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The purpose of this study was to test the relation between deliberate self-harm (DSH) and state dissociation. Participants (N = 85) were randomly assigned to self-administer either a very mild electric shock below their pain threshold (a no-self-harm control condition) or an electric shock they were told could “cause minor tissue damage that would heal quickly,” but which was in fact equal to a predetermined pain threshold (a DSH condition). After task completion, 42 participants rated the extent of their dissociation before the shock and 43 rated the extent of their dissociation after the shock. Results indicated that women in the DSH group experienced more dissociation compared to men, but only after the shock. Potential reasons for this gender effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the negative psychological impact of self-objectification is well-documented, whether people generally recognize this impact in other people remains unclear. We hypothesized that due to their relatively limited experience with self-objectification, men are less likely than women to perceive its ramifications. In Study 1a, where 132 U.S. undergraduates were induced to perceive a female target as self-objectifying, women saw more negative emotions in her. Study 1b, using a U.S. online sample (N?=?170), indicated that this difference was not due to participants’ own state of self-objectification. In Study 2, when participants (U.S. online sample, N?=?84) identified with objectified targets, women again reported stronger negative reactions, further supporting our hypothesis. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined potential mediators (i.e., internalization of cultural standards of beauty, engaging in upward and downward appearance comparison, and receiving positive and negative appearance-related commentary), moderators (i.e., feminist beliefs), and moderated mediation of the links between Instagram (an electronic way to share visual images) use and self-objectification and body surveillance among 492 undergraduate women from the Southeast United States. Results revealed that internalization of cultural standards of beauty and engaging in upward appearance comparison uniquely mediated Instagram usage and self-objectification and body surveillance links. Additionally, findings from the moderation analyses indicated that the direct effect of Instagram usage on body surveillance was contingent on feminist beliefs, such that this relationship was only significant among women with lower and moderate feminist beliefs. This finding suggests that higher feminist beliefs play a buffering or protective role whereas lower feminist beliefs play an intensifying role. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectification theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) holds that American culture coaxes women to develop observers' views of their bodies. The present study was designed to test whether a state of self-objectification can be automatically activated by subtle exposure to objectifying words. A state of self-objectification or of bodily empowerment was primed by the use of a scrambled sentence task. Women's ratings of negative emotions were higher and their ratings of the appeal of physical sex lower when primed with self-objectification than when primed with body competence. Men's ratings were unaffected by the primes. The results of this study suggest that mere exposure to objectifying media can play a significant role in the initiation of a self-objectified state along with its attendant psychological consequences for women.  相似文献   

The present research examines the psychological consequences of not making attributions to discrimination in response to negative feedback. In two studies, 100 and 80, respectively, female undergraduates at large US research universities were exposed to conditions that simulated three distinct reasons for not making an attribution to discrimination which parallel three theoretical information processing stages. The psychological consequences examined included changes in activation of and explicit thoughts about sexism, affective state, excuses for poor performances, and negative attitudes toward the perpetrator. Results illustrated that there are psychological consequences of failing to make an attribution to discrimination, and that the three ways to fail to make an attribution to discrimination are distinct in that each resulted in unique consequences.  相似文献   

Deliberate self-harm has recently begun to receive more systematic attention from clinical researchers. However, there remains a general lack of consensus as to how to define and measure this important clinical construct. There is still no standardized, empirically validated measure of deliberate self-harm, making it more difficult for research in this area to advance. The present paper provides an integrative, conceptual definition of deliberate self-harm as well as preliminary psychometric data on a newly developed measure of self-harm, the Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI). One hundred and fifty participants from undergraduate psychology courses completed research packets consisting of the DSHI and other measures, and 93 of these participants completed the DSHI again after an interval of 2–4 weeks (M = 3.3 weeks). Preliminary findings indicate that the DSHI has high internal consistency; adequate construct, convergent, and discriminant validity; and adequate test-retest reliability.  相似文献   

