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This paper explores the way madness is culturally represented in the West, and the impact of these ideas on the mental health system. The paper offers an alternative liberationist approach to gender, madness and psychotherapeutics. Strange, unexpected or apparently inexplicable behaviour and/or thoughts are usually considered to be abnormal. Invariably such behaviour and/or thoughts are labelled as madness ‐ psychological conditions deemed to be problematic. Common images associated with madness include emotional display, wildness, irrationality, sexuality, and passivity. In Western cultures these traits representing madness seem to be equated with aspects of femininity, thus inducing unsympathetic, condemnatory reactions within societies. Such responses tend to serve the social function of enforcing conformity within oppressive systems. Western cultures broadly polarise masculinity and femininity: masculinity tends to represent sanity. Yet this apparently positive status of masculinity leaves men with innumerable difficulties. The social conception of masculinity does not encompass many capacities that distinguish humanity, such as cognitive and behavioural flexibility, emotional awareness, empathy, compassion, co‐operation, exuberance, creativity, imaginativeness and sensitivity. Indeed, this cultural conception of madness impacts adversely on the operation of social institutions and is oppressive in different ways in the lives of both men and women.  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology -  相似文献   

W. Andrew Harrell 《Sex roles》1986,15(9-10):467-478
Survey data collected from 450 male farmers in Canada revealed that three variables — conservative farming, willingness to risk life and limb to make a profit, and safe equipment operation — directly predicted the rate of serious farming-related accidents. Three dimensions of masculinity — suppression of emotions, “men in charge,” and recklessness — had strong indirect effects. Masculine recklessness tended to increase profit-oriented personal risk taking and to decrease the safe operation of farm equipment. Suppression of emotions also increased risk taking.  相似文献   

Qualitative research on the relationship between masculinity and hockey violence has suggested that players endorsing traditional masculine behavior were more likely to engage in violence than players who held weaker masculine beliefs. Data were collected from white, middle class players on five Toronto hockey teams representing two different age groups (14.3 and 17.7 years respectively) and skill levels (Bantam and Junior A). Moderate support was found for the predicted relationship between higher masculinity and increased violence, particularly at the preprofessional Junior A level. Subscales of the Brannon Masculinity Scale, applied to a sport situation, were seen to be a valid measure of gender typing. Increased levels of violence (especially fist fights), more than playing or skating skills were seen to lead to greater perception of competence by both teammates and coaches.  相似文献   

Sex Roles - Objectification theory is increasingly used to explain the body image-related experiences of men because research indicates that men are at heightened risk for body image concerns...  相似文献   

In order responsibly to decide whether there ought to be an international legal right of secession, I believe we need an account of the morality of secession. I propose that territorial and political societies have a moral right to secede, and on that basis I propose a regime designed to give such groups an international legal right to secede. This regime would create a procedure that could be followed by groups desiring to secede or by states desiring to resolve the issue of secession. It would give territorial political societies a legally recognized liberty to conduct a plebiscite on secession, and, assuming such a plebiscite is won by the secessionist side, a qualified right in international law to create a state without interference. Alan Buchanan has argued that proposals of this sort would create perverse incentives. I argue that there is no good reason to believe this. The point is to allow the legal regulation of secession in cases where there are active secessionist movements with legitimate moral claims, and to attempt to dampen the desire for secession in cases where secessionist sentiment is not well grounded in social and geographic reality.  相似文献   

Paolo Sandro 《Res Publica》2011,17(4):343-354
This paper presents in outline Luigi Ferrajoli’s axiomatic and general theory of law, as developed in his lifelong work Principia Iuris. The first section focuses on the three main aspects of the theory: the methodological, the theoretical and the pragmatic, which respectively represent the theory’s syntax, semantics and its pragmatics. Ferrajoli identifies three deontic gaps of norms: firstly, the one between their validity and efficacy; secondly, the one between their justice and validity; and finally, and most importantly, the one between validity and existence (i.e. normative force). The presence of such gaps is, according to Ferrajoli, the extraordinary innovation that entrenched constitutions have brought into modern legal systems, by establishing norms that are superior to statutes and case law. In this sense, all normative phenomena (except for the constitution itself) can be conceived both as norms and as facts. In the second section the role of juridical science is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

生成论规律观与马克思主义哲学原理建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪以来,相对论、量子力学等一系列自然科学的发现,经济学领域中对经典经济理论的一系列突破,以及不断变化着的社会现实,使人们关于客观规律的观念正在发生深刻的变革,这就是从"先验规律观"向"生成论规律观"的转变.这种规律观的转变对马克思主义哲学原理的建设具有重要的理论意义,同时对于当代中国改革开放的哲学理论研究和实践具有十分重要的方法论上的启迪意义,是中国特色社会主义理论的重要哲学基础之一.  相似文献   

