting the protagonist's existential dilemma and making Hagzar an archetype for the whole generation of provincial Jewish intellectuals.  相似文献   

听着窗外呼啸肆虐的狂风,心中顿生一丝寒意,我怅然若失,无心案头工作.随手翻看会议记录,一纸"<道藏>养生类编意见"映入眼帘:"收编的内容,我认为很好.我同意……"想起这是前几天同事转给我的前中国道教协会会长闵智亭道长的生前手稿.端详着手稿,一个慈祥、倔强、朴素、智慧的老人形象油然而生,渐觉暖意融融.我不由得想起五年前一个风雪交加之夜,受远方友人之托.去医院看望病重住院的闵智亭大师,并送花篮.当时大师已住院月余,虽然病情不见好转,但一向坚强的他精神很好,看着送去的花篮,微笑着说:"谢谢.  相似文献   

今年是五四运动90周年。由教育部《高校理论战线》杂志主办的“纪念五四运动90周年”研讨会日前在京召开。来自北京大学、北京师范大学、中国社会科学院等单位的专家学者就五四运动的历史地位和作用、五四时期的民主与科学、五四精神与爱国主义、知识分子的成长道路等问题展开了深入研讨。  相似文献   

各位同道:值此中国道教协会成立五十周年之际,道衲作为曾经参加中国道教协会筹备和第一次代表会议的代表,谨向庆祝大会致以衷心的祝贺。道衲由于健康的原因,不能前来参加这次庆祝大会,心中十分遗憾。  相似文献   

欣逢中国共产党成立八十周年 ,道衲衷心祝贺华诞 ,并祝愿在中国共产党的领导下 ,民族振兴 ,国富民强。道衲之所以衷心祝愿中国共产党 ,是因为道衲经历过新旧两个社会 ,熟悉旧社会民不聊生 ,百业凋敝 ,华人受欺 ,国家不国的事实。深知只有共产党才能救中国 ,只有共产党才能发展中国 ,强盛中国的道理。道衲之所以衷心祝愿中国共产党 ,是因为道衲赞成中国共产党的“实事求是”的路线。“实事求是”就是我们道门中常说的“道法自然”。有了“实事求是”才有今天的改革开放 ,才有今天的百业兴旺 ,民心舒畅。道衲之所以衷心祝愿中国共产党 ,是因为…  相似文献   

建党喜逢八十春 ,神州遍地见奇迹 ,人民生活大翻身 ;世界齐赞北京城。庆祝建党八十周年@黎遇航  相似文献   

哈维的杰出贡献是开创了血液循环理论.他通过思想观念的革新,对心脏和血液的性质、功能及运动规律提出了一套与传统观点不同的理论和框架,进而科学揭示了血液循环的奥秘.他在研究方法上堪称先驱:体现了"观察渗透理论",更为注重运用数学方法进行推演论证,抓紧一切时间研究前人的相关著作,善于学习借鉴正确的哲学理念,深入思考血液在体内循环的机理,对于当时不具备观察条件的问题则借助想象提出假说.  相似文献   

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