Research on attitudes toward the stigmatized indicates that negative feelings and stereotypes toward the stigmatized are often mixed with positive feelings of sympathy and concern. Three studies investigate the hypothesis that positive outcomes for the stigmatized that are motivated by sympathy may have unintended negative consequences for self-esteem, affect, and motivation. Subjects were asked to imagine themselves in the position of a stigmatized person who received a job either because he or she was qualified, or out of sympathy for a stigmatizing condition. Results indicated that subjects reported lower state self-esteem, more negative affect, and lowered work motivation when the job was offered out of sympathy rather than on the basis of qualifications. Study 2 showed that the negative effects of sympathy occur whether the basis for the sympathy is prejudice and discrimination or mobility problems faced by the stigmatized individual. The third experiment showed that sympathy has negative effects when the sympathy is based either on individual or group-based problems imposed by the stigmatizing condition. The findings are discussed in terms of the attributional ambiguity surrounding positive outcomes faced by the stigmatized and applied to the effects of affirmative-action programs.  相似文献   

目前反科学主义者所提出的所谓科学知识的负面影响,实际存在着大口下几种情况: 第一,是对科学知识的不适当应用。例如办工业而不治理污染,特别在我国目前的条件下,一些小工业对环境的污染;某些大国拒不签订国际环保条约等等。 第二,由于国家、民族或者其他利益集团的利益对抗,把科  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Goal ratings by 345 subjects in seven data samples supported a functional distinction between two types of positive incentive value, one based on approaching positive affect (positive-based value or PBV), the other on avoiding negative affect (negative-based value or NBV). Ratings of PBV were more related to ratings of earlier action-phases of motivation (“wishing”), whereas ratings of NBV tended to be more related to factors entailed in later action-phases (“urgency/priority” and “intention”). These findings and previous ones are consistent with the proposal that this distinction parallels distinctions in Maslow's motivation theory. If the parallel is accepted, the findings support predictions from Maslow's theory. Results also indicate that purportedly unidimensional rating scales of motivation can reflect more than one underlying attribute.  相似文献   

人际互动中表情抑制会有怎样的社会心理效应?实验室条件下,研究设计两位陌生被试讨论一个有争议的话题,令一方抑制情绪表达,另一方自然表达。结果显示,表情抑制组正情绪和自我真实感降低,对同伴负面看法和人际隔阂感增强,交谈融洽度下降。另外,表情抑制习惯缓解了表情抑制所引起的自我真实感降低。研究表明,社会互动中表情抑制将引起系列社会心理的负面效果。  相似文献   

神经质和外倾的负情绪减弱调节特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡艳华  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2006,38(4):553-561
神经质和外倾一致被认为是有典型情绪风格的人格特质,人格生物机制研究发现,这两种特质在神经递质、脑机制及遗传等方面都具有其特定的机制。可是,关于这两种特质在情绪调节过程的生理心理机制研究还比较少。这项研究试图寻找高神经质和高外倾人群在负情绪调节过程中,包括情绪主观报告、表情行为及生理反应等方面的变化特点。研究采用生理心理实验法比较了高神经质和高外倾被试在使用认知重评、表情抑制减弱由录像片段诱发的负情绪(厌恶)时所引起情绪成分的实际变化结果。28名高神经质和28名高外倾大学生被试参加了实验。结果表明:与高外倾组比较,高神经质组在情绪激活及调节之前阶段(指导语阶段)的FPV增幅较大,在情绪被激活及调节阶段(正片阶段)的R-R间期增幅较小,整个调节过程报告较多的负情绪(如痛苦)变化。研究从生理心理层面进一步地说明,与高外倾比较,高神经质确实更容易激活其负情绪,而且,更难以对其负情绪实施减弱调节  相似文献   

职场负面八卦由三个参与主体构成:八卦者、八卦倾听者、八卦目标。目前职场负面八卦的相关研究主要是从八卦者或倾听者的角度展开的, 并且这些研究大多是利用实验及小样本数据来对八卦产生的前因及其后果进行验证, 而基于八卦目标的角度并使用大样本数据来对职场负面八卦进行的研究非常缺乏。作者在梳理相关文献的基础上, 分析了职场负面八卦可能形成的前因与后果, 以期为基于八卦目标的视角进行的职场负面八卦的大样本研究提供部分框架指引。  相似文献   