The practice of confessing one's sexual sins has historically provided boys and men with mixed messages. Engaging in coercive sex is publicly condemned; yet it is treated as not significantly different from other transgressions that can be easily forgiven. We compare Catholic confessional practices to those of psychoanalytically oriented male writers on masculinity. We argue that the latter is no more justifiable than the former, and propose a progressive confessional mode for discussing male sexuality.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether aspects of the masculine gender role predict the distortion of self-reported height in men. The sample of men (N?=?220) were from a mid-sized university in Ontario, Canada and ranged in age from 17.92 through 29.25 years. The men reported their height and completed scales measuring masculine, gender-related characteristics (Agency, Unmitigated Agency, gender-typed Occupational Preferences and Conformity to Male Norms). An experimenter also measured the men??s height using a standardized scale. As expected, the men over-reported their height. Shorter men exaggerated their height more than taller men. Also, as expected, a linear regression analysis revealed that certain masculine, gender-related characteristics (Unmitigated Agency and Occupational Preferences) predicted an over-reporting of height. These results suggest that men higher in some stereotypically masculine gender role characteristics have an elevated need to achieve socially desirable masculine physical characteristics, and do so to such a degree that they are prone to distorting this important aspect of their body size. Implications of these results (e.g., the reliability of self-report height) are discussed.  相似文献   

This article takes as its starting point the observation that contemporary pornography is, in a significant sense, about masturbation. This connection has been largely ignored in recent research on pornography. Yet, if it is reasonable to posit that the heritage bequeathed by three centuries of concern over masturbation has not been entirely dispelled, then a question presents itself: What can an examination of the history of masturbation tell us about the digital pornography that circulates around the internet today? This article seeks to provide an answer to this question via a genealogical rereading of the history of masturbation from the perspective of the present. It suggests that the campaign against masturbation in the eighteenth- and nineteenth centuries was characterized by a heteronormative framing that situated the practice as a threat not only to the social order, but also to a natural order presumed to underlie and ground human social relations. In this context, masturbation was especially problematic for boys and men as it represented a loss of control over (their own) nature, thereby undermining their masculine status. Ultimately, the article argues that a focus on the history of masturbation allows us to appreciate the extent to which it is central to the way in which masculinity is produced via pornography.  相似文献   

Nigel Edley 《Sex roles》2006,55(9-10):601-608
In recent years there have been a number of attempts by different researchers to study men and masculinity using a combination of discourse theory and psychoanalysis. The main reason for this development is the sense that, on its own, discourse theory provides an incomplete account of masculine subjectivity. Psychoanalysis is thought to be able to fill those gaps. In this paper I reviewed these arguments, provided an outline of the alleged deficiencies in discursive approaches to men and masculinity, and examined some of the work that has attempted the above synthesis. I argued that, for a number of reasons, such attempts are bound to fail. Instead, I argued that better progress can be made in studies of masculinity by remaining within the theoretical boundaries of Discursive Psychology.  相似文献   

Andrew P. Smiler 《Sex roles》2006,55(9-10):585-587
This article provides a brief overview of the articles in the special issue “Manifestations of Masculinity.” The importance of studying masculinity, an often looked aspect of gender, is discussed. Different meanings of making manifest—literal, figurative, and symbolic—are also discussed and connected to other articles within the issue. The importance of disciplinary and theoretical diversity are also addressed, both in general and as they appear in the special issue.  相似文献   

Gender is an important topic of the WCC's Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. It is the result of both theological anthropological concerns and the ongoing search for justice and peace. In other words, it is a typical area where traditional Faith and Order and Life and Work concerns coincide. Yet, gender is often taken to mean concerns of the role, rights, and treatment of women primarily, with some attention to the position and treatment of transgender persons and sexual minorities. This article argues that, precisely from the point of view of these ecumenical theological concerns, attention for masculinity as a gender is also required. The reason for this is that although many different forms of masculinity are supported with an appeal to the Christian tradition, not all forms of masculinity are compatible with a desire for safeguarding human dignity and a sustainable journey into the future.  相似文献   

The relationship between feminism and sex roles was explored in two studies. In female college students, sex-role types were measured by Baucom's (1976) MSC and FMN scales and by Bem's Sex-Role Inventory (Bem, 1974). Feminism was measured by the Attitude Toward Women Scale (AWS, Short Form) (Spence & Helmreich, 1972) and the Women's Liberation Scale (WLS) (Goldberg, 1976). Two groups of women were predicted to be more profeminist than others. (a) those scoring high on both masculinity and femininity and (b) those scoring high on masculinity and low on femininity. Results of the study supported both hypotheses using the AWS but not the WLS. In the second study, MSC and FMN served as the basis for forming sex-role types, and feminism was measured by participation in NOW. Again, a large number of women high on masculinity and low on femininity were feminists: however, women high on both masculinity and femininity were underrepresented in NOW. Different results in the two studies are discussed in terms of the different ways that feminism was measured.  相似文献   

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