In this study, we applied the construct of self-objectification to men, specifically to examine the role of reasons for exercise in men's responses to objectification. A questionnaire that assessed self-objectification, reasons for exercise, body esteem, and self-esteem was voluntarily completed by 153 Australian participants between the ages of 18 and 35 years (82 men and a comparison group of 71 women). Self-objectification and appearance-related reasons for exercise were significantly negatively related to body esteem for both men and women. Self-objectification was also positively related to appearance-related reasons for exercise. The latter was found to mediate the relationship between self-objectification and body esteem for both men and women. Men were just as likely as women to exercise for appearance-related reasons. Together, the results suggest that objectification may be sensibly applied to men and that exercising for appearance-related reasons appears to exacerbate the negative impact that self-objectification has on both men's and women's esteem.  相似文献   

The present study shows conditions under which a positive stereotypic belief–Asians are good in mathematics–can have negative consequences. Participants graded a poorly performed mathematical assignment that they believed was the work of an Asian or a White target person. Under no accuracy instructions, participants who spent less time grading (unmotivated participants) assigned fewer points to the Asian than the White target. There was no difference in assignment of points to the Asian or the White target when participants were given accuracy instructions or spent more time grading (motivated participants). The findings suggest that group members may experience negative consequences when they fall short of “great expectations” stemming from a positive stereotypic belief about their group.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine a theoretical model describing the relationships between body shame and body surveillance (components of objectified body consciousness), internalization of the media body ideal, perceived pressure from media, body mass index and body dissatisfaction in Swiss adolescent boys and girls. A sample of 819 boys and 791 girls aged 14–16 years completed self-report measures of the mentioned concepts. As expected, girls had higher body shame and body surveillance than boys. Structural equation modelling supported the proposed model in both boys and girls. The findings suggest processes that may contribute to body dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

唐淦琦  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2012,44(8):1086-1099
为了检测高、低幸福感人群的负情绪反应诸多特点, 研究在实验室诱发厌恶情绪, 以比较高、低幸福组在情绪主观报告、生理、表情、恢复力及调节策略等方面的差异。组间比较结果显示:(1)负情绪情境下, 低幸福组生理唤醒(HR和GSR)较强, 有较多表情抑制; 高幸福组有更多表情行为, 恢复较快; (2)高幸福组有较强的认知再评习惯。研究提示, 逆境中, 高幸福感人群将有较强的情绪表达与恢复力, 低幸福感人群则保留较强的情绪生理动力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Despite the fact that misinformation effects have long been studied by both applied researchers and modelers of human memory, there is little consensus as to the value of such endeavors. We argue that this may be due to a failure to identify the underlying mechanism responsible for such memory distortions. We consider novel evidence for a relationship between retrieval-induced forgetting and the reporting of misinformation. We also explore the extent to which retrieval inhibition underpins this relationship and the implications this has for the modeling of memory and finding potential solutions to real-world problems.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the moderating effect of situationally induced goal orientation on the negative effects of gender-based preferential selection for women and the extent to which ability perceptions mediate the impact of selection method. Study 1 found that under a performance orientation women selected on the basis of gender evaluated their performance less favorably and reported less desire to remain in the task than women selected on the basis of merit. Under a learning orientation women's responses were not affected by selection method. Study 2 generalized this effect to task performance, examining both males and females. As hypothesized, men did not experience negative effects of preferential selection. Negative effects of preferential selection on performance for women were found only under a performance orientation. Both studies suggested that ability perceptions do not fully mediate the effects of preferential selection.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine heart rate (HR) and affective reactions to state self-objectification as a function of gender. We examined negative affect, positive affect, guilt, and HR at 6-second and 5-minute intervals across baseline, control, high objectification, low objectification, and cologne conditions in men (n = 53) and women (n = 57). Mixed factorial MANOVA results indicated a statistically significant Gender × Condition interaction. Both men and women showed a cardiac orienting response to high versus low objectification. Cardiac stress reactions to objectification were higher among women. Negative affective reactions to objectification were more pervasive across conditions among women.  相似文献   

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